2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Oh, the heading said national survey, I didn't bother reading the fine print.
But that means they didn't survey any independents at all which accounts for the size of the lead (adding the caveat that the last PPP poll, in early February (around the time of NH), had her +21).
Where are you getting this from? Just says Dem primary voters, not registered Dems alone.

PPP (D) 3/24 - 3/26 505 LV 4.4 54 36 Clinton +18
FOX News 3/20 - 3/22 410 LV 5.0 55 42 Clinton +13
Bloomberg 3/19 - 3/22 311 LV 5.6 48 49 Sanders +1
Quinnipiac 3/16 - 3/21 635 RV 3.9 50 38 Clinton +12
CBS News/NY Times 3/17 - 3/20 388 LV 6.0 50 45 Clinton +5
CNN/ORC 3/17 - 3/20 397 RV 5.0 51 44 Clinton +7
Monmouth 3/17 - 3/20 391 RV 5.0 55 37 Clinton +18

There's one poll that sticks out as an outlier in that bunch (and it's not the one I posted). Actual lead likely between 10-15 points, as it has been for a while.
Among GOPers! Though that's still quite high for him. Possible reason:

Q16 Do you think Barack Obama was born in the United States?
Yes 36%
No 40%
Not sure 24%

Q17 Do you think Barack Obama is a Christian or a Muslim, or are you not sure?
Christian 20%
Muslim 52%
Not sure 28%
My God people are dumb.
They truly are. America needs a cleanse. Trump needs to get in to feck the country up a bit, bit of anarchy.
Among GOPers! Though that's still quite high for him. Possible reason:

Q16 Do you think Barack Obama was born in the United States?
Yes 36%
No 40%
Not sure 24%

Q17 Do you think Barack Obama is a Christian or a Muslim, or are you not sure?
Christian 20%
Muslim 52%
Not sure 28%
Among GOPers! Though that's still quite high for him. Possible reason:

Q16 Do you think Barack Obama was born in the United States?
Yes 36%
No 40%
Not sure 24%

Q17 Do you think Barack Obama is a Christian or a Muslim, or are you not sure?
Christian 20%
Muslim 52%
Not sure 28%
The GOP has been feeding this paranoia and bigotry for years. Now they complain that their base has gone to far right.
Cruz doing a town hall on CNN right now. Should be good.

Edit. Cruz getting absolutely roasted by Anderson Cooper.
Aloha Akbar...wtf

Hawaiian terrorists!


Trump's henchman has been charged. Interesting to see how this plays out now. Trump has been bitching like a little kid all day about unfair press coverage, especially on CNN. I bet he's gonna flip over this. After all nobody saw anything and she made it up didn't she?

Trump's crew have already released a statement saying he wasn't arrested and is looking forward to his day in court.
Actually trump could charge the woman for battery because she touched him twice and looks like she's looking for a 15 second fame.
Biggest responsibilities

1. Security
2. Health care
3. Education

And he's a supposedly a republican...education and healthcare....Cruz is having a heart attack backstage :lol:

:lol: Wonder how that jives with his previous rants about Obamacare.
The history is that in the present day you have more options of where to locate any plant or service center than ever before, because of the education of general populations, communications and logistics infrastructure. In the 1960s the low-skilled US worker enjoyed a privileged situation because he was not competing with Asians, Latin Americans and Eastern Europeans for low-skilled jobs (he was also relatively better educated and healthier). In 2016 this is no longer the case, which is why wages for low-skilled workers in developed nations are under pressure, whilst those in developing countries have risen through the last 20 years.
But we aren't competing with anybody but Canadians and some European countries, can we compete with someone making less in a month than someone in the states makes in 1 day? The only winners are the Wall Street scums and very little people in that 3rd world country. Globalization was the biggest scam created on earth, let's move our businesses to a 3rd world country which we don't need to pay insurances, workers with no rights, safety, pollution? Who cares.
But we aren't competing with anybody but Canadians and some European countries, can we compete with someone making less in a month than someone in the states makes in 1 day? The only winners are the Wall Street scums and very little people in that 3rd world country. Globalization was the biggest scam created on earth, let's move our businesses to a 3rd world country which we don't need to pay insurances, workers with no rights, safety, pollution? Who cares.

