2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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If one man can decide the presidency just by running as an independent I would suggest the answer is to encourage independent running to be more common so as to balance it out rather than just praying no one ever dares do it.
Just saw this :lol:

that is extrapolation.

don't you think we should have a more representative government?

What does that have to do with Nader ? Reality isn't discriminatory - it is what it is. When you run as a prominent third party candidate in a two party system, you will give the advantage to the opposition party. There is no way around that. It's been tried and look at the shit show that ensued.
What does that have to do with Nader ? Reality isn't discriminatory - it is what it is. When you run as a prominent third party candidate in a two party system, you will give the advantage to the opposition party. There is no way around that. It's been tried and look at the shit show that ensued.

think the entire debate is about continuing down this path or trying the best to change it so a far greater proportion of the population is represented fairly in Congress.
Of course those who have power (the two parties) are not going to relinquish their power easily. To continue to choose the lesser of two evils is self defeating.

Yes. The result of the Nader run was we got Bush. But fault if there is to be fault is 100% that of both parties in one form or another.
think the entire debate is about continuing down this path or trying the best to change it so a far greater proportion of the population is represented fairly in Congress.
Of course those who have power (the two parties) are not going to relinquish their power easily. To continue to choose the lesser of two evils is self defeating.

Yes. The result of the Nader run was we got Bush. But fault if there is to be fault is 100% that of both parties in one form or another.

The best way to do that is endogenously within the Democratic Party by doing what Bernie is doing. He's doing it the right way, Nader did it the wrong way.
Just saw this :lol:


Bernie, Cruz, Kasich, Trump, and no such list would be complete without......Bill Clinton.

Bernie is a bit of a dark horse and may be worth a bet at long odds, but my money's on Cruz - he's been showing good form recently. Twenty years ago Bill would've been unbackable. Time slows even the fleetest.

If she plays her cards right, Trump will claim paternity not to be outdone.
Bernie, Cruz, Kasich, Trump, and no such list would be complete without......Bill Clinton.

Bernie is a bit of a dark horse and may be worth a bet at long odds, but my money's on Cruz - he's been showing good form recently. Twenty years ago Bill would've been unbackable. Time slows even the fleetest.

If she plays her cards right, Trump will claim paternity not to be outdone.

It could also be parthenogenesis in the lizardy cnut.
The numbers Nader racked up are clear. He racked up far more votes (nearly 3m) than any other 3rd party candidate. He knew exactly what he was doing at the time and what the repercussions might be, and he still marched on with the likes of Phil Donahue cheering him on.

If everyone knew how popular Nader would be, then surely Gore could have prepared his campaign accordingly. It's not Nader's fault that both Gore and his campaign were a damp squib.

On the other hand, Nader barely dented Obama's campaign in 2008, which retrospectively shows how poor a candidate Gore was.
If everyone knew how popular Nader would be, then surely Gore could have prepared his campaign accordingly. It's not Nader's fault that both Gore and his campaign were a damp squib.

On the other hand, Nader barely dented Obama's campaign in 2008, which retrospectively shows how poor a candidate Gore was.

Gore ran a decent campaign, not the best but decent. He would've easily won the race had it been a two horse race. 2008 is completely irrelevant since Nader was completely discredited as pointless by then, which was reflected in the vote totals. He was however relevant in 00 where he did all the necessary damage.
Gore ran a decent campaign, not the best but decent. He would've easily won the race had it been a two horse race. 2008 is completely irrelevant since Nader was completely discredited as pointless by then, which was reflected in the vote totals. He was however relevant in 00 where he did all the necessary damage.

And if my aunt had balls...

It wasn't a two horse race because the country wasn't entirely split between two candidates, at least one other was considered a more attractive option than the other two by a substantial portion of the population. Blame your awful electoral system (and SCOTUS), not Nader or the folks who had the audacity to vote for him over Gore.
Gore ran a decent campaign, not the best but decent. He would've easily won the race had it been a two horse race. 2008 is completely irrelevant since Nader was completely discredited as pointless by then, which was reflected in the vote totals. He was however relevant in 00 where he did all the necessary damage.

Gore ran the typical Dem campaign. Ohio...Ohio and the remaining safe blue states. Heck he lost his own home state.

very poor campaign all in.
And if my aunt had balls...

It wasn't a two horse race because the country wasn't entirely split between two candidates, at least one other was considered a more attractive option than the other two by a substantial portion of the population. Blame your awful electoral system (and SCOTUS), not Nader or the folks who had the audacity to vote for him over Gore.

