2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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watching the Republican establishment burn is so fulfilling.

Apparently one of the women Cruz had an affair with is now Fiorina's campaign manager Sarah Isgur Flores, hence the talk about the $500,000 donation.

So one is on Fiorina's campaign and one on Trumps campaign? How did he think he could keep this quiet? (if the rumours are true)
Something's wrong with this story. Almost 12 hours done and major outlet has picked up on it. The Trump Army has made it their life's work to have the hashtag trending on twitter. It was trending worldwide and now we have a concerted effort to make it to trend again. No tweets from any of the affected parties, some shit is going down yo.

Apparently one of the women Cruz had an affair with is now Fiorina's campaign manager Sarah Isgur Flores, hence the talk about the $500,000 donation.

So one is on Fiorina's campaign and one on Trumps campaign? How did he think he could keep this quiet? (if the rumours are true)

That Amanda Carpenter on CNN too, irritating woman.

I am thoroughly disgusted so many women let his #CruzMissile strike them.
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Quite possibly...except, Bill didn't claim to be the 2nd coming of Haysoos H Christ.
Exactly. It's actually so predictable: The less tolerant a politician is in public to other forms of partnership and family which do not align with the 'Christian' norm, the more likely he is to be involved in something off the 'norm'. Who was that American politician again who was so radical against homosexuals and got caught with a man in a public bath room?
So the Christian fanatic had multiple affairs. This should ruin him. Glorious.
I am Christian and hate when so called zealots use religion to legitimize their bigotry and narrow minded views.
Oh this is glorious :D

GOP in complete self-destruct mode.

Just a shame that it guarantees the presidency for Hillary feckin Clinton.
Don't know why Warren didn't run. In fact don't know why more democrats didn't contest. This election is an open goal.
I can't wait to see his contrition statement about how he will prayerfully deal with this. Hopefully he will disappear from the scene now, senate included.
I can't wait to see his contrition statement about how he will prayerfully deal with this. Hopefully he will disappear from the scene now, senate included.
God if faithful enough to forgive all our sins. He that has no sin, let him throw the first stone. :D
Hope people don't buy his nonsense.
This still could turn out to be bullshits.

It could, but I seriously doubt it now. If it was someone would have come out and squashed it by now. Too many people from both sides are staying quiet, AND too many other journalists are coming out and confirming that they knew something about it. Not to mention the women "named" have also remained quiet, and as I said the paper (tabloid) that ran the story wouldn't have gone as far as printing photos of the women unless it was absolutely certain. Definitely not after what happened to Gawker last week.

It also fits with Trumps "spill the beans" comments, although that suggests he has something on Heidi which is no doubt going to come out soon, and all of it fits with Heidi's much reported breakdown.


I think there's way too much smoke to be no fire on this one.
It could, but I seriously doubt it now. If it was someone would have come out and squashed it by now. Too many people from both sides are staying quiet, AND too many other journalists are coming out and confirming that they knew something about it. Not to mention the women "named" have also remained quiet, and as I said the paper (tabloid) that ran the story wouldn't have gone as far as printing photos of the women unless it was absolutely certain. Definitely not after what happened to Gawker last week.

It also fits with Trumps "spill the beans" comments, although that suggests he has something on Heidi which is no doubt going to come out soon, and all of it fits with Heidi's much reported breakdown.


I think there's way too much smoke to be no fire on this one.

No big news outlet have chosen to run with the story yet. Not even a 'guys over there are running with this story, we don't know what to report on this' line, which makes it iffy.
No big news outlet have chosen to run with the story yet. Not even a 'guys over there are running with this story, we don't know what to report on this' line, which makes it iffy.

That's fair enough, but when it happens here in the UK it's often the papers than run with it and the news channels steer well clear, also you can guarantee they are going mad fact checking at the moment. Obviously it could still be BS though.
I think it's basically down to this. Cruz basically says He's not responsible for the Super PAC ad. If Cruz supporters try to pin the sleaze leak on Donald Trump and his smear tactics, he says he won't be responsible for the story that was run by sleazy outlets
If the National Enquirer made it up, surely Cruz will sue?
absolutely not.

the last thing he wants to do is give this thing any airtime...if he even threatens to sue, all of a sudden the MSM will start to cover it and you never ever win in a fight with the tabloids. What good is a few million?

He and his people will continue to ignore this and it'll go away in a day or two.
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