2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Sorry, didn't mean to sound like i was aiming that at you. It's the annoying meme, soundbyte culture that's become pervasive on social media this cycle that is getting annoying and generally causes people to focus on frivolous distractions rather than actual policy positions.

TBF I think a fair number of her policy positions are garbage.
When I think of her the two things that spring to mind are fake and pandering and personally those are traits I have contempt for so I comment on those.
I think people get a bit hung up on this idea of politicians changing their views. All humans change their views depending on changing situations and how such changes influence their own views. I'm actually more interested in politicians who change over time as opposed to those rigidly inflexible ones who dogmatically sneer at those who do.

I also prefer an effective politician who puts their energy into what can be done rather than what needs to be done but isn't practical. You have to just chip away at the big issues.

Yeah, well I wouldn't want to be too puritanical about this. Politics is the art of the possible etc.

But what about people who vote for Trump? Will he build his wall? Will he impose tariffs, or threaten to impose them, on China..........?

Or even Hillary? She's been all over the shop in recent years on many issues. Where is the real woman? What will she actually do?
Trump has started flip-flopping ll over the place on minimum wage and I expect it to continue for gay marriage and abortions.

One of the pitfalls of candidate Hillary would be that she can't really go after him on this without being horrible exposed herself. For example, on universal healthcare:
1. she tried as first lady
2. she criticised Obama for his criticism of her idealism
3. she criticised Sanders as idealistic, and said it will never happen
4. she talks about universal healthcare in her stump speeches.


I always knew you were one of us, Kaos.

We have a little gathering planned for the weekend and you're very welcome to come along. I think you'll be happy with the menu. KFC - and it won't be a chicken surprise! I'll say no more.

Hope to see you at:

Chez Will
666 Lucifer's Place
3rd Circle of Hell
Infernal Regions
Sorry, didn't mean to sound like i was aiming that at you. It's the annoying meme, soundbyte culture that's become pervasive on social media this cycle that is getting annoying and generally causes people to focus on frivolous distractions rather than actual policy positions.

Soundbyte culture and frivolity rather than policy have not suddenly become prominent this cycle, it's been this way for a while. My point in bringing it up was to make an example of particularly egregious pandering, and there are a ton of others, and it's perfectly valid when discussing distrust of her intentions.
I always knew you were one of us, Kaos.

We have a little gathering planned for the weekend and you're very welcome to come along. I think you'll be happy with the menu. KFC - and it won't be a chicken surprise! I'll say no more.

Hope to see you at:

Chez Will
666 Lucifer's Place
3rd Circle of Hell
Infernal Regions
Southern Ireland

Fixed it for you..

Sanders and Clinton seem awfully similar on most issues considering the hatred for Hillary by Bernie supporters. Surprised that I got 23% for Trump. Its way too high.
Bernie Sanders 93%

Hillary Clinton 92%

Left-Wing Authoritarian

Your political beliefs would be considered strongly Authoritarian and moderately Left-Wing on an ideological scale, meaning you tend to stand up and protect those who are oppressed or taken advantage of and believe the government should do the same.

Happy with that. Apart from the authoritarian bit.
I'm not the biggest Bernie supporter here ('only' 96% :( )
Saving grace is I got Stein > Clinton
I'm frankly disgusted you didn't get 100%. Was it the guns?

He is more liberal than me on immigration (I think they should pay taxes to get healthcare and need to learn English).
I'm more liberal on drones (requires Congress oversight), iphone hacking and, of course, guns.

Edit: Jill Stein is more anti-Israel than me :eek:, and the rest of the disagreements are similar to Bernie (barring guns).
The actual agreement with her should be higher than the 93% I got because they "could not determine" her stance on Guantanamo and waterboarding. I have a feeling I know what it's going to be.

Edit 2: I disagree with both on common core educational standards. I have seen what happens in India when curriculum is in the hands of govts, especially state govts. When I was in school, my own (national board) textbooks changed according to the part in power, and last week it turns out that a state govt has a new textbook with no mention of our 1st PM -- who was leftist, anti-communal (anti-organised religion actually), and an internationalist -- and also played a large part in our freedom struggle as head of the Congress party for years. They've also conveniently omitted the assassination of Gandhi by Hindu nationalists.
While I expect the right-wing central govt to pull similar shit, it would hopefully be tough for them to do it on the national level.
The analogy in the US being the textbook controversies about evolution and global warming.
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(I think they should pay taxes to get healthcare and need to learn English).

While I completely agree with both statements there, there does have to be an exception on healthcare in life threatening situations or when they could be a risk to other people, say they are carrying a contagious or infectious disease.

I also side with Cruz the most on Science issues... :(

Don't worry, we have already been over this earlier, I bet it's only because you support NASA? surprisingly Cruz does as well.
While I completely agree with both statements there, there does have to be an exception on healthcare in life threatening situations or when they could be a risk to other people, say they are carrying a contagious or infectious disease.

Yes, but that wasn't an option sadly. If this was solely about emergency care, I would agree. But funding general checkups, etc. from taxpayer money I don't think can be justified.
Yes, but that wasn't an option sadly. If this was solely about emergency care, I would agree. But funding general checkups, etc. from taxpayer money I don't think can be justified.

