2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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The amount of republicans who are for carpet bombing Syria to destory ISIS is scarily high. Mark Levin and Rush Limbaugh 'advise' that these kind of collateral casualties that include civilians and families were common during WW II and should be ok now.

I saw some really interesting reports on that this week. TYT reported a fair bit about it as well, and so did CNN. Reports say over 23,000 bombs dropped in the middle east to defeat ISIS. Estimates said that there was only 30,000 ISIS fighters and over 6,000 ISIS fighters killed yet apparently there are still 30,000 ISIS fighters left. What the feck?

Also same sources said that the US has dropped nearly 25,000 bombs and the stockpile is now EXTREMELY LOW! and they are running out.

But what can be taken from all this is, that not only are they running out of bombs, the numbers of ISIS fighters isn't really changing, so that means lots of civilians must be being hit, ISIS is recruiting at the same rate as they are being hit, AND bombing obviously isn't working. Yet Trump and Cruz want to increase the bombing. Also, if ISIS aren't stopping their attacks, rather stepping them up (Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Paris, Belgium etc) then surely it's time to start looking at other methods, because it's clear the bombing isn't working.





Will try and find the TYT link and the other reports saying similar things.
I saw some really interesting reports on that this week. TYT reported a fair bit about it as well, and so did CNN. Reports say over 23,000 bombs dropped in the middle east to defeat ISIS. Estimates said that there was only 30,000 ISIS fighters and over 6,000 ISIS fighters killed yet apparently there are still 30,000 ISIS fighters left. What the feck?

Also same sources said that the US has dropped nearly 25,000 bombs and the stockpile is now EXTREMELY LOW! and they are running out.

But what can be taken from all this is, that not only are they running out of bombs, the numbers of ISIS fighters isn't really changing, so that means lots of civilians must be being hit, ISIS is recruiting at the same rate as they are being hit, AND bombing obviously isn't working. Yet Trump and Cruz want to increase the bombing. Also, if ISIS aren't stopping their attacks, rather stepping them up (Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Paris, Belgium etc) then surely it's time to start looking at other methods, because it's clear the bombing isn't working.





Will try and find the TYT link and the other reports saying similar things.

I was genuinely scared by their conviction that Europe can't protect themselves from ISIS because the old alliances have been destroyed by 'bloated welfare states' who can't protect them anymore. It's as if that US has to invade Syria, destroy ISIS and get out. Haven't they learned a single thing from 9/11?
I was genuinely scared by their conviction that Europe can't protect themselves from ISIS because the old alliances have been destroyed by 'bloated welfare states' who can't protect them anymore. It's as if that US has to invade Syria, destroy ISIS and get out. Haven't they learned a single thing from 9/11?

No, they really haven't and you really have to wonder why? The UK has CLEARLY backed off from it all, a lot is due to public opinion, and I think the politicians have learned a lot too, and the rest of Europe seems to have backed away from it all to a certain extent. I think we have all learned from it and have lost the desire for war, and realised how futile it all is/was and are trying to find other ways to combat it. The trouble is an awful lot of Americans haven't and don't see it that way. Ironically I don't think we are doing enough at the moment, but bombing sure as feck isn't the answer.

Obama had it pretty much spot on, yes he has made mistakes, but on a whole he has been very diplomatic and definitely reached out to lots of countries (Iran and Cuba just 2 examples) and is getting panned by the Republicans for it. His middle east policy has been absolutely slated by them. Now, you have to wonder why? Is it arrogance? Do these guys really believe it's America's job to sort all this and they are the only ones who can? Is it ignorance? Not understanding the problems properly? Is it financially led interests and they want to take the worlds oil, and set up businesses and create and empower their governments in the middle east? Is it historical regret and they want to defeat those that others haven't before? Is it just plain stupidity? Or a combination of all of it?

Take Russia for example, you can absolutely guarantee if Cruz or Trump had been in charge during the takeover of Crimea, the USA would be at war with Russia now, or the world would be, or there wouldn't be a world left. The same with the Iran deal, that would never have happened and they hate it, absolutely hate it! The same with Syria, they would have bombed the living shit out of it, and been at war with Russia and China because of it. I honestly don't think i'm exaggerating saying any of that. If Cruz or Trump had been in charge the last 8 years, well things would be a shitload different, and not in a good way.

No they haven't learned a thing, and that's the main reason why I take so much interest in the US elections. It doesn't affect me if Americans don't have free healthcare or education, I just want them to because it's fair and right and despite the rhetoric against it, it can and does work and I don't like the attitude against it, or the thought of people suffering when they don't have to. I also have lots of friends and families in the States that are affected by it. Their gun laws don't affect me either I just don't agree with them. But their foreign policy does and can and in a big way. I lost friends in Iraq and Afghanistan, and have friends in the military and ultimately it is civilians that are getting blown up in London, Paris, Brussels, Turkey, Egypt etc,and where will it all end? Nuclear war? It's really scary and who the Americans put in the White House is such an important decision it affects every single person on this planet. That's why although all this election stuff is funny, it actually really isn't.
Apparently Cruz is catching Trump up FAST in the polls. It's now 41% Trump 38% Cruz 21% Kasich And Cruz is catching Hillary up in the head to head as well. That's REALLY worrying. :(
Apparently Cruz is catching Trump up FAST in the polls. It's now 41% Trump 38% Cruz 21% Kasich And Cruz is catching Hillary up in the head to head as well. That's REALLY worrying. :(

