2024 U.S. Elections | Trump v Harris

Looks like the debate was well timed to distract from what the Supreme Court got up to today.

Think the immunity ruling is on Monday.
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Is there really any realistic chance of that happening so close to the elections? I’ve always thought it was a terrible idea to let an 81-year old run for presidency and found it puzzling as to why Democrats would not be able to find anyone younger - especially as it would have clearly given them a much better chance against Trump who is not particularly adored by neutrals.

I was absolutely certain when he had been elected the first time that they would have found someone else to run in 2024, think most would have felt the same. Do they really have no young up and coming politicians?
Looks like the debate was well timed to distract from what the Supreme Court got up to today.

Think the immunity ruling is on Monday.

If the American people cared about the Supreme Court, they would, at large, never vote republican.

Actually, the only ones who care about the Supreme Court are Republican voters, actually, but not in a good way.
He was a like a completely different person today at a Dem rally, fired up as fook. Just one stutter and tickly throat. "Donald Trump isn't just a convicted felon, Donald Trump is a one man crime wave". Good shit.

He was a like a completely different person today at a Dem rally, fired up as fook. Just one stutter and tickly throat. "Donald Trump isn't just a convicted felon, Donald Trump is a one man crime wave". Good shit.

I saw this too, it was like a different person

Which incidently plays into QAnon's crazy nonsense, as they believe there are multiple Biden clones and last nights one malfinctioned and was replaced :lol::lol::lol:
He was a like a completely different person today at a Dem rally, fired up as fook. Just one stutter and tickly throat. "Donald Trump isn't just a convicted felon, Donald Trump is a one man crime wave". Good shit.

Got his medication at the wrong time or something, either way, it doesn't matter.

Nobody watches this, while "everyone" watched the debate.
He was a like a completely different person today at a Dem rally, fired up as fook. Just one stutter and tickly throat. "Donald Trump isn't just a convicted felon, Donald Trump is a one man crime wave". Good shit.

It's much easier reading off an autocue
I'm surprised that people here believe the U.S. is ready to elect a female president at this moment.

Can you imagine if Democrats put in more effort to come out and vote because they feel like they're losing, similar to how football fans are encouraged to stick with their team even when it has been playing poorly for months?! Show support to your manager in the last game of the season stuff! :lol:

That might be the only way Biden could have a chance to stay in the White House for the next four years.
because ultimately when push comes to shove we need the US to be strong.

Biden is not that. Trump for his faults, it's a stronger leader than Biden.

you think Putin would rather Biden or Trump?

Obviously Putin would rather have Trump. If Trump was President, he wouldn't have sent aid to Ukraine and allowed Putin to stroll right into Kiev.
He was a like a completely different person today at a Dem rally, fired up as fook. Just one stutter and tickly throat. "Donald Trump isn't just a convicted felon, Donald Trump is a one man crime wave". Good shit.

fecking hell :lol:

Can't they just be given whatever the American version of a peerage is and go retire with dignity.
The American people aren’t going to go and vote for Biden when they don’t like him and aren’t enthused by the prospect of him staying on as POTUS.

People generally don’t get motivated to vote against a worse prospect, they stay home.

This part isn't entirely true. The 2016 election had huge percentages of people voting against Clinton and Trump rather than for the candidate they voted for. I don't remember the exact poll and I'm on mobile so can't check now but it was something like 25-40% were voting against the worse prospect. Obviously a lot so stay home if they don't like either but a lot will vote against the worse prospect.

fecking hell :lol:

Can't they just be given whatever the American version of a peerage is and go retire with dignity.
In the USA, you either die in office or get embarrassingly removed from your role. It's one or the other.
It's wild seeing the reaction from the likes of CNN, MSNBC and left-wing podcasts like Pod Save America (who I would imagine would know Biden quite well as Obama's old staffers).

They're really turning the screw on Biden, I think they've made the decision to capitalize on the early timing of this debate to go all out on mounting pressure on him to step down. I think its the right thing to do but its just a testament to just how bad Biden performed.

And they're not just laying down a base level of criticism they feel they need to give in order to keep their credibility, they're taking it further. An example that springs to mind is one of the guys on Pod Save America quite furiously dismissing the idea that Biden grew into the debate, that that did not happen and no one can tell him he saw anything differently. There's some very real anger I think at Biden's insistence on seeing this through.

I'm sure if you looked back at some of these media outlets and individuals, particularly say MSNBC, you'd see them arrogantly and vehemently denying any suggestion that Biden was experiencing cognitive decline. They seem to have bypassed the feeling of utter embarrassment they should be feeling and gone right to placing that embarrassment at Biden's feet.
I watched that Podcast. "We adore Joe Biden, he's a fundamentally decent human being who achieved a lot for his country". Yeah, right.

