2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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And it burns, burns, burns...
Ignoring the buffoon that is Trump and focusing solely on the legality/punishment issue, why all the outcry? Can you think of any other crimes where the person seeking out to do something illegal or purchase something illegal wasn't punished? Drug dealers aren't the only ones punished, those caught trying to buy or are in possession of them are as well. Prostitutes aren't the only ones punished, the johns are as well. Complete hypothetical but if abortions were deemed illegal, then why wouldn't those trying to pursue them be in violation of breaking the law and therefore, punished? Admittedly, I'm not an attorney so could someone explain this to me? Genuinely curious here and not trying to shit-stir.

I can think of countless reasons, but mainly I should think having to live with the trauma of having an abortion in the first place would probably be punishment enough, especially if it was carried out because the woman had been raped, or to save her life. So she has an operation to save her life and then punished for it? Yeah, right oh, that makes about as much sense as privatising the prison service so you make money out of convicts. Another dumb law Trump advocates btw.
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have the home-court advantage in New York State's Democratic and Republican primaries as Clinton tops Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont 54 - 42 percent while Trump leads among Republicans with 56 percent, followed by Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas at 20 percent and Ohio Gov. John Kasich with 19 percent, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today.

New York remains solidly blue as either Clinton or Sanders top any Republican in the head-to-head general election matchups, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University Poll finds, with some margins approaching 2-1. November matchups show:
  • Clinton beating Trump 53 - 33 percent;
  • Clinton over Cruz 53 - 32 percent;
  • Clinton edging Kasich 46 - 41 percent;
  • Sanders topping Trump 56 - 32 percent;
  • Sanders beating Cruz 56 - 28 percent;
  • Sanders besting Kasich 47 - 37 percent.

Good to see that Trump's supposed appeal in his home state doesn't exist.
Good to see that Trump's supposed appeal in his home state doesn't exist.

It was never in the work. He may have some appeal with rural upstate working whites but the urban population will absolutely dump on him.

The margin in that poll is very suspect btw. Quinnipiac has consistently underrate Hillary's support anywhere between 4-7 points this cycle. Their polls tend to skew slightly towards younger respondents.
I actually think Trump's abortion comments are one of the more rational things he's said. If you're working on the hypothetical that abortion is illegal, which we are, then stating that the people who have abortions should be punished is one of the least crazy things he's come out with.

Stupid thing to say though, it's pissed off everyone.
The link says they sent it to a technician in Pennsylvania because they had no one on duty at that time and you were complaining about radiology being outsourced from the country. Transmitting clinical data outside the country especially without a patient's consent is a HIPAA violation that would end up a legal nightmare for the clinic.
My doctor when I had hernia surgery told me the hospital was using the nighthawks and wasn't based in US.

I actually think Trump's abortion comments are one of the more rational things he's said. If you're working on the hypothetical that abortion is illegal, which we are, then stating that the people who have abortions should be punished is one of the least crazy things he's come out with.

Stupid thing to say though, it's pissed off everyone.
It is interesting to hear Cruz and every other member of the GOP spin their response. I hope Cruz is asked the same question and pushed, multiple times if necessary, to answer how abortions will be policed, if he gets his way to reverse the legalization of abortions.
It is interesting to hear Cruz and every other member of the GOP spin their response. I hope Cruz is asked the same question and pushed, multiple times if necessary, to answer how abortions will be policed, if he gets his way to reverse the legalization of abortions.
Paxman needs to go and spend a few months in the US.

That's great - last time I was in the US was when Ryan was blowing up (the Ryan plan/ budget, whatever), his discourse then was absolutely loathsome, and that was seemingly as someone considered to be one of the most intelligent/ public friendly Republican politicians. It's going to have to be people like him who shift the terms of the debate, so that we're not stuck with a repeat of this election cycle in four years time.
I can think of countless reasons, but mainly I should think having to live with the trauma of having an abortion in the first place would probably be punishment enough, especially if it was carried out because the woman had been raped, or to save her life. So she has an operation to save her life and then punished for it? Yeah, right

When pressed, the pro-choice lobby instinctively revert to an argument based on special cases, which seems somewhat dishonest, and might perhaps betoken a lack of full confidence in whatever moral argument they could muster applicable to the great majority of abortions, which result neither from rape nor involve a threat to the mother's health.

