2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Is it, though? Dude stops just short of saying that himself, the creep.

I've seen the original clip, it was just a banal conversation on her being a desirable date partner/wife. He said it very poorly, but based on his language in the campaign trail so far, I don't think he meant anything untoward.
I've seen the original clip, it was just a banal conversation on her being a desirable date partner/wife. He said it very poorly, but based on his language in the campaign trail so far, I don't think he meant anything untoward.

He's said it numerous times, though. And then there's this peach:

I'm not even sure how that answer works, but he's said this kind of creepy stuff enough times that a joke like that isn't really out of place, for me.

Anyway, not really a worthwhile detour for this thread ;P
@Hillary supporters:

This is why it's impossible to trust she will do anything progressive.
I mean, I understand the rationale for voting for someone who is entrist, will try and get moderate bills passed, and make sure terrible stuff gets voteoed. Someone who seems a safer bet in an election where moderates populate a lot of swing states. Someone who isn't promising big changes that might disrupt the economy. That's all fine.

But when that same person is so obviously neck-deep in corrupt funds, how can you support her? What signal is this sending? More importantly, why is it being done? I honestly can't see much benefit to her directly.
From my knowledge of the workings of the crash, if some people have a dream of seeing Investment Bank CEOs do jail time, they seem to be the least likely to actually stick a charge to. They were far removed from details and therefore unlikely had knowledge or ordered any sort of fraud be committed.

My honest opinion is that this was truly a case of collective delusion regarding the US housing markets and its implications. If it were fraud, and the banks knew they were creating assets that were going broke, they wouldn't have turned around and sold CDSs to investors that wanted to take the opposite positions and then kept the position, and UBS wouldn't have been increasing their positions in the last few weeks of the debacle with the world already crumbling around them.

Goldman did design some nasty CDSs with John Paulson (not to be mistaken with Hank) and sell them to investors. But these investors were professionals, ACA and IKB. This isn't something that I approve of or would ever do to clients myself (although I don't work in this part of the business), but ACA and IKB are f'ing idiots too for not reading properly. I'm not a lawyer, but the whole mess doesn't violate any laws I know of, since most in place look to protect smaller investors, professionals are supposed to know what they're getting into.

Beyond that everyone generally involved from Lehman, Bear Sterns, AIG, Citi, JPM, ML, RBS, UBS, they just grossly overestimated the quality of the assets and run their own firms into the ground. If it were just one of the firms you'd probably let it fail or be bought cheap, and laugh at management for being so incompetent, but you wouldn't bring charges against them because I don't think there are any to be made (I'm possibly overreaching, because there are many many laws, and I'm aware of so few, but in general I've never been told that being stupid is illegal).

I won't pretend to know the minute details of the case but if someone like Warren is saying that there is cause to investigation fraud against several banks/bankers, then I believe her. Her take on Goldman Sachs fine also made sense that a corporation as an entity can not commit fraud or violate laws unless some of its employees have also done so.
@Hillary supporters:

This is why it's impossible to trust she will do anything progressive.
I mean, I understand the rationale for voting for someone who is entrist, will try and get moderate bills passed, and make sure terrible stuff gets voteoed. Someone who seems a safer bet in an election where moderates populate a lot of swing states. Someone who isn't promising big changes that might disrupt the economy. That's all fine.

But when that same person is so obviously neck-deep in corrupt funds, how can you support her? What signal is this sending? More importantly, why is it being done? I honestly can't see much benefit to her directly.

Read the comment section on that article.

Obama took money from Wall Street, lots of it. He also appointed them into cabinet positions, lobbyists, bankers etc... And he did fine. There's no honour in politics.
Read the comment section on that article.

Obama took money from Wall Street, lots of it. He also appointed them into cabinet positions, lobbyists, bankers etc... And he did fine. There's no honour in politics.

There's every reason to be disappointed with Obama's stint. I mean, Congress has been ridiculously hostile and all, and I'm sure we'd have seen a few more positive changes had he been less restricted, but it hasn't really mattered for quite a while whether the president is Democratic or Republican. The changes that have granted more power to special interests and business have been signed unceremoniously, private prisons making the US the world's top jailer (not even per capita), and when it comes to Obama we have:

-PRISM became known under his watch, he's not exactly made any excuses.
-Extrajudicial killings by drone
-the anti-protest bill

