2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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There wasa nugget of information from the Wisconsin primary (open) that blew me away.


Clinton's chances are basically a referendum on Obama.
There wasa nugget of information from the Wisconsin primary (open) that blew me away.


Clinton's chances are basically a referendum on Obama.
Rather sleep deprived so could be being very silly here but is that saying that it's Sanders supporters who're more likely to want more liberal policies and less liberal policies?
Rather sleep deprived so could be being very silly here but is that saying that it's Sanders supporters who're more likely to want more liberal policies and less liberal policies?
11% want to change to less liberal policies. Of those, 67% are Sanders supporters.
Rather sleep deprived so could be being very silly here but is that saying that it's Sanders supporters who're more likely to want more liberal policies and less liberal policies?

Yes!!! And Hillary supporters saying they want a continuation. The primary was open, so "moderates" and Republicans could vote. To me it indicates Sanders has insanely broad support.

This was the same primary where Sanders voters were blamed for not voting uniformly enough for a liberal judge who was up against a homophobe. Given this data, it makes a lot more sense (if he got support from some Repubs voting for his personal honesty rather than policy).
11% want to change to less liberal policies. Of those, 67% are Sanders supporters.
That's what I thought. Are 67% of 11% (I ain't working that out) just wanting to tick a box advocating change of any kind? Or is this confusion over different definitions of liberal... or?
Yes!!! And Hillary supporters saying they want a continuation. The primary was open, so "moderates" and Republicans could vote. To me it indicates Sanders has insanely broad support.

This was the same primary where Sanders voters were blamed for not voting uniformly enough for a liberal judge who was up against a homophobe. Given this data, it makes a lot more sense (if he got support from some Repubs voting for his personal honesty rather than policy).
Ahh, I see. So, basically some people who probably disagree with Sanders on an awful lot are supporting him?
That's what I thought. Are 67% of 11% (I ain't working that out) just wanting to tick a box advocating change of any kind? Or is this confusion over different definitions of liberal... or?

They chose to vote in the Dem primary and then chose Bernie, so it's not box ticking. Maybe they're frustrated Repubs who hate Trump and Cruz and Clinton (one of only 2 Republicans I've ever met was like that)
Basically, 7% want a Bernie presidency where he enacts conservative policies. They were probably just trolling the pollsters.

Or maybe they're just guys who have never heard him speak but are pretending to support him in order to bang hipster college girls.
Basically, 7% want a Bernie presidency where he enacts conservative policies. They were probably just trolling the pollsters.

Or maybe they're just guys who have never heard him speak but are pretending to support him in order to bang hipster college girls.

Got it. Thanks.
Basically, 7% want a Bernie presidency where he enacts conservative policies. They were probably just trolling the pollsters.

Or maybe they're just guys who have never heard him speak but are pretending to support him in order to bang hipster college girls.

I want him to win for many many reasons, now I have one more: I want to see their faces when he talks foreign policy.
Good if he beats expectations, but nothing less than a victory is useful I think. The Sanders subreddit is going to be livid if the margin is narrow given the Brooklyn voter list problems. I think that becomes a factor only if the margin is less than 10,000.
Good if he beats expectations, but nothing less than a victory is useful I think. The Sanders subreddit is going to be livid if the margin is narrow given the Brooklyn voter list problems. I think that becomes a factor only if the margin is less than 10,000.

Actually, a very close loss turns all the momentum back to Bernie. No?
Good if he beats expectations, but nothing less than a victory is useful I think. The Sanders subreddit is going to be livid if the margin is narrow given the Brooklyn voter list problems. I think that becomes a factor only if the margin is less than 10,000.

I disagree. Anything better than a 5 point loss is a massive win for Bernie, as it highlights Hillary as being a weak candidate just as she was against Obama. The narrative of the campaign will change if that happens.
Didn't you post a thing, earlier, saying 'beware the exit polls' for this one?
That was aimed at the early exits, published ones should be statewide now. But yeah the point still stands, and the early real vote counts don't seem to tally with such a close result.
Cruz is running away with it. One of my facebook friends voted for Trump. I was checking his wall for a backlash, but mainly people are congratulating him for making America great again
Pretty sure that Dem exit poll is wrong.
Clinton projected winner by NBC. Wow those exits were off. Well done DOTA for the dose of sanity earlier.
That's as Presidential as i've ever heard Trump sound. That won't last long though, as he's off to other states.
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