2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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I just want to add, many of the skepticism of a Sanders Presidency, should he become President is based on the unlikelyhood of a minority group of people who will refuse to work with him. Is this how a democracy should be run? People need to vote their beliefs, their ideals. The will of the majority must prevail. Of course their needs to be compromise. But Not surrender..and certainly Not to a minority. Never.
I just want to add, many of the skepticism of a Sanders Presidency, should he become President is based on the unlikelyhood of a minority group of people who will refuse to work with him. Is this how a democracy should be run? People need to vote their beliefs, their ideals. The will of the majority must prevail. Of course their needs to be compromise. But Not surrender..and certainly Not to a minority. Never.

This brought us Ralph Nader, and consequently George W. Bush, the Iraq War, and a slew of other bad policies.
This brought us Ralph Nader, and consequently George W. Bush, the Iraq War, and a slew of other bad policies.

sorry. that is exactly what I am railing against. If you are refering to the Electoral College, it is very much different....in favour of the Democratic party. And I keep hearing this is a Center right country. I beg to differ. It is a Center Left Country and moving further left. Once again you are painting a very unlikely scenario and vote our fears. It is enough one party is doing this.
sorry. that is exactly what I am railing against. If you are refering to the Electoral College, it is very much different....in favour of the Democratic party. And I keep hearing this is a Center right country. I beg to differ. It is a Center Left Country and moving further left. Once again you are painting a very unlikely scenario and vote our fears. It is enough one party is doing this.

No that's not what I'm saying. What i am saying is voting your beliefs can result in the opposition winning, as with Bush, Gore, Nader and again with Bush, Kerry, and Nader. You have to correlate your beliefs with realism to elect someone who is more in sync with your views or else risk having someone like Trump or Cruz be the next President.
No that's not what I'm saying. What i am saying is voting your beliefs can result in the opposition winning, as with Bush, Gore, Nader and again with Bush, Kerry, and Nader. You have to correlate your beliefs with realism to elect someone who is more in sync with your views or else risk having someone like Trump or Cruz be the next President.

I honestly believe we have had too much of that in this country. Settling. I believe Sanders, should he become President will compromise. Will bring teh country closer to where all will benefit, though many do not believe this. The margins/probabaility where the Democratic party does not take the Presidency is very slim.

The fundemental problem is not that Bernie is too far left. It is that Hillary is too far right. By that I mean she is does not believe in her own beliefs. If that makes sense. People can tell when you lack that. Its called authenticity. The formulas, the tricks.

Where is the Country? Do you agree with what people really need? If you do, run. If you are trying to manipulate them......it may work. But you will get found out.

What Lincoln said comes to mind....

"You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time."
I honestly believe we have had too much of that in this country. Settling. I believe Sanders, should he become President will compromise. Will bring teh country closer to where all will benefit, though many do not believe this. The margins/probabaility where the Democratic party does not take the Presidency is very slim.

The fundemental problem is not that Bernie is too far left. It is that Hillary is too far right. By that I mean she is does not believe in her own beliefs. If that makes sense. People can tell when you lack that. Its called authenticity. The formulas, the tricks.

Where is the Country? Do you agree with what people really need? If you do, run. If you are trying to manipulate them......it may work. But you will get found out.

What Lincoln said comes to mind....

"You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time."

Someone on the right could easily make a similar argument about Cruz. Presidential elections these days are distilled down to a moral choice of voting for the person you feel would make the best President or voting for someone who you feel will make a mediocre President, but has a much higher probability of ensuring the opposition party don't come to power.
Someone on the right could easily make a similar argument about Cruz. Presidential elections these days are distilled down to a moral choice of voting for the person you feel would make the best President or voting for someone who you feel will make a mediocre President, but has a much higher probability of ensuring the opposition party don't come to power.

We agree. If the majority want a Cruz Presidency, they should have it. Though I obvilously believe that would be a calamity. I'm not saying I have all the answers, nor do I believe Sanders has them. But I do believe that we as a people if we believe in each other, we will come to good decisions...a compromise where no one loses. There are only losers in war.

We have a country that is divided because of the lies fed to people by both sides. So what we vote for in our minds...is the lesser of two evils. In the end the result is Evil.
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The more I look at taxes and who pays the more I think the real solution is focusing on targeting the insane base salaries and bonuses. An Average CEO earns 300 times more than the median employee in the same company. I couldn't sleep at night doing that. How does a CEO contribute 300 times more than an average employee.

The U.S. tax code is very complicated, but it follows one general rule (Buffett, notwithstanding): Richer people pay more. In fact, the top 1% pays more federal taxes than the bottom 60% combined. Is that outrageous? You might think so. But consider also that the top 1% also makes more than the bottom 40% combined. That's the thing about being rich in America: You make lots and lots of money and you get taxed at a progressive rate on it.

Here's another way to look at tax burden by quintile. The top 20% makes a little more than half the money and pays about two-thirds of the federal taxes. That's progressive taxation at work. Whether it's too progressive or not progressive enough is a debate for another post. [Tax Policy Center]



Someone who makes $200k a year is paying almost a median household income just in federal taxes ($50k). What more do you want them to pay? How do you judge that they're not paying "their fair share"?

The more I look at taxes and who pays the more I think the real solution is focusing on targeting the insanely high base salaries and bonuses rather than taxes. An Average CEO earns 300 times more than the median employee in the same company. I couldn't sleep at night doing that. How does a CEO contribute 300 times more than an average employee? On top of that, you see the poor track records of the CEOs and it makes it worse. If these were incredible superstars I could see some of their value but they are NOT superstars.
Bloomberg spent almost $300M of his own money for elections to become and stay Mayor. WTF? $300M for Mayor? In reality he is the poster child for why campaign finance reform is needed.
Bloomberg spent almost $300M of his own money for elections to become and stay Mayor. WTF? $300M for Mayor? In reality he is the poster child for why campaign finance reform is needed.

