2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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I heard his name a few days ago and I had already forgot the guy's name until you mention his name.
Trump also disavowed him two days earlier. This was all very odd. He even said he didn't hear the name right even though he repeated it himself, perfectly, about 5 times. He'd do anything for a vote.

I think he's about to get worse now that it is him versus Cruz and primaries will be a whole lot closer.
In fairness, invading NZ for their lamb is a good call. It can be the new oil.

Just their Lamb? Jeez there's so much more NZ has to offer than lamb. Imagine some of those lads converted to American Football rather than rugby? Or their cricketers converted to baseball. It's unthinkable how good they would be, or they could just be used to help your rugby team. They could also teach you how to make wine as their Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc's are some of the very best in the world, and although American wine is improving, and some is excellent it's still frowned upon by many when talking about the better wine making countries around the world.

Typical Merkins, so short sighted :p
Just their Lamb? Jeez there's so much more NZ has to offer than lamb. Imagine some of those lads converted to American Football rather than rugby? Or their cricketers converted to baseball. It's unthinkable how good they would be, or they could just be used to help your rugby team. They could also teach you how to make wine as their Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc's are some of the very best in the world, and although American wine is improving, and some is excellent it's still frowned upon by many when talking about the better wine making countries around the world.

Typical Merkins, so short sighted :p
I've had plenty of NZ wine. It can be excellent. But I miss lamb! My vote will go to the pro invade NZ candidate.
Just their Lamb? Jeez there's so much more NZ has to offer than lamb. Imagine some of those lads converted to American Football rather than rugby? Or their cricketers converted to baseball. It's unthinkable how good they would be, or they could just be used to help your rugby team. They could also teach you how to make wine as their Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc's are some of the very best in the world, and although American wine is improving, and some is excellent it's still frowned upon by many when talking about the better wine making countries around the world.

Typical Merkins, so short sighted :p
American wine has been excellent for decades now, among the upper echelon just below France and Italy. And we now have Cubans to stock our baseball ranks.

So I'm still pro-invade Canada.
Listen, it's Trump. I don't think even he knows what he said yesterday. It's clear that he didn't want to disavow any votes that was going to come his way, it's just an odd episode all throughout.

Politicians don't turn away votes. If Hilary Clinton knew she'd get a million KKK votes across the country if she could avoid publicly lambasting David Duke between now and the GE, she'd try to keep her mouth shut. I suspect even the sainted Bernie would do the same.
I was at a conference some years back and the presenter in passing had a go at Trump. I could not remember why. Then he had this little story about him.

Apparently he had a flat out in the country and a person who saw it helped him change the tire. Trump wanted to pay him for the help, insisting. The guy relented and said, instead of paying him for the help, why not send a bunch of flowers to his wife. That she would love getting them from a famous person. Trump did send the flowers to his wife. But he also had paid off their mortgage.
Politicians don't turn away votes. If Hilary Clinton knew she'd get a million KKK votes across the country if she could avoid publicly lambasting David Duke between now and the GE, she'd try to keep her mouth shut. I suspect even the sainted Bernie would do the same.

That is such an incredibly absurd thing to say. You obviously don´t get Bernie Sanders at all, nor his past, nor his massive appeal. Say what you want about his liberalism or his economics, but he´s the furthest thing politically possible of an opportunistic douchebag. He´s been spewing and acting out on the same message for decades, and now all of a sudden to get KKK votes he´d avoid lambasting Duke? Lol. He´s patiently waited his turn, mostly being a voice no one outside his fairly local environment listened to, and now for whatever reason, loads of people are listening. So he´s all of a sudden going to give Duke some consideration? Right.

And on another level, it would be total political suicide. The right, Hill´s supporters and his own enthusiastic support would dump on him for being such a hypocrite.
Bernie disavowed Bernie Bros I believe. Not everyone will do anything for votes.

Because they were an embarrassment and a liability. He's assured of their votes anyway.

