2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Is Hilary suggesting there might be skeletons in Bernie's closet there?
Sanders was outstanding apart from the foreign policy bit. You can easily see that that's the part he cares least about.
Yeah no thanks, I'm done electing politicians purely based on pragmatism. I'm not voting for Bernie because he is righteous, I am voting for him because he is honest and stands up for his constituents.

I applaud your optimism, but I've learnt the hard way expecting progress from idealists. I just want to be clear that I'm not knocking you or think you are naive, I think it's the right attitude and maybe Sanders is the man, I just can't ignore my lessons through experience.
Bernie could do so much good. An actual honest, passionate person without an agenda or hooks in him, just going by his conscience. A term for him followed by two of Elizabeth Warren might actually be able to fix America.
I applaud your optimism, but I've learnt the hard way expecting progress from idealists. I just want to be clear that I'm not knocking you or think you are naive, I think it's the right attitude and maybe Sanders is the man, I just can't ignore my lessons through experience.

I completely get where you are coming from and until a few months ago I was also unsure if I should go for pragmatism or idealism. After much thought and research I realized that I would sleep much better knowing I tried my best to get Bernie in a better position to influence our political process, health care system, military industrial complex, and justice system among other current issues. I believe he really wants to help people (as I'm sure most believe about the candidate they have picked) and will work tirelessly to improve the situation of the average and poor American.
I completely get where you are coming from and until a few months ago I was also unsure if I should go for pragmatism or idealism. After much thought and research I realized that I would sleep much better knowing I tried my best to get Bernie in a better position to influence our political process, health care system, military industrial complex, and justice system among other current issues. I believe he really wants to help people (as I'm sure most believe about the candidate they have picked) and will work tirelessly to improve the situation of the average and poor American.

I'm not an US citizen but my daughter is. She's just an year old and I want her to be an American citizen and a good one. So I desperately want what is good for America :) Let's hope you are right.
Just read the recap of the debate, Sanders is toast in GE against any GOPer if he doesn't get better at foreign policy. The Iraq vote will only go so far.

And surprise surprise, Hillary called him out on the speaking fees and contribution stuff, 'artful smear' indeed. It's not something her campaign concocted, but the sentiment of a lot of Dems.
Just read the recap of the debate, Sanders is toast in GE against any GOPer if he doesn't get better at foreign policy. The Iraq vote will only go so far.

And surprise surprise, Hillary called him out on the speaking fees and contribution stuff, 'artful smear' indeed. It's not something her campaign concocted, but the sentiment of a lot of Dems.
From what I'm reading, she came out on top from it - fair assessment?
From what I'm reading, she came out on top from it - fair assessment?

I'd say they came out about even, Sanders edging it on Wall Street stuff as he should, and Hillary scored points with the progressive street cred argument and foreign policy talk. Sanders did himself no favour with the 'establishment' talk though. He has no Senate endorsement and only two from the House. That's a pretty lonely revolution.
What resonates is Bernie saying we need to get big money out of elections.

Who can argue with that.

I don't think anyone is, it just happens that there are people disagreeing with how to get there. After 8 years of disillusionment after 'hope and change', you'd forgive them for having misgivings about 'political revolution'.

Anyway, no problem with voting your heart, not your mind, if you can live with the consequences. At least you do get to vote, I envy you that.
I completely get where you are coming from and until a few months ago I was also unsure if I should go for pragmatism or idealism. After much thought and research I realized that I would sleep much better knowing I tried my best to get Bernie in a better position to influence our political process, health care system, military industrial complex, and justice system among other current issues. I believe he really wants to help people (as I'm sure most believe about the candidate they have picked) and will work tirelessly to improve the situation of the average and poor American.

I truly believe this, its been a very long time since the poor and middle class had someone stand up for them in this way.
I'd say they came out about even, Sanders edging it on Wall Street stuff as he should, and Hillary scored points with the progressive street cred argument and foreign policy talk. Sanders did himself no favour with the 'establishment' talk though. He has no Senate endorsement and only two from the House. That's a pretty lonely revolution.

Yep, thought it was a draw. Bernie scored his usual points (Iraq War, establishment, Goldman Sachs etc) and Hillary jabbed back as appropriate and did very well on foreign policy.

Hillary and Bernie are basically locked in a dead heat in this mornings latest polls.
Yep, thought it was a draw. Bernie scored his usual points (Iraq War, establishment, Goldman Sachs etc) and Hillary jabbed back as appropriate and did very well on foreign policy.

