2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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The court cannot overturn a constitutional amendment. That is up to Congress and 38 state legislatures. So the answer to your question is no
Can they add regulations though? Mandatory checks, a waiting period.. anything?

So what major changes can one expect under a more liberal supreme justice?

Scalia (deceased), Thomas, Alito, Roberts: conservative
Ginsburg, Kagan, Sotomayor, Breyer: liberal
Kennedy: Tiebreaker (usually)

Appointing a liberal justice gives the liberal faction a majority, without factoring in Kennedy. Interpretation of the 2nd Amendment, challenges to Obamacare, Roe vs Wade (abortion)... All are currently making their way through the lower courts and will be picked up by SCOTUS soon. Having a liberal majority ensures that we don't get dragged back into the dark ages.
Scalia (deceased), Thomas, Alito, Roberts: conservative
Ginsburg, Kagan, Sotomayor, Breyer: liberal
Kennedy: Tiebreaker (usually)

Appointing a liberal justice gives the liberal faction a majority, without factoring in Kennedy. Interpretation of the 2nd Amendment, challenges to Obamacare, Roe vs Wade (abortion)... All are currently making their way through the lower courts and will be picked up by SCOTUS soon. Having a liberal majority ensures that we don't get dragged back into the dark ages.
Got it. Thanks for the 101
Can they add regulations though? Mandatory checks, a waiting period.. anything?

They can say yay or nay to legislation if such is brought before them in a case.

i.e. When the gun nuts (Republicans) sue after by some miracle new gun laws are passed, they can either stamp their seal of approval on it and basically make it untouchable or kick it back to Congress and say try again because it's unconstitutional.
Doubt they'll be able to for so long
27 months is the record, Obama has how many months???

Oh and this is Clarence Thomas atm -

What's the longest an appointment has been delayed for?

EDIT - Neutral answering before I question, top man.
Can they add regulations though? Mandatory checks, a waiting period.. anything?


Their role is to determine what laws are constitutional, and what laws aren't. For example, the 2nd amendment explicitly states that the right to bear arms can't be infringed on, so if a state or the federal government outlawed gun ownership outright, the Court (or a lower appellate branch) would strike the law down as unconstitutional. Now restrictions on this right to bear arms may be deemed lawful, depending on the severity or laxity of said regulations, and the composition of the court at that said time, so that's where the game is. Getting judges inbthere that would likely agree with your interpretation.
Entertaining thought, can Barry go full WUM and nominate himself?
The Republicans are delusional - already jumping in to say the next President should make the decision.
They can say yay or nay to legislation if such is brought before them in a case.

i.e. When the gun nuts (Republicans) sue after by some miracle new gun laws are passed, they can either stamp their seal of approval on it and basically make it untouchable or kick it back to Congress and say try again because it's unconstitutional.

Their role is to determine what laws are constitutional, and what laws aren't. For example, the 2nd amendment explicitly states that the right to bear arms can't be infringed on, so if a state or the federal government outlawed gun ownership outright, the Court (or a lower appellate branch) would strike the law down as unconstitutional. Now restrictions on this right to bear arms may be deemed lawful, depending on the severity or laxity of said regulations, and the composition of the court at that said time, so that's where the game is. Getting judges inbthere that would likely agree with your interpretation.
Probably the most pivotal year in recent history. The future of America is up for grabs this year - Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches. This will have ramifications for decades.
The Republicans are delusional - already jumping in to say the next President should make the decision.
To be expected....everyone thought RBG was going to need replacing during the next presidential term...so, they wanted a republican to nominate a staunch conservative ( as you know many feel Justice Roberts is a disappointment).

But, just imagine Scalia being replaced by a liberal justice and then in a couple of years RBG also being replaced by a liberal - nightmare scenario for them.

I expect Cruz and Rubio to now make this a regular staple of every speech.
Probably the most pivotal year in recent history. The future of America is up for grabs this year - Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches. This will have ramifications for decades.
Plus we made deals with Iran and Cuba in 2015. So much change in the air.
Probably the most pivotal year in recent history. The future of America is up for grabs this year - Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches. This will have ramifications for decades.

This makes it harder for Bernie unfortunately. Hillary will double down on his supposed inability to win the general election. And if he makes it past the primary, then he's in for a shotgun blast from the Republican side who'll bring the socialist word out the bag.
Tonight's debate should be fun, Trump and Cruz have been at it again today, it's just a shame Christie won't be there to take I-Rubio down again.
And of course the American people are going to listen to Turtle Mitch Mcconnell.
It's genuinely bizarre how so much turtle DNA got into his genome. He's arguably a turtle that looks like a man.
It's amazing that all these people who are fetishists for the constitution do not want Obama to nominate a Justice, something that he is well with in his right to do so. Something that is his duty to do so, and why not? Because it is late in his term? Does this mean that any president is lame-duck a full year before they leave office?

The mental gymnastics is amazing.
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