2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Think I prefer 2012 too, although Robio and "please clap" have been some good moments late in the game. Also never really had the worry Obama would lose so I could enjoy it more.
Do you think there's a worry Hillary may lose then?
Do you think there's a worry Hillary may lose then?
Always a danger after two terms of a single President that the public go for the opposition, plus she isn't the greatest campaigner and is vulnerable on the email stuff. Unless it's Trump for the GOP, in which case I'll be able to relax.
So if Trump wins SC handily, is that the nomination?

It'll be hard to stop him after that I'd think. He'd have a lot of momentum going into other Southern states.
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I though Sanders was unelectable due to him using the S word but if either of the main loons end up opposing him he may just win if he defeats Hillary.
I though Sanders was unelectable due to him using the S word but if either of the main loons end up opposing him he may just win if he defeats Hillary.
it is weird when you look at the match ups
Rubio can probably win against either Hillary or Bernie I think - but he cant win against trump / Cruz
I have a feeling it will end up as Trump vs Cinton - and I honestly am scared at this because a give trump a shot at winning that match up
Just a thought, if someone drops out what happens to any delegates they may have won?
It depends on applicable state law and the desires of the candidate to whom they were pledged.

Generally the delegates are bound by law to vote on the first ballot for the candidate they were pledged to. Sometimes the candidate will release them from that obligation and they will then be free to vote their consciences. Their original candidate may have endorsed another candidate and may ask his or her delegates to support the endorsee but they will not be obligated to do so.

It used to be that some states bound their delegates for up to three ballots at the convention, but today I believe that delegates are largely bound for only one ballot. That's why, if no one wins the nomination on the first ballot, the convention becomes much more dramatic and entertaining, because the horse-trading begins and the delegates are free to vote (a) their consciences; or (b) whoever gives them or their party leader the best deal.
Geez, it is a shame that I didn't watch the last GOP primaries as much as this time. This is absolutely magnificent:

Perry was in half of those 10 moments.
Trump has been talking uber amounts of shit and calling out nearly all the Republican candidates, although he attacks them, he doesn't like it when they throw it back at him. He got Sarah Palin to endorse him running for President and she came out and gave us all a trip back in time with one of her absolutely menthol speeches. Trump then refused to attend a FOX News debate because one of their moderators (Megyn Kelly) called him out on some of the sexist comments he made on Twitter, actually quoting his tweets! He lost that primary, then won the next one in New Hampshire. In the meantime a few Republicans dropped out the race. On Saturday evening Trump went full Trump and called Jeb Bush and his family war criminals, said Barbara Bush would stand more chance and had more balls than Jeb, and he attacked Ted Cruz and Marco (I-Rubio) for being liars. He has also said he thinks water boarding is acceptable interrogation technique and he would bring it back and worse. The rest of the Reublicans said much the same, and all said they would bomb the shit out of somewhere and they all want oil! Rubio however wants all this and more, he wants Israel to destroy Palestine and reclaim their home. They are all nutters and all want to make America great again by bombing the shit out of people and lowering taxes on the rich.

The Democrats have Hillary Clinton who is fighting off loads of shit because of some emails she kept on a private server rather than one protected by a government firewall. Not much should come out of it, but she hasn't been honest about it at all and is looking like a liar. The right are pushing hard for her to have charges brought against her. Out of nowhere an elderly man called Bernie Saunders has emerged as a top candidate because he speaks the truth. He wants money out of politics and isn't afraid to tell people where America is going wrong. He is a socialist and wants free health care, free University/college education and he wants to tax the shit out of millionaires and big companies. He also want's Wall Street to repay the bailout they got and he wants to go after big interest companies like the oil companies and energy companies. He is getting a lot of young voters on board because he speaks passionately and honestly, and surprisingly he can actually explain his policies and how he will achieve them. Obviously not everyone likes him though so it's still a tough ask for him to beat Hillary, but it is possible. The first Primary was a tie (really) although they said Clinton won by 0.3% or something like that. Bernie went on to win the next one and is catching Hillary in other states, according to the polls.

Best I can do before I have a coffee and a cig.

