2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Give me a paragraph recap of whats been happening.... GO!

Trump has been talking uber amounts of shit and calling out nearly all the Republican candidates, although he attacks them, he doesn't like it when they throw it back at him. He got Sarah Palin to endorse him running for President and she came out and gave us all a trip back in time with one of her absolutely menthol speeches. Trump then refused to attend a FOX News debate because one of their moderators (Megyn Kelly) called him out on some of the sexist comments he made on Twitter, actually quoting his tweets! He lost that primary, then won the next one in New Hampshire. In the meantime a few Republicans dropped out the race. On Saturday evening Trump went full Trump and called Jeb Bush and his family war criminals, said Barbara Bush would stand more chance and had more balls than Jeb, and he attacked Ted Cruz and Marco (I-Rubio) for being liars. He has also said he thinks water boarding is acceptable interrogation technique and he would bring it back and worse. The rest of the Reublicans said much the same, and all said they would bomb the shit out of somewhere and they all want oil! Rubio however wants all this and more, he wants Israel to destroy Palestine and reclaim their home. They are all nutters and all want to make America great again by bombing the shit out of people and lowering taxes on the rich.

The Democrats have Hillary Clinton who is fighting off loads of shit because of some emails she kept on a private server rather than one protected by a government firewall. Not much should come out of it, but she hasn't been honest about it at all and is looking like a liar. The right are pushing hard for her to have charges brought against her. Out of nowhere an elderly man called Bernie Saunders has emerged as a top candidate because he speaks the truth. He wants money out of politics and isn't afraid to tell people where America is going wrong. He is a socialist and wants free health care, free University/college education and he wants to tax the shit out of millionaires and big companies. He also want's Wall Street to repay the bailout they got and he wants to go after big interest companies like the oil companies and energy companies. He is getting a lot of young voters on board because he speaks passionately and honestly, and surprisingly he can actually explain his policies and how he will achieve them. Obviously not everyone likes him though so it's still a tough ask for him to beat Hillary, but it is possible. The first Primary was a tie (really) although they said Clinton won by 0.3% or something like that. Bernie went on to win the next one and is catching Hillary in other states, according to the polls.

Best I can do before I have a coffee and a cig.
Its one state at a time - next is South Carolina where Trump and Hillary are expected to win.
"super tuesday" is on the first of March though I think - and that is something like 12/13 states voting at once (including the big Texas block of votes)
so by that point I assume it will be pretty clear who has no chance and we will see the republican race down to perhaps 4 (trump, cruz, rubio and Bush or Kaish) and the democrat race will either turn into a genuine long term two person contest or a precession should hillary smash it.

But basically in a little over two weeks the picture should become much more clear (at least thats how I see it)
It's John Oliver and as such plenty of hyperbole...but lots of valid points too.

It pisses me off the Democrats don't do more in between election cycles in suspect states to help people register and get procure valid identification.

As, the two republicans in the video said...this isn't about voter fraud, it's about keeping out Democrat voters.
If anyone hear is a Trek fan: hilarious and an almost perfect analogy on the republican side!


Sad thing is I loved Quark (Trump) and Dukat (Hillary).
Thankfully, Cruz is a irredeemable asshole here too.
Obviously whipped up by a Bernie bro.

Meh, Dukat was an awesome and fun character. If I had a short time left to live, I'd vote for him* and die while watching the galaxy burn.

*it wouldn't be optional.
I'm now convinced that Trump is running no matter what. He's put too much into this and will go independent if he doesn't get the nomination.

It's going to be beautiful.
I read people saying he hasn't got enough money for it, but how much money would he need beyond what he's already getting? And couldn't he just roll over and get a few backers? I don't think anyone believes he isn't connected to a few "special interests" already.

This somehow came up on my twitter feed and listened through it and that's quite a articulate and impressive answer by Rubio. Includes specifics too.

This somehow came up on my twitter feed and listened through it and that's quite a articulate and impressive answer by Rubio. Includes specifics too.

"Taxes affect everyone equally, a 'bad' policy is bad for everyone" is simply not true!
Generally, axes affect the rich most and benefit the poor most.

But I'm surprised how frank he was with the issues of profiling, and the institutional issues with minorities (of course he sees the problem as a community rather than govt issue).
And he finishes very strongly. Well done.

Which is why he is such a threat in the general :nervous:
I read people saying he hasn't got enough money for it, but how much money would he need beyond what he's already getting? And couldn't he just roll over and get a few backers? I don't think anyone believes he isn't connected to a few "special interests" already.
He has spun enough free media out of soundbites and twitter that I think he could run a campaign fairly cheap and nasty if he wanted
This couldn't be allowed to happen, surely?

It's what happens when you put loons into positions of power out of anger and frustration. Although, it must be said here, it's mostly the Democratic Party failure to galvanise their base for states and mid term elections that lead to this mess.
It's what happens when you put loons into positions of power out of anger and frustration. Although, it must be said here, it's mostly the Democratic Party failure to galvanise their base for states and mid term elections that lead to this mess.
Not for the want of trying, in fairness.
Left-leaning economists giving a battering to Sanders' financial plans, particularly on healthcare - http://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/16/u...s-question-cost-of-bernie-sanderss-plans.html

This is what worries me. Maybe they are just bought-off Clinton shills who'll say anything to get her as the nominee, but if ostensibly liberal folk are using terms like "fairy tale", "wishful thinking" and "magic flying puppies", I dread to think what's going to happen when the GOP-machine gets a hold of it.
Left-leaning economists giving a battering to Sanders' financial plans, particularly on healthcare - http://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/16/u...s-question-cost-of-bernie-sanderss-plans.html

This is what worries me. Maybe they are just bought-off Clinton shills who'll say anything to get her as the nominee, but if ostensibly liberal folk are using terms like "fairy tale", "wishful thinking" and "magic flying puppies", I dread to think what's going to happen when the GOP-machine gets a hold of it.

I don't know what is going on. Every day a claim and counter-claim is reported.

Common sense tells me: single payer costs less per capita than other systems; there are currently 15 million uninsured in a population of 300+ mil so demand can't rise by more than single digits, and administrative costs are higher than the rest of the world, and existing single payer systems are cheaper, substantially.
I'm now convinced that Trump is running no matter what. He's put too much into this and will go independent if he doesn't get the nomination.

It's going to be beautiful.
Trump as an independent would be the biggest gift the Democrats could ever hope for. He'd split the GOP vote, or at least take a sizable chunk of it.
Close to the Gravis poll as well, interesting.

Theoretically, Jeb can stay in for as long as he wants and wait for Rubio's implosion, but really, if he can't even place top 3 in SC, he ain't going anywhere.

the longer and more of Trumps rivals stay in it, the better chance Trump has of winning it. He is going against conventional wisdom and by being so unconventional, he is attracting interest from all sides. Free news coverage.

Its amazing what we are seeing.
Jeb can finish a close 4th and still jog on. Personally with Dubya and Lindsey Graham campaigning for him and after a strong debate performance, I think he will finish 3rd, possibly at the expense of Rubio.
Does this cycle beat the Rick Perry oops cycle? I'm torn. I think Perry/Bachmann/Cain just edges Trump for me.
Think I prefer 2012 too, although Robio and "please clap" have been some good moments late in the game. Also never really had the worry Obama would lose so I could enjoy it more.
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