2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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What a bunch of losers. None of them came out looking good in that with the exception of Rand Paul and Dr. Carson who gave a few very un-republican responses to a few questions. Both of them are not presidential material.

Trump wants progressive tax, repeal trade deals, protect social security. That as un-republican as it gets. Sadly not presidential material either.

BTW, Rand Paul is also a doctor. ;)
I've only tuned in recently.

What are these political restrictions they are referring to?

ETA: I am not averse to increased military intervention, but where is the post-IS, post-Assad plan? Did they mention this earlier in the debate?

Quoting from memory, and bit drunk but:

Paul: Arm Kurds, Force SA to handle their own matters.

Fiorina: Scare Russia by adding troops in Europe, make out with BiBi and give him some weapons.

Walker: Allow Forces in the area to do more than what they're doing ATM

Kasic. Intervention not always pragmatic, in the lines of we should have stopped buying oil from SA after 9/11 and forced them to fight taliban.


Twitter followers gained tonight
Fiorina +19k
Carson +18k
Trump +10k
Bush +6k
Rubio +6k
Kasich +2k
Cruz +2k
Paul +2k
Huck +1k
Walker +1k
I don't think the debate moved the needle for anyone - Trump is still the front runner and Carson is still 2nd. Bush and Fiorina also did well so it will be interesting to see the polls after the debate.
Curious to hear many of you say that you weren't really impressed by any of them. Is this perhaps your own politics that won't allow you to admit this?

I thought the winners tonight were Fiorina, Rubio, and Christie (in that order). Has anyone mentioned Fiorina's failure as CEO of HP yet? Should be just a matter of time, if nobody has done so. It's funny when Trump made "that face" comment in regards to Fiorina, as I've thought the exact same thing myself. :nervous: Her response was excellent though, as were most of her answers all night. However, she does seem to lack a bit of warmth or human side to her as I can't recall her smiling even once. Same with Rubio, who seems kinda emotionless and robotic as well.

Thought Carson was poor. Just too low-key and did this weird thing where he'd close his eyes while thinking. Pretty shocking actually that a black man is currently 2nd in the Republican polls. Talk about swimming upstream.
Carson seems to take a long while to formulate his thoughts which isn't ideal for such a debate.

Fiorina was probably the winner last night. Thought Paul did better too as did Bush.

Trump was doing his usual act.

Rubio needs to show bit more passion considering he due to age should appeal to a younger demographic. He seems too rehearsed, safe and robotic.

Didn't really notice much of the rest. Kasich seemed most normal again but had no remembering moments.
First time I've listened to the candidates. Can't bele I stayed of late to watch it. Imo the only sensible candidates were Rand Paul and Kasich. Especially Rand Paul. He's not a nutter which will probably cost him in a primary. If I was American, he's the only reasonable republican candidate I could possibly vote for.
Trump really is a weird mix of the occasional progressive idea and just despicable nonsense. Mainly the latter in fairness, but it was bizarre to hear a defence of progressive taxation in a republican primary debate (also an area where Paul lost a hell of a lot of points). Also weird was that there was an almost acceptance that climate change was real, they just didn't really want to do anything to stop it. Paul and even Carson also actually referred to scientific evidence regarding vaccinations which was a new one, although both still fudged their answers even then with the "have them less close together!" crap. Definitely a different kind of race to 2012, crazier in some ways, saner in others.
Trump is in the 60s for who won the debate. Fiorina second in the teens. Everything (not a typo) else 5 or below.
Just ffs :lol:

Ive not been paying that much attention - I think the Donald Trump phenomenon is too depressing for me. But is the Tea Party influence as strong as it was?
Cruz and Carson are there in the batshit stakes, Rubio came to prominence through the Tea Party I believe but has become more mainstream now, still can't take him seriously though. You've got Christie, Kasich and Bush as the more centrist ones which is more than you had in 2012, but they still try and scamble over to the right in order to satisfy the nutjobs. They all couldn't wait to say they defunded Planned Parenthood, and pretended to get all weepy about videos which were shown to have been grossly manipulated about a month ago. Jeb Bush wants to put Thatcher on their $10 bills. Rand Paul wants a flat tax for EVERYTHING. Huckabee thinks Christians are victims of massive persecution, and is deceptively large (unlike Christie, who is blatantly large). Fiorina wants to ramp up the cold war again. Trump insists that if he'd wanted to bribe Bush into building a casino, he'd have been able to bribe Bush into building a casino. "Trust me, okay."
Trump is in the 60s for who won the debate. Fiorina second in the teens. Everything (not a typo) else 5 or below.

Really? That's unbelievable.

I thought he had a poor night. But then again I'm judging as someone who actually listens to what he says and not how loud he shouts.

He didn't actually say anything about what he'd actually do. His solution to immigration was " make a wall and make it good".
Not being a career politician is all it takes to energize the people. Trump is not only not a politician, but he is also breaking with all conventions and unwritten rules of behaviour. He is loud, rude, noisy and basically just says "feck you Bush, feck you Clinton, feck you "insert any politician", I am great". Content becomes irrelevant, because people -especially those in the primary- don´t trust politicians anyway. Those people understand that something is wrong, but don´t have solution and Trump is the perfect reflection of this attitude. It is important to remember that Obama won his first election also as Washington outsider. The whole sentiment is nothing completely new, but it is certainly on the rise. While in the past it was always an advantage to be an experienced politician, the whole thing is turning around.
The media are swooning over Fiorina today - little do they know Republican voters probably won't be swayed.
She nearly destroyed HP and they're still paying the price, another round of redundancies coming up....yeah, her 'business acumen'. Acquiring Compaq destroyed HP. Funnily enough what are HP going to do as we speak - splitting up their Enterprise and Computer divisions!

That she was forced out in an ugly board room challenge/mutiny is another stain on her so called 'record' in the private sector.

My brother works as a Project Manager at HP Enterprise and is one of the ones lucky enough not to be made redundant, but many of his colleagues haven't been so lucky.
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She nearly destroyed HP and they're still paying the price, another round of redundancies coming up....yeah, her 'business acumen'. Acquiring Compaq destroyed HP. Funnily enough what are HP going to do as we speak - split up their Enterprise division and computer division!

That she was forced out in an ugly board room challenge/mutiny is another stain on her so called 'record' in the private sector.

My brother works as a Project Manager at HP Enterprise and is one of the ones lucky enough not to be made redundant, but many of his colleagues haven't been so lucky.

Around 30k canned this week. I was surprised they even had that many employees left to begin with.

At a Trump campaign rally in Rochester, New Hampshire a man in a “Trump” shirt took the microphone and said, “We have a problem in this country. It’s called Muslims.”

“We know our current President is one,” he added. “You know he’s not even an American.”

“We need this question,” Trump replied, smiling.

Then things turned even darker, as the man discussed his beliefs that Muslims were in training camps plotting to kill.

“That’s my question. When can we get rid of ‘em?” the man said.

Trump was unfazed at the casual suggestion of cultural genocide. “We are going to be looking at a lot of different things. A lot of people saying that,” Trump said.

A bit mind boggling that Carson is a world renowned neurosurgeon.
He's weird. One of the best neurosurgeons of our time. On the other side, he doesn't believe in evolution, says that Americans should be able to own any type of guns and is against homosexuals, giving the impression of the average ignorant Republican.
He's weird. One of the best neurosurgeons of our time. On the other side, he doesn't believe in evolution, says that Americans should be able to own any type of guns and is against homosexuals, giving the impression of the average ignorant Republican.

