I agree.
Apparently there are a number of charges he can on for insulting a judge and questioning his authority/credibility in a current case. I can't find the article, but it said the Judge could bring him up on charges if he wanted to, how likely that will be, i'm not sure.
I don't like all this violence at the protests, it's all becoming exceedingly hypocritical and it's losing the intended message of the protests and it's playing right in to Drumpf's tiny little action man like hands. It needs to stop, and quickly, because Donald is slowly imploding, you can see him simmering and each interview has slightly tougher questions and he can't take them. He can't answer anything about policy because he's too thick, and has no policies of his own. The ones he does have of his own are ludicrous and could never be implemented. He also cannot take anything about the University case, or even little things like the World Golf Championships moving to Mexico city. All the time he has to answer about things like that he is losing the plot and liable to explode or say something that he wont be able to explain away or walk away from. Something that will offend too many people and that will stick and cause him too much damage, but all the time these mini riots are happening, or there is violence against his supporters, the more he will be asked about that, or the subject will be changed to that and he can go another week playing the martyr and conning more people.
I can't see how he could be charged for anything but contempt of court. The judge won't do it though. He could hold Trump in jail until he apologizes.