2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Nothing like a republican seating down and reading democrats/liberals fighting each other on this forum:lol:, I know most of you aren't voting but that's today's USA, democrats fighting each other and republicans fighting each other ( yes the republicans are in the middle of a mess but if all of the religion fanatics leave the party then is worth loosing the WH)
Nothing like a republican seating down and reading democrats/liberals fighting each other on this forum:lol:, I know most of you aren't voting but that's today's USA, democrats fighting each other and republicans fighting each other ( yes the republicans are in the middle of a mess but if all of the religion fanatics leave the party then is worth loosing the WH)

Trump wants to tax the rich.

getting closer to voting for him ;)
Trump wants to tax the rich.

getting closer to voting for him ;)
Third time I've posted this:


So unless your definition of "taxing the rich" is "allowing after tax earnings of the top 1% to balloon, lowering the tax take dramatically and resulting in a colossal deficit that the poorest will pay for in vast cuts to service provision", you may want to rethink your vote.
People have to demand better leaders and better candidates for Presidential elections. Elizabeth Warren would have been a fantastic candidate, looking back. She deserves to be the first female president, not this pandering clown Pandering Hillary.

Trump v Hill-Bill is a disgrace of an election. Worst presidential election ever, that can be agreed upon. Both should be nowhere near the White House.

It is nothing new. I was born during the Eisenhower administration and I can count on one hand the number of times that both parties had credible candidates in the same general election.
One by one, Americans are losing their minds. I'm now debating the probity of Trump with a retired attorney of decent education and respectable social standing who argues the case for Trump. What is his brief?

"We are finished with the party of nurtured hostilities and calculated affronts."​

What is this bullshit? Rather than being "finished" with nurtured hostilities and calculated affronts, Trumpistas have deluded themselves into thinking that they are the victims, thus they nurture their hostilities and calculated affronts. They perceive them as victims of aggressions by blacks, Latinos and women who have challenged their privilege and status. White Americans who were born into privilege, either economically or socially, now no longer have their status conferred and guaranteed to them by birthright.

Enter Trump to give voice their grievances.
You do know that there are actual Bernie bots on Facebook/Twitter that keeps spamming negative Hillary comments, right?

It's petty and frankly ridiculous, but that's the Internet for you.

You do know that these won't be a funded and organised by PAC and co-ordinated with Bernie's campaign like Hillary's is.

Not to mention the co-ordination is against rules.
You do know that these won't be a funded and organised by PAC and co-ordinated with Bernie's campaign like Hillary's is.

Not to mention the co-ordination is against rules.

Except Correct The Record, while ostensibly a Clinton attack dog, is not co-ordinated with the campaign. Clinton supporters openly loath David Brock, who is a Clinton loyalist now, but was a right wing hatchet man against them in the 90s.

Plus, in that article, they fail to provide concrete evidence of astroturfing by CTR. They are creating pro-Hillary contents to provide to her supporters and push back against the vitriols online. A pretty standard practice for digital presence. Sanders's campaign spent about $10m for online activities, for example.
Except Correct The Record, while ostensibly a Clinton attack dog, is not co-ordinated with the campaign. Clinton supporters openly loath David Brock, who is a Clinton loyalist now, but was a right wing hatchet man against them in the 90s.

Plus, in that article, they fail to provide concrete evidence of astroturfing by CTR. They are creating pro-Hillary contents to provide to her supporters and push back against the vitriols online. A pretty standard practice for digital presence. Sanders's campaign spent about $10m for online activities, for example.


Top listing, $250k paid from Hillary's campaign to Correct the Record.
Stacey Dash on Fox is just urgh...nice tits though.

She just called Obama the most embarrassing POTUS ever for some old nonsense and they were all moaning about him caring more about US interests than GB over the BREXIT thing.

Err yes....that's his fecking job to look out for the US.
He's a major annoyance. The only reason he's favourable is because the spotlight hasn't been on him. His numbers will plummet when folk see what a cock he is on major issues.

Yet he doesn't even have more delegates than Rubio. There's no way he gets the nomination over Cruz or Trump.

In fairness i suspect he would fair quite well against her. He has high positives (for a Republican) and she has high negatives. Not an ideal scenario for her. And that's doesn't factor in the inconvenient fact that he is the Governor of a state that is critical to win the Presidency.
The guy is doing everything the opposite of what he is suppose to:

A. If he wants to stop Trump then he's actually gifting the nomination to Trump by staying in.

B. If he wants to win a contested convention then he's losing by not being well prepped like Cruz

He's living in some alternate reality at this point.
The guy is doing everything the opposite of what he is suppose to:

A. If he wants to stop Trump then he's actually gifting the nomination to Trump by staying in.

B. If he wants to win a contested convention then he's losing by not being well prepped like Cruz

He's living in some alternate reality at this point.

He obviously has a strategy and pathway towards winning, otherwise he would've bowed out a long time ago. If the convention makes it past the first two rounds of voting, he will be considered as the nominee because delegates are historically fixated on selecting someone who can win the Gen, at which point Kasich can refer to having smashed Hillary in nearly every poll for months.
He obviously has a strategy and pathway towards winning, otherwise he would've bowed out a long time ago. If the convention makes it past the first two rounds of voting, he will be considered as the nominee because delegates are historically fixated on selecting someone who can win the Gen, at which point Kasich can refer to having smashed Hillary in nearly every poll for months.
That's all fine but it is difficult to see Trumo not doing anything if they steal him the nomination. He's going to run as independent for sure, which will guarantee Hillary the presidency.
Someone leaked an audio clip of Paul Manafort talking privately at the GOP meeting in Florida yesterday, where he basically admitted Trump's schtick is all an act to gain votes. He is basically a NY Republican with liberal social policies (comparatively speaking of course).
In fairness i suspect he would fair quite well against her. He has high positives (for a Republican) and she has high negatives. Not an ideal scenario for her. And that's doesn't factor in the inconvenient fact that he is the Governor of a state that is critical to win the Presidency.

Possibly but you have to win your party's nomination first. At this point IMO if he gets the nomination over Cruz or Trump there will be sufficient voters in the base who will be put off which will probably give Hillary the election as it is.

I also think his high favorables are because he hasn't been scrutinized as a serious candidate yet.
Possibly but you have to win your party's nomination first. At this point IMO if he gets the nomination over Cruz or Trump there will be sufficient voters in the base who will be put off which will probably give Hillary the election as it is.

I also think his high favorables are because he hasn't been scrutinized as a serious candidate yet.

Yes, I agree. That's why they are generally fecked. But if they weren't and it was a head to head between Kasich and Hillary, Kasich would be in a pretty competitive position because states like Ohio, Penn, and VA would be up for grabs.
VP. and he will bring in Ohio

Christie has gotten a head start on it by being Trump's lapdog. There's no way he's winning Jersey re-election for Governor either so his political future kind of depends on being the VP. Kasich might be good for a Cruz card.
Didn't Kasich rule out being VP to Trump?
Just seen some new figures on Trump's favourability among hispanic voters:

Very favourable - 4%
Somewhat fav. - 5%
Somewhat unfav. - 8%
Very unfav. - 79%


With numbers like that, you're not only losing badly among existing voters, but driving up turnout against you as well.
See what Trump needed to do was sell this wall of his, not as an attempt to keep the Mexicans out of the US, but as a way to keep the Americans out of Mexico. His numbers with Hispanics would probably be 79% favorable right now.
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