2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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I don't think he'd want a position in her admin, certain wouldn't leverage his support to get one anyway. He'll know Trump's the real enemy here.

The more interesting thing is what he does with his, by now fairly worshipful, support. Will/can he turn it into something that actively changes the Democratic party? Or will it, without a competition against a hate figure, become more tenuous and break apart?
We could theoretically have a race where Cruz and Hillary are the nominees and Trump and Bernie both run as independents. What a spectacle that would be.
We could theoretically have a race where Cruz and Hillary are the nominees and Trump and Bernie both run as independents. What a spectacle that would be.

And it'd mean effectively a Republican presidency.

With Trump leading the GOP, I'm not even sure if a Sanders independent run will be enough to turn it for them, but in a 4-way race, it's pretty much guaranteed no candidate will reach 270. The House then choose the president and voilà! President Cruz.
So Hillary and the DNC...the D stands for Bumbasses btw prevented Bernie supporters from voting in certain areas. Bernie supporters wearing "I tried to vote" stickers.

And the Dems accuse the Republicans of voter suppression.

Nice way to bring the party together.
So Hillary and the DNC...the D stands for Bumbasses btw prevented Bernie supporters from voting in certain areas. Bernie supporters wearing "I tried to vote" stickers.

And the Dems accuse the Republicans of voter suppression.

Nice way to bring the party together.

Jesus the conspiracy mode is full on :lol:
and do we see all the Bernie supporters flocking to vote for her? :smirk:

As a person who lives on planet Earth a Hilary Clinton presidency isn't really all that bad(it's in no way a good thing)but especially when the opposition could be Donald Trump(it's worth saying again Donald Trump) or and god forbid Ted Cruz.
And it'd mean effectively a Republican presidency.

With Trump leading the GOP, I'm not even sure if a Sanders independent run will be enough to turn it for them, but in a 4-way race, it's pretty much guaranteed no candidate will reach 270. The House then choose the president and voilà! President Cruz.

I actually don't know how it would end. Sanders is an Independent and would draw in significantly more people than he has during the Dem primaries where in certain instances only registered Dems can vote. Trump and Sanders would effectively cancel out any advantage for either party.
I actually don't know how it would end. Sanders is an Independent and would draw in significantly more people than he has during the Dem primaries where in certain instances only registered Dems can vote. Trump and Sanders would effectively cancel out any advantage for either party.

Republicans will back Trump in the end. Yes. You will have the "lesser of two evil" voters for Hillary. It will be close in the end.
Republicans will back Trump in the end. Yes. You will have the "lesser of two evil" voters for Hillary. It will be close in the end.

They won't back him any more than they are now, which is in the 35 to 40 percent range. Not good for him, especially since he can't pivot to a normal platform without estranging the Tea Party nuts who voted for him during the primaries. His only chance is to go extremely negative on Hillary and hope it lowers her numbers.
I don't think he'd want a position in her admin, certain wouldn't leverage his support to get one anyway. He'll know Trump's the real enemy here.

The more interesting thing is what he does with his, by now fairly worshipful, support. Will/can he turn it into something that actively changes the Democratic party? Or will it, without a competition against a hate figure, become more tenuous and break apart?

Yeah, I think he will still have a huge role as a US Senator which can be put to use in a massively positive way. He´s already shown he has appeal and huge support among the Democratic party and the population in general, has shown himself extremely prescient in major American political, economic and foreign affairs, especially the vote against the Iraq war and the spot on warnings about the 2008 economic meltdown, and maybe most of all, he is such a breath of fresh air of decency that he can hopefully be a brilliant influence on the Democratic party and American politics in general.

Bernie will be around for a while in a big way while the Republican party continues to be mired in the laughable, douchey rut they have made for themselves.
I don't think he'd want a position in her admin, certain wouldn't leverage his support to get one anyway. He'll know Trump's the real enemy here.

The more interesting thing is what he does with his, by now fairly worshipful, support. Will/can he turn it into something that actively changes the Democratic party? Or will it, without a competition against a hate figure, become more tenuous and break apart?

The likes of Bernie and Ralph Nader before him are more interested in pushing their views of change than worrying about who might get elected if they participate in a 3 way race. Nader alone, was responsible for both Dubya victories over Gore and Kerry. Bernie isn't a Dem, has no allegiance to their apparatus which in his view are in the tank for Hillary (replete with soft/dirty money).
:) oh I'm not proud of my intelligence. but you should be ashamed of yours.

Given that I'm the one in the right here, it's actually hard feeling shame.

