2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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I wanted to go to Houston so I can live close to my sister and her kids but it's not in my hands since I don't know where I'll be able to do my residency.

Good place if you can make it there. Cost of living is very low compared to other big cities.


Some of the photoshopped stuff on Twitter has been hilarious, and some of the real signs (like the one above) are pretty funny too. However it appears not one of the Drumpf voters care or are listening that the person they will vote for Is a fraud, compulsive liar, narcissist, egomaniac, sexist, racist lunatic who contradicts himself on a daily basis. I've even read comments on the John Oliver video claim he made it all up and he is going to get sued many, many times for a tremendous amount of money once Super Tuesday is over. The fact Drumpf has been surprisingly quiet about it speaks volumes to me. He's going to get destroyed sooner or later.
it's the perfect storm


Amazing (from Guardian liveblog):

Despite raising more money than any of his Republican rivals, the retired neurosurgeon’s campaign has been plagued by infighting and financial malfeasance. When asked by the Guardian in January if his campaign was a direct mail scam, Carson simply answered “not that I know of.”


Some of the photoshopped stuff on Twitter has been hilarious, and some of the real signs (like the one above) are pretty funny too. However it appears not one of the Drumpf voters care or are listening that the person they will vote for Is a fraud, compulsive liar, narcissist, egomaniac, sexist, racist lunatic who contradicts himself on a daily basis. I've even read comments on the John Oliver video claim he made it all up and he is going to get sued many, many times for a tremendous amount of money once Super Tuesday is over. The fact Drumpf has been surprisingly quiet about it speaks volumes to me. He's going to get destroyed sooner or later.

To be fair, about 99.9% of politicians could be described as sexist, narcissistic egomaniacs with a predilection for compulsive lying but maybe I'm just jaded.:wenger:
To be fair, about 99.9% of politicians could be described as sexist, narcissistic egomaniacs with a predilection for compulsive lying but maybe I'm just jaded.:wenger:

:lol: more a realist mate. But you have to admit they are not all Donald Drumpf are they? He's a feckin joke. Did you watch the John Oliver Drumpf takedown? It says something when a comedian (from England at that) puts the press to shame. It's brilliant and hilarious and scary as hell all at the same time.
:lol: more a realist mate. But you have to admit they are not all Donald Drumpf are they? He's a feckin joke. Did you watch the John Oliver Drumpf takedown? It says something when a comedian (from England at that) puts the press to shame. It's brilliant and hilarious and scary as hell all at the same time.

Trump is running a populist campaign. That tactic resonates with voters and he's got a good shot at winning.

Don't be worry, though, populists tend not to have many actual ideas and it'll be business as usual (i.e. not much will get done). See Rob Ford in Toronto, although at least he ended the threat of garbage collector strikes every two to three years.
Trump is running a populist campaign. That tactic resonates with voters and he's got a good shot at winning.

Don't be worry, though, populists tend not to have many actual ideas and it'll be business as usual (i.e. not much will get done). See Rob Ford in Toronto, although at least he ended the threat of garbage collector strikes every two to three years.

If Trump expands his message about jobs, health care (refining his comments about covering the poor) in the GE to be inclusive of all Americans, you cannot say. But obviously his racists comments will be difficult to distance. I don't think it is a lock for Hillary. It will be close.
Man, Trump's press conferences are entertaining as hell. But what's his programme anyway?
indeed. Thats why he will get nowhere.

Though I hope we will eventually get our shit together, I envy you lot because you are very much where we should be.

Thanks RD but don't be so sure of that. I live in a great country but our politicians are corrupt as feck. Every government over the last fifty years has had some scandal or another. I'm just glad we had Tommy Douglas otherwise we'd probably be just as fecked as you guys now.
Thanks RD but don't be so sure of that. I live in a great country but our politicians are corrupt as feck. Every government over the last fifty years has had some scandal or another. I'm just glad we had Tommy Douglas otherwise we'd probably be just as fecked as you guys now.

I think your system waters down the effect of these corrupt politicians, if that makes any sense. There is less concentration of power?
To be fair, about 99.9% of politicians could be described as sexist, narcissistic egomaniacs with a predilection for compulsive lying but maybe I'm just jaded.:wenger:

:lol: more a realist mate. But you have to admit they are not all Donald Drumpf are they? He's a feckin joke. Did you watch the John Oliver Drumpf takedown? It says something when a comedian (from England at that) puts the press to shame. It's brilliant and hilarious and scary as hell all at the same time.

ahhh the old 'all politicians or people vying to be in power are absolute idiots' argument!
Does it not get tedious for some?

If they come out with outrageous actual game-changing statements then are laughed off as naive, deluded, extremist etc.
If they come out with evolutionary concepts, it's the 'they're all the same' argument.

I reckon being in a position of power is phenomenally difficult, and love how many people are so quick to judge and laugh down people atleast attempting to make a difference or having a view IMHO.
:lol: more a realist mate. But you have to admit they are not all Donald Drumpf are they? He's a feckin joke. Did you watch the John Oliver Drumpf takedown? It says something when a comedian (from England at that) puts the press to shame. It's brilliant and hilarious and scary as hell all at the same time.

With a commanding lead in the GOP nominations, he's probably everything other than 'a joke'.
Surely 'a joke' is someone that was trailing in like last place or something?
I'm loving the hell out of it. Gwan! :D

First closing polls in about 2hrs, are they usually fast with the exit polls?
Usually straight away yeah, the three that close first on the Dem side look easy wins so should get called straight away.
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