I'm sure there's more that I'm simply oblivious to. At any rate the point is that Hillary would simply preside over the same kind of trends we have seen; a slide where people can't afford medical bills, where they get caught between paying rent and paying to fix their car so they can get to their job, where climate change is simply ignored and no significant measures are taken and where women find it increasingly more difficult to get an abortion, or even birth control. For every incremental progressive step taken, there's backdoor measures that ensure that significant change cannot come at the expense of the interests of capital. There needs to be a more significant change.
There's every reason to be disappointed with Obama's stint. I mean, Congress has been ridiculously hostile and all, and I'm sure we'd have seen a few more positive changes had he been less restricted, but it hasn't really mattered for quite a while whether the president is Democratic or Republican. The changes that have granted more power to special interests and business have been signed unceremoniously, private prisons making the US the world's top jailer (not even per capita), and when it comes to Obama we have:

-PRISM became known under his watch, he's not exactly made any excuses.
-Extrajudicial killings by drone
-the anti-protest bill

I'm sure there's more that I'm simply oblivious to. At any rate the point is that Hillary would simply preside over the same kind of trends we have seen; a slide where people can't afford medical bills, where they get caught between paying rent and paying to fix their car so they can get to their job, where climate change is simply ignored and no significant measures are taken and where women find it increasingly more difficult to get an abortion, or even birth control. For every incremental progressive step taken, there's backdoor measures that ensure that significant change cannot come at the expense of the interests of capital. There needs to be a more significant change.

I gave money for Obama and voted for him. I have been disapointed with him. He really should have taken the mandate..which he had twice and done more for ordinary people. I know Sanders would be a lot tougher. Hillary? she'll probably be worse than Obama.
I gave money for Obama and voted for him. I have been disapointed with him. He really should have taken the mandate..which he had twice and done more for ordinary people. I know Sanders would be a lot tougher. Hillary? she'll probably be worse than Obama.

Any president is hamstrung by the other branches, especially Congress. Which is why Bernie has to succeed both with his campaign, and in invigorating the people to oust the members of Congress who would stand in the way of what they elected their president to do.

And I agree, Hillary would be worse than Obama.
Any president is hamstrung by the other branches, especially Congress. Which is why Bernie has to succeed both with his campaign, and in invigorating the people to oust the members of Congress who would stand in the way of what they elected their president to do.

And I agree, Hillary would be worse than Obama.

Sanders has said. Voters need to vote Democrat down ticket too. This will help him govern.

His new add is tremendous.

Sanders has said. Voters need to vote Democrat down ticket too. This will help him govern.

His new add is tremendous.

Yup :)

My American wife is jaded when it comes to US politics and the state of the US in general. I was excited about Bernie right from the off, but after seeing a clip this summer where he made it clear that nobody who gets the presidency can fix the US, that requires the efforts of ordinary people holding their elected officials accountable (and voting them out if need be), I decided to show it to her. I could tell that she was groaning on the inside the moment she saw it was a political speech, but that hit home. Being a woman who does her due diligence, she wanted to know his voting record.

She was going to renounce her citizenship and go full Norwegian, but if the popular movement under Sanders succeeds, she may nevermind that.
Yup :)

My American wife is jaded when it comes to US politics and the state of the US in general. I was excited about Bernie right from the off, but after seeing a clip this summer where he made it clear that nobody who gets the presidency can fix the US, that requires the efforts of ordinary people holding their elected officials accountable (and voting them out if need be), I decided to show it to her. I could tell that she was groaning on the inside the moment she saw it was a political speech, but that hit home. Being a woman who does her due diligence, she wanted to know his voting record.

She was going to renounce her citizenship and go full Norwegian, but if the popular movement under Sanders succeeds, she may nevermind that.

We must never give up mate. When we give up...THEY win. At the least we need to fight for the disenfranchised. I just saw Snyder speaking with a straight face......He poisoned people to save money. How does he sleep at night.

This is what will happen if we surrender. Must keep fighting. ;)
We must never give up mate. When we give up...THEY win. At the least we need to fight for the disenfranchised. I just saw Snyder speaking with a straight face......He poisoned people to save money. How does he sleep at night.

This is what will happen if we surrender. Must keep fighting. ;)

Well, she can't vote anyway, she has no home state right now. But we're following with great interest. I'd be knocking on doors and contributing if I were over there and were eligible. Keep up the good fight :)
Yup :)

My American wife is jaded when it comes to US politics and the state of the US in general. I was excited about Bernie right from the off, but after seeing a clip this summer where he made it clear that nobody who gets the presidency can fix the US, that requires the efforts of ordinary people holding their elected officials accountable (and voting them out if need be), I decided to show it to her. I could tell that she was groaning on the inside the moment she saw it was a political speech, but that hit home. Being a woman who does her due diligence, she wanted to know his voting record.