Hillary and Bernie are basically locked in a dead heat in this mornings latest polls.

I agree, they both did well. The next few weeks will be interesting.
In all the polls I've seen Bernie beats both Trump and Cruz in a national election.
Perhaps Rubio would be a tougher fight...assuming he can beat Trump/Cruz.

Polls this far from GE are quite useless. Public opinion changes by the day, and Bernie is not under the same scrutiny Clinton is under, not even remotely.

There's an obvious distrust and dissatisfaction of government in the American electorate, the GOP will hammer that point home with their 'small government' cliché against Bernie, whose policies require a bigger government oversight than it is now. I think he has a slim shot against President Trump, but will surely lose to anybody else, even Jeb!
Polls this far from GE are quite useless. Public opinion changes by the day, and Bernie is not under the same scrutiny Clinton is under, not even remotely.

There's an obvious distrust and dissatisfaction of government in the American electorate, the GOP will hammer that point home with their 'small government' cliché against Bernie, whose policies require a bigger government oversight than it is now. I think he has a slim shot against President Trump, but will surely lose to anybody else, even Jeb!

Jeb! has zero chance of being the GOP nominee, he has steadfastly been behind Trump, Rubio, Cruz, Carson in the polls for a long time now.
Bernie would win against Cruz because pretty much everyone hates Cruz...even his own party.

He would have a fight on his hands against Rubio IMO.
I don't think anyone is, it just happens that there are people disagreeing with how to get there. After 8 years of disillusionment after 'hope and change', you'd forgive them for having misgivings about 'political revolution'.

Anyway, no problem with voting your heart, not your mind, if you can live with the consequences. At least you do get to vote, I envy you that.

If people actually all voted with their hearts, we would all be in a better place. I don't accept Bernie cannot win. He speaks common sense. You start with your ideals and compromise. If you start saying we cannot get this or that through, you will get nothing. His call for political revolution is also common sense. Power must reside in the hands of ordinary people.

Obama will be seen as very good President. He could have done more if he had been more ruthless. He got the mandate...twice.

Hillary got a little heated about the speaking fees. The request for the transcripts will haunt her. If there is something there about financial dealings, she is cooked. If there is nothing, why the huge fees?

We don't know what will come out.

We all have our predictions. Mine is it will be Sanders who wins the nomination and I still think it will be Trump for the GOP.

Bernie will be our next President.
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Hillary got a little heated about the speaking fees. The request for the transcripts will haunt her. If there is something there about financial dealings, she is cooked. If there is nothing, why the huge fees?

We don't know what will come out.

Except there's nothing incredible about the fees. 225k/speech, the going rate for, you know, former First Lady, senator and Secretary of State. As for the transcripts, do you think she'd be dumb enough to discuss something nefarious on public record?

It's like I'm shilling for Hillary when I don't even like her that much. Barney Frank wrote an editorial the other day expressing the sentiment towards Sanders inside the party, basically said that he's denouncing all the good works they've strived to achieve as inconsequential and alienating his peers. There are many Dems who resent Sanders's tone and view him as an outsider hijacking their party. That's the big difference between Bernie and Barry, the latter was a true unifier of the party.
Except there's nothing incredible about the fees. 225k/speech, the going rate for, you know, former First Lady, senator and Secretary of State. As for the transcripts, do you think she'd be dumb enough to discuss something nefarious on public record?

It's like I'm shilling for Hillary when I don't even like her that much. Barney Frank wrote an editorial the other day expressing the sentiment towards Sanders inside the party, basically said that he's denouncing all the good works they've strived to achieve as inconsequential and alienating his peers. There are many Dems who resent Sanders's tone and view him as an outsider hijacking their party. That's the big difference between Bernie and Barry, the latter was a true unifier of the party.

I don't think there is anything nefarious in what Hillary said in those speeches either. But I do believe she would have given certain assurances outside of those engagements. Look. This is business. This is how Wasington works.None of these people are 'pure'.
As to what others within the party think of Sanders...I feel even more vindicated voting for him. He is upsetting the accepted way of doing things. These congressmen spend most of their two years looking for money to run for their next campaign. Who are they really serving?

