2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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About Hillary and her emails.. is there any good site where I can read up about it. Un biased.. just stating the facts about what happened and why.

Is is technically illegal?
Were there any good reasons for her to do it?
Is it all a nothing story?
About Hillary and her emails.. is there any good site where I can read up about it. Un biased.. just stating the facts about what happened and why.

Is is technically illegal?
Were there any good reasons for her to do it?
Is it all a nothing story?

More than likely a nothing story. Its not technically illegal since the information she sent wasn't classified at the time. It was classified later, so she is in the clear.
I sincerely hope this is case, that the Bern can last long enough to turn his young voters into political activists one way or another. Much of my skepticism with the Sanders's campaign stemmed from the fact that the youth vote abandoned Obama in '10, which led to a decade, if not more, of Republicans taking over near enough every branch of government from federal to state level.

Looks like Kasich should have Ohio wrapped up.

Contested convention. It's going to be utter chaos.
More than likely a nothing story. Its not technically illegal since the information she sent wasn't classified at the time. It was classified later, so she is in the clear.

I would think that it speaks to her judgement skills. Someone in her position should be able to self identify information that should be classified.
I think there's still a lingering vibe that Hillary's campaign lacks enthusiasm, which Bernie seems to have in abundance. We're at a delicate tipping point now, where if Bernie performs better than previously expected, the conversation and narrative about Hillary's viability will once again come into question; obviously to Bernie's advantage. The entire balance of power and momentum could be tipped in his favor tomorrow if he outperforms expectations.
I think we're past the stage where momentum and appearances are important, it's all about the delegates - after tomorrow, half the states/territories will have held their primaries or caucuses, and Clinton's lead is looking likely to be north of 250 in pure pledged delegates. To illustrate, Bernie outperforming expectations would be something like holding Clinton to a 20 point win in Florida, 15 points in NC, and Bernie scoring up 4 point wins in Ohio, Missouri and Illinois. Those results would still see Clinton increase her lead by about 40 delegates over the present lead of 220. For Bernie to really have a meaningful chance, he needs the polls in the midwest to be out by as much as the Michigan ones were, and for the polls in Florida and NC to not be out by as much as they were (against Clinton) in the rest of the south.

about Bernie's momentum. Hillary of course will end up with more delegates. But Bernie has a lot more enthusiastic support. If he keeps closing fast on these and future states, then there will be a narrative. The GOP may not be the only ones with a brokered convention. The Super delegates would not want the nominee to be losing the GE. The polls have shown Bernie doing much better than Hillary against all the GOP candidates.


The fact is Hillary accumulated most of the delegates in Southern states that neither she nor Bernie will win in the GE.
Her IT person has taken the 5th and has been granted immunity by the Feds. Hardly a nothing story. Or I am missing something here.
No, he had taken the 5th, she said he shouldn't and now he isn't. Rice and Powell also received retrospectively classified emails whilst secretary of state, so it looks like the problem lies in the way the state department works.

The fact is Hillary accumulated most of the delegates in Southern states that she nor Bernie will win in the GE.

If there are Dems who can flip the South, I wouldn't bet against the Clintons.

Also, she's won Virginia, by all likelihood will win NC and FL, as well as the liberal bastion of MA. That's not nothing.
If there are Dems who can flip the South, I wouldn't bet against the Clintons.

Also, she's won Virginia, by all likelihood will win NC and FL, as well as the liberal bastion of MA. That's not nothing.

I'm talking of the GE. Obama had to stretch for FL. He lost NC. She will win VA. Question marks over OH, MI, NH and certainly FL. It won't be easy for the Republican candidate. But she is a much weaker candidate than Obama.


Heard Obama lost MA to Hillary in 2008.
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I'm talking of the GE. Obama had to stretch for FL. He lost NC. She will win VA. Question marks over OH, MI, NH and certainly FL. It won't be easy for the Republican candidate. But she is a much weaker candidate than Obama.

I was talking about the GE as well. I can see a path for her to win the Southern States that Obama lost by less than 10 points in 2012 like Georgia or Arizona, or at the very least force Republicans to spend there. NC will go Dem this cycle. Mittens outspent Obama 5-1 in 2012 there and win by 2 points. Can't see the same thing happening with Drumpf.

Was panicking myself about a couple of weeks earlier about FL, but increasingly feel that she has a good chance there.
Because international communities can't be affected by the US president?

I'm not discounting the fact that US Presidents affect international policy, but its still fecking weird to see someone cheerleading as if he's an actual American.
it matters that Bernie has greater enthusiasm/momentum. Neither will win the southern states. (must disagree with IB ). His supporters are not a lock for Hillary...far from it.
But are you suggesting they should just forget about the results in the southern states or something? The majority black voters in those states are just as important to the current Democratic party as the anti-establishment white voters in the north that are most heavily feeling the Bern. And they probably have more to lose from a Republican controlled congress, White House and Supreme Court, too, given their state legislatures will be solid red.

For all Bernie's fabled enthusiasm, his political revolution isn't exactly setting primary turnout levels on fire, is it?
But are you suggesting they should just forget about the results in the southern states or something? The majority black voters in those states are just as important to the current Democratic party as the anti-establishment white voters in the north that are most heavily feeling the Bern. And they probably have more to lose from a Republican controlled congress, White House and Supreme Court, too, given their state legislatures will be solid red.

For all Bernie's fabled enthusiasm, his political revolution isn't exactly setting primary turnout levels on fire, is it?

you are missing the point. What black voters in the South want is not the issue. Also this specific discussion is about analysis. I'm saying in the GE the Southern black votes will not matter because they will be outvoted by white votes. Hillary will get the black votes all over. But she will not get the Blue color vote that is fed with establishment politicians from both parties. Her path is much narrower in the Rust belt states. That is what these primaries are showing.

Err. yes Bernie's enthusiasm is setting primary turnouts where it matters a fact. The Southern states do not matter.
Rubio's SuperPac has apparently not reserved any ad time beyond Tuesday. Pretty much a guarantee that iMarco will bow out after Trump wins Florida.

about Bernie's momentum. Hillary of course will end up with more delegates. But Bernie has a lot more enthusiastic support. If he keeps closing fast on these and future states, then there will be a narrative. The GOP may not be the only ones with a brokered convention. The Super delegates would not want the nominee to be losing the GE. The polls have shown Bernie doing much better than Hillary against all the GOP candidates.


The fact is Hillary accumulated most of the delegates in Southern states that neither she nor Bernie will win in the GE.
The super delegates going against Hillary despite her winning more pledged delegates? :lol:
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