I actually don't know how it would end. Sanders is an Independent and would draw in significantly more people than he has during the Dem primaries where in certain instances only registered Dems can vote. Trump and Sanders would effectively cancel out any advantage for either party.

I think a Sanders indie run now will produce a '92 rather than '00 outcome, but with Trump in the fray as well both parties will lose a considerable amount of small, rural states that no one gives a shite about in a normal year but combined can shave off enough EVs to prevent anyone from getting 270. In come Ryan.
The likes of Bernie and Ralph Nader before him are more interested in pushing their views of change than worrying about who might get elected if they participate in a 3 way race. Nader alone, was responsible for both Dubya victories over Gore and Kerry. Bernie isn't a Dem, has no allegiance to their apparatus which in his view are in the tank for Hillary (replete with soft/dirty money).
No, I think Bernie's a lot better than that. He's said the most important thing is stopping Trump and I don't expect him to have been lying.
The likes of Bernie and Ralph Nader before him are more interested in pushing their views of change than worrying about who might get elected if they participate in a 3 way race. Nader alone, was responsible for both Dubya victories over Gore and Kerry. Bernie isn't a Dem, has no allegiance to their apparatus which in his view are in the tank for Hillary (replete with soft/dirty money).

come on Raoul. You know that is not what this debate has been about.

We have discussed this before.
I don't think he'd want a position in her admin, certain wouldn't leverage his support to get one anyway. He'll know Trump's the real enemy here.

The more interesting thing is what he does with his, by now fairly worshipful, support. Will/can he turn it into something that actively changes the Democratic party? Or will it, without a competition against a hate figure, become more tenuous and break apart?

No idea how representative that Sanders subreddit is. But the very easy consensus seems to be to vote Green in non-swing states. To put it into hashtag form since apparently everything needs one, JilloverHill. Down-ticket vote for the Dems.
5% nationally is required to get federal funding for the next election.

The sticky point is about swing states, and what happens if Cruz is the nominee.

A 4-way race would be spectacular (Trump's high floor, Sanders' high ceiling, Hillary's Dem core, Cruz's ?) but no-one is getting a majority which means Prez Cruz (house chooses)
No, I think Bernie's a lot better than that. He's said the most important thing is stopping Trump and I don't expect him to have been lying.

Depends on how much the Clinton people take him seriously - as in, actually move to the left and consider adopting a few of his policy positions. That of course isn't likely since she already has her own positions and still has to defend them against Trump, Cruz, or whoever in the Gen. At some point she is going to have to reach out an olive branch to Bernie because he could conceivably keep running his campaign until the convention and force her to embarrassingly, use super delegates to reach the magic nominating number.
No idea how representative that Sanders subreddit is. But the very easy consensus seems to be to vote Green in non-swing states. To put it into hashtag form since apparently everything needs one, JilloverHill. Down-ticket vote for the Dems.
5% nationally is required to get federal funding for the next election.

The sticky point is about swing states, and what happens if Cruz is the nominee.

A 4-way race would be spectacular (Trump's high floor, Sanders' high ceiling, Hillary's Dem core, Cruz's ?) but no-one is getting a majority which means Prez Cruz (house chooses)

Bernie will not run as an independent. He does not want a Trump presidency. Those who voted for him are not followers as being thought by some. In the event he is not the nominee, it will end up being a combination of Hillary/Stein/Bernie write ins and Trump votes. Its not as easy as Bernie just holding her hand up. He will rightly try and unite the party. but that is as far as the gesture goes.
you are once again blaming those Dem defeats on Nader. Ridiculous. They lost because they were poor candidates who offered nothing better other than the other side are evil folks.

same shit strategy by Hillary.

She is far from a walk in atm.

What a steaming pile of bullshit. Nader cost the Dems the 2000 elections, which brought us the likes of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and the great recession.
Someone is a bit sensitive after Bernie got clobbered last night. :)


again. wrong conclusion. I am for what I believe in. Its not Bernie though I voted for him with a full heart.

you should be above this.

There is no such thing as a wasted voted or a spoiled vote.

Only inadequate,flawed and weak candidates.

I hope through these processes we do end with a lot better people running. But for that to happen the institutions that put up such candidates should be shaken, perhaps even destroyed.

"Don't follow leaders. Check your parking meters"
This whole idea of Nader 'costing' the Dems is nonsense. Obviously a fair number of people liked what Nader said, more so than Gore. So it was the latter's fault that they could not garner the votes of the former's. Funny enough that's how a democracy should work, people vote for the platform that resonates most with them, not one they're obligated to.

It's not as if Nader or Gore are similar candidates anyway, ditto for Bernie and Shillary.
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