2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Let's start a petition to make them the official caterers for the RNC.

Fish and clips: the Utah restaurant where waiters carry guns in their kilts

Nancy Thomas, 56, sat in the middle of the restaurant with her family, bouncing her baby granddaughter on her knee.

She had no safety concerns, despite the proliferation of weapons on the premises.

“It makes me feel safer, actually,” said Thomas, an Ogden local. “I respect this neat family for standing up for their views and anyone troublesome is going to think twice – no, three times – before coming in here.”

You just can't cure stupidity.
At least Hillary has a track record of getting things done, and her proposals are more realistic and possible to pass.

Sanders may be honest and try, but it'll merely be stuck in Washington for years and never come through.
Track record of getting things done? What exactly has she done? And you think it will be easier for her bills to pass than Bernie's? IF she wins the Republicans are going to veto everything anyway. Look at the problem Obama is having.
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Track record of getting things done? What exactly is that? And you think it will be easier for her bills to pass than Bernie's? IF she wins the Republicans are going to veto everything anyway. Look at the problem Obama is having.

I've been wondering that myself, what did she do to impress him in that manner?

...getting paid $250k+ per speech doesn't count.
Have you ever seen The West Wing?

He's almost like the Republican nominee that Bartlet ran against for his second term who was referred to as the 'fortune-cookie candidacy' because all he came out with was was they called 'the 10 word answer', i.e. these stupid little retorts like the above or 'the wall just got 10ft taller' etc.

He has no substance at all, just stupid simplistic sound bites that appeal to simple minded people who are evidently lapping it up given the response he gets.

"Crime... boy, I don't know"
Still, he just reversed his lifelong positions...a pretty big deal. The GOP realising that income inequality is a problem they can't hide?

There is a push to make the GOP more appealing to immigrants and millenials for a long time now. But people like Ted Cruz will show up and wash it away.

Although, it's a big thing for him to say.
There is a push to make the GOP more appealing to immigrants and millenials for a long time now. But people like Ted Cruz will show up and wash it away.

Although, it's a big thing for him to say.

Trump just said live on MSNBC that he thinks women who have abortions should be "punished" but surprisingly he hasn't worked out what that should be yet.

I'm sure that will appeal to millennials and the few remaining women he hasn't managed to offend yet.
Trump just said live on MSNBC that he thinks women who have abortions should be "punished" but surprisingly he hasn't worked out what that should be yet.

I'm sure that will appeal to millennials and the few remaining women he hasn't managed to offend yet.

I was just about to post that here :lol:

I should have added Ted Cruz and Donald Trump, but decided to leave him out, as he was not in the party before the election. He came, he saw and he won :D
Trump just said live on MSNBC that he thinks women who have abortions should be "punished" but surprisingly he hasn't worked out what that should be yet.

Well he did say that waterboarding wasn't harsh enough...the disgusting buffoon.

I wonder how many women he's pushed or bribed into getting an abortion...
Well he did say that waterboarding wasn't harsh enough...the disgusting buffoon.

I wonder how many women he's pushed or bribed into getting an abortion...

He also said last night that Japan, South Korea and Saudi Arabia should have nukes, and more countries should have them, before slightly backtracking on Saudi Arabia having them.

I shudder to think about the second part of your post.

Sorry my "agenda" and being too invested in wanting a safer world might be getting in the way here.
He also said last night that Japan, South Korea and Saudi Arabia should have nukes, and more countries should have them, before slightly backtracking on Saudi Arabia having them.

I shudder to think about the second part of your post.

Sorry my "agenda" and being too invested in wanting a safer world might be getting in the way here.

Peacenik commie!
You're no match for the best words, and tremendous Trumpy champagne, hippy!
I think Cal means we don't need candidates whose domestic policies are going to destabilize global markets, which are pretty tightly interwoven with one another. A sharp change in policy by the world's biggest economy could set off a series of knock on effects in Europe, China, Emerging Markets etc. In that sense, more of the same is a safer bet.
Had this exact same conversation with my brother who was, in his former life, a Managing Director with Goldman Sachs. He said from in order of best to worst for the US economy would be Clinton, Cruz, Trump, then Sanders.
Had this exact same conversation with my brother who was, in his former life, a Managing Director with Goldman Sachs. He said from in order of best to worst for the US economy would be Clinton, Cruz, Trump, then Sanders.

He's absolutely right. Clinton and Cruz would be the least disruptive to markets. Sanders and Trump would be incredibly destabilizing.
Just caught some of the snippets from the Repub town hall, absolutely mental the shit Trump manages to say.

Japan are going to get nukes sooner or later either way... Either that, or nukes are eradicated entirely. Boy, first he starts being a cynic, then he goes to a hippy pipe dream.

Would he say the same about NK and Iran? They'll get them sooner or later anyway.

What is the law governing abortion in the US? I have always thought abortion is illegal once the baby is developed enough to survive on its own.
If that is the case, why is there an uproar about what Trump said?
What is the law governing abortion in the US? I have always thought abortion is illegal once the baby is developed enough to survive on its own.
If that is the case, why is there an uproar about what Trump said?

Different laws in different states, no provider would perform one that violates the state law.
Had this exact same conversation with my brother who was, in his former life, a Managing Director with Goldman Sachs. He said from in order of best to worst for the US economy would be Clinton, Cruz, Trump, then Sanders.

No disrespect to your brother but that hardly spells economic responsibility to me.
What is the law governing abortion in the US? I have always thought abortion is illegal once the baby is developed enough to survive on its own.
If that is the case, why is there an uproar about what Trump said?

Because he wants any abortion at any stage punishable, which is an archaic view in todays world, and it's usually based around religious beliefs. Also women really don't like being told what to do with their bodies, especially by men, and certainly by a man like Trump. Not to mention the baby could be the result of rape or it could endanger the mothers life. With it being legal in almost every first world country, unsurprisingly, a lot of women in the USA feel upset by this kind of thinking.
I get the worrying feeling that Trump would be as close as America could get to a dictator. Right or wrong, that's the impression I get from his latest comment (which happens to be on abortion).
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