Darron Gibson - is he good enough for Everton?


Full Member
May 5, 2009
Dissin' Your Flygirl
Darron Gibson was not deserving of Twitter barrage « ManUtd24

"He had a dream and worked hard and accomplished it. He may not be the most talented footballer but he made it. At Manchester United."

At a young age he was considered one of the best passers at the club, if I remember correctly he came second behind Scholes in the long range passing accuracy measurements.

His problem was that he never applied himself, he went on loan to Antwerp and drifted through that time, he went on loan to Wolves and didn't overly impress, now he's back and still seems to be not taking full responsibility for his own development or performance levels and hasn't improved by as much as he should have.

That said I thought he wasn't too bad Vs Everton, if you ignore the horrible shooting. He had a very Carrick like tactical performance and did well to screen the back 4.

The ABUSE is terrible and those fans should be ashamed. Constructive criticism is fine and people shouldn't be afraid to say it.


Site admin. Manchester United fan
Jun 1, 2000
Dublin, Ireland
He figured out he couldn't be bothered in less than 2 hours? Would have been better off saying he didn't need need his family/friends seeing some of the comments and instead would just go back to focusing on footballing and doing his best for United (or get his PR agent or borrow one and get them to craft some statement for him).

The couldn't be bothered sounds a bit weak.
christ, are you seriously now going to judge him by his reaction to twitter?

what next, he's lazy because he didn't cook his own dinner?


(Sadly not) Banned
Dec 21, 2008
Van der Sar's saved it... United again!
Seriously disgraceful behaviour. No matter what you think of him as a footballer, people who abused him on Twitter aren't United fans. What has he done wrong? He's just a nice lad trying to use the opportunity he's got. If fans don't like to see him on the pitch, they should moan about Fergie - Gibson doesn't put his own name on the team sheet.


Full Member
Mar 2, 2007
Football supporters aren't always a rational bunch.
It's abit different to join a social networking site as a United fan and abusing a United youth team product.

I have heard the likes of Alan Brazil, Graham Hogg, Ralph Milne, Mal Donaghy, Brian McClair, JOS get's dog abuse from the Old Trafford faithful in the heat of the moment. That goes with the territory but I could not see the supporters who did that extending this type of abuse to Twitter in a premediated way, what's the point?

It's extremely sad and abit pathetic.


Full Member
Jul 14, 2008
I dno't think he should have been abused on Twitter.

For all we know he works hard and makes the most of his talent. Why should he be abused by United Fans?

If he was sh** and out getting laced every single night that would be one thing. But this is a hard working professional that has done well for us in terms of goals in the past.

Absolutely disgraceful.


Somewhere down the lane, a licky boom boom down
Jul 10, 2007
Lousy Smarch weather
should everyone stayed fit, injury and suspension-free JOS wouldn't be anywhere near starting XI. that's my point.
Still a bad comparison. O'Shea can be used in all defensive positions to an affect. Gibson can only do a decent job in MC. He's not good at defending and his bad movement makes it so he couldn't be used in the flank. He's got a much tougher time trying to get some game time.


Sneaky bum time - Vaccination status: dozed off
Nov 8, 2002
Games alone prove what most people say about him as baseless hyperbole and at times pure bullshit. When he has played he has proved can actually pass the ball and he doesn't stand around like a lamp post either. The problem with most fans of today however unless you are performing like you were Scholes/Keane in his pomp you are referred to as rank shit. Regardless of your skill set, the fact you are a young player still learning you trade, trying to do it with limited playing time.

Why do you think we keep hearing comments like Anderson will never be a first 11 star for us, for example, even despite his obvious outstanding talent?
Total lack of patience.
You're talking about a whole different extreme case of fans (there are many though). Of course there are lots who do that, but there are also others who watch a game and rate talent based on what they see. I don't rate Gibson. He doesn't strike me as a young talent with that much talent. It's quite possible he's not able to express his true abilities on the pitch due to some reason or the other, but it's not for me to take into consideration. I have to see his performances and form judgements on the basis of that. And on that basis, Gibson comes across as a very ordinary talent whereas Anderson comes across as a top top talent. Simples.

Sunny Jim

Full Member
May 8, 2007
Warsaw...that's too far away from Edinburgh...
Still a bad comparison. O'Shea can be used in all defensive positions to an affect. Gibson can only do a decent job in MC. He's not good at defending and his bad movement makes it so he couldn't be used in the flank. He's got a much tougher time trying to get some game time.
yes but you get the message- the common denominator is that: while not being Rooneys, Nanis, Giggs' they can still do a decent job when called upon.

