2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Bernie isnt any better. Most politicans are no experts in anything.

How so? What a ridiculous comment. Bernie´s been in government at all levels for the past 40 years and he strikes me as a very cultivated, educated man, and the fact that he´s not sold himself out to anyone means he takes more interest in topics from an intellectual standpoint as opposed to who is funding him.

The fact that he was so prescient on massive events such as the Iraq war and the 2008 economic crash when the political and economic experts telling us it would be ok makes your "Bernie isn´t any better" than Trump statement all the more ridiculous. He also has a whole lot more dignity and class than Trump as well.
I showed a lot of love for Bernie and i still hope that he wins. That said his ideas about good economic policies are fairly simplistic.

I agree, I would have preferred Warren for this. But there is a difference between simplistic/broad (Bernie) and divorced from reality (Trump). And the broad ideas he has proposed make sense too.
Dude, seriously, you think we can largely thank Trump for these hateful views of minorities??? What, did you just immigrate year a couple of years ago? Have you heard the last 20 years of talk radio and Fox News and the Republican party race baiting 24/7.

Do you know how quickly a Republican candidate would´ve been "primaried" out of office if he spoke such heresy as "illegal aliens are human beings too who share the same aspirations as the rest of us, and that blacks and Asians are human beings of equal dignity" Long, long before Trump.

Before Trump took the stage, Eric Cantor, the biggest corporate whore ever to give out free stuff to the military contractors of his district, was booted out by an unknown kook cause little geeky Eric was´t hard enough on immigration.

Do you ever wonder why the Republican party (and some here) obsesses on dog whistling "free stuff" schtick in fiscal conservatism? Cause it´s a dog whistle that it´s free stuff for the minorities. It´s never "free stuff" for corporate welfare or tax breaks or military contractors sweet deals and the inauditable money whole of the Pentagon. Only if you try to fund social investment (minorities) is it free stuff.

Do you think the massive dog whistle that is the Tea Party started with Trump?

Do you think this massive state´s rights push to suppress the minority vote started with Trump?

Take a good look at your party, and you´ll see why they have flocked to this unexperienced, pathological lying megalomaniac . . . cause they love and always have, his racial politics.

Amigo, you're blinded by hate, just as many Reps are.
Pretty much the same - although on the left it's more about youth populism and a general dissatisfaction with establishment politics that don't address basic needs like health care, education, government services, racial issues, and growing income disparity.

The search for an explanation of this year’s bizarre political climate leads to a basic conclusion: The recession that started in 2007 and the financial crisis of 2008 and 2009 scared and scarred the electorate more deeply and more permanently than has been recognized before.

Yes, the economic statistics say there’s been a recovery—a relatively nice one at that. But mentally, many Americans have never recovered, and perhaps never will. The experience has altered their attitudes about the political and economic systems and their leaders, and left them willing to consider risky alternatives.

What the country is experiencing “is the difference between a car crash and having your house burn down,” says Democratic pollster Peter Hart. “A car crash is something that fades as the three or six months mark goes by. Your house burning down is never forgotten. It is always there and there is no half-life.”

I showed a lot of love for Bernie and i still hope that he wins. That said his ideas about good economic policies are fairly simplistic.

Saying he´s no better than Trump is showing love? Jesus. The guy has been in government for 40 years at all levels with all the insight and information privy to the highest ranking politicians and is obviously a very intelligent, curious politician. For people to cast his vision as simplistic is beyond arrogant, and with what credentials can you call his experience and vision fairly simplistic?
How so? What a ridiculous comment. Bernie´s been in government at all levels for the past 40 years and he strikes me as a very cultivated, educated man, and the fact that he´s not sold himself out to anyone means he takes more interest in topics from an intellectual standpoint as opposed to who is funding him.

The fact that he was so prescient on massive events such as the Iraq war and the 2008 economic crash when the political and economic experts telling us it would be ok makes your "Bernie isn´t any better" than Trump statement all the more ridiculous. He also has a whole lot more dignity and class than Trump as well.

Sing a one note song of rage...
The search for an explanation of this year’s bizarre political climate leads to a basic conclusion: The recession that started in 2007 and the financial crisis of 2008 and 2009 scared and scarred the electorate more deeply and more permanently than has been recognized before.

Yes, the economic statistics say there’s been a recovery—a relatively nice one at that. But mentally, many Americans have never recovered, and perhaps never will. The experience has altered their attitudes about the political and economic systems and their leaders, and left them willing to consider risky alternatives.