Fortunately they are not competing nationally. Cruz is picking up a lot of people who would have previously voted for Rubio (apparently 80% of them) and is also benefiting from being the only electable anti-Trump candidate standing, which is being driven by establishment backing from the likes of Lindsey Graham, Jeb Bush etc, as well as a full on campaign by Fox News. Despite all that, Trump is still clobbering him in delegates and should actually reach 1, 237.
Apparently Cruz is catching Trump up FAST in the polls. It's now 41% Trump 38% Cruz 21% Kasich And Cruz is catching Hillary up in the head to head as well. That's REALLY worrying. :(

Well stop and think about the process right now. We still have to finish up the primaries, then have both convention. At that point it will be down to two candidates who will get the undivided attention of the media and varying levels of attention from the voters.
That is when you should start paying attention to national numbers.
Apparently Cruz is catching Trump up FAST in the polls. It's now 41% Trump 38% Cruz 21% Kasich And Cruz is catching Hillary up in the head to head as well. That's REALLY worrying. :(

Cruz has even less of a chance as trump does as winning a national election IMO.
That man Is hated by pretty much everyone except his base.
Lyin' Ted ain't getting that nomination. If he does, that's pretty much a guaranteed landslide for the Dems, even if Drumpf doesn't go independent (which he won't).

Harry Reid just said the Donald is not to be underestimated. Quite interesting. The old weasel knows a thing or two about politics.
Lyin' Ted ain't getting that nomination. If he does, that's pretty much a guaranteed landslide for the Dems, even if Drumpf doesn't go independent (which he won't).

Harry Reid just said the Donald is not to be underestimated. Quite interesting. The old weasel knows a thing or two about politics.

Last polls I saw showed Hillary beating Trump but tied with Cruz.
This is pretty crazy if true - Kasich seems to be running the stupidest campaign still on the pitch. Didn't understand the delegate allocation rules in Utah, didn't bother to get the minimum number of required signatures to be on the ballot in Illinois and Pennsylvania, doesn't seem to have any real plan for kill-stealing it at the convention despite that being his self-proclaimed only path to the nomination (unlike Cruz, who is actively infiltrating Trump's state delegate slates). In short, he really is "just flailing his arms around and having a wonderful time going around the country" without any semblance of a serious or coherent plan.

(author is a journalist at the Weekly Standard)
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Cruz isn't really that far off from Kasish in that they are both just running to prevent Trump from reaching 1,237 and for leverage if there is a contested convention.

Cruz currently has 450 delegates with 839 still up for grabs in the remaining states. He will need to win 787 out of 839 remaining to reach 1,237, which is of course delusional.

Trump is only 52 delegates away from making it mathematically impossible for Cruz to reach 1,237, at which point (imo) he can make the case that he's the only remaining candidate and the party should coalesce around him. Although the latter probably won't happen, voter enthusiasm for Cruz and Kasich will fall off a cliff once Trump eliminates all mathematical paths for Cruz.
Yep, fully agreed @Raoul re: Cruz cannot mathematically win on 1st ballot, no matter what he says. I think Costa's point however is that at least Cruz's campaign just isn't actively incompetent in building their contested-convention case - with the rules, with the convention-delegate shenanigans, with the ballot requirements, etc.
As opposed to every other media outlet, including MSNBC, who undermine and demean him at every given opportunity?

Refreshing if you ask me.
Really? Are those the two options? It would've been refreshing if they were doing their job impartially.
Really? Are those the two options? It would've been refreshing if they were doing their job impartially.

The difference is TYT aren't a major news outlet. They're basically a bunch of guys in Cali with a YouTube channel that has a healthy subscriber base filled with progressives. MSNBC on the other hand is probably the US's biggest progressive media outlet, yet they might as well be the 24/7 Hillary show considering how much traction they're giving without giving Sanders so much as a peep.

Sanders needs all the media coverage he can get considering the establishment have already chosen their crooked queen.
I actually like having GOP members on Morning Joe and other MSNBC shows. I think they do a decent job of being fair to one another and providing both sides of an argument. Nothing worse than one-sided "discussions". If only other shows and networks would do it!
Really? Are those the two options? It would've been refreshing if they were doing their job impartially.
I think part of the problem is most of these shows are politic shows rather than real news outlets. News outlets should certainly be impartial. Need more news outlets for sure where facts are stated without any discussion.

That was a great line from Obama, although I'm not sure why the article says it's something he says because he's leaving office. I'm sure he would have said that anytime.

Michele Bachmann is mentally ill. Of that I have no doubt. Yet again, what I can't understand is how she was elected, or even given a job in politics, or how she can actually believe the shit she talks, let alone anyone else believe it.
I think TYT is absolutely awful full of shit jokes from Cenk. I find it unwatchable and cringeworthy on most days.
The guy has a problem with young female voters and he does that!

Someone said Donald has no filter; I'd say his emotions feed directly to his typing finger, bypassing the rest of his brain. If Donald is hanging by his fingertips on the edge of the Grand Canyon, and a lone woman is standing there looking down at him, the next words out of his mouth are, "Haul me up, you dumb broad!"
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