2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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I thought Bernie was spot on with his foreign policy points. It is the countries that you don't speak to...isolated...that are the danger. N Korea is a danger. I see nothing wrong with wanting to speak to Iran...pre-conditions or not. You want to speak to your enemies so we can avoid more bloodshed.

Speak to, absolutely. But more importantly than speaking to, how much trust do you assign to their words? Do you pressure them? Are you at least willing to be aggressive and nasty if it might be the best strategy at some point? The fear for me is pacifism, the attitude that conflict should be backed away from at all costs. I think history has proven that its as losing a strategy as war-mongering. Corbyn in the UK seems quite a pacifist, with Sanders I'm still uncertain.

"I would rather have anybody else be the president of the United States. Anyone. I would rather pick somebody from the phone book."

- Craig Mazin, Cruz's Princeton roommate

That's actually such a genuinely remarkable statement that I don't think I've ever seen anything remotely like it in any country's politics, ever.

I find Cruz an interesting guy. I don't agree with most his positions, but one thing I do appreciate from his history so far is that he isn't incompetent, quite the contrary. I think he's unethical and too cut-throat, a bit Nixon like. But I've come to dislike incompetence almost as much as sliminess.

That said, don't think a Cruz presidency would end well, as much as I'd like to pay less taxes.
Didn't realise till last night that Bernie had voted against 2nd Iraq invasion. Big parallel with Corbyn there - amazing what currency having taken that position gives you with the young.

Tbf Obama did too.

But yes for right or wrong the Iraq war does seem to serve as some sort of litmus test to determine a politician's genuine progressive leanings.
It's like I'm shilling for Hillary when I don't even like her that much. Barney Frank wrote an editorial the other day expressing the sentiment towards Sanders inside the party, basically said that he's denouncing all the good works they've strived to achieve as inconsequential and alienating his peers. There are many Dems who resent Sanders's tone and view him as an outsider hijacking their party. That's the big difference between Bernie and Barry, the latter was a true unifier of the party.

Sanders is an independent, he's just running as a Dem. He has no loyalty to the Democratic party at all.
Sanders is an independent, he's just running as a Dem. He has no loyalty to the Democratic party at all.

That's hardly surprising either. The Democrat party is an establishment party, Sanders is an anti-establishment candidate. Its pretty much the same with Trump and the GOP.
Whatever happened to Herman Cain?

That's definitely Mike Tyson, I'm looking at photos of Cain now and it's Tyson. Did he do some kind of Sketch for SNL as Cain?

Edit: Found it :lol:, I want Mike Tyson in character as Herman Cain to run for 2020.
I thought that was because of the way politics work in Vermont, he still helps Democratic politicians in their campaigns doesn't he? Or is that just fluff?

Obama campaigned for his senate run in 2006, Bernie campaigned for Obama in vermont for both general elections.
He's been in various small parties of the left before he became completely independent when he stood for (and won rave reviews) as mayor (and then representative and then senator)
Just saw payments to Clinton by banks. How the feck do you get paid $600k for a speech. What he feck are you saying?
Just saw payments to Clinton by banks. How the feck do you get paid $600k for a speech. What he feck are you saying?
You're currently posting on the messageboard of a club that shells about that much out to Ashley Young every month.
I think Clinton is beginning to stink and Saunders team will increasingly attack her as we move to states they're behind in.
I'm not an US citizen but my daughter is. She's just an year old and I want her to be an American citizen and a good one. So I desperately want what is good for America :) Let's hope you are right.

I have a little girl on the way myself. That played a large role in my choice to support Bernie, he genuinely wants to make this country a better place for everyone. Don't get me wrong, much of what he is proposing will not be completed while he is president but the end goals he has in mind are something that would benefit my daughter even though we are very comfortable financially.
How can we say we have a good health plan when the pharmaceutical industry can simply raise the price of any medication as and when they feel like? Sanders asked this last night.

We know this from what that douche who was arrested recently.
How can we say we have a good health plan when the pharmaceutical industry can simply raise the price of any medication as and when they feel like? Sanders asked this last night.

We know this from what that douche who was arrested recently.

Martin "Plead The Fifth" Shkreli

Straight out of House Of Cards...


That poll oversampled youth and undersampled seniors. It's still close, but I'd guess closer to a 7-8 point lead for Clinton than a tie.

On the other hand,

Fresh head to heads!
Clinton has a comfortable lead over Trump (+5), satan beats her easily (-4), and she is crushed by Rubio (-7)
Sanders annihilates Trump (+10), has a decent lead over satan (+4), and ties with teflon Rubio.