She was going to renounce her citizenship and go full Norwegian, but if the popular movement under Sanders succeeds, she may nevermind that.

Was reading that article about FATCA this week (did someone post it here?) and it sounds ridiiiiiiiculous. Horrible scenario for expats. There was a guy who grew up all of his life in France bar the first month of his life and he has to file a yearly tax return! Very hard, expensive and deliberately shaming to relinquish it too.
That is a great ad. Shame Bernie is going to fade soon.

You do know that the Nevada and South Carolina polls are outdated? When they were last updated, Bernie was down by 15 points in Iowa, in December.

You've been surprised by his campaign's resilience so far... you may well find that you continue to be surprised. Sucks for you, seeing as Trump's doing well and you wouldn't throw a vote Bernie's way, but this isn't a foregone conclusion.
Was reading that article about FATCA this week (did someone post it here?) and it sounds ridiiiiiiiculous. Horrible scenario for expats. There was a guy who grew up all of his life in France bar the first month of his life and he has to file a yearly tax return! Very hard, expensive and deliberately shaming to relinquish it too.

That is the MAIN thing for her. If that doesn't get repealed, she'll have to give up her citizenship.
Sanders has said. Voters need to vote Democrat down ticket too. This will help him govern.

His new add is tremendous.


Lets hope that he wins.

Bloomberg should feck off. If he runs, a Republican becomes president. He won't win shit all, but more Democrats than Republicans will vote for him, and so make the difference in some states, like Nader did in 2000.
Sanders has said. Voters need to vote Democrat down ticket too. This will help him govern.

His new add is tremendous.

its a good advert... though it does slightly feel like a reaction to his last ad being seen as too white
that said anything that focus on the positives of their own campaign rather than the negatives of another's campaign is good to see as I get the feeling that the actual election is going to be incredibly divisive
I feel for her. It must be an upsetting and infuriating scenario.

Not really. She doesn't have strong ties, and a Norwegian citizenship opens the doors to the EU as well, should we want a change of scenery.

It's just inconvenient, and expensive. They upped the renunciation fee from, like, 4000 kroner to 20,000. ($460 to $2330)

Because so many people were renouncing due to FATCA.
its a good advert... though it does slightly feel like a reaction to his last ad being seen as too white
that said anything that focus on the positives of their own campaign rather than the negatives of another's campaign is good to see as I get the feeling that the actual election is going to be incredibly divisive

His last ad was directed at Iowa voters. He has put out the two best ads I have seen for a long time.
If Sanders helps Hillary find her soul, he would not have failed.

He won't. She doesn't have one. And fecking Bill is going down in my esteem too, with his smearing.

Bill has really disappointed me lately, I get that Hillary is his wife but he doesn't need to smear Bernie like that to win.
Really looking forward to the debate tonight.
Bill has really disappointed me lately, I get that Hillary is his wife but he doesn't need to smear Bernie like that to win.
Really looking forward to the debate tonight.

Thankfully karmic forces seem to be in action. It's back-firing. Just as it did when he was getting involved in the 08 campaign (from what I read, I didn't follow the primaries then).
His last ad was directed at Iowa voters. He has put out the two best ads I have seen for a long time.
I agree its a good advert - it just feels a little "workshopped" to me.
Good luck to him though - I think a USA with him as leader would be viewed very positively around the world (with the possible exception of Israel) though I think it will be very difficult for him domestically as he will have to fight to get any real changes passed.
Not sure she has one

I remember what Dylan said. He was paraprasingthe bible when he said

"you know it's possible to become so defiled in this world
that your own father and mother will abandon you and if that happens,
God will always believe in your ability to mend your ways"

Hillary is not evil. Nor Bill. They need to find within themselves what made them want to serve...again.
You do know that the Nevada and South Carolina polls are outdated? When they were last updated, Bernie was down by 15 points in Iowa, in December.

You've been surprised by his campaign's resilience so far... you may well find that you continue to be surprised. Sucks for you, seeing as Trump's doing well and you wouldn't throw a vote Bernie's way, but this isn't a foregone conclusion.

I've definitely been pleasantly surprised he has done well. He's a good candidate and a well meaning guy in general. But that's where the pie and the sky fanaticism ends. He could well continue to excel in a few places but still lose in most other states. The Dem establishment are clearly behind Hillary, as are a good number of actual voters.
Hillary Clinton during one of the debates - "Name one time I changed my views due to Wall Street money"

Elizabeth Warren "Okay, allow me."

Bernie really needs to detail the positions she flip-flopped in tonight's debate. A lot of people dont seem to know the truth.
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