2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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So they made a 3 Million contribution. That's such a misleading heading. "THEY ARE PUMPING MILLIONS" and I figured that's many millions there. Why can't they just say "FOSSIL FUEL INVESTORS GAVE 3 Million to Hillary"?

The reason they capitalised INVESTORS is because she said the industry doesn't fund her directly. Which is technically true...
2016 will be the year we had the worst presidential candidates, I'm getting in a point after all the my wife's better than yours (ok trump won) shitty fight between trump and Cruz I don't have a clear candidate I would say -he/she better and I'm voting for that person. I want a political revolution not an actual revolution and when Clinton won I didn't care that much because he was a good president but this year - Houston we have a problem, Hillary is not good and she's probably the most corrupt candidate we had in years, trump is showing he never though he could be in this position and Cruz should hit the road and sale Bibles, we have bad years coming.
2016 will be the year we had the worst presidential candidates, I'm getting in a point after all the my wife's better than yours (ok trump won) shitty fight between trump and Cruz I don't have a clear candidate I would say -he/she better and I'm voting for that person. I want a political revolution not an actual revolution and when Clinton won I didn't care that much because he was a good president but this year - Houston we have a problem, Hillary is not good and she's probably the most corrupt candidate we had in years, trump is showing he never though he could be in this position and Cruz should hit the road and sale Bibles, we have bad years coming.

Are you saying Hillary Cinton is somehow more corrupt than Bill Clinton? Love to hear your reasoning.
2016 will be the year we had the worst presidential candidates, I'm getting in a point after all the my wife's better than yours (ok trump won) shitty fight between trump and Cruz I don't have a clear candidate I would say -he/she better and I'm voting for that person. I want a political revolution not an actual revolution and when Clinton won I didn't care that much because he was a good president but this year - Houston we have a problem, Hillary is not good and she's probably the most corrupt candidate we had in years, trump is showing he never though he could be in this position and Cruz should hit the road and sale Bibles, we have bad years coming.

when last has the GOP had a good presidential candidate Barros?
2016 will be the year we had the worst presidential candidates, I'm getting in a point after all the my wife's better than yours (ok trump won) shitty fight between trump and Cruz I don't have a clear candidate I would say -he/she better and I'm voting for that person. I want a political revolution not an actual revolution and when Clinton won I didn't care that much because he was a good president but this year - Houston we have a problem, Hillary is not good and she's probably the most corrupt candidate we had in years, trump is showing he never though he could be in this position and Cruz should hit the road and sale* Bibles, we have bad years coming.
I read this in a Charlie voice from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and it was rather entertaining.

Exactly. And not just employees but hedge fund managers who are heavily invested in fossil fuels. And that 1st article doesn't include her PAC at all (which is the focus of the link I posted)

Errhm... Not really.


300k amounts to 0.2% of the total her campaign raised this cycle so far. And the 3.25 millions in the Priorities USA SuperPAC were donated by 2 individuals, none of them can be described as 'heavily invested in fossil fuels', when the investment amounts to 1% of the hedge fund. Sussman invested in wind energy as well. For comparison, Sanders's top the list in donation from defense contractor and agriculture business. Undue influence?

This witch hunt is becoming ridiculous.
Errhm... Not really.


300k amounts to 0.2% of the total her campaign raised this cycle so far. And the 3.25 millions in the Priorities USA SuperPAC were donated by 2 individuals, none of them can be described as 'heavily invested in fossil fuels', when the investment amounts to 1% of the hedge fund. Sussman invested in wind energy as well. For comparison, Sanders's top the list in donation from defense contractor and agriculture business. Undue influence?

This witch hunt is becoming ridiculous.

He actually is unduly influenced by agriculture, for that matter...

First there are the direct contributions from people working for fossil fuel companies to Hillary Clinton’s campaign committee. According to the most recent filings, the committee has received $309,107 (as of 3/21/16; source: Center for Responsive Politics) from such donors

Next are the fossil fuel lobbyists, many of whom have also bundled contributions. These donations also flow to Hillary Clinton’s campaign committee. Greenpeace has tracked $1,259,280 in bundled and direct donations from lobbyists currently registered as lobbying for the fossil fuel industry. This number excludes donations from lobbyists who are employed directly by a fossil fuel companies, as those donations would have been included in the previous number.

