2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Oh dear Lyin' Ted could be in for a real shitstorm. This just got real. Twitter has gone absolutely mental with these rumours. I really hope that the story about the nasty bitch who works for Trump and is always speaking for him on Fox and CNN is true. Having her taken down with Cruz would be too good to be true.

http://theconservativetreehouse.com...irer-runs-story-of-multiple-ted-cruz-affairs/ OUCH!

http://www.thepoliticalinsider.com/breaking-ted-cruz-sex-scandal-appears-looming/ Double OUCH!

I know it's a tabloid, but it does have a track record of being right about things like this, and the UK tabloids certainly do, they don't often print stuff like this without proof. Utah certainly wouldn't have liked this.
Oh dear Lyin' Ted could be in for a real shitstorm. This just got real. Twitter has gone absolutely mental with these rumours. I really hope that the story about the nasty bitch who works for Trump and is always speaking for him on Fox and CNN is true. Having her taken down with Cruz would be too good to be true.

http://theconservativetreehouse.com...irer-runs-story-of-multiple-ted-cruz-affairs/ OUCH!

http://www.thepoliticalinsider.com/breaking-ted-cruz-sex-scandal-appears-looming/ Double OUCH!

I know it's a tabloid, but it does have a track record of being right about things like this, and the UK tabloids certainly do, they don't often print stuff like this without proof. Utah certainly wouldn't have liked this.
By the standards of this election, Cruz will probably get a bounce in the polls from this.

Rather than just a bounce in the po... nah never mind.
Bit low (I don't read tabloids, thank feck) to be revealing the women's identities. Then for an army of Twitter cnuts to try and hunt them down.
By the standards of this election, Cruz will probably get a bounce in the polls from this.

I would agree with you mate, but not with Cruz. He is absolutely hated by the establishment and anyone he works with, even his endorsements have been awful. Lindsay Graham said he was his 15th choice shortly after endorsing him a couple of days ago, and compared his choice between Cruz and Trump as like being shot or poisoned. He also said Kasich would make the best President but he has no chance of being elected. But more importantly, Cruz runs mainly on his "Conservative Christian values" and bangs on relentlessly about his religious beliefs. True or not, this will not go down well at all with those people.
Bit low (I don't read tabloids, thank feck) to be revealing the women's identities. Then for an army of Twitter cnuts to try and hunt them down.

That's the internet mate. They do it here all the time, it's been going on for years. I do agree it is low though, but as one quote I saw said, they must have pretty good proof and will probably have spoken to the women involved for them to have printed the pictures, otherwise they would have used the standard silhouette style picture.
That's the internet mate. They do it here all the time, it's been going on for years. I do agree it is low though, but as one quote I saw said, they must have pretty good proof and will probably have spoken to the women involved for them to have printed the pictures, otherwise they would have used the standard silhouette style picture.
True, internet will do what it does.

This is a pretty big fecking scandal though. I think this just officially became a two horse race, and not the one people expected. Americans (traditionally) despise sex scandals. Can't see Cruz coming back from this one, I think he's a goner.
True, internet will do what it does.

This is a pretty big fecking scandal though. I think this just officially became a two horse race, and not the one people expected. Americans (traditionally) despise sex scandals. Can't see Cruz coming back from this one, I think he's a goner.

I was in two minds over posting it or not, but since I clicked on the link on twitter and read the article and posted it here, it had 29,000 updates/retweets or people talking about it. Just the fact it has gone viral is enough to talk about it I think. It's clearly not being ignored.

Many have been saying for ages that it's a two horse race anyway. The thing is though, if this was Trump, I do think, like you said, his ratings would go up because of it. Trumps supporters would be loving it. I mean, the stories of him beating and raping his first wife (which are unproven) and then paying her off and getting her to sign a nondisclosure contract agreeing she can never talk about those events or say anything negative about their marriage (which is true and has been widely reported) hasn't dented his chances, on top of everything else, then I really don't know what else would.
I hate sex scandals. It's fecking bullshit what people do in their private lives that aren't breaking laws. But if you make a living out of preaching family values then you deserve to be exposed for hypocrisy.
I hate sex scandals. It's fecking bullshit what people do in their private lives that aren't breaking laws. But if you make a living out of preaching family values then you deserve to be exposed for hypocrisy.

I agree completely, your private life should be your private life, but his constant patronising religious spouting makes this fair game. To be fair some of the tweets are pretty funny.

"Wow!! I'm thinking Bill Clinton & Ted Cruz need to get together & make a movie!! Bill & Ted's Sexcellent Adventure"

For fecks sake, somewhere else is now reporting he paid for hookers as well. You watch him blame all this on Trump.

The party of family values, eh?

Not that it needs this scandal, true or not, to show their hypocrisy. Dennis Hastert, Newt Gingrich etc... took care of that. All the outrage about a blowjob :wenger:. Karma is a bitch.
Wow, that is huge. Can't wait to hear Mark Levin and his 100% backing for Ted Cruz while continuously calling Bill Clinton as just the 'Pervert' and refusing to address him by name.
If Lyin' Ted is really going down, I think liberals have a new champion, Lindsey Graham :lol:.

