2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Ok, I get that. So what is different about Obama? No one seems to argue that his mother wasn´t a United States citizen, but there seems to be an obsession that he´s not legit cause he wasn´t born in the US. What makes Obama different than Cruz (besides the fact he was actually born in the US)???

Well its obviously not really about his birth certificate. They want to "other" him by constructing him as a Muslim, Kenyan, Black outsider to white, Christian American values.
Ok, I get that. So what is different about Obama? No one seems to argue that his mother wasn´t a United States citizen, but there seems to be an obsession that he´s not legit cause he wasn´t born in the US. What makes Obama different than Cruz (besides the fact he was actually born in the US)???

Obama is black and this is the primary reason the GOP hates him.
Over half of the GOP still actually believe Obama is a muslim, even though it is common knowledge and a fact that he is a Christian.
Obama is black and this is the primary reason the GOP hates him.
Over half of the GOP still actually believe Obama is a muslim, even though it is common knowledge and a fact that he is a Christian.

Well Ben Carson is black as well - as were the likes of Herman Cain and Alan Keyes before.
In an interesting interview Howard Dean mentioned that DNC limits debates to protect democrats. Mentioned Romney got burned last year b/c he couldn't bounce after trying to outright Santorum and Perry.

Asked to remove debate exclusivity though. Agrees with limiting the candidate # and debate #. Can't disagree. Also supports Hillary but I would too if I were in the DNC establishment.
Scott Walker just dropped out. I'm sure the likes of Paul, Santorum, Pataki, Graham, and Huckabee will follow sooner or later.
Ben Carson - going for cheap publicity going after Muslims. Maybe he should ask some sections of the republican base what they think of african americans....

F-ing bigot.
Good, given the damage he did to the U. Wisconsin system and his anti-union stance, he was the candidate I thought would do the most damage as president.
(I have a vested interest, I don't want grant money to dry up for research!)
Scott Walker just dropped out. I'm sure the likes of Paul, Santorum, Pataki, Graham, and Huckabee will follow sooner or later.
Amazing that he was considered a favourite not a huge amount of time ago, but he is slightly less interesting than cabbage so not hugely surprising he never caught fire. You'd have to think Chris Christie will go soon, he's surely got better things to be doing, eating incessantly for instance.
Ben Carson - going for cheap publicity going after Muslims. Maybe he should ask some sections of the republican base what they think of african americans....

F-ing bigot.

He's moron, no surprise there as we knew that from the beginning.
Fair play to Walker on that, many GOP candidates are usually too narcissistic to recognise their campaign's dead and carry on flogging it. Trump's poison that should be called out as such at every opportunity rather than pandered to. Plus it hopefully means the next debate won't be as horrifically long.
Scott Walker just dropped out. I'm sure the likes of Paul, Santorum, Pataki, Graham, and Huckabee will follow sooner or later.

Fair play to Walker on that, many GOP candidates are usually too narcissistic to recognise their campaign's dead and carry on flogging it. Trump's poison that should be called out as such at every opportunity rather than pandered to. Plus it hopefully means the next debate won't be as horrifically long.

Walker was in it to win it - probably had a huge team. So it's not the case of Walker being humble but being bankrupt. Not to mention he had Koch backing which will probably shift to Cruz. :nervous:

The rest look like they were there to raise their profiles, if you have two staffers you can run a campaign as long as possible.
Ben Carson - going for cheap publicity going after Muslims. Maybe he should ask some sections of the republican base what they think of african americans....

F-ing bigot.

Harry Ried blasted him on fb.

In Arlington National Cemetery, there is a white headstone, which, like so many others, marks the final resting place of a courageous service-member who gave his life in combat. This grave belongs to Kareem Khan of New Jersey, who was just 20 years old. Kareem was Muslim.

Kareem’s rank was that of Specialist in the Stryker Brigade of the U.S. Army’s 2nd Infantry division. He received a Purple Heart, Bronze Star, and a medal for good conduct. Like thousands of other soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan, Kareem Khan sacrificed everything for his country. Kareem gave, as President Abraham Lincoln said, “the last full measure of devotion” for the United States.

But yesterday, I watched on “Meet the Press” as a Republican candidate for President denigrated Kareem Khan and all Muslim-Americans. Ben Carson questioned Muslim-Americans devotion to the United States. He questioned their integrity. And then Ben Carson unilaterally disqualified every Muslim-American from becoming President of the United States.

Shame on him. Shame on any person who spews such vile, hateful rhetoric. The nearly three million Muslim in this country are part of the fabric of America. They teach in our schools, fight in our military, and serve in Congress. Congressmen Keith Ellison of Minnesota and Andre Carson of Indiana – both Muslim – have represented their districts and states with distinction.

Sadly, this is just another example of Republican candidates refusing to speak for three million Muslim Americans. We saw it last week with Donald Trump, as he refused to denounce bigotry at his own campaign rally. If these Republican candidates are incapable of going to bat for America’s Muslim community, then they shouldn’t run for President of the United States.

I call upon every Republican to denounce Ben Carson’s disgusting remarks. That shameful intolerance and bigotry should have no place in America today. Sadly, it seems to have a lasting place in the Republican Party. Republicans should open their eyes and take note of the contributions of our country’s Muslim community. Until they do, none of them will be worthy of leading this nation.
Given the large field we will see many drop out in the coming months

Once again, it´s . . .

What's great is Trump isn't going away anytime soon, and even if he doesn't get the nomination I get the impression he will claim "unfairness" by the GOP and run as an independent.
Its going to be very difficult to push Trump off.

He has a solid hold of the core of the GOP base. And he will be getting better prepared.

The fact Fiorina is surging..even Rubio is not good news for the GOP. Jeb Bush is the only credible candidate they have. But it looks like the base does not want him.

A trump nomination is not far from impossible.

As crazy as he sounds I think he is far less dangerous than the others.
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