2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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FEB. 11, 2016

Democratic debate – PBS

Time – 9 p.m. ET

Location – University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Moderators – Gwen Ifill, Judy Woodruff

Candidates – Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders

The debate will also air on CNN.
He is a man of principle and a genuinely decent and honest person. He also has 30 years of experience in public office as mayor, Representative in House of Reps and as a Senator. But unfortunately for him, it was in NH, a place that is demographically homogeneous. That's the reason a majority of African Americans and Hispanic people don't really know him. And they form a large voting bloc for the Dems.
He is a man of principle and a genuinely decent and honest person. He also has 30 years of experience in public office as mayor, Representative in House of Reps and as a Senator. But unfortunately for him, it was in NH, a place that is demographically homogeneous. That's the reason a majority of African Americans and Hispanic people don't really know him. And they form a large voting bloc for the Dems.

He is from Vermont. But yeah. The fact minorities don't know him has hurt him. But When people like Nina Turner of Ohio a former Clinton suppoter endorses Sanders with such passion, I have hope.
I disagree. It would strengthen Authenticity.

That's because you're biased and cheerleading for Bernie and his ilk. In reality, the likes of Cruz, Rubio, and Trump are salivating at the thought of not facing Hillary and would "absolutely luv it" if they faced Sanders. The US is an incredibly diverse country. If you've ever driven cross country and met the vastly different types of people, political persuasions, backgrounds etc, then you would know the game is not just about the small niche of leftist Bernie fans, but a much broader political base of conservative people who are spread across many states. All many of these people need to hear is that the Government is going to tax them more and they will show up at the polls to vote for whoever says they will stop further government interference.
would she run as a VP for Bernie... could be quite a powerful ticket

Yes, Warren is very popular with the Democrat base. The leftist Democrats really love her. She's brought up the evils of Wall Street money in politics in the Senate multiple times. Rumour is that she and Bernie had a talk and decided that they both wouldn't run for President as it would divide the leftist vote. Bernie ended up running then.

There was immense pressure from female Democrat senators and Congress members like Nancy Pelosi etc for Warren to publically endorse Hillary. But she still hasn't. I hope she endorses Bernie. A Sanders - Warren ticket would be very powerful and middle class voters would identify with them. If that happens in the general election, Sanders would get the independent votes as well as many Republican votes as well.
That's because you're biased and cheerleading for Bernie and his ilk. In reality, the likes of Cruz, Rubio, and Trump are salivating at the thought of not facing Hillary and would "absolutely luv it" if they faced Sanders. The US is an incredibly diverse country. If you've ever driven cross country and met the vastly different types of people, political persuasions, backgrounds etc, then you would know the game is not just about the small niche of leftist Bernie fans, but a much broader political base of conservative people who are spread across many states. All many of these people need to hear is that the Government is going to tax them more and they will show up at the polls to vote for whoever says they will stop further government interference.

The reason Bernie and Trump have strong and growing followings is because people are waking up to the lies of politicians. Their lot has not changed. In fact got worse.
When Bernie speaks people listen, because they believe him.
The reason Bernie and Trump have strong and growing followings is because people are waking up to the lies of politicians. Their lot has not changed. In fact got worse.
When Bernie speaks people listen, because they believe him.

The same can be said of Trump - in which case it isn't really about Sanders or Trump, its about populism and an underlying frustration people on the left and right have about the current political system.
He is from Vermont. But yeah. The fact minorities don't know him has hurt him. But When people like Nina Turner of Ohio a former Clinton suppoter endorses Sanders with such passion, I have hope.

I have hope as well. Nina Turner and Cornel West are backing him. The Clinton camp are smearing Bernie by saying that he doesn't care for African Americans. Just ridiculous. This is a man who marched with MLK during the March to Washington! Unlike Hillary who just hops on board and supports whatever policies that she thinks will get her supporters.

I despise Hillary. She doesn't even stand for anything. For example, she was against same sex marriage until 2 years back, when her advisors told her that opinion in the US in this matter is changing. So she came out in support for it. Also, she voted for the Iraq war. Now she's trying to brush that off as a 'mistake'. She got the most important foreign policy vote in the past 15 years in Congress wrong. And she still tries to sell herself as a president who would be good at foreign policy and that Sanders is inexperienced. Bull!
This thread is beginning to make the West Wing look pragmatic and rightwing.
The same can be said of Trump - in which case it isn't really about Sanders or Trump, its about populism and an underlying frustration people on the left and right have about the current political system.

Both of them 'tell it like it is'. Ok trump is tapping into the fears of people. But he is also saying the Republican party has let them down by not being for ordinary people but being for special interests. People who have funded them. He is right. Bernie is addressing the gross injustice of the political system that has left families worse off. They obviously have different solutions.

Bernie and Trump have given voices to the frustrations and injustices of the current political system. So why should they trust 'politicians'.
some talk today that Hillary should pick Warren for VP if she won the nomination. I would be very disapointed in Warren if she agreed.

She would be daft to turn it down, and in a way, it would unite both factions of the Democratic Party - establishment and progressive - under a unified ticket. People who support Sanders would surely vote for a ticket with Warren on it.
I have hope as well. Nina Turner and Cornel West are backing him. The Clinton camp are smearing Bernie by saying that he doesn't care for African Americans. Just ridiculous. This is a man who marched with MLK during the March to Washington! Unlike Hillary who just hops on board and supports whatever policies that she thinks will get her supporters.