Sunny Jim

Full Member
May 8, 2007
Warsaw...that's too far away from Edinburgh...
I was talking more about a situation where an academy product has really lost the faith of the fans and starts getting stick over it.
oh that, hm i think that we all realized that he's aint Scholes. I'm still happy that we don't need to spend money on decent/average player, a squd member if you like, but we can relay on the academy on this regard. While they haven't produced a Neville in a while (i still hope Welbeck will make the cut) the at lest give a younger or two every season to get excited about. Anyone remember Eagles?
Jul 13, 2002
Founder of IhateMakeleles.org and Gourcufffanboysa
You're talking about a whole different extreme case of fans (there are many though). Of course there are lots who do that, but there are also others who watch a game and rate talent based on what they see. I don't rate Gibson. He doesn't strike me as a young talent with that much talent. It's quite possible he's not able to express his true abilities on the pitch due to some reason or the other, but it's not for me to take into consideration. I have to see his performances and form judgements on the basis of that. And on that basis, Gibson comes across as a very ordinary talent whereas Anderson comes across as a top top talent. Simples.
I don't mind people not rating him. Not at all. Rather I mind people being hyperbolic in their under rating. On here fans of that ilk are in the majority. No ounce of patience at all. That is why after a game like Anderson had vs Everton you will see a player like him be praised highly. Then after the usual young player inconsistency that is only natural the disparaging comments wil return enmasse. Yet you and I both know how talented that youngster is. It has little to do with the talent he actually has. He faces the same thing Nani faced, that Gibson faces now and Fletcher and Ronaldo faced before. Lack of patience and respect for the fact these lads are professional playing for United, giving their all.

It is a syndrome that has been inflicting football fans the world over. The depth of its hold amongst our ranks though was shown during the time Fletch broke through and we bought Ronaldo. It's been with us ever since. The current young player in the squad is never good enough and the one on loan or in the reserves is either being 'blocked or is ''superior''.

I mean just remember what folks said after Evans got his crisis of confidence earlier this season.


Sneaky bum time - Vaccination status: dozed off
Nov 8, 2002
I don't mind people not rating him. Not at all. Rather I mind people being hyperbolic in their under rating. On here fans of that ilk are in the majority. No ounce of patience at all. That is why after a game like Anderson had vs Everton you will see a player like him be praised highly. Then after the usual young player inconsistency that is only natural the disparaging comments wil return enmasse. Yet you and I both know how talented that youngster is. It has little to do with the talent he actually has. He faces the same thing Nani faced, that Gibson faces now and Fletcher and Ronaldo faced before. Lack of patience and respect for the fact these lads are professional playing for United, giving their all.

It is a syndrome that has been inflicting football fans the world over. The depth of its hold amongst our ranks though was shown during the time Fletch broke through and we bought Ronaldo. It's been with us ever since. The current young player in the squad is never good enough and the one on loan or in the reserves is either being 'blocked or is ''superior''.

I mean just remember what folks said after Evans got his crisis of confidence earlier this season.
Sure, that I agree with. It's actually kindof funny because we as a club are reknown for promoting youth. It's actually part of the magic and lure of United.


Full Member
Mar 30, 2004
Married with Manchester United, In love with Giggs
I don't mind people not rating him. Not at all. Rather I mind people being hyperbolic in their under rating. On here fans of that ilk are in the majority. No ounce of patience at all. That is why after a game like Anderson had vs Everton you will see a player like him be praised highly. Then after the usual young player inconsistency that is only natural the disparaging comments wil return enmasse. Yet you and I both know how talented that youngster is. It has little to do with the talent he actually has. He faces the same thing Nani faced, that Gibson faces now and Fletcher and Ronaldo faced before. Lack of patience and respect for the fact these lads are professional playing for United, giving their all.

It is a syndrome that has been inflicting football fans the world over. The depth of its hold amongst our ranks though was shown during the time Fletch broke through and we bought Ronaldo. It's been with us ever since. The current young player in the squad is never good enough and the one on loan or in the reserves is either being 'blocked or is ''superior''.

I mean just remember what folks said after Evans got his crisis of confidence earlier this season.
Mind if I ask how long we should wait for to see the real Gibson ?

I know Fletch grew into something at around 22-23 when he could play against the Viera's etc... and shone...

Gibbo had a few good games last season where he worked his socks off, but this season he just seems to let the game fly by him and his shooting hasnt' been that accurate.

Okay, fly by would seem real harsh, lets say that he doesn't demand the ball enough, we see Ginger prince almost always available for the pass but Gibbo seems to sulk, puts his head down and just walks by and lets his partner play, not really a great attribute, then there are games where he tried to press, goes to press the opponent but once he sees his friend doesn't press he stands there and waves his hands and moves back like a turtle...

