What´s truly sickening is the propaganda you Republicans keep insisting concerning, "States´rights."
First of all, one of your greatest strategists, Lee Atwater said exactly what it means for the ugly right wing of America - You start out in 1954 by saying, “Nigger, nigger, nigger.” By 1968 you can’t say “nigger”—that hurts you, backfires. So you say stuff like, uh, forced busing, states’ rights, and all that stuff . . .
It´s always been a particular southern thing, which fits in perfectly of how the Republican party and right wing shows the southernification of the GOP. We all know it began with the bloody civil war where the state´s rights of the south couldn´t permit slavery anymore. Then it was all about the federal government not permitting racist south to continue its apartheid, institutionalized racism, segregation, jim crow laws, lynching, flying the white supremacist symbol of the confederate flag, et al, perfectly summed up by Reagan in Philadelphia, Mississippi pandering to this ugliness where a short 16 years before they wanted to exercise state´s rights and lynch those uppity white civil rights workers from the north and that uppity black man for pursuing some sort of decency in this "great" country.
Now state´s rights is always mentioned as these southern states and right wing northern states want to impose their bigotry on minorities and their voting rights, the LGBT community, sexism, draconian drug laws that mostly affect minorities, guns laws to protect them from those savage minorities etc etc etc.
And of course the 1% donor class and corporate culture jump perfectly on this bandwagon so they can continue their movement of lower taxes on the wealthy, lowering corporate taxes, destroying worker´rights and the middle class, keeping the minimum wage low, cutting down of environmental rights to increase their profits, . . . the deregulation of everything that hinders their profit line (while regulating with abandon morality).
This state´s rights ideal is such a farce and the truly disgusting thing is the American right wing continuing this propaganda to fool the uneducated. This nice sounding ideal has for the most part been hijacked by the the ugliness and bigoted, greedy side of the American character that is a symbol of what´s wrong in this country.