What the country is experiencing “is the difference between a car crash and having your house burn down,” says Democratic pollster Peter Hart. “A car crash is something that fades as the three or six months mark goes by. Your house burning down is never forgotten. It is always there and there is no half-life.”


What's worse is we are nearing the end of the current business cycle, which will only entrench the negative sentiment once we go into recession at some point in the near future.
Of course you´re going to find example of democrats and states´rights including marijuana and other issues. But stop ignoring your party´s biggest deals with state´s rights is the same ol´same ol of pushing your bigotry, sexism, gun rights and stand your ground, the inherent racism of voter restrictions and outrageous gerrymandering. The quote from Lee Atwater was from 1981, just when your boy Reagan was riding into town. He also masterminded herbert Bush and brought out the ol´Willie Horton crap. Your party´s dog whistles have changed, hardly your attitudes as evidenced by the reaction to Obama. Funny thing is, Trump as forgotten Atwater´s idea of hiding the bigotry and racism behind such codes as states rights, and he just mouths off with no filter, hence his popularity, and extreme popularity with the white supremacist bet in your party. The establishment seems to be quite flabbergasted with his blowing their cover. You guys love states rights for the extreme shit you can try to pass beyond fairness and common decency.

And loads of the other part of states rights is the push of the Kochs and their ilk, getting in there to push their pro business agenda. Great work in Brownback´s Kansas by the way. The scary thing about them is their anti environmentalism and climate denial. The environment should not come into states rights actions as it affects everyone, including other countries. The whole states rights thing about fracking and states rights where that kook Rick Scott can take actions where you´re not even allowed to mention climate change. Extreme crap like that. That´s the dog whistle for states rights. Extreme shit you can´t get away with on a national level or a common decency one.

You guys are not fooling anybody. Except for maybe yourselves.

If you keep bringing "old stories" how the republicans are so racist you should read this:

Cheap false campaign again trump never heard of national command authority?

I'm quite aware of the two-man rule (strictly for launch, does not apply to declaration) and studied nuclear enterprise within my SNCOA course. The POTUS is the only government official that can declare the use of nuclear weapons. The POTUS also has authority to fire (gosh, Trump would love that) the SecDef if he/she declines to follow POTUS direction, then the Dep SecDef if he/she declines to follow POTUS direction, and so forth as the dominoes fall until someone sides with POTUS. The JCS/VJCS could refuse (to which the POTUS could remove as necessary) but other military officials could refuse to carry out the orders, and thus a mutiny would be at hand.

We all know Trump demands loyalty. He'd probably run off to Twitter to slander the SecDef (and others) while all humanity and life is minutes from extinction. "Here's a beautiful message, (insert nation)! And you dummy (insert SecDef name), no loyalty!"

Assuming the nuclear strike is not warranted/retaliatory, the only saving hope would be the Executive Department heads invoke a constitutional clause to declare the POTUS incapacitated. Honestly, that clause should be invoked immediately after his inauguration if he wins the GE, seeing as he's already incapacitated as a human being. But I digress...

But if you truly feel our national defense is better off with a Twitter addicted, constant attention seeking, off-the-hinge nutjob (Trump, if you're scoring at home) holding power over the military and nuclear arsenal, it's a sad indictment on the polarization of this nation, and how crap the political landscape has become that one can actually support an asshat like Trump. I'm certainly no fan of Hillary but she's clearly more presidential than Trump, emails or not.
If you keep bringing "old stories" how the republicans are so racist you should read this:


And take a guess where all those old racist democrats went after the whole civil rights hoo hah. Thats right, right into the loving arms of the Republican party, welcomed by Dick and St. Ronnie, forming an integral part of it. And they love them some Trump and state rights.

You gotta do better than that. To equate the pre civil rights democratic party with what it is today is ignorance and its worst. Your history lesson is over for today, Barros. Now go bone up on the vaunted "Southern Strategy."
I always find this humorous about Trump, specially when he adds Japan to his China, Mexico & Japan "killing us" triad. Its like we're transported back to the early 90s. To me its one more element of the whole "has a high-school level understanding of the world", but I guess that's where a lot of his public stopped their education. (nothing against people who didn't go to college, more about people who didn't and never learned much else about the world through reading, educational TV, travel, etc.)

It's scary in the South and rural parts of the US, MarceloFalcon. They live in this bubble their parents, grandparents, cousins, and schoolmates lived over the decades. I see it daily from family and old classmates. They fear stepping outside their defined comfort zone. They fear "intellectuals" and "liberals" and "progress." They're ripe for being brainwashed by elites and charlatans (funny how they're all religious as well, or almost all). That's not giving a free pass the the left side of the political sphere as well, as some also follow the same generational view of things.