Last are contributions from fossil fuel interests to Super PACs supporting Hillary Clinton. Greenpeace has found $3,250,000 in donations from large donors connected to the fossil fuel industry to Priorities Action USA, a Super PAC supporting Secretary Clinton’s campaign.
He actually is unduly influenced by agriculture, for that matter...

I agree that the 1.3 millions from bundlers and lobbyists doesn't look good, but reality of the situation is no campaign will turn away money, even Sander's, unless it's a PR catastrophe (private prison industry). The rest I don't agree with. 300 k for her campaign and the 3.25 m for Priorities USA were from individuals. They have their own agency. $2700 a head scarcely seems enough to get the attention of a candidate.

Environmental groups donated 4.5 times that amount to her campaign, and substantially more than Sanders's counterpart. They'd have enough assurance to do that.

As for fracking:

I agree that the 1.3 millions from bundlers and lobbyists doesn't look good, but reality of the situation is no campaign will turn away money, even Sander's, unless it's a PR catastrophe (private prison industry). The rest I don't agree with. 300 k for her campaign and the 3.25 m for Priorities USA were from individuals. They have their own agency. $2700 a head scarcely seems enough to get the attention of a candidate.

Environmental groups donated 4.5 times that amount to her campaign, and substantially more than Sanders's counterpart. They'd have enough assurance to do that.

As for fracking:


The human rights campaign has endorsed her, despite her being a passionate ex-supporter of DOMA and one of the last Dem converts to marriage equality, she is endorsed by PP despite not supporting their position on abortion...

I'll answer the article later.
She is a candidate of the status quo, to the right of Obama on foreign policy, and the same or slightly right on most other issues. Instead of trying to paint herself as a radical like Sanders, she should have gone for a flat strategy of competence/experience.
Her most radical days were as a lawyer straight out of college. Since then she has been a part of a huge law firms, a governer's wife, the first lady, a pro-business, pro-war senator, a pro-war, (pro-fracking too) SoS.


Running as the establishment would have avoided some interesting questions. Money doesn't buy influence. Why did she stop taking pvt prison money (she still takes some from their lobbyists) with a strong statement against the industry? Why did she get angry at these reports about fossil fuel money? Why did she criticise Obama in 2008 for taking fossil fuel money? Why are the industries she talks badly about giving her money?
Instead, as the establishment candidate, she could have said: "I will be good for the economy including these interests, which is why they contribute to me"
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She is a candidate of the status quo, to the right of Obama on foreign policy, and the same or slightly right on most other issues. Instead of trying to paint herself as a radical like Sanders, she should have gone for a flat strategy of competence/experience.
Her most radical days were as a lawyer straight out of college. Since then she has been a part of a huge law firms, a governer's wife, the first lady, a pro-business, pro-war senator, a pro-war, (pro-fracking too) SoS.

a real Progressive....:smirk:

Ask Oklahoma
They've gone from near zero seismic activity to something like 6000 earthquakes a year to lead the US!

Those effects are from oil production, not fracking. Fracking just a buzzword, and Bernie is an idiot for wanting to ban it.
Those effects are from oil production, not fracking. Fracking just a buzzword, and Bernie is an idiot for wanting to ban it.

Fracking is a shorthand for hydraulic fracturing. The 1st link I posted was about hydraulic fracturing.
This is from the second:
For the first time, the US Geological Survey has included "human-induced" earthquakes in its seismic hazard forecast. These man-made tremors are most often attributed to the injection wells in which oil and gas companies dispose of wastewater from hydraulic fracturing, or "fracking." The USGS seismologists estimate that some 7 million people in the central and eastern United States now live in areas at risk of a damaging earthquake.
She is a candidate of the status quo, to the right of Obama on foreign policy, and the same or slightly right on most other issues. Instead of trying to paint herself as a radical like Sanders, she should have gone for a flat strategy of competence/experience.
Her most radical days were as a lawyer straight out of college. Since then she has been a part of a huge law firms, a governer's wife, the first lady, a pro-business, pro-war senator, a pro-war, (pro-fracking too) SoS.

Have to agree. In most of Europe, the UK, Canada she would be a moderate conservative. Her strength would have been to higlight her experience and indicate she was the best person for the job. Instead she has tried to out flank Sanders on the left and all it is done is give credibility to Sanders . If the party wants a progressive they will go for the real thing in Sanders.

