2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Early returns from Ohio is looking very good for Clinton. Along with her big wins in FL and NC, it should be a good night for her. Should stretch the delegate lead.

Based on the precints reporting and the huge number of votes cast, I'd assume those are the absentee/early votes. Alarming but not the end for Sanders since they are usually older.

Florida (66-33) and NC (60-40) are like exit poll data (with non-early votes being counted); Ohio exit polls had her up 53-47.
Rubio basically tried to be everything to everyone and was too generic to become anyone's first choice.
Lol. I didn't realize Rubio is not running for the Senate to focus on the presidential race.

That means he's out of office this year. :lol:
Lol. I didn't realize Rubio is not running for the Senate to focus on the presidential race.

That means he's out of office this year. :lol:
Backup is Governor in 2018 I think.

When I say backup...
Think today is the day democrats win the election. I often mock America, but even they would not vote Trump for president.
Think today is the day democrats win the election. I often mock America, but even they would not vote Trump for president.
Indeed, Rubio quitting is massive despite how expected he was. Seemingly long forgotten now but he was their best candidate for a GE.
I love this...

The Republican party hijacked by Trump...a man who isn't even a Republican :lol:
The base has moved in a direction which makes them unelectable. No matter how much the establishment wants to deny it but it's the cold hard truth.
If I remember correctly, this same Rubio they are desperate for was regarded as the "first tea party senator". That's how much their party has gone to the right. No sensible GOP candidate has a prayer of winning the nomination. In any normal party, John Kasich should be running away with the nomination.
The other thing is another likely loss in the GE is probably going to move their base further to the right. They are fecked.
As I say that, Ohio is called for Clinton. Disaster night for Sanders.
Surely it'll be a contested convention now. :lol:
Who'd they go with as an alternative, Cruz or Kasich? You'd think the crazy elements among Trumpistas would be less annoyed by Cruz.

Or does Mittenchops save the day?
Guardian results led me to depression and also this glorious page

Can't stop scrolling.

‘Muslim-free’ gun shop teams with George Zimmerman to sell Confederate flag prints
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Clinton thanking Sanders for the campaign he's put up so far. Gracious of her.
Can't listen to Clinton without my mind conjuring up the image of this:

Keeping us safe... America's national security... defeat our adversaries... etc. Sounded like a thinly veiled critique of Obama there, with respect to ties with allies.
Clinton said:
This is for the imaginary people I've met that serendipitously represent specific portions of the electorate I'll be targeting in the general election!
Fox has called NC for Trump. Delegates are proportional anyway so doesn't really matter.

Yep.....I'm not too bothered if he wins the remaining ones since they're all proportional. The important bit is he lost Ohio and is being forced to split the proportional delegates in MO, IL, and NC, which deprives him of the type of advantage he wanted to seal the deal tonight. He will only get about another 100 delegates from the outstanding races, so he will for the first time be behind in his delegate pace to get to 1,237.
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