2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Sanders leading so far amongst women.

Clinton camp has a lot of soul searching to do tonight.
Hillary 18% behind...that's a pretty significant defeat. A loss obviously wasn't a surprise, but there is no way to spin this positively.

I suppose she could hold on to the minority voters angle, but just as importantly...she needs to figure out how to get women aged 18-34 to vote for her - atm this group is with Bernie.
Hillary 18% behind...that's a pretty significant defeat. A loss obviously wasn't a surprise, but there is no way to spin this positively.

I suppose she could hold on to the minority voters angle, but just as importantly...she needs to figure out how to get women aged 18-34 to vote for her - atm this group is with Bernie.

Considering there were polls that put her 8% and closing, it's massive. Interest going to grow hugely now.
Sanders leads by 21% now. Bad bad situation for Hillary.

I'm actually enjoying watching the establishment Hillary-bots squirm around. Nothing better than an annointed candidate having to eat some humble pie. Shame it won't last since this is Bernie's last strong state.
Sanders was pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty good on Saturday Night Live. In fact, his current 'coolness' is not too dissimilar from Obama's (although not of the same magnitude).
I'm actually enjoying watching the establishment Hillary-bots squirm around. Nothing better than an annointed candidate having to eat some humble pie. Shame it won't last since this is Bernie's last strong state.
We said that for an awfully long time with Jeremy Corbyn.
Sanders isn't even close in any of the other states. Hillary is winning by 30% in most other places.
Big win tonight helps. Americans like winners.

I still fancy Hilary will take the nomination, and I am quite content with that, but I wouldn't rule Sanders out. Stranger things have happened etc...
I'm listening to the coverage on NH Public Radio: it is their opinion that the level of support for Sanders in Manchester could be suggestive of greater problems ahead for Hillary, bearing in mind the demographics there.
Its not so big when you consider he's from the state next door. This was always going to be his strong state. It won't transfer to the south where Hillary is thrashing him.
Time shall tell. I suspect you are right, I just don't share your certainty.
I saw an anlysis that his votes came more from the Southern border with MA. And are we sure that he is more well know and popular than Hillary Clinton?


He is losing decisively in all the polls in other states. Its not like she is beating him by 5 points in those places. She is clobbering him by 30.

He is losing decisively in all the polls in other states. Its not like she is beating him by 5 points in those places. She is clobbering him by 30.

Just wait till Hillary goes on the telly tomorrow and says "I'll love it... Just love it if we beat Bernie in NY".


Meltdown ahead.

He is losing decisively in all the polls in other states. Its not like she is beating him by 5 points in those places. She is clobbering him by 30.

Hillary will still be heavy favourites.

The difference between them is the message. She is not offering anything new. People do not want the same ol ..same ol. They are fed up on both sides against establishment politics.

Just saying...my wife started out so entusiastic wanting to vote for Hillary, the first woman President. She now is fired up to vote for the Bern.
Hillary will still be heavy favourites.

The difference between them is the message. She is not offering anything new. People do not want the same ol ..same ol. They are fed up on both sides against establishment politics.

Just saying...my wife started out so entusiastic wanting to vote for Hillary, the first woman President. She now is fired up to vote for the Bern.

Bern is doing well with women voters, in fact he beat Hillary tonight on the women's vote in NH. The sentiment in the south and other places where the Sanders message won't resonate will be quite different.
Just listening to her speech.

Okay...Women Rights. Black Lives...LGBT...

I'm shrugging my shoulders. So what...Bernie is for all those things.

What else???
Is the point not that she is also happy clappy liberal, at times, whilst being more 'electable' than her opponent.
It's not a bad speech tbh, she sounds better than almost every other time I've seen her.
Yeah. I first started following American politics when Bush was elected. The idea of Obama followed by Hilary would've been a beautiful dream back then. It really isn't so bad.
Just listening to her speech.

Okay...Women Rights. Black Lives...LGBT...

I'm shrugging my shoulders. So what...Bernie is for all those things.

What else???

She even pinched a few of Bernie's favourite lines. It wasn't a badly written speech at all - it's just when it comes from her it sounds shrill and prepared and lacks any form of sincerity or authenticity. You could tell by how hard she was trying, this was supposed to be her Obama in Iowa '08 moment. It wasn't.
She even pinched a few of Bernie's favourite lines. It wasn't a badly written speech at all - it's just when it comes from her it sounds shrill and prepared and lacks any form of sincerity or authenticity. You could tell by how hard she was trying, this was supposed to be her Obama in Iowa '08 moment. It wasn't.

thats it.

59 to 39 with 31% in.

The nation will now know Who Bernie Sanders is and why he won.
A blowout victory like tonight matters. RD is right. Americans love winners, and also underdogs. Bernie is both. Hillary will most likely still win Nevada, SC and Super Tuesday, but she'll have a bad case of deja vu if Bernie manages to leech off more delegates than she can spare.

She needs to rely on Obama's folks more and take control of her campaign. They've been inept in forging a clear, uplifting message to the electorate.
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