In actuality it is the Koch brother stranglehold over the GOP in all levels of government that is the real poster child for campaign finance reform.
Someone on the right could easily make a similar argument about Cruz. Presidential elections these days are distilled down to a moral choice of voting for the person you feel would make the best President or voting for someone who you feel will make a mediocre President, but has a much higher probability of ensuring the opposition party don't come to power.

The right have not just been making these arguments, they've been carrying them out in practice. They have a unbreakable house majority, a slim senate majority, most state governerships, most state legislatures. They have sacrifised the presidency in this bargain.
They have won. By not compromising, they have successfully made sure that their anti-earth, anti-poor, racist, almost purely corrupt agenda will go forward at all levels that practically matter. Sanders is passionately making the case for a grassroots movement, to, at the very least, put some balance back.
UK 2015 - 45M GBP spent by all parties. Just 10M on adverts.
US 2012 - 1.1B USD spent by Obama/Romney.

Insanity. Looking at contributors, Uni California contributed 1.1M to Obama. A Unifeckingversity. Mittens top 5 were banks.
The right have not just been making these arguments, they've been carrying them out in practice. They have a unbreakable house majority, a slim senate majority, most state governerships, most state legislatures. They have sacrifised the presidency in this bargain.
They have won. By not compromising, they have successfully made sure that their anti-earth, anti-poor, racist, almost purely corrupt agenda will go forward at all levels that practically matter. Sanders is passionately making the case for a grassroots movement, to, at the very least, put some balance back.

It really mystifies me how people in this day and age can vote gop. If you are racist, sexist, homophonic and/or rich it makes sense to them I guess but it doesn't make sense to me.
I was a doubter but damn he's convincing! :D

Bernie is absolutely tearing it up in this town hall. He speaks with such conviction and gravity and everything he says makes sense. If he picked Elizabeth Warren as his running mate it would be over for Hillary.
Equal pay for women is bold as well. Can't believe Hillary "I'm a woman" Clinton does not talk about that.

Equal pay for women shouldn't even be a discussion. Of course they shouldn't earn as much as men ffs. Seriously though, it shouldn't be like that, but alas it's the same in many places. We are getting closer to it here in the UK, but we aren't there yet. I agree it seems insane that Hillary doesn't bang that drum more.

I'm loving Bernie. He really does seem as if he means everything he is saying, and you can see he cares and is extremely passionate about it all. I'm sold.
Bernie is absolutely tearing it up in this town hall. He speaks with such conviction and gravity and everything he says makes sense.
Equal pay for women shouldn't even be a discussion. Of course they shouldn't earn as much as men ffs. Seriously though, it shouldn't be like that, but alas it's the same in many places. We are getting closer to it here in the UK, but we aren't there yet. I agree it seems insane that Hillary doesn't bang that drum more.

I'm loving Bernie. He really does seem as if he means everything he is saying, and you can see he cares and is extremely passionate about it all. I'm sold.

Hillary and pretty much most other candidates come off as pandering, rehearsed and fake when compared to Bernie.
He speaks from the heart and with conviction.
Hillary and pretty much most other candidates come off as pandering, rehearsed and fake when compared to Bernie.
He speaks from the heart and with conviction.

He can do that because he has nothing to lose. Just like Trump can.
He can do that because he has nothing to lose. Just like Trump can.

Yes but he chooses to talk about climate change, poverty and inequality.
Trump uses his airtime to talk about banning Muslims, mexican rapists and building walls against Mexico....I know who I would vote for.
That was probably one of the very best Q&A I have ever seen with any politician. He is just so spot on about nearly everything he said. If you guys don't want him, can we have him in 4 years time? I'm sure we can find an English link somewhere. I would like to hear how he will implement things like the minimum wage though, how it will be paid for etc, of course with the added problem of getting these bills passed if he did get elected.

Trump uses his airtime to talk about banning Muslims and building walls with Mexico....

Yeah, and he hasn't said one single sentence about how he would do anything he has promised. At the moment you have loads of candidates promising the earth to their supporters and not explaining how they will get it. It's time people started hearing how these policies will be implemented, at least Bernie has explained his tax plan changes.
That was probably one of the very best Q&A I have ever seen with any politician. He is just so spot on about nearly everything he said. If you guys don't want him, can we have him in 4 years time? I'm sure we can find an English link somewhere. I would like to hear how he will implement things like the minimum wage though, how it will be paid for etc, of course with the added problem of getting these bills passed if he did get elected.

Yeah, and he hasn't said one single sentence about how he would do anything he has promised. At the moment you have loads of candidates promising the earth to their supporters and not explaining how they will get it. It's time people started hearing how these policies will be implemented, at least Bernie has explained his tax plan changes.

His brother lives in Oxford and ran for MP and lost
That was probably one of the very best Q&A I have ever seen with any politician. He is just so spot on about nearly everything he said. If you guys don't want him, can we have him in 4 years time? I'm sure we can find an English link somewhere. I would like to hear how he will implement things like the minimum wage though, how it will be paid for etc, of course with the added problem of getting these bills passed if he did get elected.

Yeah, and he hasn't said one single sentence about how he would do anything he has promised. At the moment you have loads of candidates promising the earth to their supporters and not explaining how they will get it. It's time people started hearing how these policies will be implemented, at least Bernie has explained his tax plan changes.

We'll take Bernie here in Canada as well, he truly represents the people.
O Malley is putting me to sleep.
O'Malley does talk a good game, but he's just too generic.

As my gf said, he seems very rehearsed, just like an actor.
He is just saying shit that folks want to hear. He is not terrible tho.

Hillary is up next ...get ready for pure bullshit lads.
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