That is such an incredibly absurd thing to say. You obviously don´t get Bernie Sanders at all, nor his past, nor his massive appeal. Say what you want about his liberalism or his economics, but he´s the furthest thing politically possible of an opportunistic douchebag. He´s been spewing and acting out on the same message for decades, and now all of a sudden to get KKK votes he´d avoid lambasting Duke? Lol. He´s patiently waited his turn, mostly being a voice no one outside his fairly local environment listened to, and now for whatever reason, loads of people are listening. So he´s all of a sudden going to give Duke some consideration? Right.

And on another level, it would be total political suicide. The right, Hill´s supporters and his own enthusiastic support would dump on him for being such a hypocrite.

The point is he's not going to get any KKK votes, so he can attack Duke to his heart's content. Like most politicians, particularly on the left, his principles align perfectly with his interests. Politicians are often given credit for idealism when, in fact, they're chasing the 'idealistic vote'.

PS: I know nothing much about Sanders. I was commenting on the psychology of politicians in general, not impugning his integrity in particular.
Because they were an embarrassment and a liability. He's assured of their votes anyway.

The point is he's not going to get any KKK votes, so he can attack Duke to his heart's content. Like most politicians, particularly on the left, his principles align perfectly with his interests. Politicians are often given credit for idealism when, in fact, they're chasing the 'idealistic vote'.

PS: I know nothing much about Sanders. I was commenting on the psychology of politicians, not impugning his integrity.

you used a poor example then. Bernie has plenty of integrity. He is stuborn a nd because he has integrity he did not take advantages he could have re: Hillary.
Although one example that fits with Will's broader point that most serious candidates will do things they otherwise wouldn't when looking for votes - Sanders has registered as a Democrat for this race despite his entire previous career having been as a proud independent (and he's reportedly already filed for re-election into the Senate as an independent for 2018), often arguing directly against the Dems.
Because they were an embarrassment and a liability. He's assured of their votes anyway.

The point is he's not going to get any KKK votes, so he can attack Duke to his heart's content. Like most politicians, particularly on the left, his principles align perfectly with his interests. Politicians are often given credit for idealism when, in fact, they're chasing the 'idealistic vote'.

PS: I know nothing much about Sanders. I was commenting on the psychology of politicians in general, not impugning his integrity in particular.

Very obvious you know nothing about Sanders, yet feel informed enough to comment (or should I say, "suspect?") that the "sainted" Sanders would in fact impugn his integrity with going easy on Duke for KKK votes. That´s exactly what you said, and you named the "sainted" Bernie by name.

Might be better not to comment on sainted Sanders in such a way when you "nothing much about" him.
Although one example that fits with Will's broader point that most serious candidates will do things they otherwise wouldn't when looking for votes - Sanders has registered as a Democrat for this race despite his entire previous career having been as a proud independent (and he's reportedly already filed for re-election into the Senate as an independent for 2018), often arguing directly against the Dems.

The cynical bastard!
Hillary would lose in all the southern states she has been trouncing Berny as well.. points to the flawed nature of these contests on each party's side, but it is what it is.

TBF Oklahoma and Kansas are equally dead for Dems, and Bernie got 20+ pt wins in those two.
Although one example that fits with Will's broader point that most serious candidates will do things they otherwise wouldn't when looking for votes - Sanders has registered as a Democrat for this race despite his entire previous career having been as a proud independent (and he's reportedly already filed for re-election into the Senate as an independent for 2018), often arguing directly against the Dems.

He's voted more often with the Dems that many Dem senators! And this compromise he made was not recent- he made it in 2006. Because he rrealised that senators only get power in committees, and only by caucusing with the Dems would he get any assignments. His biggest legislative victory was the veterans' bill, which he passed as committee head after an agreement with mcCain.
I agree it is somewhat cynical, but he's been honest about his reasons.

There was a good article about Sanders and his young radical friends. He was the only one who went into politics, and for them the compromises needed just for that were too much.
He's voted more often with the Dems that many Dem senators! And this compromise he made was not recent- he made it in 2006. Because he rrealised that senators only get power in committees, and only by caucusing with the Dems would he get any assignments. His biggest legislative victory was the veterans' bill, which he passed as committee head after an agreement with mcCain.
I agree it is somewhat cynical, but he's been honest about his reasons.

