2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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I've only visited Canada and Europe -- off to Ireland for a week at the end of the month! -- but I can tell you without any hesitation Northern California (and the west coast of the US generally) is a fantastic place to live in. No, not just San Francisco but the areas north and south and of San Francisco. It's almost criminal that only a small segment of humanity ever gets to visit Northern California, let alone actually live here. Screw New York, Chicago and LA -- you want to live, work and play in San Francisco or at least near it.

Unlike most of the rest of the US -- bigotry in the South and snobbery in the Northeast -- life in Northern California is too good to be true. We don't have as many museums and of course football as in western Europe and that's a big hit on quality of life as I define it, but the people, the food, the drink, the weather and ridiculously gorgeous natural beauty from Yosemite, Lake Tahoe and up and down the coast is pretty tough for western Europe to match. And Southern California is an easy 60 minute flight from the Bay Area so if you need your beach fix for the weekend that's a snap.
I love it as it is, I don't see why Americans are obsessed with changing when their country is already the best place to live in.
If he gets elected then he would have people around him - politicians, economists to help him to govern the country, some of the things he says he wouldn't get support from congress, he can and should get more restricted with people coming from trouble countries, after all when I moved to this country I had my background checked for any criminal records and the refugees aren't, we don't want more rapists or murderers on this country especially if they have terrorism ties.
If he gets elected then he would have people around him - politicians, economists to help him to govern the country, some of the things he says he wouldn't get support from congress, he can and should get more restricted with people coming from trouble countries, after all when I moved to this country I had my background checked for any criminal records and the refugees aren't, we don't want more rapists or murderers on this country especially if they have terrorism ties.

You know this is wrong, right?

Without looking it up, I'd like you to tell me, how long do you think it takes for a refugee case to be processed? And, how many Syrian refugees do you think we have taken in so far?

Not directly related to the election...but people like these racist scumbags are the people being drawn into Trump's corner and this is what they mean when they hear - 'Make America Great Again'

This is happening in the South today, today ffs.
In that case the San Bernandino terrorist was "very liberal", can a candidate control who supports them?
You know this is wrong, right?

Without looking it up, I'd like you to tell me, how long do you think it takes for a refugee case to be processed? And, how many Syrian refugees do you think we have taken in so far?
So accept them and pay the consequences? The Germans will regret their actions for accepting so many refugees without at least check if any of them have terrorism ties.
In that case the San Bernandino terrorist was "very liberal", can a candidate control who supports them?
Is this for real?

Of course a candidate can control who supports them...what do you think people support? The message. You think if Trump was saying Mexicans are wonderful people as opposed to Mexico sends us only rapists and criminals, the KKK and David Duke would be falling over themselves to support him?

Can any candidate control EVERY SINGLE person, of course not. But, he has campaigned purposefully wanting to get the far right vote.
So accept them and pay the consequences? The Germans will regret their actions for accepting so many refugees without at least check if any of them have terrorism ties.
That's not what you said and that's definitely not what I asked...

But, since I'm a nice guy...here are the answers.

Refugees are subject to Department of Homeland Security background checks before arriving in the U.S.

Refugees are subject to the strictest form of security screening of any class of traveler to the U.S. before they are allowed to enter, with extensive background, security and health checks. The resettlement process is run by the State Department, the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Health and Human Services. DHS receives refugee referrals from the U.N. refugee agency, UNHCR, and then begins vetting candidates for resettlement. Specially trained DHS employees travel to the country where a candidate is residing to conduct in-depth interviews to ensure the individual meets the criteria as a refugee and does not pose a security risk to the U.S. The U.S. then investigates and verifies the claims made by an applicant for asylum.

Unlike in Europe, Syrian refugees are not arriving via boat or land to the U.S., nor can they fly into the country without being approved for refugee status. That process frequently takes 18 months or more, meaning refugees are arriving in the U.S. at a very slow pace compared to the numbers by which they are arriving in Europe.

"We should trust the system that we've built. Europe, they're having just random migration coming in, versus us, we have planned migration coming in," says Suzanne Akhras Sahloul of the Syrian Community Network in Chicago. "Our system is much better and the way things are set up are organized and they come through an agency and the agencies keep track of them."[/quote]

How many Syrian refugees has the US taken in -

2400 since 2011

67% of the applicants have been women and children under 12.