That's the way it works my friend. Its a two party system that is easily disrupted when a third candidate with as little as 1 or 2 % of support joins the race. Nader's well thought out attempt at affecting positive change on the US political system, didn't yield any positive change on the duopoly and brought us a construct replete with your favorite war and a global recession. All of these events are interconnected.
Gore ran the typical Dem campaign. Ohio...Ohio and the remaining safe blue states. Heck he lost his own home state.

very poor campaign all in.

Very poor campaigns don't win the popular vote. He lost Tennessee, but he was decoupled from his home state for a while by 2000. Gore lost Ohio BTW.
Very poor campaigns don't win the popular vote. He lost Tennessee, but he was decoupled from his home state for a while by 2000. Gore lost Ohio BTW.

He was one of the few "incumbents" to lose with favourable economic conditions IIRC.
He was one of the few "incumbents" to lose with favourable economic conditions IIRC.

Yeah he could've done better. He and Bill seemed a bit estranged around the election period which probably played into the problems he ran into. Bush ran a good campaign and managed to market himself as a folksy, straight talking traditionalist which sort of left Gore looking like a robotic mannequin (lock box anyone?). During the 2nd debate, Gore tried to physically impose himself on Bush by walking near him. Bush just gave him a dismissive nod and continued talking.
Do you think Hillary Clinton would be a better president than Trump/Cruz or even Bush?

The question is not who will be better, it is who will do the least damage.

It's why I loved Bernie so much.

Edit: It's also the reason I don't want any party in India to get a simple majority in parliament/legislatures. They're all terrible, and them getting power with no constraints is the worst thing possible. If they have to worry about coalitions, that's less time spent governing, but it's also less time spent screwing the public.
Judging by his previous blog history, he seems a tad bitter. :wenger:
Still not entirely sure it isn't a parody.

Some other favourites from recently:
"Lack of Early Voting Could Spell Doom for Clinton in New York Primary"
"John Kasich Will Be the Republican Nominee for President"
"Hillary Clinton’s Support Among Nonwhite Voters Has Collapsed"
People have to demand better leaders and better candidates for Presidential elections. Elizabeth Warren would have been a fantastic candidate, looking back. She deserves to be the first female president, not this pandering clown Pandering Hillary.

Trump v Hill-Bill is a disgrace of an election. Worst presidential election ever, that can be agreed upon. Both should be nowhere near the White House.
They couldn't have 'siphoned' votes from Gore considering he never initially owned nor was he obligated to the votes of those who ultimately voted for Nader. In a democracy you're supposed to garner votes through the merits of your platform, not assume they'd passively come streaming in because of who your opponent is.

Fortunately, some people don't consider politics to be exclusively dichotomous and actively seek to gift their vote for the platform they most agree with.
That's cute.

But still doesn't change the fact that US would have had Gore, not Bush as president if he didn't run for office.

It is a very simple equation. If a popular right/left candidate runs then the left/right main party wins the election.

If Sanders runs as independent then Trump/Cruz becomes president. If Trump runs as independent then Hillary becomes president. If both run as independent then Paul Ryan will likely become president.

So for Sanders to do so it is not idealist. It is cutting the nose to spit on face. Give me Hillary a thousand times before Trump, Cruz or Ryan.
That's cute.

But still doesn't change the fact that US would have had Gore, not Bush as president if he didn't run for office.

It is a very simple equation. If a popular right/left candidate runs then the left/right main party wins the election.

If Sanders runs as independent then Trump/Cruz becomes president. If Trump runs as independent then Hillary becomes president. If both run as independent then Paul Ryan will likely become president.

So for Sanders to do so it is not idealist. It is cutting the nose to spit on face. Give me Hillary a thousand times before Trump, Cruz or Ryan.

Like I said, blame the broken system.

You would have had a point if Nader and Gore were similar candidates but they're not. Simply bundling them both in the 'left' camp would be forcing square pegs into round holes.

Likewise with Sanders and Shillary. The latter is pretty much a right-wing populist whereas Sanders is a genuine left-wing anti-establishment candidate. In fact I'd argue that Hillary has more in common with Ted Cruz than she does with Sanders. And hence Sanders should have every reason to run as an independent.
Like I said, blame the broken system.

You would have had a point if Nader and Gore were similar candidates but they're not. Simply bundling them both in the 'left' camp would be forcing square pegs into round holes.

Likewise with Sanders and Shillary. The latter is pretty much a right-wing populist whereas Sanders is a genuine left-wing anti-establishment candidate. In fact I'd argue that Hillary has more in common with Ted Cruz than she does with Sanders. And hence Sanders should have every reason to run as an independent.

