2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Yes - given that he wins the nomination (which I think is the harder task).

I doubt Sanders would be able to beat any of the GOPers, because he wouldn't be able to win the swing states and would almost certainly flop in places like Virginia, Florida, NC, and Ohio, which would guarantee a GOP win.
Good point, paleface. 10,000 years ago they may, and I say may, have immigrated from other lands. Tongue snugly in cheek.
Quite different scenario though, being the first to arrive.
I hate myself for being naive enough to think that Sanders in office would result in significant change... and I'm sad that he most likely doesn't have a chance, so I'd never find out.

He's making a ton of sense to me. I'm curious; do Americans on this board wish he had a shot, or are there other candidates that you think would make a better president?
I doubt Sanders would be able to beat any of the GOPers, because he wouldn't be able to win the swing states and would almost certainly flop in places like Virginia, Florida, NC, and Ohio, which would guarantee a GOP win.

Even the serious GOP candidates (bush, walker, rubio) look awful and this clown show of a primary isn´t nearly finished yet. Whoever wins the democratic primary would have a realistic chance at winning the election. He wouldn´t be favourite against the better GOP candidates but he would be in the race. That said, he won´t win his nomination if HC isn´t hit by another major scandal.
Trump vs Sanders would be hilarious.
I hate myself for being naive enough to think that Sanders in office would result in significant change... and I'm sad that he most likely doesn't have a chance, so I'd never find out.

He's making a ton of sense to me. I'm curious; do Americans on this board wish he had a shot, or are there other candidates that you think would make a better president?

Listening to him, it sounds very much like he is only trying to make Hillary adopt many of the issues he has brought up and which many people agree with. I certainly would vote for Hillary, but my choice would be Jim Webb.
Even the serious GOP candidates (bush, walker, rubio) look awful and this clown show of a primary isn´t nearly finished yet. Whoever wins the democratic primary would have a realistic chance at winning the election. He wouldn´t be favourite against the better GOP candidates but he would be in the race. That said, he won´t win his nomination if HC isn´t hit by another major scandal.
Trump vs Sanders would be hilarious.

Bush, Walker, and Rubio would have a good chance of winning the general election if Sanders is their opponent. The Republicans would absolutely love for Hillary to go down from email-gate, which would just about guarantee a Republican President. On the other hand, having her as an opponent in the general election will make the math very difficult for a Republican to overcome.
I'd much rather a Clinton than a Bush (purely based on the reputation of the names and my limited knowledge of both the leading candidates. Also it would be cool to see a woman be the most powerful person in the world.
I'd much rather a Clinton than a Bush (purely based on the reputation of the names and my limited knowledge of both the leading candidates. Also it would be cool to see a woman be the most powerful person in the world.

Same feeling for me. I would love to see a woman being the most powerful person in the world.

Those polls mean nothing at the moment. When Trump will enter the arena against whoever the Dems will send in with all the tactical backup behind, Trump's rashness will cost him dearly. One thing I would add about Trump is that he would be considered as an ultranationalist with the negative connotations going with such tag if he ran for president in any country that is not the US. The last thing the US need is an ultranationalist as President and I hope people will realize that soon enough.
I'd much rather a Clinton than a Bush (purely based on the reputation of the names and my limited knowledge of both the leading candidates. Also it would be cool to see a woman be the most powerful person in the world.

Is there any argument possible for the election of another Bush. Seriously! That´s the most insane political idea I think I´ve ever heard.
Well, the winnable candidate Hillary:
nationwide lead vs Trump has disappeared
Iowa, which voted for Obama, and has seen plenty of all 3, seems to be preferring Trump over her, and by a huge margin, Bush over her.
The reliably liberal state NH seems to be moving more towards Trump, even though its Democrats prefer Sanders over her.

From the older polls I have seen, NC, Ohio and Florida are all going solidly Republican this time. Interesting choice I guess now for the Dems whether to appeal to the "middle" voters who seem to be moving away (Clinton) or try to win by turnout and moblising the base(Sanders)...
Well, the winnable candidate Hillary:
nationwide lead vs Trump has disappeared
Iowa, which voted for Obama, and has seen plenty of all 3, seems to be preferring Trump over her, and by a huge margin, Bush over her.
The reliably liberal state NH seems to be moving more towards Trump, even though its Democrats prefer Sanders over her.

From the older polls I have seen, NC, Ohio and Florida are all going solidly Republican this time. Interesting choice I guess now for the Dems whether to appeal to the "middle" voters who seem to be moving away (Clinton) or try to win by turnout and moblising the base(Sanders)...
If the polls are still like that in 6 months, you might have a point. They won't be though, and there's zero chance Trump beats Clinton in a general election.

And as James Carville says, if a campaign talks about needing to energise the base, there's a campaign going down the toilet.
Trump would consider having Palin in his team...
Palin wants to be energy secretary because God put minerals and oil on the planet for us to use so she will scrap the department
It just gets crazier
And to think we are worried about Iran having nuclear weapons.

