2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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He also got the access to his voters info back, including those stolen from the Clinton camp.

To date, the only instance I think Clinton was in the wrong was when she accused Bernie of being a misogynist. That was out of line. The healthcare stuff is fair game, even though Bernie Bros won't agree.

1. She said he wanted to destroy the progress Obama made.

2. feck off with that irritating label. Is every supporter a Hillbot?
1. She said he wanted to destroy the progress Obama made.

2. feck off with that irritating label. Is every supporter a Hillbot?

..and lets forget she voted to send people to die and kill.

Look. I've said all along in the end I will look at both platforms, then decide. Trump may well have a platform that is father left of Hillary. A Democrat cannot then say to a Republican how he is going to pay for health care for example.
1. She said he wanted to destroy the progress Obama made.

2. feck off with that irritating label. Is every supporter a Hillbot?

1. She said he's going to dismantle Obamacare by opening the public discourse and litigation over universal healthcare, a position those outside of the progressive wing of the Dems acknowledged. Granted, she doesn't articulate it properly in the debates but the constraints of televised debates make it hard for proper discussion, talking points that stick are what counts.

2. If you are not one, why get yourself worked up over it? There are plenty of Hillary's voters who vote for her out of loyalty to Bill, just as the Bernie Bros who ferociously attack anyone and everyone online now.
I have no issues with moderates who want to vote for Hillary because of polices. Many people will not vote for Hillary because she has a track record of taking and voting on positions just to enhance her political position. She does not have integrity. The only reason I am considering Trump is because I believe he may have policies that will benefit ordinary Americans.

If she ends up being President, I feel she will be a decent president.
Out of interest, were you much involved in activism or politics when you were young, RD?

I guess my current apathy and defeatist attitude towards the far left have to do with my stint joining Marxist club and going on demonstration/picket in my freshman year.
Out of interest, were you much involved in activism or politics when you were young, RD?

I guess my current apathy and defeatist attitude towards the far left have to do with my stint joining Marxist club and going on demonstration/picket in my freshman year.

no. I was more interested in Manchester United and music. no religion either. In a way the injustices my eyes were opened to came through my faith. But I must not judge...though I do that often. I am a passionate person...about all things I care about. But I do believe in redemption. Hillary or Trump...anyone can change. But I do judge actions.

Whoever wins, I sincerely hope they look to the needs of teh disenfrancised. They need a voice. And it is sad that it may very well be a choice between Hillary and Trump.
Caucus sounds hilarious. The candidates are falling over each other to claim the other's voters are committing vote fraud.

TBH the whole system sounds ripe for potential mistakes and antiquated. People standing in groups and then being allowed to move to other groups and then being manually counted. Not mention allowing people to try and convince other people to join their group which could lead to peer pressure and people switching votes for the wrong reasons.

No idea what it is suppose to achieve. Why can't all the states can't just have normal voting?
no. I was more interested in Manchester United and music. no religion either. In a way the injustices my eyes were opened to came through my faith. But I must not judge...though I do that often. I am a passionate person...about all things I care about. But I do believe in redemption. Hillary or Trump...anyone can change. But I do judge actions.

Whoever wins, I sincerely hope they look to the needs of teh disenfrancised. They need a voice. And it is sad that it may very well be a choice between Hillary and Trump.

Its a win win for the Dem side imo. Bernie is basically the conscience of the progressive cause and even if he doesn't win, he will surely drag Hillary towards his policy preferences, which is a good thing.
TBH the whole system sounds ripe for potential mistakes and antiquated. People standing in groups and then being allowed to move to other groups and then being manually counted. Not mention allowing people to try and convince other people to join their group which could lead to peer pressure and people switching votes for the wrong reasons.

No idea what it is suppose to achieve. Why can't all the states can't just have normal voting?
Apparently there was a bill to change it to a primary in Nevada, but it died in the GOP state legislature...
Its a win win for the Dem side imo. Bernie is basically the conscience of the progressive cause and even if he doesn't win, he will surely drag Hillary towards his policy preferences, which is a good thing.

agree with that. I really hope Obama and Hillary, if she does win appoint some solid progressive judges. We need to take back the Senate and have no obstruction to Supreme Court appointments. The aftermath of this election will have long consequences.

Trump just thanked his sons, Jerry Falwell, Hispanics, and "the poorly educated".

He should.
He said he won with all voters. Evangelicals, young, old, highly educated and poorly educated. It's not that dramatic if you consider the context.

Ah, thought it would be something like that. Reading the Guardian's liveblog, not watching the speech itself. Thanks.
Couple of things about that 46%:
How many Hispanics, exactly? Yes, it is Nevada, but Hispanics aren't exactly known fans of this party in this atmosphere.

Second, even then, HOW ON EARTH? Is this modified Stockholm syndrome or something?

EDIT: 1600 sample size, 8% Latino, of which 47% Trump. That's 60 whole people. And translates to ~1200 people across the state.
Couple of things about that 46%:
How many Hispanics, exactly? Yes, it is Nevada, but Hispanics aren't exactly known fans of this party in this atmosphere.

Second, even then, HOW ON EARTH? Is this modified Stockholm syndrome or something?

EDIT: 1600 sample size, 8% Latino, of which 47% Trump. That's 60 whole people. And translates to ~1200 people across the state.

Margin of error for that was like 10% too, so not worth taking seriously.
Rubio is second at the minute, with a 3 point lead. Trump all the way ahead with 46%. Trump beats Cruz (20) and Rubio (23) combined as things stand. Cruz is painting that there are only two candidates and only he can beat Trump as he has already done in Iowa.

Thanks mate.

Margin of error for that was like 10% too, so not worth taking seriously.

Still a shocker that Trump got the Hispanic/latino vote considering he us up against Cruz and Rubio. Although maybe not really, and maybe it will finally dispel the myth that "they only vote for their own" If I hear that on Fox again I might cry.
Turn out is about 60k+, quite worrying tbh. The GOP has had record debate views and turn out this cycle so far, Trump seems to be able to mobilize his support and if the Dems don't do a good job of getting out the votes this November, they might be in for a nasty surprise.
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