Don't know enough about the domestic situation to make an educated comment, but his foreign policies have been an utter disaster not only for the US but also for the world, and History won't be kind to him.

The Dems have been so confident and focused on in maintaining the status quo by thinking that most voters would choose "anything but Trump" no matter what, that they purposefully turned a blind eye to the evident cognitive decline of Biden over the years. They employed all their power to shout down any dissenting voice expressing concerns instead of trying to adress the problem and thinking of a better alternative.

It just spectacularly blew up in their face. Biden doesn't seem to want to step aside, and we're now in uncharted territories.
Got his medication at the wrong time or something, either way, it doesn't matter.

Nobody watches this, while "everyone" watched the debate.
Not really. Many did (51 million) but that’s down from 73 million from the first debate between the 2 in 2020.
(As an aside one should add in the fact that a huge number of those who watched are settled on who they’re voting for. Nothing really matters in terms of those people and what their vote will be)

That said I agree with the premise that last night is a bigger headline than the clean up effort today. They’re behind the 8 ball for sure. Someone said today often these debates don’t mean a lot, but they can mean a lot when reinforcing a pre existing narrative (like Biden is too old).

I really don’t see Biden stepping aside unless he gets really ill or something (which could sadly be better optics for the Dems than essentially admitting defeat before it starts then scrambling to restart from scratch with…who?) His only hope is 5 months of Friday energy and less(none) of Thursday night’s. I don’t see that happening but given the position they’re in that has to be the goal, it’s the only hope
Is there really any realistic chance of that happening so close to the elections? I’ve always thought it was a terrible idea to let an 81-year old run for presidency and found it puzzling as to why Democrats would not be able to find anyone younger - especially as it would have clearly given them a much better chance against Trump who is not particularly adored by neutrals.

I was absolutely certain when he had been elected the first time that they would have found someone else to run in 2024, think most would have felt the same. Do they really have no young up and coming politicians?
Gavin Newsom (California Governor) is 56. Gretchen Whitmer (Michigan Governor) is 52. Hard to call four years out but they look like the front runners of the next set. If they can build Whitmer’s national profile towards 2028 I think she could be a great candidate: useful in the rust belt and, not to sound cynical, but her experiences of being a victim of sexual assault and the recent kidnapping plot would shine a stark light on someone like Trump and the depravity of the American far right as a whole. @Eboue could speak to her more helpfully I’m sure, I believe he’s in Detroit.

other names that get bandied about:
Josh Shapiro (51) became Governor of PA last year. Likewise Wes Moore (45) in MD but he is REALLY new to elected office (though he had been around politics for a while) so too early to say anything yet. I always feel like the democrats are always hoping for another (relatively) young, charming black guy to come along and get everyone excited like Obama in 08. That was clearly not Cory Booker. Maybe they’ll think it’s Wes Moore (he is a veteran, has written a few books, and is the polar opposite of a frail old guy..,and the only black governor in the country.

Mayo Pete is still only 42 if they want to open up that jar again
He was a like a completely different person today at a Dem rally, fired up as fook. Just one stutter and tickly throat. "Donald Trump isn't just a convicted felon, Donald Trump is a one man crime wave". Good shit.

They gave him the right drugs this time.
I don't think so. Explain?

Should be obvious. That’s the day he is inaugurated again if he wins. Should he bite the dust after that then the VP will take over and it’s all good. He just needs to stay on his feet until after the election.
Gavin Newsom (California Governor) is 56. Gretchen Whitmer (Michigan Governor) is 52. Hard to call four years out but they look like the front runners of the next set. If they can build Whitmer’s national profile towards 2028 I think she could be a great candidate: useful in the rust belt and, not to sound cynical, but her experiences of being a victim of sexual assault and the recent kidnapping plot would shine a stark light on someone like Trump and the depravity of the American far right as a whole. @Eboue could speak to her more helpfully I’m sure, I believe he’s in Detroit.

other names that get bandied about:
Josh Shapiro (51) became Governor of PA last year. Likewise Wes Moore (45) in MD but he is REALLY new to elected office (though he had been around politics for a while) so too early to say anything yet. I always feel like the democrats are always hoping for another (relatively) young, charming black guy to come along and get everyone excited like Obama in 08. That was clearly not Cory Booker. Maybe they’ll think it’s Wes Moore (he is a veteran, has written a few books, and is the polar opposite of a frail old guy..,and the only black governor in the country.