It's a joke well sort of. Please don't blow up the world.
Don't get the ohhh Hillary is a woman so I prefer her posters. She is as establishment as they come and as beholden to corporate interests as Bush. Obama could at least legitimately sell the idea that he was going to change things plus with all the Clinton hate on the republican side, 4 more years of bitter partisan sniping is what's in store for America.
Don't think we have a separate thread for the Canadian elections, but this made me chuckle. @Dwazza von Moosesteiger

Wee problem for Canada's ruling party as urination video sinks candidate


EDIT: Canadian link has the vid

:lol: too funny. Truth be told they are candidates in what are probably quite left leaning ridings. Interesting that, according to the leader of the NDP, urinating in a cup is a criminal offence and he can freely declare him guilty in absence of due process. And people are scared of Steven Harper.
:lol: too funny. Truth be told they are candidates in what are probably quite left leaning ridings. Interesting that, according to the leader of the NDP, urinating in a cup is a criminal offence and he can freely declare him guilty in absence of due process. And people are scared of Steven Harper.
At least he rinsed the cup! Was out with my Canadian designer earlier and apparently Rob Thorpe stepped down:( Bit behind on the news with that one.
Ford:( He's fading from the consciousness already...

I thought that's who you meant. I've not seen any news since he had surgery earlier this summer.

He stepped down from his mayoral campaign but as far as I know he is still a city councillor.
My bad, my designer is not a political animal, although she revelled in his antics. He was Canada's own, but an uber-buffoon with a dark twist to our Boris getting stuck on a zip-wire or cycling through a red light!
My bad, my designer is not a political animal, although she revelled in his antics. He was Canada's own, but an uber-buffoon with a dark twist to our Boris getting stuck on a zip-wire or cycling through a red light!

His term epitomized Toronto. Larger than life and high on cocaine.
What better symbology of whacky old angry white gits their losing their grip. This gal was protesting war criminal Dick Cheney and one of his geezer henchmen couldn´t handle the strain the young hottie´s powerhouse grip.

People have been asking what your workout routine looks like. You didn't even seem like you were trying, yet this guy was putting up the fight of his life.

Workout routine? Smash the system, lift up the people.

Latest CNN/ORC poll:

Clinton 37
Sanders 27
Biden 20
O'Malley 3
Webb 2
Chafee 0

Clinton's lowest ever national poll result. Bernie's numbers have jumped 7 points from the last two polls about two weeks ago, but it's looking increasingly clear that Biden's potential entry is very bad news for Clinton.
One thing I notice about Sanders supporters is that they seem much more energized than Clinton supporters. Of course others had the same thing in the past and it meant nothing. But most Hillary supporters I talk to don't really talk about issues or her stances it seems like they support her because as Democrats they are supposed to. Which of course is nothing new party faithful are called that for a reason no matter which party they belong to.

Biden was in NY City yesterday with Gov. Coumo supporting efforts to raise the minimum wage. He sure sounded like a Presidential candidate to me.
Sanders is getting all the progressives, which is boosting his numbers. Basically all the people who wanted Elizabeth Warren to run are hopping on board the Sanders train. His run isn't that surprising imo, given that the first part of Presidential election cycles are always dominated by the political base of each party - Tea Party crowd for the GOP and Progressives for the Dems. At some point once the dust settles a bit, I think the establishment crowd will weight in to decide whether the base favorite is actually electable, at which point they will decide whether or not to fund their campaigns.
I think the rep primaries are far more interesting. There is nothing really new about the primaries in the Democratic Party. Usually the establishment candidate wins, but on the outside chance that Sanders comes out on top, he is “normal” enough for the establishment to rally behind him. Worst thing that could happen is Sanders winning the primaries, while he doesn´t win the general election. Sanders would be marginalized afterwards, the establishment could regroup and continue 4 years later.

For the GOP things look slightly different. Trump would be the worst nightmare for the establishment. He winning the primaries could do lasting damage. He is not a “Washington insider”, extremely unpredictable and some of his positions (migration) are poison for the party. At this point it is also not a given, that he´ll self-destruct. It is still likely, but it is not certain. The field behind him is split with various serious candidates in it. The consequence is, that the establishment doesn´t know who they should support. The establishment in the GOP is also not as strong and united as they were in the past (or as the democratic one is). Bush got some traction in August, but it is still on a very low level. I am really curious at what point the GOP establishment feels the need to pull all the stops against Trump, knowing that this will cost them the next election. They already tried the normal stuff, which just helped Trump to get more popular. The whole situation is very volatile and hard to predict. Trump actually winning the nomination would be hilarious and scary at the same time.
Sanders is getting all the progressives, which is boosting his numbers. Basically all the people who wanted Elizabeth Warren to run are hopping on board the Sanders train. His run isn't that surprising imo, given that the first part of Presidential election cycles are always dominated by the political base of each party - Tea Party crowd for the GOP and Progressives for the Dems. At some point once the dust settles a bit, I think the establishment crowd will weight in to decide whether the base favorite is actually electable, at which point they will decide whether or not to fund their campaigns.

That's true but Clinton's graph is falling and falling more from the start though which doesn't bode well for her at all.

Biden maybe timing his entry if he does enter quite well.
That's true but Clinton's graph is falling and falling more from the start though which doesn't bode well for her at all.

Biden maybe timing his entry if he does enter quite well.

Definitely agree with this. She is getting hit by email gate, bad marketing from within her own campaign, and seems to have a general lack of interest in running for President in the first place. Almost as if she was coaxed into it by the Dem hierarchy when she would've preferred to retire instead. Biden entering the race would basically split her support in half since they would have very similar policies and supporters. Would be a good thing for Sanders.
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