2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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He's George Bush turned up to 11. The Democrats' criticisms will only strengthen him because he's running on a ticket of being the strongman who liberals hate.
True, that Bush thing is a perfect analogy by the way. Was thinking the exact same thing the other day.

But his problem is that sizeable chunks of Republicans despise him. I know they despise Hillary more, but he might engender apathy amongst the wider national GOP base, despite garnering support amongst independents and hardcore right-wingers.
The Supreme Court situation might force the Republican establishment's hand. And God forbid there's some kind of terrorist incident in the next few months. ISIS would love Trump as president so they'd have a huge vested interest in doing something naughty. Trump would be a shoe-in for the presidency if that happened (despite not having a realistic or cogent foreign policy).
So only muslim allowed in the US would be citizens?

Don't think he's thought it through. Don't think he thinks much through. But hey, I'll probably start looking to leave if he gets elected too because that's not a mess I want to be onboard with. We can try and go join most Caf members in the UK.
Don't think he's thought it through. Don't think he thinks much through. But hey, I'll probably start looking to leave if he gets elected too because that's not a mess I want to be onboard with. We can try and go join most Caf members in the UK.
I'm not eveb living in the UU yet, I recently got my greencard and I'll be moving there permanently next year so if he gets elected he screws up my whole plan for the future.
I'm not eveb living in the UU yet, I recently got my greencard and I'll be moving there permanently next year so if he gets elected he screws up my whole plan for the future.

Ouch, that's tough. But don't worry, the Clintons, the establishment, Goldman Sachs, the credit card companies, big polluters, and a bunch of stooges in general, will make sure the US will be more or less the same in 2017 as it was in 2016 :D
Ouch, that's tough. But don't worry, the Clintons, the establishment, Goldman Sachs, the credit card companies, big polluters, and a bunch of stooges in general, will make sure the US will be more or less the same in 2017 as it was in 2016 :D
I love it as it is, I don't see why Americans are obsessed with changing when their country is already the best place to live in.
I love it as it is, I don't see why Americans are obsessed with changing when their country is already the best place to live in.

Me too, me too... doesn't make good politics though: "Not gonna change anything in 4 years. Will mostly play golf." I think that was GWB's original plan possibly, after the tax acts.
Me too, me too... doesn't make good politics though: "Not gonna change anything in 4 years. Will mostly play golf." I think that was GWB's original plan possibly, after the tax acts.
At least most politicians make up some plans and act smart, Trump just says "I'll do it, it'll be amazing, trust me I'll do it" that's more crap than any other politician spouts, what is his plan anyways? Did he ever answer how Mexico will pay for the wall for example?
At least most politicians make up some plans and act smart, Trump just says "I'll do it, it'll be amazing, trust me I'll do it" that's more crap than any other politician spouts, what is his plan anyways? Did he ever answer how Mexico will pay for the wall for example?
I get the distinct feeling that he doesn't have a plan, and that he doesn't believe 1% of the things he's currently spouting. But he knows his base, and panders to their whims. He's running on personality, not policy.
I get the distinct feeling that he doesn't have a plan, and that he doesn't believe 1% of the things he's currently spouting. But he knows his base, and panders to their whims. He's running on personality, not policy.
America is one of the least democratic Democracies in the West. There's far too much money involved and far too much celebrity required for it to be about issues and/or competence.
I get the distinct feeling that he doesn't have a plan, and that he doesn't believe 1% of the things he's currently spouting. But he knows his base, and panders to their whims. He's running on personality, not policy.

He's brilliant - a liberal who has not only infiltrated and taken over the GOP but also initiated its demise.

He's brilliant - a liberal who has not only infiltrated and taken over the GOP but also initiated its demise.


Have to wonder though, as fun as it is watching the GOP collapse in upon itself, if the new GOP will be a laughing matter. It will be more radical and hate-fuelled than ever. A sort of Tea Party on steroids.

Have to wonder though, as fun as it is watching the GOP collapse in upon itself, if the new GOP will be a laughing matter. It will be more radical and hate-fuelled than ever. A sort of Tea Party on steroids.
If it's still in one piece. The various factions have barely managed to maintain peace over the past 8 years, if they erupt into all-out war now then it could be years before they fully cohere back into something resembling a single party again.

Something else I just noticed on 538's handy guide to tomorrow - http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/super-tuesday-preview-republican-presidential-election-2016/
Who the HELL is giving so much money to Ben "You too can be narcoleptic" Carson? :lol: I was confused enough that people were voting for him, but he's actually getting more funds than Rubio in those states! Madness.
If it's still in one piece. The various factions have barely managed to maintain peace over the past 8 years, if they erupt into all-out war now then it could be years before they fully cohere back into something resembling a single party again.

