2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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No it suggests you dont have any mate. Id recommend not talking about the two Bushes in such glowing terms. Even right wingers im married into have distanced themselves from both.

Three Bushes. Jeb isn't liked a whole lot in Florida. :p

On a serious note(if you couldn't tell I was being facetious): I've been reading on old elections and political climates. Bushes are a notoriously shady family. Attacks on McCain in 01 and all.

I don't think Bill was bad, and I think Hillary is pretty good. But the whole 'third wave DINO approach' is bit disconcerting.
New polls today....

1. Trump - 24%
2. Fiorina - 15%
3. Carson - 14%
4. Rubio - 11%
5. Bush - 9%
6. Cruz - 6%
6. Huckabee - 6%
8. Paul - 4%
9. Christie -3%
10. Kasich - 2%

Fiorina 2nd....oh dear....the Dems will be loving this.

They don't have anyone do they? Jeb will never be able to distance himself from that idiot Dubya....the irony of standing on the rubble and saying he kept us safe...... :)
Fiorina 2nd....oh dear....the Dems will be loving this.

They don't have anyone do they? Jeb will never be able to distance himself from that idiot Dubya....the irony of standing on the rubble and saying he kept us safe...... :)

I think the numbers will fluctuate from debate to debate. Fiorina's numbers may well drop again once the opposition start to attack her, especially her business record. Rubio seems to be quietly slithering up the ranks, so he may be one to keep an eye on.
Yeah I think that's what may happen - the GOP desperately need someone who can get some minority votes, and they would have good shot at picking up Florida if Rubio is on the ticket.
Rubio for VP:

+ Florida
+ Hispanic

+ Ohio
+ moderate-ish

Still think it will be Jeb as the GOP candidate. Trump will implode or fade at some point, as will Carson and Fiorina, once the money dries up and the establishment wing begin to flex their muscles. Wouldn't at all be surprised to see a Bush/Rubio or Bush / Kasich ticket.
The trouble the GOP will run into is numbers - they could do very well in most swing states and still lose. Its an uphill slog for them and the demographics are clearly trending Dem.

I think the Dems have a better chance in VA than CO. Realistically they will win both though.

Yeah i was being kind by giving the GOP both VA and NC in addition to FL and OH, just to illustrate that they could sweep all 4 and still lose the election. Whereas if the Dems get just one or two (and VA and NC are completely reasonable) then its all over.
seen you mention NC more than once. Change in demographics?

Its trending Dem and is now a swing state, where as previous to Obama it was a strong Red. With the research triangle area, college students etc, I think its in play for the Dems, although its still a complete toss up. VA on the other hand is Dem leaning at this point.
Still think it will be Jeb as the GOP candidate. Trump will implode or fade at some point, as will Carson and Fiorina, once the money dries up and the establishment wing begin to flex their muscles. Wouldn't at all be surprised to see a Bush/Rubio or Bush / Kasich ticket.

If jeb runs, there is no point in appointing Rubio. Bush can play the Floridan card and my wife is a latina card so it'll likely be Kasich to win Ohio.
agree. has to be one of them.

the money people will back Jeb Bush. no doubt about it. So I predict Bush/Kasich. Florida/Ohio.

There's money backing Ted Cruz too. He's the most prominent tea partier and the Koch brother love him. He can raised insane money. Although ¡Jeb! is my pick.

The trouble the GOP will run into is numbers - they could do very well in most swing states and still lose. Its an uphill slog for them and the demographics are clearly trending Dem.


most analysts predict that dems are safe for presenditial elections. They'll struggle with gubernatorial races and house. Senate is tricky.
There's money backing Ted Cruz too. He's the most prominent tea partier and the Koch brother love him. He can raised insane money. Although ¡Jeb! is my pick.

most analysts predict that dems are safe for presenditial elections. They'll struggle with gubernatorial races and house. Senate is tricky.

Unfortunately nothing is a foregone conclusion in the Presidential race. Hillary needs to bring her a-game or else she will be beaten.
I think the numbers will fluctuate from debate to debate. Fiorina's numbers may well drop again once the opposition start to attack her, especially her business record. Rubio seems to be quietly slithering up the ranks, so he may be one to keep an eye on.

From the early polling I've seen, Rubio will be able to give all the Dems a game, and probably beat them too. He's demographically perfect, though Trump may become a hindrance to any Hispanic voter looking at the Republicans.
Unfortunately nothing is a foregone conclusion in the Presidential race. Hillary needs to bring her a-game or else she will be beaten.

In her primary campaign, backed by the entire party establishment, infinite cash, and with unmatched name recognition, and with no real attacks from rival Democrats, she is repeatedly kicking herself in the foot and losing ground to someone who describes himself using the Republicans favourite attack word. And this is approximately what has happened twice.