I grew up being told that -R was the side we Texans vote and support. That religion is real. That education, while great, is not more important than knowing the bible. Joining the military opened me up to other views, other cultures. The internet also gave rise to independent thinking. And education allowed me to think more critically, and ultimately to admit I could be wrong in regards to religion (when I was religious; even know I could be wrong from my atheist view).
It's scary in the South and rural parts of the US, MarceloFalcon. They live in this bubble their parents, grandparents, cousins, and schoolmates lived over the decades. I see it daily from family and old classmates. They fear stepping outside their defined comfort zone. They fear "intellectuals" and "liberals" and "progress." They're ripe for being brainwashed by elites and charlatans (funny how they're all religious as well, or almost all). That's not giving a free pass the the left side of the political sphere as well, as some also follow the same generational view of things.

I grew up being told that -R was the side we Texans vote and support. That religion is real. That education, while great, is not more important than knowing the bible. Joining the military opened me up to other views, other cultures. The internet also gave rise to independent thinking. And education allowed me to think more critically, and ultimately to admit I could be wrong in regards to religion (when I was religious; even know I could be wrong from my atheist view).

I know, I was an exchange student in high school in NE Mississippi. It was very insular in a curious way, not even that alert or concerned with what went on in other parts of the US. It was local concerns, then immediate surroundings such as NW Alabama or SW Tennessee. Something like Seattle is treated as a distant land. My host family was a bit different, since they brought in foreign students, but didn't distance them that far from the pretty conservative end of the scale.

What was most shocking was when I went back just last year for a weekend to find that it hasn't changed much, at least not in the way that I've perceived the changes in my life over the last 10 years (particularly in the way we use technology). It gave me ambivalent feelings. On one hand I don't want to hold it against people who might not have had the best chances in life, but on the other you can't expect that you're just going to sit here generation after generation while the world changes around you and still expect that the job over at the furniture factory is going to provide the same relative financial situation as it did in 1980 or 1990.
How probable is it that Clinton picks Sanders to be her running mate...and he accepts it?
I know, I was an exchange student in high school in NE Mississippi. It was very insular in a curious way, not even that alert or concerned with what went on in other parts of the US. It was local concerns, then immediate surroundings such as NW Alabama or SW Tennessee. Something like Seattle is treated as a distant land. My host family was a bit different, since they brought in foreign students, but didn't distance them that far from the pretty conservative end of the scale.

What was most shocking was when I went back just last year for a weekend to find that it hasn't changed much, at least not in the way that I've perceived the changes in my life over the last 10 years (particularly in the way we use technology). It gave me ambivalent feelings. On one hand I don't want to hold it against people who might not have had the best chances in life, but on the other you can't expect that you're just going to sit here generation after generation while the world changes around you and still expect that the job over at the furniture factory is going to provide the same relative financial situation as it did in 1980 or 1990.

Jesus, that's lynching country. (Or used to be)
I'm coming around to the conclusion that Hillary will be fine. All she needs is Bernie Sanders (who, despite the bitter campaign going on, is a well meaning man at heart, as proven by his refusal to sling mud at her with the emails) to concede generously at the DNC, and for Obama to knock it out the park like this...

The Teflon Don might finally be finished.

More than 400 pages of released Trump University files describe how staff should target financial weaknesses to sell high-priced real estate courses


This is more than just about the election. If they get anything on him, his businesses will sink faster than the Titanic.

I don´t know, there´s a lot of Trump voters who like that kind of thing. Prey on the weak, be a shrewd, ruthless, mythical businessman. Swing that big dick around. Make America Great Again!

It will be great watching these Republicans and their massive hangover when they actually realize who they just elected at that party last night, ha ha.
The Teflon Don might finally be finished.


This is more than just about the election. If they get anything on him, his businesses will sink faster than the Titanic.

Not at all. Despite the Guardian spin, this is what will endear him to the "businessman" and "strong leader" crowd. What will actually harm him would be the case resulting in something tangible. Just like with her.
Not at all. Despite the Guardian spin, this is what will endear him to the "businessman" and "strong leader" crowd. What will actually harm him would be the case resulting in something tangible. Just like with her.

I was talking just about the legal aspect. NY AG already condemned him, and NYT ran a story about Trump U employees testifying as to its fraudulent nature.

Slim chance, but if they manage to charge him with something, this buttcracker will become a pariah.
I dunno, maybe if you find a veteran or two that got screwed by Trump university and get them all over TV telling their story... that's the one group even Trump can't diss, right?
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