I despise Hillary. She doesn't even stand for anything. For example, she was against same sex marriage until 2 years back, when her advisors told her that opinion in the US in this matter is changing. So she came out in support for it. Also, she voted for the Iraq war. Now she's trying to brush that off as a 'mistake'. She got the most important foreign policy vote in the past 15 years in Congress wrong. And she still tries to sell herself as a president who would be good at foreign policy and that Sanders is inexperienced. Bull!

Hillary's vote for the Iraq war was pure political calculation. Sending troops to war. Deaths of hundreds of thousands. Shuddering if you think about it. Should she become President, there is much she needs to atone for.
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She would be daft to turn it down, and in a way, it would unite both factions of the Democratic Party - establishment and progressive - under a unified ticket. People who support Sanders would surely vote for a ticket with Warren on it.

It would mean she has to drink from the same poison.

Victory for ordinary people is not just about winning an election.

Ordinary people need to have a voice. Warren cannot speak with any sense of justice and integrity once she has 'made the deal'.
Hillary's vote for the Iraq was pure political calculation. Sending troops to war. Deaths of hundreds of thousands. Shuddering if you think about it. Should she become President, there is much she needs to atone for.
Wasn't the popular opinion like 50-50 on the war?
Sanders has said. Voters need to vote Democrat down ticket too. This will help him govern.

His new add is tremendous.

Conspicuous lack of the word 'religion' when discussing diversity. For a country with America's (supposed) founding tenet of religious freedom, that's a telling influence from Trump's campaign.
Wasn't the popular opinion like 50-50 on the war?

I honestly don't know what it was at the time. Everybody looked at the same information. Hillary voted for the war and later tried to walk it back. Its only now she has said it was a mistake.

She speaks to her experience. Yes. she has that. But when you vote for a Presidnet, you need to vote for someone who has integrity. This is why she fails the Trust test.

It is one thing to cast a political vote. But when it involves Deaths.... A leader should be prepared to lay down his or her life rather than do what she and others did. She need not have done that. All she had to do was cast a No vote.
Separation of State and Church is the founding tenet. Thank God there is no mention of religion ;)
You don't think it's a good idea to bring people of different religions 'together'? I think that's incredibly important in the current climate. More so than it has been in a long time.

In any other election year, religion differences would be mentioned alongside race, gender, sexuality, etc.
You don't think it's a good idea to bring people of different religions 'together'? I think that's incredibly important in the current climate.

no need to mention it all. Religion causes us to see differences. They are absolutes. The ad referes to humanity and what we all have in common. The richness of culture and what we can learn and be richer by.
no need to mention it all. Religion causes us to see differences. They are absolutes. The ad referes to humanity and what we all have in common. The richness of culture and what we can learn and be richer by.
You certainly seem to. But let's work to no longer make that the case.
I did not bring religion into the discussion....you did.
It amongst the main factors that 'cause us to see differences' as you said. It's the driving factor behind issues like accepting Syrian refugees. You could dismiss racial differences similarly.

In any other campaign, Sanders would have mentioned it. Because he's got Trump on the horizon, he can't.
It amongst the main factors that 'cause us to see differences' as you said. It's the driving factor behind issues like accepting Syrian refugees. You could dismiss racial differences similarly.

In any other campaign, Sanders would have mentioned it. Because he's got Trump on the horizon, he can't.

I only referred to it when you mentioned it. Was not even thinking of it. I said it makes us see differences. How difficult is to see the similarity between you and someone who is from another country is of a different race. Not difficult at all. When you talk of religion, you get into absolutes. Though all relgions I suppose talk about doing 'good', you eventually come to talking about why your faith is 'right'. And as usual the shit hits the fan.... :)
I only referred to it when you mentioned it. Was not even thinking of it. I said it makes us see differences. How difficult is to see the similarity between you and someone who is from another country is of a different race. Not difficult at all. When you talk of religion, you get into absolutes. Though all relgions I suppose talk about doing 'good', you eventually come to talking about why your faith is 'right'. And as usual the shit hits the fan.... :)
I'm not defending religion. I'm saying that religion discrimination is one of the main things that keeps us from bringing 'people together'. It should be on the same list of issues that Sanders mentioned. Interfaith dialogue and cooperation is hugely successful in many parts of the world and the US. Encouraging it could help heal a lot wounds, but Bernie is being advised not to bring it up. Its exclusion is conspicuous and disappointing.
There's every reason to be disappointed with Obama's stint. I mean, Congress has been ridiculously hostile and all, and I'm sure we'd have seen a few more positive changes had he been less restricted, but it hasn't really mattered for quite a while whether the president is Democratic or Republican. The changes that have granted more power to special interests and business have been signed unceremoniously, private prisons making the US the world's top jailer (not even per capita), and when it comes to Obama we have:

-PRISM became known under his watch, he's not exactly made any excuses.
-Extrajudicial killings by drone
-the anti-protest bill

I'm sure there's more that I'm simply oblivious to. At any rate the point is that Hillary would simply preside over the same kind of trends we have seen; a slide where people can't afford medical bills, where they get caught between paying rent and paying to fix their car so they can get to their job, where climate change is simply ignored and no significant measures are taken and where women find it increasingly more difficult to get an abortion, or even birth control. For every incremental progressive step taken, there's backdoor measures that ensure that significant change cannot come at the expense of the interests of capital. There needs to be a more significant change.
What did Obama have to do with fracking? If anything, it became more difficult to do and a much cleaner process under his watch.

super delegates....comedy.

The super delegates will switch if Sanders is looking good. However I think these kinda stories are hurting her more than helping. Even the whole saga where the DNC tried to 'hide' the debates probably helped Sanders.

While the establishment tries to ease the path for Hillary, these actions are actually helping Sanders by giving him more fuel for the whole "us vs them" siege mentality that has made him successful.
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