Of course you´re going to find example of democrats and states´rights including marijuana and other issues. But stop ignoring your party´s biggest deals with state´s rights is the same ol´same ol of pushing your bigotry, sexism, gun rights and stand your ground, the inherent racism of voter restrictions and outrageous gerrymandering. The quote from Lee Atwater was from 1981, just when your boy Reagan was riding into town. He also masterminded herbert Bush and brought out the ol´Willie Horton crap. Your party´s dog whistles have changed, hardly your attitudes as evidenced by the reaction to Obama. Funny thing is, Trump as forgotten Atwater´s idea of hiding the bigotry and racism behind such codes as states rights, and he just mouths off with no filter, hence his popularity, and extreme popularity with the white supremacist bet in your party. The establishment seems to be quite flabbergasted with his blowing their cover. You guys love states rights for the extreme shit you can try to pass beyond fairness and common decency.
And loads of the other part of states rights is the push of the Kochs and their ilk, getting in there to push their pro business agenda. Great work in Brownback´s Kansas by the way. The scary thing about them is their anti environmentalism and climate denial. The environment should not come into states rights actions as it affects everyone, including other countries. The whole states rights thing about fracking and states rights where that kook Rick Scott can take actions where you´re not even allowed to mention climate change. Extreme crap like that. That´s the dog whistle for states rights. Extreme shit you can´t get away with on a national level or a common decency one.
You guys are not fooling anybody. Except for maybe yourselves.
That's the point (in bold), that states' rights as a term used in political debate isn't restricted just to racists from Dixie. Westerners like Goldwater and Reagan, who were certifiably not racist (look it up) sincerely believed in the right of states to perform those functions of government that they believed were best performed at the state level rather than the federal level. In the case of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Goldwater was horrifically wrong and I'll freely acknowledge that over and over, but as that term is used today, in 2016, that term is regularly used by both Democrats and Republicans to defend their positions on myriad issues.
Forget about Obama and his invocation of "states' rights"? How about Nancy Pelosi, an authentic liberal Democrat?
The California Democrat said that medical marijuana is “both a medical and a states’ rights issue.”
I know Nancy Pelosi and I assure she is no conservative wolf in liberal sheep's clothing. She is the real deal and she has no reservation in invoking states' rights, provided that the cause is just. It may be medical marijuana, clean air or clean water, but she deeply deeply believes in the right of states to make laws as they wish on such matters, provided that they conform to constitutional norms.
Conservatives also believe in "states' rights", provided that states conform to constitutional norms. Like it or not, the right to bear arms is widely understood to be an individual right in the US. Conservatives will grant states some leeway in regulating the ownership of firearms, but they sharply limit their understanding of states' rights in light of what they view to be the primacy of the Second Amendment, "the one that guarantees all of the others".
Your point re "states' right" overall is ahistorical rubbish, but your broader point overall regarding white supremacists overtaking the party, while sullied with hyperbole not unknown on cyber forums, is not too far off the mark. I know Republicans who a year or two ago understood the truth that most illegal aliens came to the United States looking for work and a better life for their families, now perceive them to be rapists and drug dealers.
We can thank largely Trump for that, but it's a two way street. He's tapped into a reservoir or hate and loathing that resides within the psyche of many Americans (not just Reps, by the way) despite the observable experience of most of us in the western United States that illegal aliens are human beings too who share the same aspirations as the rest of us, and that blacks and Asians are human beings of equal dignity, dignity which Trump explicitly denies with almost every single day.