This is about as biased a post as it gets

Hildog is a disaster and Sanders will never in a million years get free healthcare and college
Trump has been talking uber amounts of shit and calling out nearly all the Republican candidates, although he attacks them, he doesn't like it when they throw it back at him. He got Sarah Palin to endorse him running for President and she came out and gave us all a trip back in time with one of her absolutely menthol speeches. Trump then refused to attend a FOX News debate because one of their moderators (Megyn Kelly) called him out on some of the sexist comments he made on Twitter, actually quoting his tweets! He lost that primary, then won the next one in New Hampshire. In the meantime a few Republicans dropped out the race. On Saturday evening Trump went full Trump and called Jeb Bush and his family war criminals, said Barbara Bush would stand more chance and had more balls than Jeb, and he attacked Ted Cruz and Marco (I-Rubio) for being liars. He has also said he thinks water boarding is acceptable interrogation technique and he would bring it back and worse. The rest of the Reublicans said much the same, and all said they would bomb the shit out of somewhere and they all want oil! Rubio however wants all this and more, he wants Israel to destroy Palestine and reclaim their home. They are all nutters and all want to make America great again by bombing the shit out of people and lowering taxes on the rich.

The Democrats have Hillary Clinton who is fighting off loads of shit because of some emails she kept on a private server rather than one protected by a government firewall. Not much should come out of it, but she hasn't been honest about it at all and is looking like a liar. The right are pushing hard for her to have charges brought against her. Out of nowhere an elderly man called Bernie Saunders has emerged as a top candidate because he speaks the truth. He wants money out of politics and isn't afraid to tell people where America is going wrong. He is a socialist and wants free health care, free University/college education and he wants to tax the shit out of millionaires and big companies. He also want's Wall Street to repay the bailout they got and he wants to go after big interest companies like the oil companies and energy companies. He is getting a lot of young voters on board because he speaks passionately and honestly, and surprisingly he can actually explain his policies and how he will achieve them. Obviously not everyone likes him though so it's still a tough ask for him to beat Hillary, but it is possible. The first Primary was a tie (really) although they said Clinton won by 0.3% or something like that. Bernie went on to win the next one and is catching Hillary in other states, according to the polls.

Best I can do before I have a coffee and a cig.
That's never going to happen. A bunch of lies as far as I'm concerned.
That's never going to happen. A bunch of lies as far as I'm concerned.
It isn't a bunch of lies at all. Obviously, he won't be able to do those things, especially if the Republicans control the senate/house. It is clear that Republicans are in payroll of big enterprises and so their primary concern is to please them ('drill oil everywhere' by Santorum, 'a guy in garage will fix the global warming problem' by Bush, or 'global warming is a hoax' by Rubio, Trump and Cruz), so they will fight Sanders even more than they did Obama.

However, Sanders is probably the most consistent politician in US. His views in economical system and the power of Wall Street, non-flat taxing, abortion, second amendment, immigration, global warming etc have been the same for the last 2-3 decades. It is clear that he will at least fight as much as he can for those policies, but of course, he won't be able to enforce most/all of them, similarly how Obama couldn't. Not for the lack of trying though, so definitely not a bunch of lies.

Of course, it is unlikely that he'll win the nomination, but Clinton will be forced to go toward the left wing to appeal Sanders fans, which is why people are saying that Sanders has already won regardless of what happens in the primaries.
That's never going to happen. A bunch of lies as far as I'm concerned.

Bunch of lies? You think he has no intention of trying to push these things through? Or do you think that he won't be able to get them through because they will be blocked?

It's not lies if those are his actual intentions, whether they are highly unlikely or not.
Bunch of lies? You think he has no intention of trying to push these things through? Or do you think that he won't be able to get them through because they will be blocked?

It's not lies if those are his actual intentions, whether they are highly unlikely or not.
There is no questioning his intentions. Of course if by some miracle he were to win the nomination and the GE, the problem would be, implementation.

I don't think he would be able to implement 10% of his stated manifesto.

But a 'bunch of lies' - clearly not.
One thing is for sure, we are definitely going to see a narrowing of the field from now until after Super Tuesday in a couple weeks. Carson, Kasich, and possibly Jeb could be out if they don't see any encouraging results in SC or up to early March.
Hildog is a disaster and Sanders will never in a million years get free healthcare and college

I never said he would, just said that is what he is saying he will do (or try to do/wants to do) if elected.

That's never going to happen. A bunch of lies as far as I'm concerned.

He has said everything I posted, and he also did lose the Iowa caucus by a ridiculously low margin and he did win in New Hampshire. He is gaining in a lot of polls, and gaining a lot of votes from young voters. So how exactly is it lies?
There is no questioning his intentions. Of course if by some miracle he were to win the nomination and the GE, the problem would be, implementation.

I don't think he would be able to implement 10% of his stated manifesto.

But a 'bunch of lies' - clearly not.

