2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Don't think media is the only answer.

Media has given him the coverage because of his gaffes and outrageous statements. The fact none of them has sank him is an indictment of a substantial part of American people.

I mean how does the media not give someone calling a section of people rapists or acting the buffoon in every other press conference. Ideally the first or any subsequent occurrence of such behavior would have sank the candidate in question. It hasn't in Trump's case, his behavior and in turn the coverage as a result has amplified.
He has however created the narrative that he is self-funding which will ultimately come back to bite him.

He's already as low as can be with women and minorities. I don't think it'll make much of a difference. He'll simply say that he's using the donors and because he's so rich their money won't affect him one bit, then the Trumpettes will eat it up.
Don't think media is the only answer.

Media has given him the coverage because of his gaffes and outrageous statements. The fact none of them has sank him is an indictment of a substantial part of American people.

I mean how does the media not give someone calling a section of people rapists or acting the buffoon in every other press conference. Ideally the first or any subsequent occurrence of such behavior would have sank the candidate in question. It hasn't in Trump's case, his behavior and in turn the coverage as a result has amplified.
Yeah. His free publicity is a double-edged sword - great for winning a plurality of GOPers, but simultaneously making him the most disliked major candidate in recent history. He's been completely defined in the public image with his outbursts and general behaviour, an image that's now impossible to walk back. The reason the GOP don't want him really, really is because he's an awful general election candidate. It's hard to imagine a worse candidate.
Yeah. His free publicity is a double-edged sword - great for winning a plurality of GOPers, but simultaneously making him the most disliked major candidate in recent history. He's been completely defined in the public image with his outbursts and general behaviour, an image that's now impossible to walk back. The reason the GOP don't want him really, really is because he's an awful general election candidate. It's hard to imagine a worse candidate.

Jeb? Cruz? Fiorina?

I'm confident in saying Hillary would stroll over any of them in a general.
little Marco...lyin..lyin Ted.

crowd just lapping it up.

Branding. Unfortunately for him, it won't fly in the Gen when he is dealing with people who have University degrees.

Yeah, they are, but what you have to remember is on the O'Reilly's show the other night he promised to stop the attacks and petty insults because they weren't called for and stopped him gaining respect with many people. Bill said it was time for him to start appearing and acting more presidential, to which Trump agreed with and said he would stop with the name calling.

He went straight back on Twitter and it was business as usual. His wife and daughter have also said he needs to stop it as well, for the exact same reason, but it seems to have fallen on deaf ears, or he just can't help himself. Donald does as Donald does.
While Republicans go to bed every night whispering 'Benghazi' and 'emails', their front runner and likely nominee is actually going to court for two cases, both pertain to Trump University, with another one in the work.

John Oliver really did the world a great favor bringing that into the spotlight.
Hillary has to be the favourite simply because of the make up of the electrol map. But it will be closer than people think. And November is an eternity away.

I think it would be closer if Trump wins New York. He will win the south and be strong in FL, but will probably get trounced in OH and VA.
Jeb? Cruz? Fiorina?

I'm confident in saying Hillary would stroll over any of them in a general.
You're not confident in saying she'd stroll over Trump? Even with Cruz, you could see Democrats taking it too easy and getting careless. With Trump, I reckon the enthusiasm to vote against him is going to rival the enthusiasm to vote for Obama. Teddy would at least be able to get the backing, however reluctantly, of the party. I think the GOP have taken a terrible field of candidates and picked the single most toxic one, which is impressive.
I think it would be closer if Trump wins New York. He will win the south and be strong in FL, but will probably get trounced in OH and VA.

Clinton(and Obama's former)'s chief pollster and campaign strategist Joel Bennesson has said that they are actively looking to play in AZ this cycle. I thought it would be close initially but if they are THAT confident, their internal polling must told them something we don't know.
You're not confident in saying she'd stroll over Trump? Even with Cruz, you could see Democrats taking it too easy and getting careless. With Trump, I reckon the enthusiasm to vote against him is going to rival the enthusiasm to vote for Obama. Teddy would at least be able to get the backing, however reluctantly, of the party. I think the GOP have taken a terrible field of candidates and picked the single most toxic one, which is impressive.

I think she will win against Trump, but not to a strolling level per say. That said, I think you are right on the "vote for anyone but Trump" enthusiasm.

I think the GOP are fecked regardless. Any level of debate on what candidate is the best, is shifting seats on the Titanic, as far as this election is concerned, and if future demographic trends hold, is applicable to future elections as well.
Ted Cruz looks like The Penguin from Batman crossed with sloth from The Goonies.

This is probably as accurate as it gets for a variety of reasons.....


solution is to exterminate the palestinians.

No. But given the terrible history of the 20th century, and the amount of anti-semitism that still exists in the world - witness the shenanigans within the British Labour Party - I'd expect a Jewish politician to be more supportive of his own people. But I suppose being the perfect lefty is more important.
No. But given the terrible history of the 20th century, and the amount of anti-semitism that still exists in the world - witness the shenanigans within the British Labour Party - I'd expect a Jewish politician to be more supportive of his own people. But I suppose being the perfect lefty is more important.