In most abortions, the child is murdered for the convenience of the mother, with no extenuating circumstances. Of course, in many cases, there may be a great deal of inconvenience involved in carrying a child to term and putting him/her up for adoption, say, but there can be no moral equivalence between that distress and the aborted child's fate - disposed of like a piece of garbage in a hospital incinerator.

Abortion exists in Western society for a simple and amoral reason. The woman has a voice and the unborn child has none.
When pressed, the pro-choice lobby instinctively revert to an argument based on special cases, which seems somewhat dishonest, and might perhaps betoken a lack of full confidence in whatever moral argument they could muster applicable to the great majority of abortions, which result neither from rape nor involve a threat to the mother's health.

In most abortions, the child is murdered for the convenience of the mother, with no extenuating circumstances. Of course, in many cases, there may be a great deal of inconvenience involved in carrying a child to term and putting him/her up for adoption, say, but there can be no moral equivalence between that distress and the aborted child's fate - disposed of like a piece of garbage in a hospital incinerator.

Abortion exists in Western society for a simple and amoral reason. The woman has a voice and the unborn child has none.

If men could be pregnant I'm sure you'd feel differently. The woman has a voice because it's her body.
When pressed, the pro-choice lobby instinctively revert to an argument based on special cases, which seems somewhat dishonest, and might perhaps betoken a lack of full confidence in whatever moral argument they could muster applicable to the great majority of abortions, which result neither from rape nor involve a threat to the mother's health.

In most abortions, the child is murdered for the convenience of the mother, with no extenuating circumstances. Of course, in many cases, there may be a great deal of inconvenience involved in carrying a child to term and putting him/her up for adoption, say, but there can be no moral equivalence between that distress and the aborted child's fate - disposed of like a piece of garbage in a hospital incinerator.

Abortion exists in Western society for a simple and amoral reason. The woman has a voice and the unborn child has none.

It's not really a baby for a long time, especially not in the early weeks, it's just a cluster of cells. Also if there wasn't so many idiots pushing their idiotic beliefs regarding contraception and things like the morning after pill, then maybe there wouldn't be the need for so many abortions in the first place.

These nutters who refuse to provide and want to stop the use of morning after pills and contraception should be ashamed as accidents do obviously happen. It's incredibly refreshing that the new Pope recently advocated and encouraged the use of contraception in countries at risk from the Zika virus. Whereas all the Popes before him that refused to condone the use of contraception, in countries and continents, especially Africa should be ashamed of themselves because they undoubtedly helped in the spread of the Aids virus (and many others) and caused so much more pain, anguish, suffering and danger to everyone else because of their archaic and stupidly dangerous beliefs about contraception.

The only discussion there should be about abortion is the time after it shouldn't be carried out, unless the mothers life is at risk. Aside from that it shouldn't be a discussion, and certainly not one to use to score points in a political race.
It's not really a baby for a long time, especially not in the early weeks, it's just a cluster of cells. Also if there wasn't so many idiots pushing their idiotic beliefs regarding contraception and things like the morning after pill, then maybe there wouldn't be the need for so many abortions in the first place.

Or just use Peter Singer's argument, life doesn't equal the right to life.
When pressed, the pro-choice lobby instinctively revert to an argument based on special cases, which seems somewhat dishonest, and might perhaps betoken a lack of full confidence in whatever moral argument they could muster applicable to the great majority of abortions, which result neither from rape nor involve a threat to the mother's health.