I'm trying to be optimistic here, but those aren't the attributes I want to see from a youngster, I'd rather see a die hard mode like Fletcher who'd run and would bet his life on it that he will somehow make himself worthwhile on the pitch...

In the end, it comes to that attitude, not that Gibson should be the destroyer like Fletcher, but he hasn't to produce more performances in where he really wants to be a part of this special team, not just join it, live up to it...

De Selby

Mar 7, 2009
Jive-Ass Honky
Guangzhou Pharmaceutical F.C.
should everyone stayed fit, injury and suspension-free JOS wouldn't be anywhere near starting XI. that's my point.
If we get to the Champions League final and everyone's fit, I'd put good money on O'Shea starting at right back. After Vidic and Rio he's our best defender.


Full Member
Mar 2, 2007
I don't mind people not rating him. Not at all. Rather I mind people being hyperbolic in their under rating. On here fans of that ilk are in the majority. No ounce of patience at all. That is why after a game like Anderson had vs Everton you will see a player like him be praised highly. Then after the usual young player inconsistency that is only natural the disparaging comments wil return enmasse. Yet you and I both know how talented that youngster is. It has little to do with the talent he actually has. He faces the same thing Nani faced, that Gibson faces now and Fletcher and Ronaldo faced before. Lack of patience and respect for the fact these lads are professional playing for United, giving their all.

It is a syndrome that has been inflicting football fans the world over. The depth of its hold amongst our ranks though was shown during the time Fletch broke through and we bought Ronaldo. It's been with us ever since. The current young player in the squad is never good enough and the one on loan or in the reserves is either being 'blocked or is ''superior''.

I mean just remember what folks said after Evans got his crisis of confidence earlier this season.
I agree with a hell of what you say in this post Chief in terms of a lack of patience and a lack of appreciation for development with young players.

Gibson's not the best example to illustrate the theory mind you. He's hardly a youngster now and after having a decent season last year, he's not kicked on as we would have hoped this year, and it's also difficult to make a strong case for him with the goal threat lacking. It's always been his standout strength as the rest of his game, with the exception of his passing(which is generally good), needs alot of work.

I agree some of his performances have tended to be under-rated since the turn of the year and he could be cut more slack with the lack of game time a fringe player will receive, but if he was let go this summer I would have no complaints. I have stuck up for him on the CAFE ever since he emerged into the first team and Possebon was being championed as a bigger talent than him. He could have made a much stronger case for himself this season, I think everyone would agree with that.

I also think that his spot in the squad could be taken by Cleverley so there is a genuine alternative youngster who might benefit from his squad place, although with Scholes and Hargreaves possibilities to leave, we could possibly accomodate both next year, even with some summer signings.
Jul 13, 2002
Founder of IhateMakeleles.org and Gourcufffanboysa
Mind if I ask how long we should wait for to see the real Gibson ? ..
You didn't see the real Fletcher for example till he was 24 and he had far more playing time in comparison. Most normal midfielders don't start to fully mature till that age.

I know Fletch grew into something at around 22-23 when he could play against the Viera's etc... and shone...
You must be kidding. Fletcher was so inconsistent that he was written off by the press at large and most of our fans on here as no hopper shit not worthy of a squad place at United.

Gibbo had a few good games last season where he worked his socks off, but this season he just seems to let the game fly by him and his shooting hasnt' been that accurate.
He is still learning his trade. This is only his second season in our first team squad. How many of our young players have come and had 2 good season sin a row after their debut season in main squad? Only Evans and Rooney in recent years can be said to have done that.

Okay, fly by would seem real harsh, lets say that he doesn't demand the ball enough, we see Ginger prince almost always available for the pass
See what I'm saying? On what basis do you start comparing a young developing Gibson to Scholes? Even Fletcher who is the blue eyed boy for many now was no Scholes at a similar age either. Neither was Carrick who is our first choice.
Jul 13, 2002
Founder of IhateMakeleles.org and Gourcufffanboysa

Gibson's not the best example to illustrate the theory mind you. He's hardly a youngster now.......
Wronger than wrong. At 23/24 He is still very much a youngster. Albeit One who has had only 2 seasons in our first team squad. This one and the last. Who just like all our other recent first team youngsters who have been picked regularly in squads by SAF bar Rooney and Evans, have struggled after their break through year, before the next leap in their development.

If United Under SAF can simply being patient and wait to see if such lads will fufill their potential. Should the fans not be the same? Do they really think SAF is such a fool to have even the slightest amount of faith in a player like Gibson? Enough faith to use him in a tough game in our title run in?


Full Member
Mar 2, 2007
Wronger than wrong. At 23/24 He is still very much a youngster. Albeit One who has had only 2 seasons in our first team squad. This one and the last. Who just like all our other recent first team youngsters who have been picked regularly in squads by SAF bar Rooney and Evans, have struggled after their break through year, before the next leap in their development.