On another note I see where Sanders supportors have been protesting at Clinton' s rallies. She seems to have taken a leaf from Trump's book, claiming that they only come to disrurpt and has had them ejected. Didn't get much play in the liberal press, but when Trump does it, the press goes wild.
Have to agree. In most of Europe, the UK, Canada she would be a moderate conservative. Her strength would have been to higlight her experience and indicate she was the best person for the job. Instead she has tried to out flank Sanders on the left and all it is done is give credibility to Sanders . If the party wants a progressive they will go for the real thing in Sanders.

On another note I see where Sanders supportors have been protesting at Clinton' s rallies. She seems to have taken a leaf from Trump's book, claiming that they only come to disrurpt and has had them ejected. Didn't get much play in the liberal press, but when Trump does it, the press goes wild.

what experience does she have other than being a water carrier for Wall Street? She was a pretty average to shitty SoS.

on the protests, there is no liberal press. Just a corporate press.
Fracking is a shorthand for hydraulic fracturing. The 1st link I posted was about hydraulic fracturing.
This is from the second:

Do you have a source for that claim? I understood it was from pumping fracking waste water back into the wells.
I know what it is. I have extensive education and experience in geology, geophysics, and 'fracking'. It's the entire process of production and wastewater from it (oil wells don't just produce oil, they produce massive amounts of water. Much more so than from the fracking process).

Like I said, fracking is just a buzzword. I'm not saying developing oil reserves isn't detrimental or that it isn't causing earthquakes, but it's not the fracking that's doing it.

Hell, one anti-fracking article from the website MotherJones you posted had a picture they labeled a 'fracking rig,' which is remarkable as there is no such thing as a fracking rig. These 'journalists' have very little knowledge about what they're talking about. Nor does Bernie.
The reddit thread I posted addressed that article, so did NPR, FactCheck.org.

It's extremely funny that the source that [2] cited for the figure $1.25 mil is itself. I'm not kidding, in the third paragraph, in the sentence they mentioned $1,259,280, the link given for that is that article itself! But the job is not done, later the article lists another figure $1,140,930 from lobbyists, and again without any source!

Fair enough.

The problem with her is that her money comes from bundlers and lobbyists rather than the industry itself, making it harder to track.

Opensecrets.org: 900k from lobbyists, 300k from oil&gas (Bernie: 11k and 50k respectively). It is possible that Greenpeace did their research in the affiliations of those lobbyists.

Then there is a whole long list of specific examples in the Greenpeace article, and also here, from last year. Combining them:

3 Enbridge lobbyists contributed to HRC’s campaign. While she was Secretary of State, Clinton signed off on the Enbridge pipeline (the alternative to the Keystone XL pipeline).

Ben Klein (Heather Podesta and Associates) lobbied on behalf of Oxbow Carbon on petcoke and other issues. Petcoke is a byproduct of refining. Communities in Detroit and Chicago have complained about piles of petcoke blowing into the community. Bill Koch (the estranged brother of Charles and David) owns controlling interest of Oxbow. Klein also lobbied on restrictions of ivory imports for Oxbow.

Fracking company and gas industry trade association lobbyists have also contributed to Clinton’s campaign, including Former Rep. Martin Frost (D-TX), who lobbied for the Domestic Energy Producers Alliance, and Martin Durbin of the American Natural Gas Association (now merged and part of the American Petroleum Institute – API), the nephew of Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL). \Another donor is Elizabeth Gore, a lobbyist for WPX energy (fracking). A lobbyist for FTI Consulting, creator of an industry front group called Energy In Depth, also contributed to Clinton;s campaign. Although Clinton has said she would require FERC to consider climate change before granting any new gas pipeline permits, she recently told activists she would not ban fracking as president, and has a pro-fracking track record which has been well-documented by numerous groups, including pro-Clinton Super PAC Correct the Record.

Mary Streett, a lobbyist for BP, gave Clinton’s campaign the maximum allowable amount ($2700). Her sister, Stephanie S. Streett, is the Executive Director of the William J. Clinton Foundation and former executive director of the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation (Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation, 990 report 2013). The Podesta Group (Tony Podesta) also lobbied for BP, on issues including the Gulf of Mexico spill response and recovery.
While Secretary of State, Clinton pushed fracking in countries around the world, through the department’s Global Shale Gas Initiative. According to Grist, after the Bulgarian government signed a five-year deal with Chevron, major public protests led the Bulgarian parliament to pass a fracking moratorium. Clinton traveled to Bulgaria and then dispatched her special envoy for energy in Eurasia, Richard Morningstar, to push back against the fracking bans, which were eventually overturned.

