2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Next on the endorsement list for The Donald is no doubt the reanimated corpse of a certain monobollocked Austrian.
Schwarzenegger? He sometimes kinda looks like a reanimated corpse to me.
If Trump starts offering free milk, run away.
Going for the ol' Mussolini-Gandhi double header eh, clever.
After Trump secures the Rep nomination and goes out on the campaign trail, it's not hard to envision violence erupting at his rallies.
Cruz is getting extremely desperate. He claims the NY Times have an off the record recording of Trump saying he won't do all of the things he claims about immigration and is just saying it to get elected.
Cruz is getting extremely desperate. He claims the NY Times have an off the record recording of Trump saying he won't do all of the things he claims about immigration and is just saying it to get elected.
That comes from someone at Buzzfeed, NYT seem to admit they have some off the record stuff that they couldn't release unless Trump allows them to :lol: God this could get amazing.
That comes from someone at Buzzfeed, NYT seem to admit they have some off the record stuff that they couldn't release unless Trump allows them to :lol: God this could get amazing.
yeah but that could be anything...he might have said off the record, I like threesomes :lol:
That comes from someone at Buzzfeed, NYT seem to admit they have some off the record stuff that they couldn't release unless Trump allows them to :lol: God this could get amazing.

:lol: Released the same day as his taxes then..
Thing is, he's not going to lose anything by refusing and calling Cruz a basket case again :lol:

The upshot though is that if he does moderate the immigration stuff after being nominated - likelihood of a third party Cruz run increases immensely!
Isn't the nomination not decided till july
But the deadline for independent presidential candidates is as early as may in some states (Texas I think is the first)
So I don't see a Cruz independent run as viable
Isn't the nomination not decided till july
But the deadline for independent presidential candidates is as early as may in some states (Texas I think is the first)
So I don't see a Cruz independent run as viable
Convention is july, it'll be decided way before that, potentially as soon as 15th of March. Not mathematically, but realistically.
Isn't the nomination not decided till july
But the deadline for independent presidential candidates is as early as may in some states (Texas I think is the first)
So I don't see a Cruz independent run as viable
Cruz won't go independent. He has neither the number nor the financial backing for a run, and despite the rhetorics, he won't risk his political future by putting irreversible distance between himself and the GOP establishment.
Couple of GOP polls of Texas out both showing Trump within 3 of Cruz, and Rubio below the 20% delegate threshold. Trump couldn't ask for much better than that, as Teddy winning it probably keeps him in the race.

Fecking legend! Please, please elect him, America.
Can't see him being elected either. He's basically just a voice for the angry anti-establishment crowd which will cause the GOP to splinter into two parties.
If Sanders is the Democrat nominee, I wouldn't bet against Trump. There are few dirtier words than 'socialism' across large swathes of the country.

Clinton might have a chance, but she'll be character assassinated by Trump in a way that'll really play to his base.

Sensible people will see through him, but he's playing to his own gallery - one which nobody had any idea existed until they started turning out for him in the primaries/caucuses. It'd be wise not to underestimate it.
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