Mayo Pete is still only 42 if they want to open up that jar again
One guy I think who can do well that’s not talked about yet is J.B.Pritzker, Governor of Illinois, Midwest enough, came from money so shouldn’t be alarming to big business, white, straight, not ugly enough to be hated, not handsome enough to be envied, solid on most traditional Democratic issues, tragic backstory (lost both parents relatively young), and very solid, empathetic public speaking prowess.

He was a like a completely different person today at a Dem rally, fired up as fook. Just one stutter and tickly throat. "Donald Trump isn't just a convicted felon, Donald Trump is a one man crime wave". Good shit.

He is still no where close to where he needs to be.

Biden largely won the election last time because of the groundwork he put in place 6 years ago, and the fact that Trump was trying to implement a dictatorship. He did a lot of TV appearances leading up to the 2020 election, and portrayed himself as an experienced statesman who was both in control of himself, had a sharp mind and was compassionate. When COVID hit, that aged him. We saw that in the presidential debates in 2020, but because of the pandemic we did not really see him much, so the image he had created over the past 2-3 years was what stuck in the minds of people. With Trump being a dictator in making, it motivated a lot of people to vote for Biden just to avoid getting Trump as president again. A lot of people willfully ignored his visible aging, and it was less of an issue that time. Which frankly is good, because policy wise he has been a very good president. Now however, the calculus is changing. Over the past 4 years his visible aging has been very apparent, he has more word salads than ever before and with the whole Gaza debacle he no longer appears as a president ruling with compassion. Some decisions on foreign policy especially even feel like deliberate political calculations with one eye on the presidential election. Which is the opposite of what people voted for.

At the same time his generation is holding on to power too long. The ideas of liberal democracy are being shaken by events in Europe, automation and corruption in established institutions, and a madman who is running for president - again. NATO, the UN, the Supreme Court, Federal vs State, the concept of checks and balances. Everything is being challenged. We can also include the myriad of social changes here - such as the things the right has labled "wokeness", how automation is about to replace 50% of workers, the shifts in demographics in large cities and the GOP catering to a tiny minority while basically surviving as a party by the skin of their teeth. Not to mention an astonishing fervor from the religious right in trying to push for a christo-fascist state through institutions most people thought were pretty much set up to prevent that from happening.

Democrats need to understand that fear is what is currently driving the electorate. In moments of fear political theory is very clear - people go one of two ways, either to the authoritarian or to the guy who exudes stability and clear values (such as compassion). No one can beat Trump to voters who want an authoritarian. Biden won because he was a steady pair of hands who would lead with compassion. He no longer is. It does not matter how many times he makes a good appearance on TV, or gets in a decent jab at Trump, that is not what will make people vote for him.

His campaign needs to wake up and realise that they are fighting a losing battle. He needs to be the stability people crave, the compassionate leader who stands for clear values. Comforting a man who pays $6000 USD for medicines, looking him in the eye and saying "I have got you, you will pay no more than $2000 once this bill is passed" - he needs more of that. Right now he appears as a grandpa coming out of an old folks home, unsure of his own values, pretending to be tough and yelling at random things. That will not work. If he can not be that, then get someone else in to be the president people need.
no one presented facts to me when they said the opposite

That's because the fact the invasion actually happened is on their side. It's you who is asserting that Trump would have materially altered the current reality, not them. The onus is on you to present the evidence for this.

Perhaps you don't have any, and are instead relying on bluster and confident assertion.
Should be obvious. That’s the day he is inaugurated again if he wins. Should he bite the dust after that then the VP will take over and it’s all good. He just needs to stay on his feet until after the election.
So he has a great and popular VP standing with him so that wouldn't put anyone off voting for him?

It isn't the dropping dead part that would worry me most, its the rapid mental decline and the people around him keeping him in office for years and years.
So he has a great and popular VP standing with him so that wouldn't put anyone off voting for him?

It isn't the dropping dead part that would worry me most, its the rapid mental decline and the people around him keeping him in office for years and years.

I obviously know that Harris is not popular. I responded to someone saying that Biden staying lucid for another four years is a "moonshot". I agree with that, but I'm saying it doesn't matter IF he - somehow - can get it over the line. Now, that is of course another matter.

I don't care if it's Biden, Harris or bloody Adam Schiff pulling the strings in the back as long as it keeps the Republicans at bay.
Caption: "Brace yourself"


Despite the issue at hand being so serious I almost can't help myself chuckle each time I see Trump. He's so odd in every way :lol: Which is probably one of the reasons a lot people doesn't seem to fear him as much as they should...