2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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I know what they're angry at, I just think they're buying a narrative that doesn't match up to reality. The world I've grown up in is in constant improvement, most notably how the internet and connectivity have made us brutally efficient in day-to-day tasks and given us more access to information than anyone of any position living up to 1995 had.

Anyways, hope Kasich does well. Too much to hope Jeb does well too?

you are seeing the United States from an immigrant's eyes. different from people who were born and grew up here. But I understand where you are coming from. Okay I am an immigrant too..but my experiences are different.

Jeb! 2020 ;)
will be much closer....polls still are more than an hour from closing.

Anything less than a blowout win will hamper Sanders's momentum. Of course, his campaign will be right to say that 6 months ago no one expected him to do this well, but it doesn't changed the fact that IA and NH are both demographically perfect for him.

Nevada and South Carolina will be where the viability of his campaign is put to the test.
Anything less than a blowout win will hamper Sanders's momentum. Of course, his campaign will be right to say that 6 months ago no one expected him to do this well, but it doesn't changed the fact that IA and NH are both demographically perfect for him.

Nevada and South Carolina will be where the viability of his campaign is put to the test.

Hillary still has to be heavy favourites. But follow all this closely. Sanders is supposed to get some interesting black endorsements soon. Here in Minnesota I understand his ground game is pretty solid. I'm very excited about my caucus experience to come. :)
you are seeing the United States from an immigrant's eyes. different from people who were born and grew up here. But I understand where you are coming from. Okay I am an immigrant too..but my experiences are different.

Jeb! 2020 ;)

I've actually been here in 2005, 2008, 2009, and now again for extended periods (and in MS, CA and NY mostly). 2005 certainly didn't seem better than today, although not significantly worse either... just less advanced. Maybe its because I'm young and make pretty good use of all the benefits that technology has offered. What is it about this idyllic past? Housing? Job stability/security?
I've actually been here in 2005, 2008, 2009, and now again for extended periods (and in MS, CA and NY mostly). 2005 certainly didn't seem better than today, although not significantly worse either... just less advanced. Maybe its because I'm young and make pretty good use of all the benefits that technology has offered. What is it about this idyllic past? Housing? Job stability/security?

big part of it. Also what industry you are in has a big effect. Its how we see things and compare. Its a very human thing...the past always seems better. "The Good ol days". But having say that, I do believe that these politicians need to listen to people with 'new ears'. Rightly or wrongly, they will decide. Why 'outsiders' seem a lot more attractive.
Most republicans in NH support ban on Muslims. Jesus Christ!

Yep. If its not f'd this time around, it'll be f'd pretty soon. 9/11 came and went without such nonsense, in part because Dubya never entertained such thoughts (I know there were some new policies, but never a ban or serious talk of a ban).
Watching CBS' coverage and I see these two dudes wearing a shirt that, upon casual glance, looks like it sports Hillary's slogan. Fantastic :lol:


Edit: it says CNN because I had to go fishing online for the pic
Depending on source, Bernie is either 58-42 or 54-44 or 53-45.

Trump is cruising in the 30s with Kasich 18 and the rest in the 8-12 range. (Jeb > Cruz > Rubio > Christie)
CNN calls it for Trump.

His numbers are looking very good. Weirdly the person who finishes 2nd will probably get more publicity.
Yep. If its not f'd this time around, it'll be f'd pretty soon. 9/11 came and went without such nonsense, in part because Dubya never entertained such thoughts (I know there were some new policies, but never a ban or serious talk of a ban).

the difference from 9/11 is we did not know who they were. The two people in San Bernadino were part of the community. That is what is driving up the fear.
That margin makes a difference in delegates. 10 or 18 points? He lost that 1 delegate (23-21) in Iowa, needs to make it up here.
Rubio in 5th. The whole Marcobot thing could dog him for the rest of his political career.

A bit like the Dean scream.
Watching MSNBC. Just ripped Clinton's campaign apart.
Clinton's campaign had a memo ready, sent at 7PM, embargoed till 8. Explaining their loss, downplaying expectations for NV and SC, telling MSNBC how to report it.
The other important thing is to hope that Rubio remains 4th or below. That should finish that party off.
yup - one of my first jobs was working out just how much the cost would be to pension funds and Governments etc if they found a cure for cancer with the increased life expectancy thus longer payments - basically long story and lots of math cut short - society is going to crumble

You just started another conspiracy......
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