2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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:lol: I don't follow US politics very much, mate.
Because he wants any abortion at any stage punishable, which is an archaic view in todays world, and it's usually based around religious beliefs. Also women really don't like being told what to do with their bodies, especially by men, and certainly by a man like Trump. Not to mention the baby could be the result of rape or it could endanger the mothers life. With it being legal in almost every first world country, unsurprisingly, a lot of women in the USA feel upset by this kind of thinking.
Because he wants any abortion at any stage punishable, which is an archaic view in todays world, and it's usually based around religious beliefs. Also women really don't like being told what to do with their bodies, especially by men, and certainly by a man like Trump. Not to mention the baby could be the result of rape or it could endanger the mothers life. With it being legal in almost every first world country, unsurprisingly, a lot of women in the USA feel upset by this kind of thinking.

smart man. cheap labor hand guaranteed, and at the same time, a boost to bookings on his Canada hotels.
The entire Republican party is hell bent on overturning Roe vs Wade, and is sadly supported by many state legislatures across the country placing so many restrictions on abortion, that it is practically banned for huge swathes of the population.

Even so, hearing that bit from Trump is beyond the pale.

This will entrench women already in the anti-trump camp.
The entire Republican party is hell bent on overturning Roe vs Wade, and is sadly supported by many state legislatures across the country placing so many restrictions on abortion, that it is practically banned for huge swathes of the population.

Even so, hearing that bit from Trump is beyond the pale.

This will entrench women already in the anti-trump camp.

tbf they had the opportunity to overturn it during Dubya's presidency snd they did not. I think it is just a wedge issue for them, to get votes.
tbf they had the opportunity to overturn it during Dubya's presidency snd they did not. I think it is just a wedge issue for them, to get votes.

It can only be overturned on the Court, and the Republicans would need a majority there (Kennedy doesn't count) to make that happen, along with a challenge to the case making it's way through the judicial city.
It's like there's an alert that goes off in the Drumpf campaign HQ every time there's a collective sense that he can't get any worse, and he storms out the door muttering "I'll fecking show you".
What is the law governing abortion in the US? I have always thought abortion is illegal once the baby is developed enough to survive on its own.
If that is the case, why is there an uproar about what Trump said?

You seriously don't see the problem? The legality of abortion in the US is firmly rooted in Roe v Wade (for now), but there's a STRONG effort to undermine that ruling in practice. There are even areas where, if your nearest hospital is a Catholic hospital, you can legally be denied an abortion for an ectopic pregnancy, where a fertilised egg is in the fallopian tube, meaning it can never carry to term and it WILL kill the mother.


What's worse, and I didn't know this until my American wife told me, is that there are ridiculous hurdles being placed in front of women even wanting to go on the pill. The doctor can refuse to prescribe it, and even the pharmacist can refuse to fill the prescription based on his or her religious/moral stance on this. Some people have to go so far out of the way to find a hospital/doctor/pharmacy to allow them their reproductive rights that they effectively have none.

And then you have the whole conflating of issues, with the Republicans fighting to prove who's the most anti-Planned Parenthood, an organisation that doesn't just provide abortions, but which also do a lot of preventative care, giving vaccines against HPV and the like. Trump, to his credit, didn't opt for the path of least resistance on this point, and has made the point that PP offer other services which are beneficial, regardless of your stance on abortion. This frenzied political climate, which panders to religious leanings, has people lining up outside of clinics, throwing pebbles at women's feet (symbolising stoning), and hurling horrendous abuse at them. I've read accounts of women who are rushed to the clinic for an emergency abortion, pale, sweaty and in real risk of dying, and having people abuse them and try to block their way.

The discussion surrounding it is toxic, and the political manoeuvering to de facto outlaw abortions and the like is ruthless and horrible, and the outcomes are obvious. Back-alley abortions, sketchy doctors, women who get no say in planning their life, and who find themselves on the margins. Unable to get an education, impoverished, creating more children who'll struggle and become fine GOP voters (joke).

Sorry to go off, but this one really gets my goat. This mirrors attitudes in horrendous parts of the world, where women sorely need to have their reproductive rights affirmed. And where, ironically, a lot of good would come from women spending less time birthing and raising children, and more time getting education and contributing to their society. You need both, obviously, but outlawing abortion is as stupid as any other moral policing.
Is Trump actively trying to chase away from female voters? He is struggling as it is with them...but, coming out with incendiary statements for no reason :lol:
Is Trump actively trying to chase away from female voters? He is struggling as it is with them...but, coming out with incendiary statements for no reason :lol:

No, he's just an oaf who doesn't really understand women's issues or give much of a shit about them.
The feck are you talking about? You cannot outsource medical data like MRIs and radiologists. That's a HIPAA violation and how the hell do you even outsource doctors? Get your diagnosis on the phone?
They already do that in New Jersey, in the middle of the night if someone needs a MRI the technician gets the shots and they send to a "doctor" somewhere which then they send the results back.

