Much as I would empathise with the imprisonment and torture of John McCain, I do think it is time to review our idea of what a hero is. Is it really heroic to be a willing participant and gung ho part of one the most devastating, genocidal bombing campaigns the human race has ever witnessed. Is it really heroic to come from the comforts of the most powerful nation ever and drop bombs indiscriminately on a primitive third world nation halfway around the globe that your country has never declared war on and who have done anything to you or your people.
Is that heroic? Is that what a hero does? Vietnam didn´t even have an air force. Have you ever seen what a bomb does to innocent people and families. Would make ISIS treatment seem sort of tame. Were these heroes in American airplanes, or much closer to sick bastards mindlessly towing the line for a bunch of psychopaths, much like Nazi Germany. It´s this exact fecked up thinking that makes the 9/11 hijackers "heroes" as well.
And boy has John McCain milked that "hero" schtick to the extreme. And then there´s this:
Also so ironic to listen to Republicans having a conniption over Trump not kissing McCain´s ass over his Vietnam service and veteran´s status when just ten years ago they were wildly having a go at John Kerry´s medal of valor and purple heart in their Swiftboating glee. The doucheiness of these people is mind boggling.