She's a terrible campaigner and is in real danger of losing to almost anyone from the R side. Biden and even Sanders are probably safer bets.

One interesting thing about Sanders- he'll obviously get his base vote but he isn't targeting moderate Democrats, he is trying to appeal to social conservative Republicans. He gave a speech at Liberty University, and while he talks about abortion/racism, his main talking point is special interests/inequality. With the pope due to arrive with a similar message, if he's canny enough things could get interesting. He does get very high votes from Vermont Republicans, who are mostly rural and probably socially conservative.
In her primary campaign, backed by the entire party establishment, infinite cash, and with unmatched name recognition, and with no real attacks from rival Democrats, she is repeatedly kicking herself in the foot and losing ground to someone who describes himself using the Republicans favourite attack word. And this is approximately what has happened twice.

She's a terrible campaigner and is in real danger of losing to almost anyone from the R side. Biden and even Sanders are probably safer bets.

One interesting thing about Sanders- he'll obviously get his base vote but he isn't targeting moderate Democrats, he is trying to appeal to social conservative Republicans. He gave a speech at Liberty University, and while he talks about abortion/racism, his main talking point is special interests/inequality. With the pope due to arrive with a similar message, if he's canny enough things could get interesting. He does get very high votes from Vermont Republicans, who are mostly rural and probably socially conservative.

She's not running the best campaign but she has also had her mojo eroded by the GOP constantly harping about her emails as well as Trump sucking the oxygen out of the 24 hour news cycle. Ordinarily most candidates should be able to get their points across. Not with Trump, its a daily reality show soap opera where news outlets are competing for who can get the most bombastic soundbite out of the Trump. Still, this too shall pass, and we will eventually have a semi-normal campaign.
In her primary campaign, backed by the entire party establishment, infinite cash, and with unmatched name recognition, and with no real attacks from rival Democrats, she is repeatedly kicking herself in the foot and losing ground to someone who describes himself using the Republicans favourite attack word. And this is approximately what has happened twice.

She's a terrible campaigner and is in real danger of losing to almost anyone from the R side. Biden and even Sanders are probably safer bets.

One interesting thing about Sanders- he'll obviously get his base vote but he isn't targeting moderate Democrats, he is trying to appeal to social conservative Republicans. He gave a speech at Liberty University, and while he talks about abortion/racism, his main talking point is special interests/inequality. With the pope due to arrive with a similar message, if he's canny enough things could get interesting. He does get very high votes from Vermont Republicans, who are mostly rural and probably socially conservative.

He has to campaign very carefully. Thankfully, Iowa and NH will vote for him but SC is huge for him and I don't see him winning.

Hillary is very popular among Hispanics and AAs, specially in the South.
He has to campaign very carefully. Thankfully, Iowa and NH will vote for him but SC is huge for him and I don't see him winning.

Hillary is very popular among Hispanics and AAs, specially in the South.

Yes, the south is really tough for him. He has to rely on really unconventional groupings. I think he has a much better chance in a general election rather than the primaries.
Sanders, imo, will draw Hillary more towards what progressives are interested in, which will be good for her and the Dem base. That's about all he is capable of doing since he has little establishment backing or funding.
Not really into the elections right now but what's the candidates stance on Guantanamo bay? Both sides candidates, republicans and democrats?
Can someone give me a simple explanation about this birther schtick. I understand this right wing obsession about him supposedly not being born here and all, but what about Teddy Cruz? Everyone knows he wasn´t born in the US, but I haven´t heard anyone give a feck. Am I missing something here?
Can someone give me a simple explanation about this birther schtick. I understand this right wing obsession about him supposedly not being born here and all, but what about Teddy Cruz? Everyone knows he wasn´t born in the US, but I haven´t heard anyone give a feck. Am I missing something here?

Cruz, like McCain, qualifies since he was born to US citizen who happened to be living abroad at the time.
Cruz, like McCain, qualifies since he was born to US citizen who happened to be living abroad at the time.

Ok, I get that. So what is different about Obama? No one seems to argue that his mother wasn´t a United States citizen, but there seems to be an obsession that he´s not legit cause he wasn´t born in the US. What makes Obama different than Cruz (besides the fact he was actually born in the US)???
Ok, I get that. So what is different about Obama? No one seems to argue that his mother wasn´t a United States citizen, but there seems to be an obsession that he´s not legit cause he wasn´t born in the US. What makes Obama different than Cruz (besides the fact he was actually born in the US)???

He's black. Most birthers probably want address the president using the N-word, which they can't. It must deeply upset them. Hence Muslim, Kenyan, yada yada.
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