If United Under SAF can simply being patient and wait to see if such lads will fufill their potential. Should the fans not be the same? Do they really think SAF is such a fool to have even the slightest amount of faith in a player like Gibson? Enough faith to use him in a tough game in our title run in?
He's had three seasons in the first team squad Chief as he had a fair bit of first team action in 08/09, including starts in domestic cup semi finals and finals and I would class 23 coming into 24 next season as just about passed the point of being a youngster.

He can still improve, for sure, but he's someone who will face more competition next season as Cleverley will not be loaned again and the midfield will probably get an injection of new players. I trust Fergie's judgment but I reckon Fergie might decide to forsesake Gibson this summer abit like he did with Richardson. At some point, a professional footballer coming into their mid twenties needs to play regularly and Gibson's very close to that point now.

Fletcher is not a great parallel with Gibson either. Fletch had a very good 06/07 and was putting in some very good performances such as the Roma Performance and the first leg against Milan as well as plenty of others and his standards have remained very good since then. That's younger than Gibson is now.
Jul 13, 2002
Founder of IhateMakeleles.org and Gourcufffanboysa
He's had three seasons in the first team Chief as he had a fair bit of first team action in 08/09, including starts in domestic cup semi finals and finals and I would class 23 coming into 24 next season as just about passed the point of being a youngster.

He can still improve, for sure, but he's someone who will face more competition next season as Cleverley will not be loaned again and the midfield will probably get an injection of new players. I trust Fergie's judgment but I reckon Fergie might decide to forsesake Gibson this summer abit like he did with Richardson. At some point, a professional footballer coming into their mid twenties needs to play regularly and Gibson's very close to that point now.

Fletcher is not a great parallel with Gibson either. Fletch had a very good 06/07 and was putting in some very good performances such as the Roma Performance and the first leg against Milan as well as plenty of others and his standards have remained very good since then. That's younger than Gibson is now.
in 06/07 Fletcher spent most of that season still being called shit unil we raped roma. He is also an excellent comparison because he had way more games than Gibson yet had as hard a time maturing. Same way Anderson is. Same way Nani struggled.

My argument is simple, Fans need to be more patient with our younegr players. It wotn kill them if they are. Id' rather folks waited till an experiment has failed and been scrapped than condemn it half way through.


Gentleness adorns everything
Sep 1, 2004
Do we actually know how many messages he got in a couple hours which were abusive and from United fans?


New Member
Aug 4, 2007
Could we just have a poll and settle it once for all lets see what the percentages are,

Good Enough
Not Good Enough


Full Member
Mar 2, 2007
in 06/07 Fletcher spent most of that season still being called shit unil we raped roma. He is also an excellent comparison because he had way more games than Gibson yet had as hard a time maturing. Same way Anderson is. Same way Nani struggled.

My argument is simple, Fans need to be more patient with our younegr players. It wotn kill them if they are. Id' rather folks waited till an experiment has failed and been scrapped than condemn it half way through.
I disagree Chief. Fletcher started to attract alot more praise for all his early season performances such as against Charlton, Liverpool, Boro and plenty of other games. The Roma performance was probably his best for United as he was outstanding but Fletcher was an important squad player to that title win and next in line when Scholes and Carrick needed a break. That's a vastly bigger role than Gibson has for United now. I'd also argue that Fletcher is a better prospect than Gibson.

Your theory is a very sound one Chief and the other examples cited illustrate it well(Anderson, Fletcher, Nani, etc) but I don't think Gibson is the best illustration of it.


Gentleness adorns everything
Sep 1, 2004
What a lot of fans fail to realise even a club as big as United can't have a World class 5th choice midfielder. Phil Neville and N Butt had to leave because they weren't getting enough games despite being England internationals.


New Member
Aug 4, 2007
They were both a lot better than Darron Gibson, and Nicky Butt wasnt always fifth choice now was he


Shepherd’s Delight
Jul 27, 2006
Hereford FC (Soccermanager)
The ironic thing is that alot of people (myself included) wanted Rodwell signed last summer for 20 odd million. Judging on form this season, I'd rather have Gibson in my team than Rodwell and Gibson cost us nothing!

In my opinion he's improving, his passing and workrate is better than it was 6 months ago. Just the confidence infront of goal has gone down a bit. I still find it remarkable the shit O'Shea gets thrown at him, utterly pathetic.


New Member
Aug 4, 2007
I dont think he is improving, I think he has regressed his one skill, good shooting seems to have abandoned him as the pressure has mounted on him.

You can get over the semantics about Rodwell, but if SAF wants to sell Gibson for say 5 million and pick up Rodwell for 15-20 mil then fine by me.