IIRC, His Holiness Sir Nate of Silver has deemed that post-Iowa is when people start paying attention to the election. Till when do we ignore these very consistent polls?
@naturalized @InfiniteBoredom
Just saw payments to Clinton by banks. How the feck do you get paid $600k for a speech. What he feck are you saying?

It's fecking absurd. And arrogant too. Who the hell thinks their own opinion is worth over half a million?!
As a rule of thumb, I'd say when the nominees are identified, or at least we can have a strong prediction on both side. So this cycle it might be at the end of April, which is still half a year away from the election.

The process are still too fractious on both side to have any real idea about the candidates.

I've said from the very first posts in this thread that it'll be a very negative campaign. Hillary doesn't have the charisma of Bill or Obama to energize the base, and the GOP don't do positivity. The end result will be close. As for Bernie's rating, when the GOP start actually spending money to smear him, we'll see whether he can maintain it.
Yeah no thanks, I'm done electing politicians purely based on pragmatism. I'm not voting for Bernie because he is righteous, I am voting for him because he is honest and stands up for his constituents.
I see him as another Jimmy Carter, great person and honest but he would fail in Washington as well since being honest and politics won't mix well.
As a rule of thumb, I'd say when the nominees are identified, or at least we can have a strong prediction on both side. So this cycle it might be at the end of April, which is still half a year away from the election.

The process are still too fractious on both side to have any real idea about the candidates.

I've said from the very first posts in this thread that it'll be a very negative campaign. Hillary doesn't have the charisma of Bill or Obama to energize the base, and the GOP don't do positivity. The end result will be close. As for Bernie's rating, when the GOP start actually spending money to smear him, we'll see whether he can maintain it.

It's why Hillary going increasingly on the attack is good for him: if he can stand her and learn from it (watch how quickly he learnt from his bad showing in the 1st debate), it's good experience for the (possible) general election.
That's absurd, too. But then no one's asking Sir Alex Ferguson to run a country.
It has absolutely no bearing on someone's capacity to run a country, just that there's a going rate for speakers with that kind of demand.
I struggle to see how they can justify a margin of error like that. If you ask 480 people a question and can't count 22 of the answers, your time would be better spent going back to school.
It doesn't mean that... It means that (assuming it's a 95% confidence interval) if you ran the poll 100 times, the poll would return the same result, within 4.5%, 95 out of 100 times on average. 4.5% for a poll is good - not great, but good.

It's why Hillary going increasingly on the attack is good for him: if he can stand her and learn from it (watch how quickly he learnt from his bad showing in the 1st debate), it's good experience for the (possible) general election.

Well, there's an important distinction though, she needs his voters, or at least some of them, so she'll never be even half as negative as the GOPers.

Also, the new Quinnipiac poll seems very weird for me. I took a quick look at RCP and the last general election poll done by NBC/WSJ in the middle of Jan had Clinton beating all of the unholy trio. It's basically a 10-point swing in this new poll and they also have form for polling favourably for Sanders. Their poll prior to Iowa had Sanders up by 3 points, pretty much the anomaly among all polls at the time. Granted, the 'gold standard' poll by Ann Selzer also failed this cycle, so there's that.
Well, there's an important distinction though, she needs his voters, or at least some of them, so she'll never be even half as negative as the GOPers.

Also, the new Quinnipiac poll seems very weird for me. I took a quick look at RCP and the last general election poll done by NBC/WSJ in the middle of Jan had Clinton beating all of the unholy trio. It's basically a 10-point swing in this new poll and they also have form for polling favourably for Sanders. Their poll prior to Iowa had Sanders up by 3 points, pretty much the anomaly among all polls at the time. Granted, the 'gold standard' poll by Ann Selzer also failed this cycle, so there's that.

This poll is more biased towards young people but that alone can't explain
1. The huge swing (in the primary poll)
2. The consistency of his head-to-head superiority
3. The size of his lead over Trump
I see him as another Jimmy Carter, great person and honest but he would fail in Washington as well since being honest and politics won't mix well.

That may be true but I'm willing to take the chance, particularly when you consider his political career so far. I think if he does win it and the establishment continually obstruct him the people will catch on and realize what is going on, when this happens change will be forced upon the political process in one way or another.
I see him as another Jimmy Carter, great person and honest but he would fail in Washington as well since being honest and politics won't mix well.
I think he's more left than Carter was. Which is why I can't see him winning.

These polls are a bit surprising, though. Is he within touching distance of Hillary nationwide? or is it just that he's level in certain regions?
Nationwide polls are a bit meaningless since Clinton and Sanders aren't competing in a national election. Hillary is still beating him in a vast majority of primary states which is what counts.
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