It was in the other options drop down ones.
Yes, but that wasn't an option sadly. If this was solely about emergency care, I would agree. But funding general checkups, etc. from taxpayer money I don't think can be justified.

I completely agree with you, and I think most rational people would too, but in an ideal world everyone would have decent healthcare in their home country so it wouldn't be a problem. Obviously, that will never happen though, but it could so easily. It was an option In the dropdown questions I think. Although I took the test a few days ago so am not 100% sure.
Fixed it for you..

Yep, that's better. He grudgingly concedes.

The Gates of Hell are actually located north of Skibbereen, but we don't want anybody to know. It's thought to be bad for the tourist industry. Don't know about that myself though. We'd get a lot of stag and hen parties. Not to mention rugby club functions..

[Apologies to mods for the humorous? digression. I'm done]
Yep, that's better. He grudgingly concedes.

The Gates of Hell are actually located north of Skibbereen, but we don't want anybody to know. It's thought to be bad for the tourist industry. Don't know about that myself though. We'd get a lot of stag and hen parties. Not to mention rugby club functions..

[Apologies to mods for the humorous? digression. I'm done, boyyyyyyyyyy]

Fixed it for you again.
Despite the author's apparent inability to understand how Chinese people could like a guy who insults them relentlessly, this is actually the least surprising Trump-related geopolitical story ever: http://www.politico.com/magazine/st...rump-china-foreign-policy-asia-beijing-213876

China wants Trump to win so he can unilaterally withdraw from Asia, let them run the field unopposed, and destroy American credibility and prestige for a generation. Or more likely forever, as these things seem to go.

Sun Tzu would be proud - the supreme art of war is to defeat your enemy without firing a shot.
Those who have a problem with Clinton's foreign policy now will have a lot of fun when Trump cedes Europe to Putin and Asia to China.
Those who have a problem with Clinton's foreign policy now will have a lot of fun when Trump cedes Europe to Putin and Asia to China.

So what´s supposed to happen if the US "cedes" Europe to Putin??? Are Russian tanks going to roll into Paris, or is Putin going to dominate them economically with Russia´s mighty economic strength? Will they invade and defeat them the way they did with Afghanistan. Somehow I think a European would look at you and ask wtf are you talking about us being "ceded" to Putin?

And what would a ceded "Asia" to China look like? They´re just going to roll over?
So what´s supposed to happen if the US "cedes" Europe to Putin??? Are Russian tanks going to roll into Paris, or is Putin going to dominate them economically with Russia´s mighty economic strength? Will they invade and defeat them the way they did with Afghanistan. Somehow I think a European would look at you and ask wtf are you talking about us being "ceded" to Putin?

And what would a ceded "Asia" to China look like? They´re just going to roll over?
There's a war going on in Ukraine, and it's fairly widely known that Putin funds people like the Front National in France in order to spread division. So yeah, speaking as a European, I don't want him to be the dominant external influence on the continent.
So what´s supposed to happen if the US "cedes" Europe to Putin??? Are Russian tanks going to roll into Paris, or is Putin going to dominate them economically with Russia´s mighty economic strength? Will they invade and defeat them the way they did with Afghanistan. Somehow I think a European would look at you and ask wtf are you talking about us being "ceded" to Putin?

And what would a ceded "Asia" to China look like? They´re just going to roll over?

All hypothetical, but Putin with a free hand on Europe could see the whole region destabilised. All the major powers like UK, France and Germany now spend a fraction of their GDP far less than what America does on military budget, and it's entirely feasible that if they can't count on American support, they will increase spending on this area due to Russian aggression. If you see nothing wrong with an arm race in Europe, and the fact that with their military superiority, Russia can be free to encroach on Eastern Europe the same way they did in Crimea or Georgia, then yes, silly me.

On Asia, this isn't even a question. Without US presence in the region, developing countries like Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Phillipines etc... will have their economic and even geographical sovereignty imposed upon by China, in the case of Vietnam/Myanmar, land and Vietnam, Phillipines, Taiwan etc.. the South China Sea. Cheap Chinese goods of dubious quality, most of the time downright toxic will flood these countries market, harming consumers, local companies will be put out of business due to their Chinese counterparts, I can go on and on. Human rights will certainly go down the toilet without a US-led UN warning dictators, and Chinese current strain of racism and Islamophobia threaten the security of the region as a whole, as well as their tendency to disregard others' borders, be it Tibetan, India, Myanmar, Vietnam etc..

And even if you disregard all of that, it's not in the US interest to cede Asia. It's the fastest growing region both demographically and economically. It's a great source for labor and new market for US corporations. Why would any responsible policy maker let China have sole control over it and put the US under a competitive disadvantage?
Putin is a paper tiger and China is more interested in economy than anything else these days. We´ve got to get over this thinking of America ceding places half way around the world to other supposed powers. Europe and Asia can take care of themselves just fine. The Republicans have just elected Trump as their leader, America would do better to take care of themselves.
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