In most abortions, the child is murdered for the convenience of the mother, with no extenuating circumstances. Of course, in many cases, there may be a great deal of inconvenience involved in carrying a child to term and putting him/her up for adoption, say, but there can be no moral equivalence between that distress and the aborted child's fate - disposed of like a piece of garbage in a hospital incinerator.

Abortion exists in Western society for a simple and amoral reason. The woman has a voice and the unborn child has none.
Until the baby is born, he/she is a fetus and therefore do not have rights
When pressed, the pro-choice lobby instinctively revert to an argument based on special cases, which seems somewhat dishonest, and might perhaps betoken a lack of full confidence in whatever moral argument they could muster applicable to the great majority of abortions, which result neither from rape nor involve a threat to the mother's health.

In most abortions, the child is murdered for the convenience of the mother, with no extenuating circumstances. Of course, in many cases, there may be a great deal of inconvenience involved in carrying a child to term and putting him/her up for adoption, say, but there can be no moral equivalence between that distress and the aborted child's fate - disposed of like a piece of garbage in a hospital incinerator.

Abortion exists in Western society for a simple and amoral reason. The woman has a voice and the unborn child has none.

I probably don't feel as strongly but I certainly lean more towards pro life too

I'm quite proud in some way that it is still illegal in Ireland

Really am only for it in extreme cases
When pressed, the pro-choice lobby instinctively revert to an argument based on special cases, which seems somewhat dishonest, and might perhaps betoken a lack of full confidence in whatever moral argument they could muster applicable to the great majority of abortions, which result neither from rape nor involve a threat to the mother's health.

In most abortions, the child is murdered for the convenience of the mother, with no extenuating circumstances. Of course, in many cases, there may be a great deal of inconvenience involved in carrying a child to term and putting him/her up for adoption, say, but there can be no moral equivalence between that distress and the aborted child's fate - disposed of like a piece of garbage in a hospital incinerator.

Abortion exists in Western society for a simple and amoral reason. The woman has a voice and the unborn child has none.
Out of interest, do you have a source for that?
When pressed, the pro-choice lobby instinctively revert to an argument based on special cases, which seems somewhat dishonest, and might perhaps betoken a lack of full confidence in whatever moral argument they could muster applicable to the great majority of abortions, which result neither from rape nor involve a threat to the mother's health.

In most abortions, the child is murdered for the convenience of the mother, with no extenuating circumstances. Of course, in many cases, there may be a great deal of inconvenience involved in carrying a child to term and putting him/her up for adoption, say, but there can be no moral equivalence between that distress and the aborted child's fate - disposed of like a piece of garbage in a hospital incinerator.

Abortion exists in Western society for a simple and amoral reason. The woman has a voice and the unborn child has none.

So, a single cell zygote? 2? Where do you want to draw the line between child and blob?
When pressed, the pro-choice lobby instinctively revert to an argument based on special cases, which seems somewhat dishonest, and might perhaps betoken a lack of full confidence in whatever moral argument they could muster applicable to the great majority of abortions, which result neither from rape nor involve a threat to the mother's health.

In most abortions, the child is murdered for the convenience of the mother, with no extenuating circumstances. Of course, in many cases, there may be a great deal of inconvenience involved in carrying a child to term and putting him/her up for adoption, say, but there can be no moral equivalence between that distress and the aborted child's fate - disposed of like a piece of garbage in a hospital incinerator.

Abortion exists in Western society for a simple and amoral reason. The woman has a voice and the unborn child has none.


Are you serious or am I being extremely stupid in taking this seriously?

Are you serious or am I being extremely stupid in taking this seriously?

Same laughable geezer who is betoken to massive hypocritical bollocks when he spouts that twee, haughty anti abortion spew while he cleaves to his own pretentious-twunt opinions of:

We all cleave to our own opinions of course, but, in my experience, only the left regard their political ideas as identical with moral virtue, to the point of regarding those who disagree with them as impious.

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