Something else I just noticed on 538's handy guide to tomorrow - http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/super-tuesday-preview-republican-presidential-election-2016/
Who the HELL is giving so much money to Ben "You too can be narcoleptic" Carson? :lol: I was confused enough that people were voting for him, but he's actually getting more funds than Rubio in those states! Madness.

I think this doesn't count SuperPAC money, so it's irrelevant for anyone not named Bernie or Carson (for Trump neither type of money matters).
Christie already said Trump will switch back to traditional fundraising once he becomes the nominee btw. And since Trump only loaned his campaign money, he'll make all that money back and very likely even more. So much for self-funding, not beholden to special interest.
Still nothing from Warren?

It seems she will go for camp Clinton. Sanders's is a lost cause. Better to exert her leverage by forcing concrete commitments from Hillary in return for reconciling Bernie Bros to the fold.

Warren is on good terms with Harry Reid. I think she learned a thing or two about politics from him.
Christie already said Trump will switch back to traditional fundraising once he becomes the nominee btw. And since Trump only loaned his campaign money, he'll make all that money back and very likely even more. So much for self-funding, not beholden to special interest.

Interesting, because he hasn't shown any need for funds so far. t will also ruin his (only) credible attack on her. Finally, will be interesting to see who actully donates.
I think this doesn't count SuperPAC money, so it's irrelevant for anyone not named Bernie or Carson (for Trump neither type of money matters).

Carson campaign + Super-Pacs = $70m
Rubio campaign + Super-Pacs = $69m

Doesn't include Bush donors that'll go to him yet, but still, funny.

Main campaign funds do matter quite a lot by the way, Clinton's is at 130m whilst her Super-Pac is a separate 50m on top of it.
It seems she will go for camp Clinton. Sanders's is a lost cause. Better to exert her leverage by forcing concrete commitments from Hillary in return for reconciling Bernie Bros to the fold.

Warren is on good terms with Harry Reid. I think she learned a thing or two about politics from him.
Glad, Dems can't afford to go into such a pivotal election with any hint of discord.
Im calling it, Trump is a Clinton plant gone rogue.

Perhaps you jest but I'm 100% convinced that Trump is a Clinton plant, but I'm not sure he's gone rogue at all. It's pretty clear Trump knows exactly what he's doing -- destroying from within the party he has has hated for most of his life.

But let's be honest: this is a political party which abandoned Lincoln in 1964 and was reborn by Goldwater that deserves this fate.
Everyone knows he's just pretending to be racist, duh.

SS agent also choke slam a Time magazine photographer at his event. The poor sod stepped out of the designated 'press pen' to take pictures of protesters being forced out.
Can we set up an autocorrect that changes Trump to Drumpf?

Twitter has been absolutely hilarious. I do love it at times like this. I just saw a tweet that read "That it? #MAkeDonaldDrumpfAgain is just about his name being Drumpf, the way the internet was going on I thought comedy gold had happened..." when I noticed the Username and it was "Another LFC Fan" :lol:
Terrible national poll for Sanders - having closed to within the margin of error last week, he has just got a -17. Which were his numbers in Dec.
Don't know if it's the aftermath of the SC vote, but he's dead from here.

That's an interesting if slightly disturbing stat. Is that favourability (what is your impression of this candidate upon a scale of 10, do you have a positive or negative perception of this candidate) or is it, as I suspect, voter preference (do you intend to vote for this candidate in November, is this candidate your first choice as President, etc)?

If it's the latter, is it as simple as that a large faction of Sanders' support has defected to Trump, perceiving him as no longer viable? I notice simultaneous polls showing Trump at all-time highs in Massachusetts coinciding with Sanders being down in Mass. for the first time.
That's an interesting if slightly disturbing stat. Is that favourability (what is your impression of this candidate upon a scale of 10, do you have a positive or negative perception of this candidate) or is it, as I suspect, voter preference (do you intend to vote for this candidate in November, is this candidate your first choice as President, etc)?

If it's the latter, is it as simple as that a large faction of Sanders' support has defected to Trump, perceiving him as no longer viable? I notice simultaneous polls showing Trump at all-time highs in Massachusetts coinciding with Sanders being down in Mass. for the first time.