The trouble with Bernie getting elected would be gridlock like we've never seen it, in which case what's the point of electing Bernie. Policies like Medicare for all, free public Uni, and taxing the Jesus out of Wall Street would be dead on arrival since the Congress would be overwhelmingly Repblican and even centrist Democrats wouldn't support it.
The trouble with Bernie getting elected would be gridlock like we've never seen it, in which case what's the point of electing Bernie. Policies like Medicare for all, free public Uni, and taxing the Jesus out of Wall Street would be dead on arrival since the Congress would be overwhelmingly Repblican and even centrist Democrats wouldn't support it.
Yup, it's cynical and depressing, but also reality. He would be a one term disaster and a Sanders presidency would make the Obama years look like bipartisan bliss.
The trouble with Bernie getting elected would be gridlock like we've never seen it, in which case what's the point of electing Bernie. Policies like Medicare for all, free public Uni, and taxing the Jesus out of Wall Street would be dead on arrival since the Congress would be overwhelmingly Repblican and even centrist Democrats wouldn't support it.
It would be difficult to not support a president from the same party, especially if the president wins the election by promising very large reforms. Those senators/members of house have to worry for their re-election too, and if Bernie popularity continues increasing, not supporting him might be a political suicide.

Of course, this doesn't go for Republicans. They will block him even more than they did with Obama. It is imperative for Bernie, that Democrats gain control of the senate, and hopefully lower the difference in house.
Yup, it's cynical and depressing, but also reality. He would be a one term disaster and a Sanders presidency would make the Obama years look like bipartisan bliss.
Obama years weren't bad at all. He started many reforms, in addition to fixing the economy after that lunatic started wars as hobbies.
Obama years weren't bad at all. He started many reforms, in addition to fixing the economy after that lunatic started wars as hobbies.

I meant the politics within Congress and Washington.

Republicans fought Obama on just about anything and everything. Tea Party got people elected, who basically said, their only goal was to disrupt things.

People like Cruz - offered nothing.

Someone as 'radical' as Sanders would face 10 times worse and the partisan politics would go to another level.
It would be difficult to not support a president from the same party, especially if the president wins the election by promising very large reforms. Those senators/members of house have to worry for their re-election too, and if Bernie popularity continues increasing, not supporting him might be a political suicide.

Of course, this doesn't go for Republicans. They will block him even more than they did with Obama. It is imperative for Bernie, that Democrats gain control of the senate, and hopefully lower the difference in house.

Would it help at all for the country in general if there were more than 2 parties? Overall through history over here, parties have come and gone regularly and existed alongside the historically established parties. Is there any reason why America is so resolutely two parties?
Would it help at all for the country in general if there were more than 2 parties? Overall through history over here, parties have come and gone regularly and existed alongside the historically established parties. Is there any reason why America is so resolutely two parties?
Not particularly, as any attempt to form a viable third party would result in be of the two existing parties broadening its policies to take in the third party people .
With one definite and maybe one more SCOTUS pick up for grabs you can be sure the repubs will pull out all the tricks to steal this election if they can't win it.
Not particularly, as any attempt to form a viable third party would result in be of the two existing parties broadening its policies to take in the third party people .

Like the Tea Party? I think there's still voices that are present in other democracies that are glaringly missing in the US. For example, a Green Party. I couldn't ever see the likes of that being absorbed by the current two.
With one definite and maybe one more SCOTUS pick up for grabs you can be sure the repubs will pull out all the tricks to steal this election if they can't win it.
Fortunately, they won't have Scalia this time to be able to do that.
Like the Tea Party? I think there's still voices that are present in other democracies that are glaringly missing in the US. For example, a Green Party. I couldn't ever see the likes of that being absorbed by the current two.
There is a Green Party, and many other small parties in US. Just that they don't get many votes, and in addition, 'winner takes all' system of election makes impossible for those parties to get presented.

Saying that, in 1992, there was a third party candidate who won 19% of the total popular votes, and probably cost Bush senior the election. Unfortunately, there was an arsehole in 2000 who despite not getting near as many votes, cost Al Gore the Florida delegates, and so made Bush president.
Did Jeb! always intend using his stupider brother to campaign for him? I thought that he was desperately trying to pull away from the Bush legacy hence his refusal to use 'Bush' in his campaign materials.

The poor fool is really scrambling.
There is a Green Party, and many other small parties in US. Just that they don't get many votes, and in addition, 'winner takes all' system of election makes impossible for those parties to get presented.

Saying that, in 1992, there was a third party candidate who won 19% of the total popular votes, and probably cost Bush senior the election. Unfortunately, there was an arsehole in 2000 who despite not getting near as many votes, cost Al Gore the Florida delegates, and so made Bush president.

Aha! In my ignorance is didn't realise they exist. Cheers!
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