Nothing to do with being a perfect lefty at all. I think this shows Bernie's humanity though and he looks at it from both sides and realises that the pro-Israel stance taken by Cruz and Rubio and many other Republicans is very dangerous and doesn't solve anything. He realises that the Palestinians have a legitimate argument and are being treated awfully, and when Rubio and Cruz say that the entire Palestinian state is a terrorist state and they are all terrorists is no different than when Trump brandishes all Mexicans as rapists, drug dealers and murderers or when he says 40% of Muslims are Jihadi terrorists that want to attack the USA.
No. But given the terrible history of the 20th century, and the amount of anti-semitism that still exists in the world - witness the shenanigans within the British Labour Party - I'd expect a Jewish politician to be more supportive of his own people. But I suppose being the perfect lefty is more important.

But bernies own people are Americans?
Nothing to do with being a perfect lefty at all. I think this shows Bernie's humanity though and he looks at it from both sides and realises that the pro-Israel stance taken by Cruz and Rubio and many other Republicans is very dangerous and doesn't solve anything. He realises that the Palestinians have a legitimate argument and are being treated awfully, and when Rubio and Cruz say that the entire Palestinian state is a terrorist state and they are all terrorists is no different than when Trump brandishes all Mexicans as rapists, drug dealers and murderers or when he says 40% of Muslims are Jihadi terrorists that want to attack the USA.

The idea of a 'solution' is itself a myth. In my lifetime there have been any number of 'peace' agreements, all heavily promoted and eulogized by the international liberal community, who hailed them as breakthroughs; and not one has ended violence or ever looked like doing so. It's been one long series of concessions by the Israelis in return for promises which have not been kept.

The wishes, needs and national aims of the Israeli and Palestinian people are too incompatible for solutions. Israel can only satisfy the Palestinians by putting itself on the road to extinction.
The idea of a 'solution' is itself a myth. In my lifetime there have been any number of 'peace' agreements, all heavily promoted and eulogized by the international liberal community, who hailed them as breakthroughs; and not one has ended violence or ever looked like doing so. It's been one long series of concessions by the Israelis in return for promises which have not been kept.

The wishes, needs and national aims of the Israeli and Palestinian people are too incompatible for solutions. Israel can only satisfy the Palestinians by putting itself on the road to extinction.

I'm not saying I have the answer or Bernie has the answers either. I'm just saying it is blatantly obvious he looks at things from both sides and empathises with the innocent people who are being killed, injured or persecuted throughout the whole sorry affair. He also realises that the pro Israel stance and view held by Cruz and Rubio and co isn't the answer either and is very dangerous. This isn't the thread to have this discussion really as there is one dedicated to it in this forum, but I find it very disingenuous to say that it is just the Palestinians who break the ceasefires or cause all the problems, when during many ceasefires in my lifetime the Israelis continue to build on Palestinian land or continue to ignite tensions in the region with various other actions. It's a clusterfeck of a situation and has been for years and I just feel extremely sorry for all the people caught up in the middle of it all. It's obvious Bernie feels exactly the same way, so it's unfair to say that "he just takes the perfect lefty stance" because he won't completely side with Israel and it's obvious he's just thinking of all the poor people caught in the middle of it all. Anyway, as I said, this isn't the thread to have this discussion.

You not seen the Munsters video yet?

:lol: No, not seen that before, thanks for posting it.
Nothing to do with being a perfect lefty at all. I think this shows Bernie's humanity though and he looks at it from both sides and realises that the pro-Israel stance taken by Cruz and Rubio and many other Republicans is very dangerous and doesn't solve anything. He realises that the Palestinians have a legitimate argument and are being treated awfully, and when Rubio and Cruz say that the entire Palestinian state is a terrorist state and they are all terrorists is no different than when Trump brandishes all Mexicans as rapists, drug dealers and murderers or when he says 40% of Muslims are Jihadi terrorists that want to attack the USA.

I am not very pro Israel alone, but Saying Palestine is a terrorist state is quite different to calling all palestinian terrorists.

Btw, in history there have been instances of US and even UN officially warning say a Pakistan that it could be declared terrorist state due to action of it's rulers and military in some instances but that does not equate to calling majority of people there terrorists and haters. feck that's not even something Indian politicians do.

So you are comparing apples and oranges equating what Cruz or Rubio may have said (Don't know exact quotes) to what Trump has been spouting.
So you are comparing apples and oranges equating what Cruz or Rubio may have said (Don't know exact quotes) to what Trump has been spouting.

Yeah, possibly, but Rubio has definitely said some comments that insinuated more than Palestine being a terrorist state and wasn't too far from Trumps comments about Muslims or Mexicans, I don't have the videos or exact quotes so won't argue or comment further (as I said, not the thread for it)
Nice rumour floating around at the moment, I think @Raoul has mentioned it here as well, possibility that Hillary could appoint Obama as SCOTUS. What's the likelihood of that happening? That would royally piss the Republicans off. :lol:
I love Trump. He's a like a real life Manchurian Candidate for America's enemies. It's going to be hilarious watching him be president for 4 years.
Nice rumour floating around at the moment, I think @Raoul has mentioned it here as well, possibility that Hillary could appoint Obama as SCOTUS. What's the likelihood of that happening? That would royally piss the Republicans off. :lol:

Probably between 0 and 0 percent.
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