Could well be the case. They both draw from independents more than the traditional party base. Plus, the first poll that had Clinton above of Sanders by 5 points came after Nevada/SC, where Trump won big.
bloke squares up and says f you to secret service agent - yeah he is always going to get put down
cant blame trump for that one as the sectet service are not (yet) under his control... and lets not call them the SS... again lets save that till trump wins
Mid you when trump is president such actions will probably warrant having their knee caps shot and then being catapulted over the wall to mexico (presumably with an invoice / final reminder attached)

edit... actually he is lucky he didnt get shot

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No doubt, he's one of the hacks, but from other accounts, Drumpf put the press gaggle at his rallies into pens and regularly single them out for ridicule. I'd imagine the tension would be pretty high.
they all put them in press pens dont they... I think its more about how long they have to stay there before / after the press are annoyed about (though they have agreed the rules and saying f you to a secret service agent is probably not the smartest move... grabing them by the throat is just stupid)
Grabbing the throat was after the situation, to "show" what happened. Proper way, I'm sure.

Tackle came after the shove and a few 'feck offs'. Agent didn't feel obliged to go with the kind suggestion.
they all put them in press pens dont they... I think its more about how long they have to stay there before / after the press are annoyed about (though they have agreed the rules and saying f you to a secret service agent is probably not the smartest move... grabing them by the throat is just stupid)

From what I've read most of them have press pens, but they are allowed to walk around the event to do their stuffs. In the Donald's case, they have to stay in there and get abused verbally by him and his crowd.

Don't get me wrong, most of them are self-important wankers who could do with getting a knock or two, and this sod wasn't very bright in this case, but the atmosphere at these rallies are toxic and would have frustration boiled over pretty fast.
From the article I think Ubik posted the other day, Trump's possible route to success over Clinton;

In the meantime, Trump is cannily stalking the Sanders vote. While the rest of the GOP clowns just roll their eyes at Sanders, going for cheap groans with bits about socialism, Trump goes a different route. He hammers Hillary and compliments Sanders. "I agree with [Sanders] on two things," he says. "On trade, he said we're being ripped off. He just doesn't know how much."

He goes on. "And he's right with Hillary because, look, she's receiving a fortune from a lot of people."

At a Democratic town hall in Derry, New Hampshire, Hillary's strangely pathetic answer about why she accepted $675,000 from Goldman to give speeches – "That's what they offered" – seemed doomed to become a touchstone for the general-election contest. Trump would go out on Day One of that race and blow $675,000 on a pair of sable underwear, or a solid-gold happy-face necktie. And he'd wear it 24 hours a day, just to remind voters that his opponent sold out for the Trump equivalent of lunch money.

Trump will surely argue that the Clintons are the other half of the dissolute-conspiracy story he's been selling, representing a workers' party that abandoned workers and turned the presidency into a vast cash-for-access enterprise, avoiding scrutiny by making Washington into Hollywood East and turning labor leaders and journalists alike into starstruck courtiers. As with everything else, Trump personalizes this, making his stories of buying Hillary's presence at his wedding a part of his stump speech. A race against Hillary Clinton in the general, if it happens, will be a pitch right in Trump's wheelhouse – and if Bill Clinton is complaining about the "vicious" attacks by the campaign of pathological nice guy Bernie Sanders, it's hard to imagine what will happen once they get hit by the Trumpdozer.

You can see that playing well. :nervous:
From what I've read most of them have press pens, but they are allowed to walk around the event to do their stuffs. In the Donald's case, they have to stay in there and get abused verbally by him and his crowd.

Don't get me wrong, most of them are self-important wankers who could do with getting a knock or two, and this sod wasn't very bright in this case, but the atmosphere at these rallies are toxic and would have frustration boiled over pretty fast.
until the news media can form a united front and say we wont cover your rallies till you give us more freedom then I cant see things changing... and as the news media is essentially driven by ratings they need trump - so they sign up to his terms - frankly they need to grow a set and tell him to suck them.

Some interesting numbers in there. Nate is quite non-commitant, however.
Think he's feeling a bit burned from his Trump skepticism still.
That's an interesting if slightly disturbing stat. Is that favourability (what is your impression of this candidate upon a scale of 10, do you have a positive or negative perception of this candidate) or is it, as I suspect, voter preference (do you intend to vote for this candidate in November, is this candidate your first choice as President, etc)?

If it's the latter, is it as simple as that a large faction of Sanders' support has defected to Trump, perceiving him as no longer viable? I notice simultaneous polls showing Trump at all-time highs in Massachusetts coinciding with Sanders being down in Mass. for the first time.
It's a national poll of Democratic primary voters, and it's only moved by 3 in Clinton's direction since late January so not hugely dramatic.
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