2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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these guys are dumb...the voters don't give a feck about all the taxes and lawsuits.

Hmm.. didn't the baiting affect Romney last election ? Plus the email thing being around did affect Hillary negatively bit too.

Though i agree they should let Romney do the dirty work on that.
Gonna be interesting to see the polls after this, Trump's healthcare meltdown looked fatal but he does so many ridiculous things over the debate that he makes you forget about it through attrition.
Hmm.. didn't the baiting affect Romney last election ? Plus the email thing being around did affect Hillary negatively bit too.

Though i agree they should let Romney do the dirty work on that.

Yeah, but Mitt didn't have the numbers that Trump is getting plus he hits hard on so many other topics, he might not have any substance but he hits a nerve with voters and says what many are thinking and feeling. The fearmongering is strong and many care far more about building a wall and bombing the shit out of Isis, Syria and Iran and North Korea than they do about tax returns.

Here we go, let the Israeli arse licking contest begin.
Gonna be interesting to see the polls after this, Trump's healthcare meltdown looked fatal but he does so many ridiculous things over the debate that he makes you forget about it through attrition.
Will be interesting. I had the opposite opinion (not personally, trying to think as a primary voter) that trump will not let people die on the street and Cruz will.
Yeah, the Palestinians are all terrorists Marco. And you feckin wonder why America is constantly under threat from terrorists? Attitudes like that are what breed terrorists. He's a fecking lunatic.
Trump speaking sense on Saudi Arabia. In his own fecking batshit way, he's the best candidate (in foreign policy terms) the GOP has.
Can someone help me: What is wrong with the US military? Why do these Republicans claim that it needs rebuilding and strengthening?
Will be interesting. I had the opposite opinion (not personally, trying to think as a primary voter) that trump will not let people die on the street and Cruz will.
Yeah, I think Rubio lucked out not being called to answer at that point :lol: Ted's done as a contender.
Can't believe I want trump to win this. Not because I like him, but because he's the least dangerous. How can a major party become this?
I know everything's relative, but it's not too long since he said he'd bring in high levels of torture to interrogations :lol:
Trump may have had a bad night but he's this is like the 10th debate now. Are people even watching?
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