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Was Obama afraid of debating Clinton when he refused to debate her in Maine, Washington and Wisconsin in the tail end of 08 campaign?
It's the oldest political play in the book. Loser grasping for straws to get media exposure, winner choking them off. Much ado about nothing.
Was Obama afraid of debating Clinton when he refused to debate her in Maine, Washington and Wisconsin in the tail end of 08 campaign?
It's the oldest political play in the book. Loser grasping for straws to get media exposure, winner choking them off. Much ado about nothing.
Drumpf aides have already said it won't happen.
Don't hold the Donald to anything, you'll be left blue balled.
Obama wasn't up against a scandal and a bifurcated party. Moreover, the principle of Democracy of allowing voters to see the exchange of ideas is always a good thing.
Two similar decisions need no have the same reasoning behind. I think she cannot handle herself very well during debates and will become easy pray for Trump. I surely hope I am wrong. Not to mention it appears he will have serious ammunition against her, again based on her past mistakes.
Trump said it would and Bernie's team are on TV now saying they are in discussions with the Trump campaign to make it happen. That's not to say Trump won't chicken out at the last moment when he realizes how shit he is at actually debating policy positions.
Obama wasn't up against a scandal and a bifurcated party. Moreover, the principle of Democracy of allowing voters to see the exchange of ideas is always a good thing.
They exchanged ideas 8 times before, oh wait, actually it's 1 debate played out 8 different times.
Oh and the Obama part, not true. 1) Rev. Wright and 2) Party Unity My Ass
She handled herself just fine the last 8 debates. Same thing played out before NY, didn't change the outcome one bit, no need to concede the media cycle to Sanders.
And the idea of Drumpf claiming the moral high ground when it comes to personal baggage is... queer, to say the least.
Three different aides of him have told the media upon being contacted that it was a joke, said to, you guess it, Jimmy fecking Kimmel.
Bernie's team said all kinds of stuff. They went ahead and arrange the debate with Fox News, only to be left cold cocked.
uh-huh, despite polls indicating that she has CA sown up you think she needs to do more to try and win it?
Hillary has one thing in common with Reagan.No, I don't, but I understand why Reagan is misunderstood by some to be a mean-spirited, racist fukk. The case for this belief is not unsound. He supported Goldwater, who opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Those 3-4 months in 1964 from the time Goldwater opposed the CRA on grounds of "states' rights" to the moment he gave his nomination acceptance speech in San Francisco where he uttered the phrase "Extremism in the pursuit of liberty is no vice." (a phrase which my mentor in college and graduate school wrote, which I argued with him endlessly perfectly contradicted Lincoln) where a cringeworthy period in the history of the Republican Party. But Reagan was no extremist (he raised taxes, liberalized abortion laws, liberalized welfare benefits, and saw through the enactment of numerous environmental laws in California) and was far more a pragmatist than the ideologue the left paints him as. But it was useful for fundraising purposes to demonize Reagan and to this day he's by some to be the radical pre-Trumpian. (Reagan had many faults, but extremism was not one of them.)
Your general contempt of the Republican today, however, is well taken. This is a party that Reagan would not recognize and would not welcome him. Rep voters over the last 6 months could not tolerate even a right-wing lunatic like Cruz and laid waste to its moderates. We all have our own interpretations of what these Rep voters want and I have my own, but whichever one of us right (and it may be "all of the above") I want nothing to do with it.
Let's see how this plays out. If in the fall the Republican Party "establishment" genuinely embraces Trump, I will weep with Lincoln, Roosevelt and, yes, Reagan. If instead it keeps stiff-arms Trump even as it acknowledges that he's the nominee, fair and square so to speak, I may remain in and do what I can to rebuild it out of the ashes Trump will have left it in.
Either way, I'm in for Gary Johnson for now although I will leave the door open for Hillary to convince me she has an agenda worthy of a major party presidential nominee. As far as I can tell, her only rationale for seeking the office is that she wants it. That's not good enough. But she's by some distance the lesser of two evils.
Did he?Hitler said what he thought. You missed that one.
Should n't the people who hate Hillary, hate Biden too? He is as much a politician as her with questionable stances and actions in the past. He too voted for Iraq war.If Biden were to run, it would be his race to lose imo.
And the idea of Drumpf claiming the moral high ground when it comes to personal baggage is... queer, to say the least.
I think he would recognise this party perfectly. And be proud of it. Hold it like a dear grandchild. He´d endorse the outright racism and dog whistling. He´d be very down with suppressing the minority and young people´s vote. He´d love the still fresh free market anti government blah blah blah still mouth breathed as fervent ideology. He´d adore the way Republicans have done all they can to throw a monkey wrench in negotiations with Iran, just like he treasonously did in the run up to the 1980 election. He would love their anti environmentalism with passion. He´d love the "actor" tv personality of Trump. In the video of infinite boredom he and Trump appear as very ugly bobsy twins. I´m sure the Tea Party would be his freedom fighters.
