2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Although more ominously, Trump's domination in FL suggests the GOP will likely carry it in November, which would be a massive setback for the Dems.
Although more ominously, Trump's domination in FL suggests the GOP will likely carry it in November, which would be a massive setback for the Dems.
A large portion of Rubio's voters said they wouldn't vote for Trump in November, so that's far from assured. Large minority turnout dooms him.
The Cubans in Florida are pissed off at Obama and the Dems...Hillary will needs to try to offset this with the growing Puerto Rican population.
The Cubans in Florida are pissed off at Obama and the Dems...Hillary will needs to try to offset this with the growing Puerto Rican population.

A bit simplistic, no? The political machine and old generation will tilt GOP, but the younger one will look more favorable to the Dem, especially with the recent normalization with Cuba.
538 said:
Guess what? Trump could make up for all 66 delegates he lost in Ohio with huge delegate margins in Illinois and Missouri. In Missouri, Trump is clinging to a lead of just 2,400 votes, but IF things continue as they are, Trump will capture 47 of Missouri’s delegates to just five for Cruz. And in Illinois, where Trump is winning about 40 percent of the vote, he could win all but a handful of congressional districts, giving him perhaps 60 of the state’s 69 delegates. Wow.

Turning into an amazing night for Trump.
A bit simplistic, no? The political machine and old generation will tilt GOP, but the younger one will look more favorable to the Dem, especially with the recent normalization with Cuba.

You're probably right, and I haven't looked at any stats...but going by feel, far too many - 'my grandparents had to run away from the evil Castros and told us stories about friends and family that never escaped....Castros are cnuts, can't believe Obama is playing nice'
Looks like Sanders will get a win in Missouri. But in terms of delegates, it's over.

Clinton vs Trump. Here's hoping for no disasters over the next 8 months!
You're probably right, and I haven't looked at any stats...but going by feel, far too many - 'my grandparents had to run away from the evil Castros and told us stories about friends and family that never escaped....Castros are cnuts, can't believe Obama is playing nice'

Yeah that's fair enough, but as far as I can recall, back in the summer when the normalization was announced, there was an opinion survey about it and a generational divide was apparent, so I remain hopeful.
Feck, maybe not over in MO after all in the Dem race.
Dunno, Sanders only 5k in the lead and Clinton leaning counties still to report. Will be tight.

If you're talking about the nomination though, yeah, that's over.

That cnut Trump has lucked out majorly.

Missouri apparently awards 12 delegates to state winner and 5 delegates each for Congressional district. Trump leads in 6 so far, (30 and another 12 for State, that means he may win 42 or even 47 votes as opposed to just 5 or 10 for Cruz. That's a cruel result for Cruz for losing a state with less than 2000 votes with a million people voting.

In other news, HRC scores Illinois.
Think we rag on Hillary a lot, so we need to give her a lot of credit tonight

Sanders holding on for dear life in Missouri...11000 vote lead, down to 2000.
If you're talking about the nomination though, yeah, that's over.

Still have hope, as all the Bernie states are coming up next and Hillary was leading Obama this time 4 years ago. Got to keep on believing. But whoever wins they simply have to beat Trump. FFS, such a scary man. Absolutely full of shit and just repeats soundbites like he is on a reality TV show. He won't make America great again, he will take it back decades, and possibly piss off the rest of the world and cause far more problems than he resolves and at worst could start another major war. Its not funny anymore, it's now getting downright scary. I hope my paranoia is just down to tiredness and exhaustion.
Still have hope, as all the Bernie states are coming up next and Hillary was leading Obama this time 4 years ago. Got to keep on believing. But whoever wins they simply have to beat Trump. FFS, such a scary man. Absolutely full of shit and just repeats soundbites like he is on a reality TV show. He won't make America great again, he will take it back decades, and possibly piss off the rest of the world and cause far more problems than he resolves and at worst could start another major war. Its not funny anymore, it's now getting downright scary. I hope my paranoia is just down to tiredness and exhaustion.

Since Dems are proportional states, Sanders has to beat Hillary by nearly 30 points in each state. Apparently 72% of all votes have to go him on the remaining states. It's nigh on close to impossible.
Since Dems are proportional states, Sanders has to beat Hillary by nearly 30 points in each state. Apparently 72% of all votes have to go him on the remaining states. It's nigh on close to impossible.

Yeah, but the majority of the super delegates is important and if he starts to pick up states by big margins then it's conceivable they could jump ship to Bernie the same as they did to Obama in the last election. Although I agree it is extremely unlikely. Although as I said, anyone but Trump. Please, anyone but that feckin idiot.
Nope, pretty much all in now, Clinton wins by 1,300 votes! Looks like Trump's about safe too.
Yeah, but the majority of the super delegates is important and if he starts to pick up states by big margins then it's conceivable they could jump ship to Bernie the same as they did to Obama in the last election. Although I agree it is extremely unlikely. Although as I said, anyone but Trump. Please, anyone but that feckin idiot.

The math of pledged delegates alone is nigh on impossible to overcome. Save for an indictment, which won't happen, there won't be a cat's chance in hell Bernie will win every remaining states 70-30 to make up the deficit.

Super delegates jumped ship to Obama once it was clear he won the majority of pledged delegates, even though HRC won the popular votes back then. And seeing that Sanders is behind in both counts, they have neither the incentive nor inclination to do so this time around.
Clinton v Trump it is then.

Surely Trump cant carry on for another 7-8 months.. he has to implode at some point.
Wonder how his campaign will spin this. Michigan might be a poisoned chalice of sort, raising expectations too much.
Yeah, looked at in isolation some of his results tonight were actually good, particularly in Illinois where he wasn't supposed to get close, and North Carolina was a lot closer than I expected it to be. But when his fans expect him to be king of the Rust Belt, and when he's already 300 delegates behind, you can't get beaten that badly in Ohio. I imagine he'll say that he can still win New York and California and they have a lot of delegates etc etc. He'll go on a run of wins in the upcoming states and people will say the momentum's shifted again, blah blah.
:lol: Rubio!!! :lol:


Some Trump voters' xenophobia even outstrips their Trumpiness!
Every time, Cruz completes a sentence, he does this stutter kind of laugh and a pause. If ever there was a punchable face and a punchable moment, that was it.
Bottom part of his mug seems to be permanently sucking on a lemon whatever the top part is trying to do. His shit-eating grin is that of a guy who took the shit-eating aspect too literally.
The math of pledged delegates alone is nigh on impossible to overcome. Save for an indictment, which won't happen, there won't be a cat's chance in hell Bernie will win every remaining states 70-30 to make up the deficit.

Super delegates jumped ship to Obama once it was clear he won the majority of pledged delegates, even though HRC won the popular votes back then. And seeing that Sanders is behind in both counts, they have neither the incentive nor inclination to do so this time around.

Please don't be rational and sensible when I was looking for any tiny shred of hope to cling to.
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