Clinton’s State Department played a major role in negotiating a bilateral oil agreement with Mexico. Her former special envoy for international energy affairs, David Goldwyn, has donated the maximum allowable amount to the campaign ($2700). Although neither he nor his firm (Goldwyn International Strategies LLC) report lobbying during 2015-2016, since leaving the State Department Goldwyn has consulted for companies wishing to profit from Mexico’s decision to allow private oil services contractors into the country in order to expand PEMEX’s ability to produce shale oil and tap deep offshore reserves.

David Leiter (ML Strategies lobbyist for Exxon and a HRC bundler), the former Senate chief of staff to John Kerry, is also a lobbyist for Burisma Holdings, a private Ukrainian natural gas and uranium mining company with many connections to the Democratic Party. Biden’s son Hunter joined Burisma’s board in 2014, right before Leiter was hired to lobby members about the role of the company in Ukraine (arguing for its role in helping Ukraine be independent of Russia). Another board member, Devon Archer, is a HRC donor (2700) and Democratic bundler (I don’t see any record of him bundling for Hillary). FTI’s Lawrence Pacheco does communications for Burisma. Burisma is owned by a Cypriot holding firm, Brociti Investments Ltd, which is controlled by Nikolai Zlochevskyi, a former Ukrainian government minister.

Although Clinton has said she supports an investigation into Exxon’s early concealment of what it knew about the risks of climate change and subsequent financing of climate denier front groups, her campaign has taken contributions from at least seven lobbyists working for Exxon, including one in-house lobbyist — Theresa Fariello — who has bundled and additional $21,200 for the campaign.

Hess lobbyists from Forbes-Tate (Daniel Tate, Jeffrey Forbes, George Cooper and Rachel Miller) all gave maximum allowable contributions to HRC’s campaign. The firm lobbied on behalf of the Hess Corporation, on crude by rail and crude exports. Hess owns rail cars that came off the tracks and caught fire after a BNSF train derailed in North Dakota in early May 2015. Hess is the third-largest oil producer in North Dakota. Lynn Helms, a former Hess executive served as ND’s top oil and gas regulator at the Department of Mineral Resources between 2005 and 2013. When Clinton came out in opposition to the Keystone XL pipeline, she started talking about how fixing train tracks would create jobs. In December 2015, a couple of months after Clinton announced she opposed Keystone XL, and just over a month after Obama rejected the pipeline down, Warren Buffett — who owns BNSF — endorsed Clinton. Buffett is also a big oil investor (e.g. Phillips 66).

Companies invested in LNG projects with lobbyists that have given to HRC’s campaign include Freeport LNG (Elizabeth Gore – Brownstein Hyatt, $500); LNG Allies (Michael Smith – Cornerstone Gov. Affairs – 2700 and a bundler of $59,400); Dominion Resources (Tom Lawler – Lawler Strategies, 2700); Oregon LNG (Robert van Heuvelen VH Strategies – 2700). Exxon also has LNG projects. Cheniere Energy’s Ankit Desai not only gave the maximum allowed, but also bundled $ 139,300 for the campaign. Another donor ($2700) to Clinton’s campaign is Heather Zichal, Obama’s former energy advisor, who joined the board of Cheniere (LNG export company) after leaving the administration.

Former Rep. Richard (“Dick”) Gephardt’s firm lobbies for Peabody Energy (coal), Prairie State (coal-fired power plant and adjacent mine), Ameren Services Co. Gephardt and his wife, son and daughter Chrissy all contributed the maximum allowed to Clinton’s campaign (Dick is the only fossil fuel lobbyist in the family). Gephardt, a Democratic Party super delegate, has pledged to support Clinton. In February, the DNC rolled back its previous commitment to not take any contributions from federally registered lobbyists. Clinton’s campaign has also received contributions from lobbyists representing big mining companies — Westmoreland Coal, Arch Coal and Rio Tinto.

Stuff only in Huffpo:
Scott Parven and Brian Pomper, lobbyists at Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld, have been registered to lobby for the Southern California-based oil giant Chevron since 2006, with contracts totaling more than $3 million. The two bundled Clinton contributions of $24,700 and $29,700, respectively. They have helped Chevron over the years resist efforts to eliminate oil and gas tax breaks and to impose regulations to reduce carbon emissions.

