2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Gutted Barrack has to leave the White house, he's been such a great president for the U.S.
Not that I have anything against Obama per se, but "such a great president" might be a bit of a stretch.
I have plenty against him but if we're comparing presidents I think he comes out very well. Obviously, that may be more of a comment on the pillocks the US tends to elect but still...
Obama's legacy at the moment is frankly one built on quicksand. All it takes is 8 years of a Republicaj presidency to gut much of his accomplishments.

Where he will rank in history will depend much on the next administration. Granted, the uniqueness of his ascendancy will be remembered nonetheless.
I hope that history decides that his election and presidency caused the destruction of the republican party from within. That'd be some fecking legacy.
I have plenty against him but if we're comparing presidents I think he comes out very well. Obviously, that may be more of a comment on the pillocks the US tends to elect but still...
Well, this is a country that has Andrew fecking Jackson on one of its most common currencies (though that's being modified).
Yeah, not for 14 years though isn't it? And some of the comments about the change on Twitter have been absolutely fecking awful. It's sickening to read such racist slavery loving shite in this day and age.
Not sure on the details; I've heard he's still going to be on the back of the $20? I'm part Cherokee so I don't hold him in high regard...
Yeah, not for 14 years though isn't it? And some of the comments about the change on Twitter have been absolutely fecking awful. It's sickening to read such racist slavery loving shite in this day and age.
Has been amazing to read the rightwingers defend him. A weird situation these days where the founding Democrat belongs to the Republicans and the founding Republican feels like a Democrat.
Trump is murdering them in the newest California poll. Almost NY type numbers. He's also winning in Indiana which is winner take all. If those numbers hold he may well get 1,237.
Trump is murdering them in the newest California poll. Almost NY type numbers. He's also winning in Indiana which is winner take all. If those numbers hold he may well get 1,237.

CA is a bit weird since it allocates delegates by CDs. McCain won 155-15 delegates in 08 with only a 7-points win iirc. So the question is, despite the margin, will Trump sweep across the board, or it's a case of being especially strong in most CDs but still leaving some liberal/über conservative CDs to be picked up by Kasich/Cruz.

Indiana is pivotal, yes.
CA is a bit weird since it allocates delegates by CDs. McCain won 155-15 delegates in 08 with only a 7-points win iirc. So the question is, despite the margin, will Trump sweep across the board, or it's a case of being especially strong in most CDs but still leaving some liberal/über conservative CDs to be picked up by Kasich/Cruz.

Indiana is pivotal, yes.

If he's polling near 50% in Cali, it will by default give him a significant majority of the delegates by CD, which wasn't previously thought possible since Cruz appeared to be quite close to him. This clearly puts Cruz under a lot of pressure, especially with the Indiana numbers.
it speeded it up. That party was being drestroyed by all their lies.

I honestly believe Trump is helping huild the new party.

Though it may not seem so now.
The party of fascists, racists, bigots and left-wingers who hate Hillary!
it speeded it up. That party was being drestroyed by all their lies.

I honestly believe Trump is helping huild the new party.

Though it may not seem so now.
The problem with my party started decades ago, they didn't move with the times and all the religion fanatics and ultra conservatives hold too many key positions and they are slowing destroying the party, trump was the best thing that could happen, or they change or probably another party will be created and with time the Republican Party will lose any power besides from some redneck state.
The problem with my party started decades ago, they didn't move with the times and all the religion fanatics and ultra conservatives hold too many key positions and they are slowing destroying the party, trump was the best thing that could happen, or they change or probably another party will be created and with time the Republican Party will lose any power besides from some redneck state.

unintentionally he is opening people's eyes to all the lies.

They have been lied to for so many years.

A reasonable candidate who moves to the center will help rebuild the party.
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The problem with my party started decades ago, they didn't move with the times and all the religion fanatics and ultra conservatives hold too many key positions and they are slowing destroying the party, trump was the best thing that could happen, or they change or probably another party will be created and with time the Republican Party will lose any power besides from some redneck state.

What is it about Republican policy that you like ?
unintentionally he is opening people's eyes to all the lies.

They have been lied to for so many years.

A reasonable candidate who moves to the center will help rebuild the party.
Fascism is far right, not center.

Trump by his speeches is a bigot fascist. If he is saying that just to win votes then it would make him a liar, and apparently you hate liars.

You are really an interesting case. A case study could be made.
Its called lobbying and is legal, in fact constitutionally protected by the 1st amendment.

I'm not questioning its legality, but rather how Clinton's voters can be so comfortable with her potentially having to oblige 82 corporations who've bankrolled her. 82.
I'm not questioning its legality, but rather how Clinton's voters can be so comfortable with her potentially having to oblige 82 corporations who've bankrolled her. 82.

I agree that it would be great if all campaigns were funded by individual donations. Credit to Bernie for making it such a big issue.
"The Cardiovascular Research Foundation, a fundraising group for cutting-edge heart medicine, paid Clinton $275,000 for a speech in Washington in September 2014."

Presumably this means she's going to be corruptly funding heart-disease research as well if she wins. What a bitch.
"The Cardiovascular Research Foundation, a fundraising group for cutting-edge heart medicine, paid Clinton $275,000 for a speech in Washington in September 2014."

Presumably this means she's going to be corruptly funding heart-disease research as well if she wins. What a bitch.

Not surprised you've ignored the likes of Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, GE and Verizon. Presumably you trust the intentions of those corps.
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