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Eric Holder went from Covington & Burling to "attorney general" back to Covington & Burling. Covington & Burling has all the big banks as their clients. They kept an corner office for him. Do you really think that this is not a problem?
From my knowledge of the workings of the crash, if some people have a dream of seeing Investment Bank CEOs do jail time, they seem to be the least likely to actually stick a charge to. They were far removed from details and therefore unlikely had knowledge or ordered any sort of fraud be committed.
My honest opinion is that this was truly a case of collective delusion regarding the US housing markets and its implications. If it were fraud, and the banks knew they were creating assets that were going broke, they wouldn't have turned around and sold CDSs to investors that wanted to take the opposite positions and then kept the position, and UBS wouldn't have been increasing their positions in the last few weeks of the debacle with the world already crumbling around them.
Goldman did design some nasty CDSs with John Paulson (not to be mistaken with Hank) and sell them to investors. But these investors were professionals, ACA and IKB. This isn't something that I approve of or would ever do to clients myself (although I don't work in this part of the business), but ACA and IKB are f'ing idiots too for not reading properly. I'm not a lawyer, but the whole mess doesn't violate any laws I know of, since most in place look to protect smaller investors, professionals are supposed to know what they're getting into.
Beyond that everyone generally involved from Lehman, Bear Sterns, AIG, Citi, JPM, ML, RBS, UBS, they just grossly overestimated the quality of the assets and run their own firms into the ground. If it were just one of the firms you'd probably let it fail or be bought cheap, and laugh at management for being so incompetent, but you wouldn't bring charges against them because I don't think there are any to be made (I'm possibly overreaching, because there are many many laws, and I'm aware of so few, but in general I've never been told that being stupid is illegal).