Bundler Gordon Giffin is a former lobbyist for TransCanada, the company working to build the controversial Keystone XL pipeline. Giffin sits on the board of Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, an investor in the pipeline. The Canadian bank paid Clinton $990,000 for speeches in the months leading up to her presidential announcement. Another Canadian financial institution with an interest in Keystone XL, TD Bank, paid her $651,000 for speaking engagements.
I know what it is. I have extensive education and experience in geology, geophysics, and 'fracking'. It's the entire process of production and wastewater from it (oil wells don't just produce oil, they produce massive amounts of water. Much more so than from the fracking process).

Like I said, fracking is just a buzzword. I'm not saying developing oil reserves isn't detrimental or that it isn't causing earthquakes, but it's not the fracking that's doing it.

Hell, one anti-fracking article from the website MotherJones you posted had a picture they labeled a 'fracking rig,' which is remarkable as there is no such thing as a fracking rig. These 'journalists' have very little knowledge about what they're talking about. Nor does Bernie.

So, the very well-sourced wiki page is false?
Again, it's specifically titled hydraulic fracturing.
Which as I understand refers to pumping high pressure water to widen cracks, so that oil can then be pumped out. A number of compounds are used in this water to help the process and often contaminate surrounding sources. Destabilising the rock with this water leads eventually to the (observed and predicted) earthquakes. Which part of this is buzzwords and which is fact?
So, the very well-sourced wiki page is false?
Again, it's specifically titled hydraulic fracturing.
Which as I understand refers to pumping high pressure water to widen cracks, so that oil can then be pumped out. A number of compounds are used in this water to help the process and often contaminate surrounding sources. Destabilising the rock with this water leads eventually to the (observed and predicted) earthquakes. Which part of this is buzzwords and which is fact?

this is what I have understood too.

pretty crazy to question the harm this is causing to the environment and to drinking water.
So, the very well-sourced wiki page is false?
Again, it's specifically titled hydraulic fracturing.
Which as I understand refers to pumping high pressure water to widen cracks, so that oil can then be pumped out. A number of compounds are used in this water to help the process and often contaminate surrounding sources. Destabilising the rock with this water leads eventually to the (observed and predicted) earthquakes. Which part of this is buzzwords and which is fact?
The very article you posted listed only three known earthquakes from fracking. The majority come from disposal wells, which is mostly from production not fracking.

The contamination comes from poorly cased or cemented wells during production, not fracking.

It's the process as a whole that is damaging. Fracking is just the easiest part to target because the public has just started hearing about it and doesn't understand it, thereby easier to make it controversial.
I know what it is. I have extensive education and experience in geology, geophysics, and 'fracking'. It's the entire process of production and wastewater from it (oil wells don't just produce oil, they produce massive amounts of water. Much more so than from the fracking process).

Like I said, fracking is just a buzzword. I'm not saying developing oil reserves isn't detrimental or that it isn't causing earthquakes, but it's not the fracking that's doing it.

Hell, one anti-fracking article from the website MotherJones you posted had a picture they labeled a 'fracking rig,' which is remarkable as there is no such thing as a fracking rig. These 'journalists' have very little knowledge about what they're talking about. Nor does Bernie.

Do you have a source for your claim then? All the sources I have seen recently (an done from the 60s) indicate that returning the waste water to the wells is the cause. Not the fracking itself but returning the water.

Edit: never mind. I missed the part where you said waste water. I think we are saying almost the same thing I just didn't know about the waste water from non-fracking.

But why has Oklahoma seen such a huge increase in seismic activity? Near 0 in 2009 to 6000 today? Has oil production gone up as well?
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Nothing to fear from fracking, nor the haliburton loophole that exempts it from certain restrictions of the safe water drinking water act and clean water act, and most drillers do not have to divulge the dangerous chemicals they are spreading. The scientists who are very anti fracking and not beholden at all to the fracking companies are just pulling shit out of their ass. And certainly Bernie Sanders has no scientists as ecological advisors. He also pulls shit out of his ass because he´s a communist. Josh Fox´s Garland was total bullshit propaganda - the fracking companies will assure you. No earthquakes in Oklahoma.

Fracking is rather safe.

Look how cool it is for the environment

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