Would be grand if the DNC invite him to speak at the convention.
Playing amateur detective here... But probably why Kasich has stayed in the race. Knows establishment will rally round him as GOP candidate.
Wasn't his campaign and obviously he won't take any responsibility for a super PAC (none of them will)
There's no indication that he did. It was just some meme on facebook. It actually has a text on it that says it's not part of any political campaign.
I didn't think so?
For some reason I thought it was from some ad endorsed by the candidate. Googled again. just some pics with captions.. nothing else. Nothing to do with Cruz.

Trump is an idiot for responding to it.. and a cnut for mentioning Cruz's wife.
Can’t be trusTED
He got busTED
Banged 5 women
His career is dusTED

Heidi’s heaTED
B/c he cheaTED
Time 4 TED
to be deleTED!


The Internet :lol:

I don't care which candiate from the democrats stops Trump from becoming US president but I wonder if results are so straightforward as displayed regardless of Bernie or Hilary running against Trump.
I don't care which candiate from the democrats stops Trump from becoming US president but I wonder if results are so straightforward as displayed regardless of Bernie or Hilary running against Trump.

Certainly not Bernie. For a start, he can't flip AZ or GA with his performance amongst minorities. Hell, for that matter, Florida is out of the way too, since it's kind of Drumpf's second home state. NC, VA, OH then decide the election, not to mention that he might have to play defense in PA, which is a Dem leaning state but still count as a swing state.

At best, Bernie Sanders can reach 290 EVs. Which is still more than enough, but it's too close to comfort against the prospect of 'President Trump'.
Certainly not Bernie. For a start, he can't flip AZ or GA with his performance amongst minorities. Hell, for that matter, Florida is out of the way too, since it's kind of Drumpf's second home state. NC, VA, OH then decide the election, not to mention that he might have to play defense in PA, which is a Dem leaning state but still count as a swing state.

At best, Bernie Sanders can reach 290 EVs. Which is still more than enough, but it's too close to comfort against the prospect of 'President Trump'.
The Democrats could nominate an apple tree and it'd still get almost every minority vote against Drumpf.
Certainly not Bernie. For a start, he can't flip AZ or GA with his performance amongst minorities. Hell, for that matter, Florida is out of the way too, since it's kind of Drumpf's second home state. NC, VA, OH then decide the election, not to mention that he might have to play defense in PA, which is a Dem leaning state but still count as a swing state.

At best, Bernie Sanders can reach 290 EVs. Which is still more than enough, but it's too close to comfort against the prospect of 'President Trump'.
Thanks. I thought that about 10 days ago I saw a poll somewhere that Bernie would win against Trump by a small margin and Hilary would lose against him by a tiny margin.
The Democrats could nominate an apple tree and it'd still get almost every minority vote against Drumpf.

It's not so black-and-white. Older, more conservative voters can be persuaded by Drumpf's isolationism, tariffs talk and strong-man rhetorics. They are also, unfortunately, the demographic with the most reliable turn out.

It could be interesting though, a sort of 2016 McGovern vs Goldwater.
I hate sex scandals. It's fecking bullshit what people do in their private lives that aren't breaking laws. But if you make a living out of preaching family values then you deserve to be exposed for hypocrisy.
I'm with you for most individuals. But in this specific case, what about concerns of non-monetary bribery?
Thanks. I thought that about 10 days ago I saw a poll somewhere that Bernie would win against Trump by a small margin and Hilary would lose against him by a tiny margin.
These kinds of polls are way too early to have much predictive power. You'd be surprised at the number of voters who still know relatively little about Sanders. I'd think (and hope) that Clinton would beat Trump but who knows the way he's been going.
Many have been saying for ages that it's a two horse race anyway. The thing is though, if this was Trump, I do think, like you said, his ratings would go up because of it. Trumps supporters would be loving it. I mean, the stories of him beating and raping his first wife (which are unproven) and then paying her off and getting her to sign a nondisclosure contract agreeing she can never talk about those events or say anything negative about their marriage (which is true and has been widely reported) hasn't dented his chances, on top of everything else, then I really don't know what else would.
wait what?
These kinds of polls are way too early to have much predictive power. You'd be surprised at the number of voters who still know relatively little about Sanders. I'd think (and hope) that Clinton would beat Trump but who knows the way he's been going.
If it wasn't a real possibility that Trump becomes US president, it would be really funny that so many people appear to fall for him. It could be scripted by a comedian.
wait what?

Yeah, I'm surprised you didn't know, it's been talked about for years, and mentioned in a few documentaries about Trump.

Ivana Trump made an allegation that he beat and raped her one night, she wrote about it in her book Lost Tycoon, and she also made a statement about it in her divorce. Now there are various reports about what happened after that but most I have read say that Donald got her to sign a non disclosure agreement and never talk about it again and to only ever talk about their marriage in positive terms, she also had to recant her description of events in the book. It was also claimed Donald paid her off, and threatened she wouldn't get anything from the divorce.

Whatever you believe some things are more than clear. She quickly backtracked and said she didn't mean what she said in the book and she has never since said a single bad word about Donald.

Just google Ivana Trump rape, or Donald Trump rape and read some of the hundreds of thousands of articles about this event.

http://countercurrentnews.com/2016/03/donald-trump-accused-of/ That one is short but sweet and shows the divorce statement and also the passage from her book.
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