2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Trump is having a bad night. Carly especially is having a good go at him.He talks absolute junk. Surely his numbers will tank after tonight.
Surely even Ted Cruz doesn't take Ted Cruz seriously?
He always sounds like he's trying way too hard.

I would never let Carson operate on my brain.
Yeah can't blamed him I guess there's just so many people on stage he has to stand out somehow(Not that agree with any of his ideas mind). As for Carson.... well he's not a speaker that's for sure.

Also 80 year old babies.
It's such an offensive statement to suggest that Americans don't want to do certain jobs and that makes illegal workers ok. People with families can't survive on the wages these jobs pay because nobody halted the practice of allowing people to hire illegals and pay them below minimum wage under the table. Had these jobs paid at least minimum wage, there would be no shortage of legal citizens willing to do the job.
A Bible tax ?


Carson looks/sounds like he's being through a whole bottle of Dreamy Sleepy Nighty Snoozy Snooze. Poor fella
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Can't figure out who is coming out ahead tonight. No one really, although Fiorina has cast herself into the top 5 because the other muppets like Cruz, et al have been ineffective.
"Arab name, arab name, arab name..."

Rubio is such a swot.
I've only tuned in recently.

What are these political restrictions they are referring to?

ETA: I am not averse to increased military intervention, but where is the post-IS, post-Assad plan? Did they mention this earlier in the debate?
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What were Rand Paul's comments on the Saudis. Getting praised for it on Twitter.
Was really hoping we'd hear some Trump input on drugs, shame. Guns! And clocks now too.

JESUS CHRIST Rubio's ears are big, never noticed that before.
Why don't all of the candidates get a chance to respond on a topic?

Energy efficiency and, renewables and new nuclear would still require a manufacturing sector.
Why don't all of the candidates get a chance to respond on a topic?

Energy efficiency and, renewables and new nuclear would still require a manufacturing sector.
We've been here two and a half hours, Nick! And Ted Cruz doesn't shut up.

Paul - Less zany version of Ron, still mental domestically
Huckabee - Your friendly neighbourhood bigot
Rubio - Never realised he was such a lightweight, also massive ears
Cruz - Cartoon character, gimp
Carson - Possible psychopath
Trump - Towering, builds working walls
Bush - Phoning it in, loves his brother
Walker - I reckon he goes dogging
Fiorina - Improvement on Bachmann in the token department
Kasich - Seemed relatively normal, totally forgot he was there
Christie - Jumbotron

Winner - HRC2016
Ted Cruz has a funny voice, and it was funny watching Christie get wrecked by Rand on the pot issue.
A bit mind boggling that Carson is a world renowned neurosurgeon.

Even that does not give him enough credit. He is a genius of a neurosurgeon, insanely talented and a pioneer.

If he wasn't running around being an idiot his reputation would be unrivalled.
Jebby Bush firing up his supporters. How another Bush is even being considered by the Republican party is beyond me.

Because a lot of people like GWB and GHWB was a great president and a great American

His brother´s admin crashes the economy

Bill Clinton laid the foundations, to be honest.

asleep at the wheel for the worst terrorist attack ever on US soil

gets and US bogged down in two trillion dollar endless wars (based on embarrassingly faulty info) while fecking up the middle east, and creates massive debt at home.

I'll give this

And they would want to give another Bush another try???

Because, just because they are different people? Bastian was a great midfielder for Bayern, should they give Tobi a runaround in the first team?

Mind boggling. Between him and Trump, not to mention that creep, Scott Walker, just shows what a joke that party is.

Walker is a creep. Trump is great, might rename both Rockefeller republicans and RINOs to Trump republicans. Repubs are facing an identity crisis but they're no less joke than Dems. Shillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, Martin O'Malley are all horrible leaders and democrats.
Didn't watch, as I lack morbid curiosity. How did Bush do?

More animated than before, gave some canned answers and some decent ones, admitted to smoking pot, interesting comment on gun/drug laws(leave them to state, which relegates him to a RINO). As far as I remember the only person to attack Cruz (regarding Roberts' nomination).

Came out stronger than before the poll imo.
What a bunch of losers. None of them came out looking good in that with the exception of Rand Paul and Dr. Carson who gave a few very un-republican responses to a few questions. Both of them are not presidential material.

Paul - Less zany version of Ron, still mental domestically

True, would make great Secretary of State. :lol:

Huckabee - Your friendly neighbourhood bigot

Rubio - Never realised he was such a lightweight, also massive ears

Too rash, I wish he were as calm as Cruz.

Cruz - Cartoon character, gimp

He's quite dangerous to be honest, will raise a lot of money and is here to stay. Making decent impression and not engaged in sophomoric debates.

Carson - Possible psychopath

The only thing I liked was the stance on immigration(too difficult to deport). His polling numbers are baffling.

Trump - Towering, builds working walls

I like his balls. Leading Republican polling numbers advocating for progressive taxes. :lol:

Bush - Phoning it in, loves his brother

IDK what phoning in means, but loves GWB, admitted to smoking pot.

Walker - I reckon he goes dogging
I hate him.

Fiorina - Improvement on Bachmann in the token department

I agree with trump on hiring the best people to brief you. And, logically, hate her policy of being so specific at this stage. Also, I'd OD if she was my mom.

Kasich - Seemed relatively normal, totally forgot he was there
Except that Jews/Christian and evoking East-West dichotomy, yes.

Christie - Jumbotron

Not a presidential material in any ways.

Winner - HRC2016

:mad: Sadly.
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