You do know that it's a process that started long before the U.S was founded? WW2 delayed its impacts on your economy but the chickens must be home to roost sooner or later.
Oh and Hillary can deliver on all the promises she has made? She has made quite a few similar ones you know. No politician ever delivers on his/her promise. But Bernie is a straight shooter and will at least try unlike the rest.
At least Hillary has a track record of getting things done, and her proposals are more realistic and possible to pass.

Sanders may be honest and try, but it'll merely be stuck in Washington for years and never come through.
Biggest responsibilities

1. Security
2. Health care
3. Education

And he's a supposedly a republican...education and healthcare....Cruz is having a heart attack backstage :lol:
1. Killing muslims and Mexicans
2. Stop funding healthier
3. Make children take exams where the correct answer is always make America great or Donald trump has big hands
Actually trump could charge the woman for battery because she touched him twice and looks like she's looking for a 15 second fame.

Seriously? She was just a know journalist doing her job, and had been reporting very favourably on Trump for Breibart. She lost her job over this and I think it's quite disgusting that people would say she is looking for fame over this. If you watch her TV interviews, or mainly the FOX one on the night it happened you can clearly see she has no interest in fame, all she wanted was an apology.

Saying she just wanted fame is pretty disrespectful to someone who from what I can see is a smart, intelligent woman who was just doing her job and initially just wanted an apology and to carry on with her career. All Trump and Lewandowski had to do was apologise, but NO! neither of them can do that because it's a woman. It's also pretty clear she hasn't used this for fame as she hasn't been seen since.

Personally having watched the footage, and especially the new footage, I can't see an awful lot wrong, and don't think it is worthy of a court case or prosecution, BUT! Lewandowski and Trump BOTH LIED about it, and you can clearly see he impeded her and grabbed her enough to throw her off balance. Corey initially said he didn't even touch her, then said he didn't know her, despite many photos of them speaking being circulated in the media. Trump said the same, despite him clearly knowing her as she had interviewed him and questioned him numerous times for Breibart. He also accused her of making this whole thing up and that Corey hadn't even touched her. That is the whole point of this now, far more than the actual supposed assault.

The way they have and are now treating her is awful, and typical of the way Trump views and treats women (look at Megyn Kelly) and thinks it's ok and normal to do so. Hence why the idiot isn't getting many votes from them. There's being a Trump supporter, then there is being a blind one. If you agree with the assault/battery charge or not is not the point, it's the outright lies and treatment of the woman since then.

All they had to do was say sorry and all this would have been avoided.
At least Hillary has a track record of getting things done, and her proposals are more realistic and possible to pass.

Sanders may be honest and try, but it'll merely be stuck in Washington for years and never come through.

Maybe if they stop electing Presidents and Senators who've been bought by the Media and Wall Street, this won't always be the case?

Bernie is committed to electoral reform (full disclosure of funding, public funding for elections, reinforce voter rights, repeal Citizens United), he might not be able to push through all those changes, but at the very least he'll make sure Americans are aware of how undemocratic the system is, which is a good start.

Hillary's proposals are more possible to pass because it's just more of the same which is exactly what Washington wants.
Trump saying the only global warming he is worried about is nuclear warming. Jeez, the guy is a clown. I feel sorry for all the future generations of this planet and only hope they aren't as selfish, ignorant or as stupid as we have been so far.
So Lyin' Ted, Kasich and the Teflon Don all retracted their pledge to support the eventual GOP nominee.

Cleveland is going to be one hell of a spectacle :drool:
Hillary's team are clearly concerned about Bernie's gains in recent weeks. They may have to capitulate on a pre-NY debate, which will more than likely put him within striking distance.
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