Mind boggling that someone that smart can still be that "dumb"!
Don't really know much about this, but is Donald fecking Trump actually being taken seriously?
Staggering, the number of Americans on Twitter that agree with that guy asking the question. Muslims are a problem and we need to get rid of them:wenger: that's a dangerous notion.
Staggering, the number of Americans on Twitter that agree with that guy asking the question. Muslims are a problem and we need to get rid of them:wenger: that's a dangerous notion.
it is not really a surprise, is it? If you are listening to various people in the USA -including high-rank officials- you might get the notions, that every Muslim in the world is trying to kill you.
Watched it LIVE and feel the media are making too big a deal out of this. Some racist in the audience wanted Trump to discuss country's "Muslim Problem" and Trump brushed it off and moved on to the next question.

He should have done what McCain did.
That's what the media are saying but that would be a delusional. He is after all Trump, who does things his own way.
God, I've just had a horrible vision of an alternate universe version of the West Wing - "Let Trump be Trump".
Staggering, the number of Americans on Twitter that agree with that guy asking the question. Muslims are a problem and we need to get rid of them:wenger: that's a dangerous notion.
This is the underlying problem with democracy, these idiots get to vote.
Watched it LIVE and feel the media are making too big a deal out of this. Some racist in the audience wanted Trump to discuss country's "Muslim Problem" and Trump brushed it off and moved on to the next question.

Yeah too big a deal, until you start realising that in poll after poll nearly 50% of republicans think Obama is a muslim.
That's what the media are saying but that would be a delusional. He is after all Trump, who does things his own way.

That much is true but to me he can still get criticised for what I view as passive encouragement of these people. His answer implied that there was something to the man's concern, although he kept it vague to avoid further criticism.
That much is true but to me he can still get criticised for what I view as passive encouragement of these people. His answer implied that there was something to the man's concern, although he kept it vague to avoid further criticism.

He's just not a savvy politician like McCain, who obviously knew at the time that not saying something to the old lady would've been a missed chance at civility. Trump on the other hand is feeding off whatever audience passion, anger, and silliness that comes his way.
He's weird. One of the best neurosurgeons of our time. On the other side, he doesn't believe in evolution, says that Americans should be able to own any type of guns and is against homosexuals, giving the impression of the average ignorant Republican.
Mind boggling that someone that smart can still be that "dumb"!

He said he used to be a 'radical' democrat and all that changed after he listened to a Reagan speech. What a weirdo.
Curious to hear many of you say that you weren't really impressed by any of them. Is this perhaps your own politics that won't allow you to admit this?

I thought the winners tonight were Fiorina, Rubio, and Christie (in that order). Has anyone mentioned Fiorina's failure as CEO of HP yet? Should be just a matter of time, if nobody has done so. It's funny when Trump made "that face" comment in regards to Fiorina, as I've thought the exact same thing myself. :nervous: Her response was excellent though, as were most of her answers all night. However, she does seem to lack a bit of warmth or human side to her as I can't recall her smiling even once. Same with Rubio, who seems kinda emotionless and robotic as well.

Thought Carson was poor. Just too low-key and did this weird thing where he'd close his eyes while thinking. Pretty shocking actually that a black man is currently 2nd in the Republican polls. Talk about swimming upstream.
Trump and her had a tet-a-tet about that and his companies declaring bankruptcy.
Interesting to see how Hillary is inching her way towards Bernie's platform. She's now talking a lot about the middle class and campaign reform.

"Talking about" being the operative phrase. She'll say anything to ensure the nomination. Shameless.
Interesting to see how Hillary is inching her way towards Bernie's platform. She's now talking a lot about the middle class and campaign reform.

"Talking about" being the operative phrase. She'll say anything to ensure the nomination. Shameless.

That's usually what base candidates like Sanders bring to the race - they make the establishment part of the party move closer to the base.
Interesting to see how Hillary is inching her way towards Bernie's platform. She's now talking a lot about the middle class and campaign reform.

"Talking about" being the operative phrase. She'll say anything to ensure the nomination. Shameless.
She's been saying that stuff since the start, way before Bernie's rise.
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