I don´t think anyone who was politically conscious in the 80s USA (and California before during his governorship) would think Reagan doesn´t recognise Republican nowadays. This is Reagan´s baby. A very modern, nasty adult he raised with loving nasty care.
It's the perfect climate for strong words and "brass balls" to appeal to voters. People here are crying out for strong leadership. Someone that embodies American resolve, without apology. Do Trump's strong words equal strong leadership? We just might find out...
I like it. I hope he applies the same shrewd opportunism to running the country. We are short of money.
I'm sure he'd try that. It would only take a minor insult from Sanders to send him off script though, one would think.
The arrogance and self-importance is nauseating. Once again, it isn't about her - its about furthering the debate, which one would have to be pretty cynical to obstruct. If she thinks she will crumble by debating him then that's her problem.
Strong leadership is singling out anyone that is a non-white male? The man plays on the fears peddled by far right extremist ideology, which you're seemingly approving of.
Debates tend to be location specific and California hasn't had one. Would be great if Hillary cared enough about the nation's biggest state and the #8 economy in the world to debate Bernie about California specific issues.
The same way they debated about New York specific issues, or New Hampshire specific issues?
Don't be obtuse, you are smarter than this. It's about media exposure and nothing else.
2/10. Equivalent to the time Ben Foster conceded to a goal kick from Paul Robinson.Trump has surpassed 1237 pledged delegates and has clinched the nomination.
Mark my words, he will win this election in a landslide.
I doubt anyone can win by a landslide nowadays, the two parties get closer and closer on issues and are often splitting political hairs. It's going to be decided by a few percentage points worth of undecideds as usual.Trump has surpassed 1237 pledged delegates and has clinched the nomination.
Mark my words, he will win this election in a landslide.
Candidates frequently use local issues that are relevant to constituents in a particular state. See Hillarys comments about Flint, Coal mines, clean energy as examples.
There seems to be something particular to Hillary that attracts hate above and beyond reason. Maybe something to do with her public persona and speaking mannerisms, I don't really get it.Should n't the people who hate Hillary, hate Biden too? He is as much a politician as her with questionable stances and actions in the past. He too voted for Iraq war.
Yes, but because that was an obvious and cheap way to score point with the public. Show me one time after that where either of them focus on states issue.
It's funny, all the Rs refused to debate even before NY, saying that it's a waste of time and no one bats an eye. Hillary now by all intents and purposes is the presumptive nominee, yet apparently she refused to debate Sanders because she's afraid, when he didn't do jack 8 times prior. By the time polls close in NJ, she'll be officially the nominee, regardless of the result in CA, where she leads by double digits. So what's she afraid of?
Or, maybe, the obvious answer is that no nominee ever waste time debating the losers, when they can fundraise, do events on swing states, target demographics, things that actually help them in, you know, the general. Occam's razor and all that.
I prefer what Sanders said a while back. All contenders across both parties should debate each other during the primary process during a series of bipartisan debates. Now that's an amazing idea since candidates often trash the other party in debates - now they would have to debate them face to face.
It's the perfect climate for strong words and "brass balls" to appeal to voters. People here are crying out for strong leadership. Someone that embodies American resolve, without apology. Do Trump's strong words equal strong leadership? We just might find out...
I like it. I hope he applies the same shrewd opportunism to running the country. We are short of money.
The facts fly in the face of your conclusion. At least the Washington Post thinks so: https://www.washingtonpost.com/poli...094512-ed70-11e1-b09d-07d971dee30a_story.html
A good example of the devolution of the Republican Party from its mid 1970s (Nixon signed numerous environmental protection laws, went to China, imposed wage and price controls (stupid policy, but hardly right-wing), pursued desegregation and signed Title IX, although Watergate overshadowed all that to cement his legacy as a criminal) center-right orientation to its now leper colony of morons is the fate of Richard Lugar, long-time US Senator from Indiana. Lugar was a Republican that enjoyed respect from both sides of the aisle and it can absolutely, positively be said of Lugar that he sought bipartisan compromise on a wide range of issues. I have never heard of any Dem claim that Lugar did not serve his country in the US with distinction and honor, even if they disagreed on a number of issues. A few years ago Lugar was defeated in the US Senate primary election to Richard Mourdock, a creepy tea-party Republican who eventually lost the general election to a Dem.
What were Mourdock's complaints with Lugar? Funny you ask. He mocked Lugar's long record of bipartisanship, specifically citing the auto bailouts and several arms control agreements. And more, but that's enough for this post. The tea party Reps went wild, clubbing Lugar to political extinction by a vote of 60-40%. I can cite numerous examples of center-right Republicans being taken out or replaced by far-right Republicans over the last two decades. The specific causes are many but they essentially boil down to the same complaint: that Republicans who try to work with Democrats are "traitors" who "support the establishment" and thus must be purged from the party.
