Darron Gibson - is he good enough for Everton?


Full Member
Jun 5, 2008
He’ll play upon, Your naturalistic intuitions…
Those stats don't tell you much. I see a very limited player and I call it that way. Don't need stat percentages to tell me whether he's good or bad.
That's perfectly fine, but then all that you have is you own subjective impression which has been shown time and again, and in numerous ways, to be fundamentally flawed.

Without something to ground that impression in reality (such as statistics or logic), your opinion is no more valid or worthy of consideration than my impression that Gibson is the best player in history.

How are you going to show that I am wrong without reference to any statistics or argument?


Have you ever been in love before?
Apr 18, 2008
Giggs has a 20% less successful pass rate than Gibson eh

And we're meant to read into this what?

I read that they're a pile of toss and a waste of time
That he keeps possession well. That he gets involved in general midfield play when we're on the ball. That's he's not significantly below par at either. It also tells you that Giggs is a winger, and he's very wasteful on the ball. We knew this.

It doesn't tell you he's a good passer. It doesn't tell you he's a good player. Joga acknowledged that very point, it was only to give a bit of detail to a small part of his game that is frequently - and wrongly - criticised.


Sneaky bum time - Vaccination status: dozed off
Nov 8, 2002
That's perfectly fine, but then all that you have is you own subjective impression which has been shown time and again, and in numerous ways, to be fundamentally flawed.

Without something to ground that impression in reality (such as statistics or logic), your opinion is no more valid or worthy of consideration than my impression that Gibson is the best player in history.

How are you going to show that I am wrong without reference to any statistics or argument?
And that's all I need. And it's not fundamentally wrong. Stats on the other hand are more often than not irrelevant or not in the right context to give them relevance which 'subjective impression' usually is not.

How am I going to show? I don't need to show others, not my problem.


Full Member
May 19, 2006

Any supporter who dishes abuse out abuse towards players of his own club , other than maybe in the heat of the moment, needs to look in the mirror really.
Agree completely and it's quite embarrassing for normal United fans everywhere.

On the contrary I think he'd have been a bit more positive about his United future in recent weeks since he's started to get back in the team (as many league starts this month as in the previous 7 combined) and looked comfortable.
He has been a bit better recently but still not good enough.


Incorrigible pest
Aug 4, 2006
Never Forget
Gibson isn't very good, actually he's not good at all.

I have no idea why he thought it would be a good idea to give football supporters a direct way of communicating with him.

He's as clever as he is brilliant
Maybe he expected it all along. And had a really good laugh esp with Rio when he had to close his account.


New Member
Jan 14, 2010
Sunny side up
Aye, more fool him for not realising a significant proportion of United fans are spoilt cnuts.
They're not really, and I suspect many of them weren't United fans.

Having said that the relative anonymity of the internet does make some braver than usual.


Full Member
May 6, 2007
Ginseng Strip
Probably shouldn't have publicised himself as Darron Gibson.

Still doesn't excuse the appalling treatment from the so-called 'fans'.


Can't We Just Be Nice?
Jul 28, 2006
I have no idea either, yet.
They're not really, and I suspect many of them weren't United fans.

Having said that the relative anonymity of the internet does make some braver than usual.
I'd say they were United fans, who else would give a shit? And why didn't it happen to a player that oppo fands woudl dislike more?

And it's not like it's out of the blue, the lad gets dogs abuse on here.


Incorrigible pest
Aug 4, 2006
Never Forget
Maybe this unfortunate event can be a good thing for him. Maybe the abusers in the stadium, which we know there are many of them, will feel bad for him and start giving him encouragement instead from now on.


Full Member
Aug 10, 2003
Gibson isn't very good, actually he's not good at all.

I have no idea why he thought it would be a good idea to give football supporters a direct way of communicating with him.

He's as clever as he is brilliant

Who knows best Mthomas or SAF and his staff ----- no need to say anything else

Pogue Mahone

Swiftie Fan Club President
Feb 22, 2006
"like a man in silk pyjamas shooting pigeons
First you said that it was a significant proportion of all United fans, now you've changed it to "significant enough to make him decide to close his account down".

Two very different scenarios.
You've completely missed my point.

A significant proportion of United fans ARE spoilt cnuts.

I never said every single spoilt cnut out there posted on his twitter.

Viper KGB

Full Member
Feb 6, 2008
Significant enough to make him decide to close his account down. So yeah, fairly significant.

Twitter twats aside I'd say there's a large chunk of our fan-base that are completely spoilt cnuts. A fair few post on here.
I've been beginning to see this more and more these days.

I consider myself a supporter who watch's every single United match and try and catch as many youth games as possible. I have a decent knowledge on the clubs history and a massive respect for those who have been part of building this great club.

But trying to talk to people who think players like Park, Fletcher and O'shea should be replaced with Sneijder, Van Der Vaart and Maicon is enough to make your brain implode. Especially when their response is "Nah, their just shit"

Many fans these days don't appreciate how good we actually are and how lucky we are to be in our current position, God help us if we go a season without winning a trophy.

Pogue Mahone

Swiftie Fan Club President
Feb 22, 2006
"like a man in silk pyjamas shooting pigeons
You either think very highly of your own posts or not so highly about my intelligence

I'm not entirely sure what i'm hoping for.
You're not doing yourself any favours with your posts in this thread but I'm more than willing to accept the impression they give of your intelligence is misleading. We all misunderstand posts from time to time.

I certainly don't think highly of my own posts fwiw.


Incorrigible pest
Aug 4, 2006
Never Forget
Many fans these days don't appreciate how good we actually are and how lucky we are to be in our current position, God help us if we go a season without winning a trophy.
I agree. To be honest, once a while, I myself get spoilt by our recent successes. That's human nature I guess. Success brings expectation with it. Guess we all need reminding from time to time.


Have you ever been in love before?
Apr 18, 2008
I just pointed out that Fergie isn't always right, which he isn't.

I'm not really sure why that lead to questions being asked about how successfull he is.
I got that bit, yeah. 'tis true and Djemba-Djemba's a fine example of it. I was more referring to this part of the argument:

A significant proportion of all United fans abused him on Twitter ? Impressive
First you said that it was a significant proportion of all United fans, now you've changed it to "significant enough to make him decide to close his account down".

Two very different scenarios.
That's something entirely different, and not in any way isolated to Manchester United
What exactly was your point, if you weren't arguing against Pogue's?

Devil may care

New Member
Jan 7, 2010
It's common knowledge that a large portion of Untied fans don't rate Gibson, so it's not beyond the realm of possibility that rival fans decided to give him that abuse just to stir shit up.

Also how does this spoilt thing work? thinking Gibson is not very good? or wanting the club to buy in a player like Sneijder makes a supporter spoilt?

Pogue Mahone

Swiftie Fan Club President
Feb 22, 2006
"like a man in silk pyjamas shooting pigeons
It's common knowledge that a large portion of Untied fans don't rate Gibson, so it's not beyond the realm of possibility that rival fans decided to give him that abuse just to stir shit up.

Also how does this spoilt thing work? thinking Gibson is not very good? or wanting the club to buy in a player like Sneijder makes a supporter spoilt?
A little bit of both.

More precisely the kind of cnuts who would spew bile at an academy product who - shock horror - might not be good enough for a long-term career at United. The kind of spoilt twats who want all 25 of our squad places to be taken up by established stars or FM legend teenagers.