There was a good article about Sanders and his young radical friends. He was the only one who went into politics, and for them the compromises needed just for that were too much.
Well he only registered as a Dem in 2015 for this election. I'm not saying it's bad by the way, compromise is a necessary part of politics if you want to get anything done.
the Rust belt states will be a good indicator. Bernie is killing Hillary in WV as a matter of interest.

Hillary, if it is her, will struggle in Florida and Ohio.
Florida (and North Carolina as it happens) isn't bad for her at all in a Trump matchup - large minority population who all hate Trump without restraint and would likely turn out at Obama levels (with greater margins for the hispanic vote too) and plenty of the kind of college-educated white folk who would dump Trump. Ditto Virginia. Trump's only path to victory involves flipping the likes of Pennsylvania (Dems haven't lost it since 88), Michigan (where he isn't exactly running away with it), Wisconsin, Minnesota (where he got soundly beat and is the longest running Dem state discounting DC), Iowa (his first disappointment during the campaign) and Ohio (possible, but another large minority population with yet more white voters who would dump him). I read the other day that he'd need to win 70% of white men, which is unheard of even in the times of Nixon and Reagan dominance, and that's assuming white women don't abandon him in droves.

He's essentially a trumping demographic disaster, which is why the GOP are so determined to stop him. He's so bad, he could lose Texas (54% of GOP primary voters there would be dissatisfied with him, compared to 27% Cruz and 38% Rubio).

A few bits in this I hadn't heard about.

He already said he would expand libel laws to sue anyone who "writes a negative hit piece" about him. He says "I would open up the libel laws so we can sue them and win lots of money. Not like now. These guys are totally protected." He said that. He has promised to decimate the first amendment. (If you think he’s going to keep the second amendment intact you’re delusional.) And he said that Paul Ryan, speaker of the house will "pay" for criticizing him. So I'm saying this now because if he gets in there we won't be able to criticize him anymore.

On John McCain:
When Trump was told what he said, Trump said "Oh, he did? Well, that's not nice," he told CBS News' chief White House correspondent Major Garrett. "He has to be very careful."
When pressed on why, Trump tacked on: "He'll find out.” (I cut and pasted that from CBS news)


This is the kind of issue because of which I have problems with centrists.

EDIT: and this one had Hillary 2006 footage talking about "work is a 4-letter word for kids today"

How did the GOP win in 2010?

EDIT3: This is now called an artful smear

(Yes, I've been on a Jon Stewart marathon)
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Some more meaningless and random numbers (the only randomess is the size of Bernie's leads :))

Michigan: Trump vs. Clinton NBC/WSJ/Marist Clinton 52, Trump 36 Clinton +16
Michigan: Cruz vs. Clinton NBC/WSJ/Marist Clinton 48, Cruz 41 Clinton +7

Michigan: Trump vs. Sanders NBC/WSJ/Marist Sanders 56, Trump 34 Sanders +22
Michigan: Cruz vs. Sanders NBC/WSJ/Marist Sanders 54, Cruz 36 Sanders +18

Again, I get that people are not paying attention. But shouldn't the states that do have primaries currently be an exception to that rule?

EDIT: Oh, and btw, he is getting crushed for the nomination. So this is (presumably) the independents speaking.
If only it were just white people choosing, the Dems might have a shot in November.
I'm with trump right now, he's not perfect... far from that but I think we need someone to change this country from career politicians owned by lobbyists, looking to both parties I can see they aren't learning anything about this elections when we have trump and bern as 2 anti-establishment, anti-lobbies candidates. Time to make lobbies illegal on this country.
Agree 100%. The system is rotten and does not serve the people the way it's set up at the moment.
Do minorities not usually vote dem? On account of the GOP being filled with crazy evangelical racists?

I'd have thought the same. Would've thought minorities were more likely to vote Democrats with guys like Trump on the other side with their racist bile.
Do minorities not usually vote dem? On account of the GOP being filled with crazy evangelical racists?
Was just a joke about the Dem nomination, rather than the general election.

You're right though - without the votes of minorities, no Democrat will be elected President.
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