You don't want muslim refugees...no problem. But, it would be better if some of your reasoning was based on facts.
If he gets elected then he would have people around him - politicians, economists to help him to govern the country, some of the things he says he wouldn't get support from congress, he can and should get more restricted with people coming from trouble countries, after all when I moved to this country I had my background checked for any criminal records and the refugees aren't, we don't want more rapists or murderers on this country especially if they have terrorism ties.
I agree, I'm actually against accepting Syrian refugees in the US.
Is this for real?

Of course a candidate can control who supports them...what do you think people support? The message. You think if Trump was saying Mexicans are wonderful people as opposed to Mexico sends us only rapists and criminals, the KKK and David Duke would be falling over themselves to support him?

Can any candidate control EVERY SINGLE person, of course not. But, he has campaigned purposefully wanting to get the far right vote.
So they tell them "don't vote in me!!"? The far right never vote, they make noise and on election day they are too drunk and busy complaining about blacks, mexicans, jews and muslims, they are trash like the far left cousins.
That's not what you said and that's definitely not what I asked...

But, since I'm a nice guy...here are the answers.

Refugees are subject to the strictest form of security screening of any class of traveler to the U.S. before they are allowed to enter, with extensive background, security and health checks. The resettlement process is run by the State Department, the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Health and Human Services. DHS receives refugee referrals from the U.N. refugee agency, UNHCR, and then begins vetting candidates for resettlement. Specially trained DHS employees travel to the country where a candidate is residing to conduct in-depth interviews to ensure the individual meets the criteria as a refugee and does not pose a security risk to the U.S. The U.S. then investigates and verifies the claims made by an applicant for asylum.

Unlike in Europe, Syrian refugees are not arriving via boat or land to the U.S., nor can they fly into the country without being approved for refugee status. That process frequently takes 18 months or more, meaning refugees are arriving in the U.S. at a very slow pace compared to the numbers by which they are arriving in Europe.

"We should trust the system that we've built. Europe, they're having just random migration coming in, versus us, we have planned migration coming in," says Suzanne Akhras Sahloul of the Syrian Community Network in Chicago. "Our system is much better and the way things are set up are organized and they come through an agency and the agencies keep track of them."

How many Syrian refugees has the US taken in -

2400 since 2011

67% of the applicants have been women and children under 12.

You don't want muslim refugees...no problem. But, it would be better if some of your reasoning was based on facts.[/QUOTE]

If a refugee says he lost his documents because his house was bombed (chances are he really lost his house and everything else including family) then what? I'm not against refugees coming to this country we just need to be careful.


Since 2011, the US has let in 323,000 refugees. Of those 2400 have been Syrians :lol:
2400 in a country of some odd 300 million is absolutely nothing.

Armenia has taken in approx. 17,000 and their population is a hundred times smaller than the US.
That's what Canada is for....

Tbf - I'm not advocating we take in 250,000, but I can't stand the misinformation and outright lies that have been peddled time and time again over this issue. Particularly, when do many of the lies can very easily be fact checked.

Tbf - I'm not advocating we take in 250,000, but I can't stand the misinformation and outright lies that have been peddled time and time again over this issue. Particularly, when do many of the lies can very easily be fact checked.

I was being half facetious half serious - they have a massive country with too few people, as opposed to the US, which has about as many people as it can sustain.
I was being half facetious half serious - they have a massive country with too few people, as opposed to the US, which has about as many people as it can sustain.

I know...but I still felt like I had to respond :lol:

Being cautious and prudent are admirable traits and something govts have to be...so, I am completely on board with that. But, I find fear mongering to be reprehensible.
2400 in a country of some odd 300 million is absolutely nothing.

Armenia has taken in approx. 17,000 and their population is a hundred times smaller than the US.
Lebanon has taken more than a million refugee too, which is almost equal to 25% their population.
Its uninhabited...that's the whole point. An empty country that's bigger than the US and with a population less than that of California.
Antarctica really doesn't pull its weight in taking in the refugees wither.
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