That's wrong. Leaving the idealism aside, the only thing Sanders would achieve by running as independent is a Republican presidency for the next 4 years (likely 8 considering that incumbent presidents usually win the reelection). That would pretty much ensure 5-6 right wing SCOTUS for the next 10 years, and we aren't talking for Kennedy-like nwe SCOTUS but Scalia-like new SCOTUS. Then of course, the mandatory wars that Republican presidents have to make, drilling even more oil than ever (global warming is of course a hoax) etc etc.

That's what a Sanders run as indie will mean. Because sure as hell, he is not going to win as an indie candidate.

And no, Hillary doesn't have more common with Cruz than with Sanders. That is complete nonsense.


If Nader wasn't a selfish cnut, world wouldn't have Dumbya for 8 years as president of the most powerful state in the world. That means, no Iraq war (and as consequence no ISIS), no economical recession (or at least not in the scale it was), and very likely US starting doing something for the global warming. But no, apparently he liked to be on TV for a few months.
That's wrong. Leaving the idealism aside, the only thing Sanders would achieve by running as independent is a Republican presidency for the next 4 years (likely 8 considering that incumbent presidents usually win the reelection). That would pretty much ensure 5-6 right wing SCOTUS for the next 10 years, and we aren't talking for Kennedy-like nwe SCOTUS but Scalia-like new SCOTUS. Then of course, the mandatory wars that Republican presidents have to make, drilling even more oil than ever (global warming is of course a hoax) etc etc.

That's what a Sanders run as indie will mean. Because sure as hell, he is not going to win as an indie candidate.

And no, Hillary doesn't have more common with Cruz than with Sanders. That is complete nonsense.


If Nader wasn't a selfish cnut, world wouldn't have Dumbya for 8 years as president of the most powerful state in the world. That means, no Iraq war (and as consequence no ISIS), no economical recession (or at least not in the scale it was), and very likely US starting doing something for the global warming. But no, apparently he liked to be on TV for a few months.

100% spot on.
That's wrong. Leaving the idealism aside, the only thing Sanders would achieve by running as independent is a Republican presidency for the next 4 years (likely 8 considering that incumbent presidents usually win the reelection). That would pretty much ensure 5-6 right wing SCOTUS for the next 10 years, and we aren't talking for Kennedy-like nwe SCOTUS but Scalia-like new SCOTUS. Then of course, the mandatory wars that Republican presidents have to make, drilling even more oil than ever (global warming is of course a hoax) etc etc.

That's what a Sanders run as indie will mean. Because sure as hell, he is not going to win as an indie candidate.

And no, Hillary doesn't have more common with Cruz than with Sanders. That is complete nonsense.


If Nader wasn't a selfish cnut, world wouldn't have Dumbya for 8 years as president of the most powerful state in the world. That means, no Iraq war (and as consequence no ISIS), no economical recession (or at least not in the scale it was), and very likely US starting doing something for the global warming. But no, apparently he liked to be on TV for a few months.

Is it? Let's objectively look at their respective stances and compare/contrast with Sanders.

BOTH Hillary and Cruz are in the pockets of Wall Street and have received the majority of their funding from super PACs and large corporations. Sanders on the other hand has almost been entirely funded by humble individual donations.

BOTH Hillary and Cruz are foreign policy hawks. Both voted in support of the Iraq war, both are in the pockets of AIPAC as evident by their pathetic arse-kissing performances at the AIPAC conference a few weeks ago. In addition Hillary had also pushed for the disastrous Libya campaign in her time as SoS and involved in helping facilitate a far-right coup in Honduras. Bernie on the other hand had opposed the Iraq war, and was the only presidential candidate to not bother turning up to the AIPAC arse-kissing festival.

BOTH Hillary and Cruz are notorious flip-floppers, changing their stances by the hour to garner votes or megacorp funding. Hillary for example had only recently come round to embracing gay marriage, putting her historically in line with her republican counterparts. Bernie on the other hand has been very consistent with his principles and stances in his 30 years or so in office.

I could list a dozen more examples of their discrepancies but instead I'll quote an article which elaborately lists the differences:

Sauce: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/russ-belville/the-problem-with-hillary-clinton_b_9349590.html

I’ve voted Democrat all my life because I hold progressive positions on civil rights, health care, foreign policy, criminal justice and the environment. That gives me plenty of reasons to not vote Republican.

1) I don’t vote Republican because I don’t want to see more US soldiers dying in the Middle East for regime change.

2) I don’t vote Republican because they’ll put the same megabanks in charge of Treasury that destroyed our economy the last time they were in charge of Treasury.

3) I don’t vote Republican because I’ve always supported gay people’s civil liberties and the Republicans who’ve barely come around to supporting gay marriage this decade are doing so only because the polling now supports it.