Also did you read the link?
Trump has to be on a WUM, a grand stage for him to play society. He wraps up the GOP nomination then basically gives POTUS to Hillary (his friend). He one day admits to openly seeking out the racist, xenophobic assholes from the GOP hole, while exposing and fracturing the party. He's forever known in history (in his mind, at minimum) as a brilliant businessman, a celebrity, and the man that altered politics in the US. It's his plan for immortality.
How can abortion even be an issue in 2016? This is just a hot-button issue used to try to curry favor and gain votes of the religious right and tea party wackjobs, but in actuality, nothing will ever come of it. Honestly doubt that true conservatives give a shite regarding abortion. Certainly not a focal issue for the establishment, as they realize it's a lost cause.
Trump has to be on a WUM,

He said today that the problem is "the Geneva convention(s)" too many rules and making soldiers afraid to fight. Just before that he said he wouldn't take using nukes against Europe off the table because him saying that would make him a bad negotiator. Surely no sane person would say shit like that.
@langster Thought that clown Trump would have been found out months ago. If his epic fail at last night's town hall performance doesn't do it, I'm convinced that his supporters are all on a massive pisstake.
How can abortion even be an issue in 2016? This is just a hot-button issue used to try to curry favor and gain votes of the religious right and tea party wackjobs, but in actuality, nothing will ever come of it. Honestly doubt that true conservatives give a shite regarding abortion. Certainly not a focal issue for the establishment, as they realize it's a lost cause.
Errm you do realize, while Roe V Wade hasn't been overturned...at the state level, we are heading towards historical levels of obstacles and obstructions to stop abortion. You think it's not an issue and is only meant to fire up the base and then you see the laws republican states are passing and trying to pass and you realize, it's very real.
They already do that in New Jersey, in the middle of the night if someone needs a MRI the technician gets the shots and they send to a "doctor" somewhere which then they send the results back.

Also did you read the link?

The link says they sent it to a technician in Pennsylvania because they had no one on duty at that time and you were complaining about radiology being outsourced from the country. Transmitting clinical data outside the country especially without a patient's consent is a HIPAA violation that would end up a legal nightmare for the clinic.
Is Trump actively trying to chase away from female voters? He is struggling as it is with them...but, coming out with incendiary statements for no reason :lol:

Maybe his candidacy was a massive prank and PR stunt. He thought no one would be foolish enough to vote for him. Now that he may actually win he's desperately trying to back out by purposely trying to lose.

It's the only way I can explain the foolish attacks on Heidi Cruz. He's on the home stretch and should be looking to keep the status quo. Why upset the balance by doing something so controversial.
Errm you do realize, while Roe V Wade hasn't been overturned...at the state level, we are heading towards historical levels of obstacles and obstructions to stop abortion. You think it's not an issue and is only meant to fire up the base and then you see the laws republican states are passing and trying to pass and you realize, it's very real.
This is the same shite that's been going on for many, many years. Trump had to come out with a strong stance cos of Cruz. Much ado about nothing.
This is the same shite that's been going on for many, many years. Trump had to come out with a strong stance cos of Cruz. Much ado about nothing.
None of that negates the fact that Republicans have stepped up their efforts and successfully in many States to make it difficult for women to be able to get abortions.

I don't care about the comments made by Trump, but they are not simply empty bluster or rhetoric.

You say it's not a focal issue of the establishment - yet, at the local level there is a concerted effort to circumvent the law.

Federally the battle may be lost, in terms of public sentiment, the battle may be lost...but, on the ground, there have been a lot of reverses for the pro choice side.
@langster Thought that clown Trump would have been found out months ago. If his epic fail at last night's town hall performance doesn't do it, I'm convinced that his supporters are all on a massive pisstake.

I think most people in this convo have been saying that since last August, and the longer it goes on the more it makes less and less sense. His supporters simply don't care about how offensive he is as they feel he is a necessary evil to fight the establishment and they are so right wing so wouldn't dare vote for the alternative in Bernie. He's definitely tapped in to something, very similar to UKIP in the UK and the abhorrent Nigel Farage. I don't know, it's all so surreal.

Maybe his candidacy was a massive prank and PR stunt. He thought no one would be foolish enough to vote for him. Now that he may actually win he's desperately trying to back out by purposely trying to lose.

It's the only way I can explain the foolish attacks on Heidi Cruz. He's on the home stretch and should be looking to keep the status quo. Why upset the balance by doing something so controversial.

You would think that's the case wouldn't you? But the more outlandish, offensive, crude, obnoxious, offensive he gets the more votes he seems to get, just look at Florida for the prime example of that. He also had that interview where he was asked what his favourite verse from the bible was and clearly couldn't answer so just said it was too personal and didn't like the question AND then he had an argument with the Pope, and still won big in some of the more religious states. Some of his recent actions lately could be interpreted as trying to lose votes but I would say I don't think that's the case because of how much money he has invested so far, I can't see how he would gain by upsetting more and more people just to lose votes. I'd say it doesn't make sense, but none of it has from the start. I don't think anyone really knows what's going on, not even Trump himself.
Dump has now retracted his comments, in a sort of tribute to Bart 'I didn't do it' Simpson.

TRUMP: "Women...they're tremendous and they do wonderful...um...stuff."
INTERVIEWER: "What kind of stuff?"
TRUMP: "I don't know."
I didnt think it was controversial for a Republican to be anti-abortion

Or am I missing something here?
I didnt think it was controversial for a Republican to be anti-abortion

Or am I missing something here?
they normally pretend to care about the 'mother' - all the vitriol and legal action is exclusively aimed at the doctors and facilities. Trump, came out and said publicly what they say in private - abortions should be illegal and women who have them should be 'punished'.

So, of course - they're irate.

I see parallels with the Romney 47% comment. It's not that they disagree with what he said - they're just upset, he said it in public. :lol:
Ignoring the buffoon that is Trump and focusing solely on the legality/punishment issue, why all the outcry? Can you think of any other crimes where the person seeking out to do something illegal or purchase something illegal wasn't punished? Drug dealers aren't the only ones punished, those caught trying to buy or are in possession of them are as well. Prostitutes aren't the only ones punished, the johns are as well. Complete hypothetical but if abortions were deemed illegal, then why wouldn't those trying to pursue them be in violation of breaking the law and therefore, punished? Admittedly, I'm not an attorney so could someone explain this to me? Genuinely curious here and not trying to shit-stir.
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