The entire system is corrupt as Sanders says.
I don't think there is anything nefarious in what Hillary said in those speeches either. But I do believe she would have given certain assurances outside of those engagements. Look. This is business. This is how Wasington works.None of these people are 'pure'.
As to what others within the party think of Sanders...I feel even more vindicated voting for him. He is upsetting the accepted way of doing things. These congressmen spend most of their two years looking for money to run for their next campaign. Who are they really serving?

The entire system is corrupt as Sanders says.
Good luck getting those congressmen to campaign, canvass, coordinate, fundraise and go out to bat in public for you when you call them all corrupt.
Good luck getting those congressmen to campaign, canvass, coordinate, fundraise and go out to bat in public for you when you call them all corrupt.

...but they and the entire system itself is truly corrupt. That is the reality of the situation.
...but they and the entire system itself is truly corrupt. That is the reality of the situation.

Exactly. It's refreshing hearing someone brave enough to come out and say it all in public, let alone using it as the basis for their Presidential campaign.

I shit you not, as I was writing that a (very short) advert came on TV from optegra.com. It showed a performance coach named "Bernie" and just simply says "get rid of your glasses like Bernie" :lol:

That would be the perfect advert and slogan for Bernie to use for his campaign.
I don't see what was wrong with his foreign policy. Pretty much every other candidate across both parties have had a pretty stupid take on foreign policy, ranging from - "Let' kick ISIS's butt!" to just the usual prop up our favourite dictators, antagonise Iran and excessively look after the BFF Israel. Talking tough on foreign policy doesn't necessarily mean you'll be any good at it, Bernie hast he right idea in focusing on Wall Street and domestic issues.
...but they and the entire system itself is truly corrupt. That is the reality of the situation.
Okay, so how do you win the election without the corrupt party backing you? Or is this all some sort of self-immolation, drawing attention to the inhumanity of it all by flaming out spectacularly? Can a loss be a win? Or is this really all just "Old Man Yells at Cloud"?
Good luck getting those congressmen to campaign, canvass, coordinate, fundraise and go out to bat in public for you when you call them all corrupt.

the fact is They know they are corrupt. Or more than likely they accept this is how things are done. We as voters need to make it clear we want things to change. That is what democracy is all about.
I don't see what was wrong with his foreign policy. Pretty much every other candidate across both parties have had a pretty stupid take on foreign policy, ranging from - "Let' kick ISIS's butt!" to just the usual prop up our favourite dictators, antagonise Iran and excessively look after the BFF Israel. Talking tough on foreign policy doesn't necessarily mean you'll be any good at it, Bernie hast he right idea in focusing on Wall Street and domestic issues.

I thought Bernie was spot on with his foreign policy points. It is the countries that you don't speak to...isolated...that are the danger. N Korea is a danger. I see nothing wrong with wanting to speak to Iran...pre-conditions or not. You want to speak to your enemies so we can avoid more bloodshed.
"I would rather have anybody else be the president of the United States. Anyone. I would rather pick somebody from the phone book."

- Craig Mazin, Cruz's Princeton roommate

That's actually such a genuinely remarkable statement that I don't think I've ever seen anything remotely like it in any country's politics, ever.
As much as I dislike Cruz, it's embarrassing that that quote is even published. It's one person, it's a personal relationship rather than political or professional, and who knows what axe he has to grind...
Didn't realise till last night that Bernie had voted against 2nd Iraq invasion. Big parallel with Corbyn there - amazing what currency having taken that position gives you with the young.
As much as I dislike Cruz, it's embarrassing that that quote is even published. It's one person, it's a personal relationship rather than political or professional, and who knows what axe he has to grind...

Nah. It's fair game if throughout someone's life people have always taken a truly remarkable level of dislike to him, don't you think? It's has fairly obvious implications for one's temperament, if nothing else. As the fact that he shuts down the federal government on a whim might demonstrate.

He's an asshole and he therefore does asshole things. It seems like the public has a right to know.
Nah. It's fair game if throughout someone's life people have always taken a truly remarkable level of dislike to him, don't you think? It's has fairly obvious implications for one's temperament, if nothing else. As the fact that he shuts down the federal government on a whim might demonstrate.

He's an asshole and he therefore does asshole things. It seems like the public has a right to know.
Nah. Roommate? Could be absolutely anyone, without any track record to trust in. It doesn't mean anything other than a sign of a dirty campaign.
That roommate is incredible, I recommend you all to google him if you haven't already :lol:.

The funniest story is about Cruz going commando with only his bathrobe on and wandered to the girls' rooms.
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