4) I don’t vote Republican because they keep telling me they “need more research”to believe cannabis is a medicine.

5) I don’t vote Republican because they institute terrible “free trade” deals that destroy jobs and wages.

6) I don’t vote Republican because they support the increase of fracking worldwide, an environmentally disastrous policy.

7) I don’t vote Republican because they don’t believe America can be like every other modern democracy and provide universal health care coverage.

8) I don’t vote Republican because they enjoy and exploit the campaign finance shenanigans made legal by Citizens United.

9) I don’t vote Republican because they think a $15 minimum wage is too high and at best it ought to only be $12.

10) I don’t vote Republican because they endorse and approve of NSA’s warrantless spying on American citizens.

11) I don’t vote Republican because they created and supported the USA PATRIOT ACT that is used far more against drug “crimes” than terrorism.

12) I don’t vote Republican because they believe that “the era of big government is over” and work to destroy welfare.

13) I don’t vote Republican because they believe in being “tough on crime” to the point of supporting mass incarceration of mostly black and brown people.

14) I don’t vote Republican because they use racist dog whistles like calling black kids “superpredators... that [we have to] bring to heel.”

15) I don’t vote Republican because they opposed closing Gitmo.

16) I don’t vote Republican because they want to cut Social Security, or at the very least, refuse to consider lifting the income cap on contributions to make rich people pay their fair share.

17) I don’t vote Republican because people with net worth that requires two or three commas to print don’t understand what people like me go through living paycheck to paycheck.

18) I don’t vote Republican because I can’t stand privatized prisons and they take lots of campaign donations from them.

19) I don’t vote Republican because if we’re not going to have socialism for the poor, why should I support those who voted to bail out the big banks and refuse to break them up?

20) I don’t vote Republican because they supported the bankruptcy bill that made it harder for poor working people to discharge debt, while their hyper-rich friends make use of bankruptcy restructuring all the time.

21) I don’t vote Republican because they oppose reinstating the Glass-Steagall Actthat would separate investment and commercial banking.

22) I don’t vote Republican because they support the death penalty.

23) I don’t vote Republican because they vote for stupid things like a border fence with Mexico.

24) I don’t vote Republican because they get most of their campaign donations from the big banks, instead of typical Democratic sources like unions.

25) I don’t vote Republican because they would lock up Edward Snowden and throw away the key.

Those are 25 pretty good reasons why we Democrats don’t vote for Republicans, don’t you think?

So why would we vote for Hillary Clinton, the Rockefeller Republican who exemplifies every one of those 25 statements?
Is it? Let's objectively look at their respective stances and compare/contrast with Sanders.

BOTH Hillary and Cruz are in the pockets of Wall Street and have received the majority of their funding from super PACs and large corporations. Sanders on the other hand has almost been entirely funded by humble individual donations.

BOTH Hillary and Cruz are foreign policy hawks. Both voted in support of the Iraq war, both are in the pockets of AIPAC as evident by their pathetic arse-kissing performances at the AIPAC conference a few weeks ago. In addition Hillary had also pushed for the disastrous Libya campaign in her time as SoS and involved in helping facilitate a far-right coup in Honduras. Bernie on the other hand had opposed the Iraq war, and was the only presidential candidate to not bother turning up to the AIPAC arse-kissing festival.

BOTH Hillary and Cruz are notorious flip-floppers, changing their stances by the hour to garner votes or megacorp funding. Hillary for example had only recently come round to embracing gay marriage, putting her historically in line with her republican counterparts. Bernie on the other hand has been very consistent with his principles and stances in his 30 years or so in office.

I could list a dozen more examples of their discrepancies but instead I'll quote an article which elaborately lists the differences:

Sauce: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/russ-belville/the-problem-with-hillary-clinton_b_9349590.html

I am not Amerocan and don't live in US but those are sound reasons not to vote for Republican
Running as independent after using the democratic platform would be a huge dick-move. Sanders would be justifiably criticized for it. It is a different thing, when you run as independent from the get go; that is legit. Blaming Nader for the election of Bush is just crazy. This kind of consequentialism is never used in politics for good reasons. With that logic you can blame pretty much anyone for everything.

What you deserve is what you get. Nobody can save us, when people continue to vote for candidates likes Trump, Cruz or Clinton despite the monumental amount of evidence that they would be terrible presidents. Most of the information is out in the open. People just don´t care.

In a democracy a fairly basic ideal would be, that voters chose their candidate according to their ideals/values/beliefs (whatever that means in detail): Democracy as contest of different ideas. Sadly many voters do it the other way around: They pick a candidate and adjust their ideals/values/beliefs accordingly. It is fairly well documented in social science. Humans are just very tribal animals after all.
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