The point of all of this is to say that the Republican Party of 2016 looks nothing like the Republican Party of 1980. Sure, there was Jesse Helms and a few other racists and their importance should not be overlooked but at that time the US Senate was led by the likes of Howard Baker, Bob Dole, Nancy Kassebaum, Alan Simpson, William Cohen, Arlen Spectre, Al D'Amato, Warren Rudman, Chuck Grassley and others of their ilk. If you've never heard of these people you need to check them out on google. None were "saints" and all had serious faults (like you and I) but most Republicans in Congress at that time were serious about addressing the issues of the day. The same cannot be said of Trump and today's congressional Republicans.
Should n't the people who hate Hillary, hate Biden too? He is as much a politician as her with questionable stances and actions in the past. He too voted for Iraq war.
I have a very minor gripe with Obama cause he didn't invite Young Jeezy to perform "My President is Black" in the Oval Office
Election aside, I think I love this man more than I realized.
Most people in the US won't care or understand the importance of it, certainly the majority of conservatives, but ideologies aside, having a sitting US president mingling with the people of a country wrongfully wracked by 20 years of war directly/indirectly involved the US is a watershed moment. The energy and goodwill he generates was something I've not seen before there, and the US will lose not just its executive but an excellent statesman that they don't appreciate enough due to partisanship.
Really. And no one reads the bible like The Do
It´s pretty much saying what I am, that yes, the Republican party has swung to the right since Reagan . . . and who do you think started this whole swing. Yes, Saint Ronnie. That´s why he´s revered by all these douchebags. As a university student during Reagan´s rein, believe me, he was a massive swing to the right and clearly, the beginning of what you have now. After illegally sabotaging Carter´s presidency and negotiations with the Iranians, you knew this actor and his movement were capable of anything, as we saw them arming the Iranians a few years later, and while maybe not participating in the actual drug trade, they cast a blind eye to the massive flood of cocaine meanwhile profits were scraped off for the Contras. Like I said, these guys were capable of anything, and very right wing.
They loosed the likes of young Rove, Abrahamoff, Rex Reed, Grover Norquist, Newt Gingrich . . . very very white, very right wing, blue eyed believers in the Reagan Revolution, the future of Republican politics, incredibly capable of anything, setting the hardcore conservative, religious, privatisation, deregulation, "free" markets and shunting off loads of government money to their business friends . . . which of course all led up to the meltdown of 2008 (with help from Bill Clinton).
The worship and massive funding of the military and more adventurism all got a huge boost in the Reagan presidency. Can you imagine a psycho like Oliver North with so much hidden military power. Jesus fook! It´s like imagining Donald Trump as the president. Insane.
And then of course the big right wing religious push started with Reagan as well, especially with Jerry Falwell and the moral majority and similar hucksters like the horribly laughable Pat Robertson. Southern conmen at their finest, pushing hardcore right wing values, capitalistic christianity, and more bible in the state . . . while getting extremely rich doing it.
I already mentioned Reagan beginning his campaign in Philadelphia, Mississippi and what message that sent to the white man. Watch that video that infinite boredom posted. You can just feel the white supremacism dripping from those Reagan rallies. A disgusting tone of angry, ambitious lily whiteness.
You can look at the modern Republican party and the angry white Trump hordes . . . brought to you by Ronald Reagan.
Piggybacking on @InfiniteBoredom's post, looking back, one can make a strong case for Obama being a top 3 president post WW2. Only Truman, Eisenhower and Johnson are serious competitors IMO.
A lot of the damage Clinton did was evident only long after Bush was in office. Or in other words:
"it is too soon to say" - Zhou en Lai in the 1950s on the success of the French Revolution*
*I'm aware this has been debunked.
The Republican Party has swung significantly to the right after Reagan. But there's no doubt that the inflection point you're really referring to began in 1964 with Goldwater. No boring history lesson for you caftards today, but Goldwater was a hard core right winger in 1964 (though in the 1980s he turned hard left, at least for a Republican). Nixon, a loathesome creature without any question, left a long record of "liberal achievements" and I'll leave it up to you to verify this wild claim with a quick google search. Ford, meh, but he was no right-winger. Reagan's rhetoric was right-wingish, but he'd be considered a "RINO" by today's Republican cretins, although they know to pay tribute to his name even while they have no real comprehension of his record either as potus or as governor of California. I've spoken to Jerry Brown about Reagan on several occasions and I can tell you Jerry respects and praises much of what Reagan got done as potus and as governor.
You really have to get past the blinkers. It's easy to get emotional about politics, as Trump's idiotic worshippers prove every day, but when a man is dead it's appropriate to view his record with clear eyes, wins and warts. Reagan disgraced the country with the Iran-country deal and his lack of interest in dealing with AIDS (ironic, as he was known in Hollywood to be accepting of gays and he defended gays in his office who were outed in the last few years of his tenure governor) but you have to look at his willingness to raise taxes to shore up Social Security and other bipartisan accomplishments before condemning him as the moron you paint him to be.
As for today, I cannot deny the insanity that has descended on the Republicans. I know quite a few Reps who can never vote for Trump, but they're vastly outnumbered by those who can. And will. Shame and eternal dishonor.